SEBA Class 7 English In Bodo Chapter 7 सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर

SEBA Class 7 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 7 सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर | A Child’s Beauty | Class 7 English Question Answer in Bodo As Per New Syllabus to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर Class 7 General English Chapter 7 Question Answer/Class 7 English Chapter 7 Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Notes of SEBA Class 7 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 7 Question Answer. Class 7 English Question Answer Chapter 7 in Bodo. SEBA Class 7 English Question Answer In Bodo Medium Chapter 7 covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

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Class 7 English Chapter 7 सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर

SEBA Class 7 English Notes Chapter 7 In Bodo सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर A Child’s Beauty English Guide for Class 7th Chapter 7. Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 7 English Question Answer Chapter 7 in Bodo. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये Notes for Class 7 English In Bodo Medium बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। Ncert/Scert English Class 7 Chapter 7 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस SEBA Class 7 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 7 में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।

खोन्दो 7 सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर

Chapter 7 A Child’s Beauty (ए साइल्दस बिउति)


ACTIVITIES (एक्टिभिटिज) – मावफारि

1. Match the following facts about the story you just read. (मेस दि फलइं फेक्तस एबाउत दि ष्टरि इउ जाष्ट रिद) – बावैसो सिगां फरायनाय सल’नि सोमोन्दै गाहायनि बाथ्राखौ गोरोब हो।

(a) Akbarwas Salim’s son.
(b) Salimwas a minister in the court of Akbar.
(c) Birbalwas the Emperor.
(d) The young princewas Akbar’s son.


(a) Akbar (आकबर)was the emperor (उवाज दि एमपिरर)
(b) Salim (सेलिम)was Akbar’s son. (उवाज आकबरस सन)
(c) Birbal (बीरबल)was a minister in the court of Akbar. (उवाज ए मिनिष्टार इन दि कर्त अब आकबर)
(d) The young prince (दि इयं प्रिन्स)was Salim’s son. (उवाज सेलिमस सन)

2. Do you remember the story? Rearrange the sentences as they happened in the story to see how well you remember what happened. (दु इठ रिमेम्बार दि ष्टरि?) रिएरेएनज दि सन्तेनसेस एज दे हेपेन इन दि ष्टरि तु सि हाउ अवेल इउ रिमेमबार हवात हेपेण्ड) – सल’आ नोंहा गोसोआव दंदा? सल’ आव जानाय बादियै बाथ्राफोरखौ साजायफिन आरो नोंहा बेसेबां गोसोआव दं नाय।

(a) Each minister brought a child to judge who was the most beautiful child.

(b) Birbal said that all parents found their children very beautiful.

(c) Akbar said that no child was more beautiful than his grandson.

(d) The mother did not let Birbal bring the child to the court.

(e) Akbar with his minister went in disguise to see the child.

(f) The mother got angry when she heard Akbar’s words.

(g) They found a child playing on a heap of sand.

(h) Akbar said he had never seen a child uglier than this.

(i) Akbar agreed with Birbal that all parents find their own children beautiful.

(j) The mother took the baby inside and shut the door.

Ans: (1) (c) Akbar said that no child was more beautiful than his grandson.

(2) (b) Birbal said that all parents found their children very beautiful.

(3) (a) Each minister brought a child to judge who was the most beautiful child.

(4) (d) The mother did not let Birbal bring the child to the court.

(5) (e) Akbar with his minister went in disguise to see the child.

(6) (g) They found the child playing on a heap of sand.

(7) (h) Akbar said he had never seen a child uglier that this.

(8) (f) The mother got angry when she heard Akbar’s words.

(9) (j) The mother took the baby inside and shut the door.

(10) (i) Akbar agreed with Birbal that all parents find their own children beautiful.

3. Read the lesson once again and find anwers to the following question. Work with a partner. Discuss the answers with your partner and share them with the class. (रिद दि लेसन अवानस एगेइन एण्ड फाइन्द एनसार्स तु दि फलयिं कवेसनस। अवार्क उइथ ए पार्टनार। दिसकास दि एनसार्सस उइथ इउर पार्टनार एण्ड सेयार देम उइथ दि क्लास) – फराय आयदाखौ खनसे फराय आरो गाहायाव होनाय सोंलुनि फिन्नायखौ लिर। नोंनि लोगोजों गोरोबनानै खामानिखौ माव। लोगोजों सावराय आरो थाखोआव बुं।

(a) Why was Akbar happy? (हवाइ उवाज आकबर हेपि?) – आकबरा मानो खुसि जादोंमोन?

Ans: Akbar was happy because his son Salim had a son. (आकबर उवाज हेपि बिकज हिज सान सेलिम हेद ए सान) – आकबरआ खुसि जादोंमोन मानोना बिनि फिसाजला सेलिमआ सासे गथ’ उजिदोंमोन।

(b) Who used to say, “There is no child more beautiful than my grandson. (हु इउजद तु से, देयार इज न चाइल्ड मर बिउतिपुल देन माइ ग्रेण्डसान?) – सोर बुंदोमोन, आंनि फिसौनिख्रुइ समयनासिन गथ’सा गैया?

Ans: Akbar used to say, “There is no child more beautiful than my grandson?” (आकबर इउजद तु से, देयार इज न’ चाइल्ड मर बिउटिफुल देन माइ ग्रेण्ड सान?) आकबरआ बुंदोंमोन, आंनि फिसौनिख्रुइ समायनासिन गथ’ सा गैया।

(c) Why did each-minister bring a child to the court? (हवाइ दिद इस मिनिष्टार ब्रिं ए चाइल्ड तु दि कर्ट?) – साफ्रोमबो मन्थ्रिआ राजआफादआव मानो सासेयै गथ’सा लाबोदोंमोन?

Ans: Each minister brought a child to the court to judge who is the most beautiful child. (इस मिनिष्टार ब्रत ए चाइल्ड तु दि कर्त तु जाज हु इज दि मष्ट बिउटिफुल चाइल्ड) – सोर गथ’ साया समायनासिन बेखौनि सायख’नो थाखै साफोमबो मन्थ्रिआ सासेयै गथ’सा राज आफादआव लाबोदोंन।

(d) Why didn’t Birbal bring any child? (हवाइ दिदनत बीरबल ब्रिं एनि चाइल्ड?) – बीरबलआ मानो रावबो गथ’सा लाबोआखैमोन?

Ans: The mother of the child refused to let Birbal bring the child. (दि मादार अब दि चाइल्ड रिफिजद तु लेत बीरबल ब्रिं दि चाइल्ड) – गथ’सानि बिमाया बीरबलखौ गथ साखौ लाबोनो होआखैमोन।

(e) Why did Akbar and the ministers go in disguise to see the child that Birbal could not bring to court? (हवाइ दिद आकबर एण्ड दि मिनिष्टार्स ग इन दिसगाइस टु सि दि चाइल्ड देट बीरबल कुद नट ब्रिं टु कर्ट?) – बीरबलआ राजआफादआव लाबोनो हायै गथ’साखौ नायनो आकबर आरो मन्थ्रिफोरा मानो फाव हमनानै थांदोंमोन?

Ans: Akbar and the ministers went in disguise to see the child that Birbal could not bring to the court to judge if it was the most beautiful child. (आकबर एण्ड दि मिनिष्टारर्स उवेन्ट इन दिसगाइस टु सि दि चाइल्ड देत बीरबल कुदनट ब्रिं टु दि कर्ट तु जाज इफ इट उवाज दि मष्ट बिउटिफुल चाइल्ड) – बीरबलआ राजआफादाउ लाबोनो हायै गथ’साखौ आकबर आरो मन्थ्रिफोरा फावहमनानै बिजिरना नायनो थांदोंमोन थारैनो बै गथ’साया बयनिख्रुइबो समायना नंगौ ना नङा।

(f) Why did the mother of the child scream at Akbar? (हवाइ दिद मादार अब दि चाइल्ड स्क्रिम एत आकबर?) – गथ ‘सानि बिमाया आकबरखौ मा गाबथ्राउदोंमोन?

Ans: The mother of the child scremaed at Akbar because Akbar said that the child was ugly. (दि मादार अब दि चाइल्ड स्क्रिमद एट आकबर बिकज आकबर सेद देट दि चाइल्ड उवाज आगलि।) – गथ’सानि बिमाया आकबरखौ गाबख्रावदोंमोन मानोना आकबरआ गथ’सा नायनो गाज्रि बुंदोंमोन।

(g) What did Akbar realize? (हुवाट दिद आकबर रियेलाइज?) – आकबरआ मा मोन्दांखो?

Ans: Akbar realised that all children seem beautiful to their parents. (आकबर रियेलाइजद देट अल सिल्ड्रेन सिम बिउटिफुल टु देयार पेरेन्तस) – आकबरआ मोन्दांदोंमोनदि बिमा बिफानि गोसोआव गासैबो गथ’सायानो समायना।

4. Find out from the lesson who said the following sentences. Write the name of the person next to each sentence. (फाइण्ड आउट फ्रम दि लेसन हु सेद दि फलइं सेन्तेनसेज। राइत दि नेइम अब दि पार्सन नेक्सत टु इस सेन्तेनस) – गाहायनि बाथ्रा फोरखौ सोर बुंदोमोन फराय आयदानिफ्राय सायख’ना दिहुन। मोनफ्रोमबो बाथ्रानि उनाव बुंगिरिनि मुंखौ लिर।

Ans: (a) “I have found a child who is the most beautiful child in the entire country.” Birbal (बीरबल)।

(b) “If this is so, we can go and see the child in disguise.” Akbar (आकबर)

(c) “He is the most beautiful child God could have given me.” the child’s mother (दि चाइल्डस मादार) – गथ’सानि बिमा।

(d) “Then we can judge for ourselves.” one minister (अवान मिनिष्टार) सासे मन्थ्रि।

5. Let’s practise speaking in English. Some sen- tences are missing in the conversation below. complete the following conversation with your own sentences. Then, in groups, do a role play, where each of you will take one role and take part in a conversation. (लेटस प्रेकतिस स्पिकिं इन इंलिस। साम सेन्तेसेस आर मिसिं इन दि कनभारसेसन बिल’। कमप्लिट दि फलइं कनभारसेसन उइथ इउर अन सेन्तेन्सेस। देन, इन ग्रुपस दु ए रल प्ले, हेवेर इस अफ इउ उइल टेक उवान रल एण्ड टेक पार्ट इन ए कनभारसेसन) – जों इंराजि बुंनो सर’ खालामनि फै। मोननैसो बाथ्रा गाहायाव होनाय सावरायनायाव गैया। बाथ्राखौ गावनो लिरनानै लांदां जायगाखौ आबुं खालाम आरो सावरायनायखौ फुरा खालाम। बेनि उनाव जरा जानानै फाव ला जेराव सासेआ मोनसे फाव लागोन आरो सावरायनायाव बाहागो लागोन।

Merra: You know what! I saw the most beautiful little girl on my way to school today.

Adnan: What’s her name? Where did you see her?

Ranil: Do you know her?

Asha: Why didn’t you bring her with you?

Meera: Wait, wait! I’m telling you one thing at a time.

Ans: meera I saw her in front of their house. She was with her mother.

Asha: And then? Let’s go to see her.

Ranil: But, what will the mother of child think?

Adnan: No matter, we shall say someting else.

Meera: Ok. Let us start right now.

6. Let’s learn some grammar: (लेटस लार्न साम ग्रामार) – ‘रावखान्थि सोलोनि फै।

(a) In the story you came across the words happy, angry and beautiful. Each of these words tells us something about the related noun e.g. a beautiful child. Here the word beautiful describes the quality of the child. Such words that describe the quality of something or someone are called adjectives. (इन दि ष्टरि इउ केम एक्रस दा उअर्दस हेपि, एंग्रि एण्ड बिउटिफुल। इस अब दिज उअर्दस तेल आस सामथिं एबाउत दि रिलेतेद नाउन, एकजामपल, ए बिउटिफुल चाइल्ड। हियेर दि उअर्द बिउटिफुल देसक्राइब दि कवालिटि अब दि चाइल्ड। सास उअर्दस देत देसक्राइब दि कवालिति अब सामथिं अर सामअवान आर कलद एदजेकतिभस) – बे सल’ आव नों खायसे सोदोब मोनदों जेरै खुसि, रागा आरो समायना। बे सोदोबफोरा जोंनो मुंमाजों सोमोन्दो बुजायनाय सोदोबफोरखौ फोरमायो। जैरै- सासे समायना गथ’सा। बेयाव समायना सोदोबआ गथ’सानि गुननि बाथ्रा फोरमायदों। जाय सोदोबफ्रा सुबुं एबा मुवानि गुन फोरमायो बेफोरखौनो मुंराय बुंनाय जायो।

Note that adjectives have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative. (नत देत एदजेकतिभस हेभ थ्रि दिग्रिज अब कमपरिजन: पजितिभ, कमपारेतिभ एण्ड सुपारलेतिभ)

(i) Positive degree: Tomorrow each of us will bring a child whom we find beautiful.

In this sentence the adjective describes the quality of one person.

(ii) comparative degree: There is no child more beautiful than my grandson.

In this sentence, the adjective is used to compare one child with another.

(iii) Superlative degree: I have found a child who is the most beautiful child in the entire village.

The adjective in this sentence compares one child with all other children.

We can arrange adjectives in their degrees as shown in the columns below:

beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful

When the adjective has more than two syllables (i.e. when the word is longer) we use more + adjective in the comparative and most + adjective in the superlative de- grees.

When the adjective is a short word we add er in the comparative and est in the superlative degrees.

Note that when the adjective ends in ‘y’ we change it to ‘i’ before adding ‘er’. There are a very small number of adjectives outside this rule. (नट देट हवेन दि एदजेकतिभ एण्डस इन ‘y’ इउ चेंज इत टु ‘i’ बिफर एदिं ‘er’। देयार आर ए भेरि स्मल नाम्बार अब एदजेकतिस आउटसाइद दिस रुल)

(b) Let’s practise using adjectives of degree and see how much you remember. (लेटस प्रेकतिस इउजिं एदजेकतिभस अब दिग्रि एण्ड सि हाउ मास इउ रिमेम्बार) – जों मुंरायनि दिग्रि सर’ खालामनि फै आरो बेसेबां गोसोआव लानो हागौ नायनि फै)

Fill the columns below with the correct forms of the adjectives: (फिल दा कलामस बिल’ उइथ दा कारेक्ट फर्मस अब दा एदजेकतिभस)


(i) uglyuglierugliest
(ii) angryangrierangriest
(iii) dirtydirtierdirtiest
(iv) bigbiggerbiggest
(v) importantmore importantmost important

(c) Now, in your notebook, make three sentence using an adjective from each of the three columns: (नाउ, इन इउर नतबुक, मेक थ्रि कलामस) – दा नोंनि नतबुकआव मोनफ्रोमबो कलामनिफ्राय मोनसे मुंराय सायख ‘नानै मोनथाम बाथ्रा दा।

Ans: The room is dirty.

This shop is bigger than the other shop.

It is the most important decision.

7. Let’s come back to clauses. You have learnt that a clause is a group of words that contains a verb that shows tense. The verb which shows tense is called a finite verb. (लेटस काम बेक तु क्लजेस। इउ हेभ लार्नत देत ए क्लज इज ए ग्रुप अब अवार्दस देत कन्तेनस ए भार्ब देत सज तेनस। दि भार्ब हुइस सज तेनस इज कलड ए फाइनित भार्ब)

(a) Look at the following sentences: (लुक एत दि फलइं (सेन्तेन्सेस) – गाहायनि बाथ्राफोरखौ फराय:

(i) The child’s mother overheard Akbar.

(ii) Akbar became angry when he heard this.

Notice that the whole sentence in (i) has been underlined as a group of words whereas sentence (ii) has been underlined as two groups of words. The underlined parts are called clauses. (नटिस देत दि हल सेन्तेन्सेस इन (i) हेज बिन आण्डारलाइण्ड एज ए ग्रुप अब उवार्दस हवेरएज सेन्तेन्सेस (ii) हेज बिन आण्डारलाइण्ड एज तु ग्रुपस अब उवार्दस। दि आण्डारलाइण्ड पार्तस आर कल्ड क्लजेड।)

(b) Read the following sentences. Identify the subject and the finite verb in each clause in the sentences. Write ‘S’ under the subject and ‘F’ under the finite verb. (रिद दा फलई सेन्तेन्सेस। आइदेन्तिफाइ दा साबजेकत एण्ड दा फाइनित भार्ब इन इस क्लज इन दा सेन्तेन्सेस। राइत ‘S’ आण्डार दा साबजेक्त एण्ड ‘F’ आण्डार दा फाइनित भार्ब।)

Ans: (i) He plays cricket for the school team

               S     F

(ii) Rita will not come today because She 

         S.                 F                           S

has gone to town.


(iii) She took the umbrella as it was 

         S     F                             S F


(iv) I forgot to bring my book.

       S   F

(v) Ron was reading a novel when I came 

       S      F                                      S     F

to his house.

7. Write a short paragraph on what you understand from the following statement-‘All children seen beautiful to their parents.’ (राइत ए सर्ट पेराग्राफ अन हवात इउ आण्डारस्तेण्ड फ्रम दा फलइं स्तेतमेन्त- अल सिलड्रेन सिन् बिउटिफुल तु देयार पेरेन्तस) – गाहायाव होनाय बाथ्रानिफ्राय मा बुजिखो बेनि सायाव मोनसे दफा लिर- गासै गथ’सायानो बिमा बिफानि नोजोराव समायना।

Ans: Parents love their children so much that they feel their children are beautiful and best in spite of their shortcomings. (पेरेन्तस लाभ देयार सिलड्रेन स’ मास देत दे फिल देयार सिलड्रेन आर बिउटिफुल एण्ड बेष्ट इनस्पाइत अब देयार सर्तकामिंग) – गासैबो बिमा बिफाया गावनि गथ’साखौ समायना आरो साबसिन सानो खायसे बिथिंआव आबुं नोङाब्लाबो।

10. Read the conversation below. Some of the sentences are missing. Write them and enact the conversa- tion in the class. (रिद दि कनभारसेसन बिलअ’। साम अब दा सेन्तेन्सेस आर मिसिं। राइत देम एण्ड एनाक्ट दा कनभारसेसन इन दा क्लास।) – गाहायनि रायजलायनायखौ फराय। बेयाव मोननैसो बाथ्रा गैया। बेफोरखौ लिर आरो रायजलायनायखौ फावथिना महर हो।

Akbar: Look, how beautiful my grandson is!

Minister: Yes, Huzur, there is no child more beautiful than your grandson.


Birbal:  The young prince is very beautiful, but all parents find their children beautiful

Akbar:  Then, let’s find out tomorrow.

Minister:  Tomorrow each of us will bring a child whom we find beautiful and we can then judge.

(Next day)

Akbar:  Birbal, why are you without a child?

Birbal:  Sorry Huzur, the mother is refusing to let me bring the child to the court.

Akbar:  How dare she! Let’s go and see the child in disguise.

Birbal:  Ok, Huzur, Please follow me. I shall show you the place where the child is.

Akbar:  I have never seen an uglier child than this before in my life!

Birbal:  But, Huzur, see the mother of the child is angry with you as you said that the child is ugly. She says God has given them the most beautiful child.

Akbar:  You are right Birbal. All children seem beautiful to their parents.

11. Choose the correct synonyms from the options given below: (चुज दि कारेक्त सिननिमस फ्रम दि अपसनस गिभेन बिलआअ’) – एखे सोदोबथि गोनां सोदोबफोरखौ सायख’ :-

(a) beautiful (बिउटिफुल) – समायना महरगोनां

(i) idle (आइदल)

(ii) good (गुद)

(iii) pretty (प्रिति)

(iv) happy (हेपि)

Ans: Beautiful (बिउटिफुल) समायना, Pretty महरगोनां – (प्रिति)

(b) happy (हेपि) – खुसि

(i) sweet (सुइत)

(ii) glad (ग्लेद)

(iii) lovely (लाभलि)

(iv) good (गुद)

Ans: Happy (हेपि) खुसि Glad (ग्लेद)

(c) dirty (दार्ति) – लेथ्रा, अगेन

(i) daring (देयारि)

(ii) filthy (फिलदि)

(iii) ugly (आगलि)

(iv) unhealthy (आनहेलदि)

Ans: dirty (दार्ति) – लेथ्रा, अगेन – fifty (फिलटि)

(d) scared (स्केयार्द) – गिदोंमोन

(i) fearless (फियारलेस)

(ii) worried (अरिद)

(iii) afraid (एफ्रेइद)

(iv) concerned (कनसार्नद)

Ans: scared (स्केयार्द) – गिदोंमोन afraid (एफ्रेइद) 

(e) disguise (दिसगाइज) – फावहमनाय

(i) to cheat (तु सित)

(ii) to tell lies (तु तेल लाइज)

(ii) to hide (तु हाइद)

(iv) to change appearance (तु सेन्ज एपियारेन्स)

Ans: disguise (दिसगाइज – फावहमनाय to change appearance (तु सेन्ज एपियारेन्स)

(f) screamed (स्क्रिमद) – गावख्रावदोंमोन

(i) phoned (फण्ड)

(ii) shouted (साउटेद)

(iii) called out (कलद आउट)

(iv) whispered. (हुउस्पार्द)

Ans: screamed (स्क्रिमद) – गाबखावदोंमोन shouted (साउतेद)।

Chapter – 1गोजोननाय खामानि
Chapter 2उरुकानि साननि मोनसे रंजाखांथाव हाबा
Chapter – 3एनि फ्रेंकनि सानरेबनिफ्राय
Chapter – 4अननाय
Chapter – 5देफदिल बिबारफोर
Chapter – 6धुनुनि गिटार
Chapter – 7सासे गथ’सानि समायना महर
Chapter – 8अख्रांमायाव आइजोफोर

Notes of Class 7 English in Bodo Medium | Bodomedium Class 7 English notes इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Bodo Medium Class 7 English Question answer | SEBA Class 7 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 7 अगर आप एक bodo सात्र या शिक्षाक हो तो आपके लिए लावदयक हो सकता है।

Note- यदि आपको इस Chapter मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद

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