SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Fun They had

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Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Fun They had

SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Fun They had Question Answer । Guide for Class 9th English Chapter 2 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The Fun They had

Textual Question Answers


Calculate how many years and months ahead from now Margie’s diary entry is.

Ans: Margie’s diary entry is 13 days and 144 years ahead as on 4 May, 2013.

I. Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.

1. How old are Margie and Tommy?

Ans: Margie was eleven and Tommy was thirteen.

2. What did Margie write in her diary? 

Ans: In her diary dated 17 May, 2157 Margie wrote “Today Tommy found a real book!”

3. Had Margie ever seen a book before? 

Ans: No, Margie had never seen a book before. Had she seen, she would not have written the sentence in her diary.

4. What things about the book did she find strange?

Ans: She found its yellow and crinkly page strange. She also found the words strange as they stood still instead of moving. And the pages showed the same words when they were turned back. 

5. What do you think a textbook is? 

Ans: A textbook is a book that can be read on the television screen. 

6. Where was Margie’s school? Did she have any classmates? 

Ans: Margie’s school was right next to her bedroom where her mechanical teacher (computer) was placed to teach her. No, Margie did not have any classmates.

7. What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn?

Ans: Margie learnt Geography and Mathematics while Tommy learnt History and Mathematics.

II. Answer the following with reference of the story.

1. “I wouldn’t throw it away.”

i. Who says these words?

Ans: Tommy says these words.

ii. What does ‘it’ refer to?

Ans: ‘It’ refers to the book.

iii. What is it being compared with by the speaker? 

Ans: It is being compared with the television screen or telebook.

2. “Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a regular teacherIt was a man.

(i) Who does “they” refer to?

Ans: “They’ refers to the people of many centuries ago or Tommy’s grandfather’s grandfather. 

(ii) What does “regular” man here? 

Ans: Here regular means who is daily present and is never absent.

(iii) What is it contrasted with?

Ans: It is contrasted with a television teacher i.e. mechanical teacher.

III. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words)

1. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?

Ans: They did not have any human teacher. They had mechanical teachers or computer machine attached to their television screen.

2. Why did Margie’s mother send for the Country Inspector? 

Ans: Margie was not doing well in her geography Tests because she could not follow it. As a result, she was doing worse and worse in each test. So, her mother sent for the Country Inspector.

3. What did the Country Inspector do? 

Ans: The Country Inspector found that the geography sector was geared a little too quick, So he had slowed it up to Margie’s mental level.

4. Why was Margie doing badly at geography? What did the Country Inspector do to help her? 

Ans: Margie was doing badly at geography because geography sector was geared a little too quick for Margie to follow. Margie’s mental level was not in tune with it. The Country. Inspector reset and slowed it up to Margie’s mental level. 

5. What had once happened to Tommy’s teacher? 

Ans: Once, the History sector of Tommy’s mechanical teacher had blanked out completely. To set it right, it had to be taken away for nearly a month.

6. Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so, how?

Ans: Yes, Margie had regular days and hours for school. Her mechanical teacher was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday. Her mother thought that little girls learnt better that way.

7. How does Tommy describe the old kind of school? 

Ans: Tommy said that the old kind of school was a separate, building away from one’s home. All the kids from the whole neighbourhood came. They sat together in the school room. They learned the same thing and helped one another in doing their homework. 

8. How does he describe the old kind of teachers?

Ans: Tommy describes that the old kind of teachers were human beings. They did not live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there. They gave the boys and girls questions and homework. 

IV. Answer each of these questions in two or three paragraphs (100-150 words)

1. What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolroom that Margie and Tommy have in the story?

Ans: The mechanical teachers are very different from the teachers we have today. The mechanical teacher is nothing but a computer machine attached to the television screen. They are fixed in the schoolrooms. When there is time to study, both Tommy and Margie sit before them. Then they switch on them and their lessons appear on the screen. 

The speed can be adjusted according to one’s mental level. These mechanical teachers have slots at appropriate places. They flash on their screens. The homeworks are to be inserted into the slots and the evolution can be done through punch code system. By this one can assess one’s progress in one’s studies.

The schoolrooms in the story are also very different from our schoolrooms. They are rooms attached to the houses of children. Each child has his own class room in his home where he 2052 A keeps a mechanical teacher and learns from it.

2. Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun? 

Ans: Margie hated school because her ‘school’ was the mechanical teacher. She found in it nothing to enjoy. She had to sit alone at fixed time in her schoolroom and do sums or learn things. But she had begun to hate her school more than ever. 

Because she had been given tests after tests in geography and she had been doing worse and worse. The geography sector was too quick and Margie’s mental level was not up to that mark. So, she had been facing problems. That was why Margie hated school.

But she thought that the old kind of schools had been great fun. All the kids from the whole neighbourhood went there. They laughed and shouted in the courtyard, sat together in the schoolroom, learned the same things and helped one another in their homework. So, Margie liked the old kind of schools. She thought they must have been fun.

3. Do you agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story? Give reasons for your answer. 

Ans: Truly speaking the schools today are more fun than the school in the story. The school in the story is nothing but a computer machine with a screen and slot. The child finds nothing in it to enjoy. Because there is no human interaction. It flashes lessons on the screen, gives the child homework and gives tests to make the child’s progress. Thus, there are no human feelings in the entire process. The child remains all alone in his schoolroom without any companion to share his thoughts. Therefore, Margie hates school.

On the other hand, Margie likes the old kind of schools. In those days all the kids from the whole neighbourhood came, laughing and shouting in the courtyard, sitting together, in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. They learned the same thing, so that they could help one another with the homework and talked about it. I agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story.

Thinking About Language :

1. Adverbs :

Read this sentence taken from the story. They had once taken Tommy’s teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely. The word complete is an adjective. When you add-ly to it, it becomes an adverb. 

1. Find the sentences in the lesson which have the adverbs given in the box below.

awfully, sorrowfully, completely, loftily, carefully, differently, quickly, nonchalantly


awfully:   …………. and it was awfully funny to read words…..(para I)

sorrowfully:  ………..united her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully….. (para 3)

Completely: …….the history sector had blanked completely (para 5)

loftily:  ……… He added loftily… (para6)

Carefully:  …pronouncing the word carefully…(para6)

differently: ……….that each kid has to be taught differently…(para 8)

quickly :  ….Margie said quickly….(para 8) 

nonchalantly : “May be” he said-nonchalantly…….. (para 9)

2. Now use these adverbs to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

(i) The report must be read —— so that performance can be improved.

Ans: loftily.

(ii) At the interview, Sameer answered our questions —— shrugging his shoulders.

Ans: carefully.

(iii) We all behave —— when we are tired or hungry. 

Ans: differently.

(iv) The teacher shook her head —— when Ravi lied to her.

Ans: sorrowfully.

(v) I —— forget about it.

Ans: completely.

(vi) When I complimented Revathi on her success, she just smiled —— and turned away. 

Ans: nonchalantly.

(vii) I finished my work —— so that I could go out to play.

Ans: awfully.

Remember :

An adverb describes action. You can form adverbs by adding-ly to adjectives. 

Spelling Note : When an adjective ends in-y, the y changes to i when you add-ly to form an adverb. angr-i-ly. For example: angr-y

3.Make adverbs from these adjectives. 

(i) angry —— 

(ii) happy ——  

(iii) merry —— 

(iv) sleepy —— 

(iv) easy ——  

(v) noisy —— 

(vi) tidy —— 

(viii) gloomy ——

Ans: (i) angry—— angrily.

(ii) happy — happily.

(iii) merry — merrily.

(iv) sleepy — sleepily.

(v) easy — easily.

(vi) noisy — noisily.

(vii) tidy — tidily.

(viii) gloomy — gloomily. 

II . Complete the following conditional sentence. Use the correct form of the verb. 

1. If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight, ——

2. If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food, ——

3. Unless you promise to write back, I ——  

4. If she doesn’t play any games, —— 

5. Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat —— 

Ans: (1) If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight, she will be sorry. 

(2) If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food, you  may go hurry.

(3) Unless you promise to write back, I will stay here. 

(4) If she doen’t play any games, she will be unfit. 

(5) Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat will eat it up.

4. Writing :

A new revised volume of Issac Asimov’s short stories has just been released. Order one set. Write a letter to the publisher, Mandfame Private Limited, 1632, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi, requesting that set be sent to you by Value Payable Post (VPP), and giving your address. Your letter will have the following parts.


23 Vijay Nagar 



Date: 15 April, 2012

The Manager

Mandfame Private Limited 

1632 Asaf Ali Road New Delhi Dear 

Dear sir/Madam,

             I have come to know that you have just released a new enlarged edition of Issac Asimov’s short stories. Please arrange to send me one set of it at the address given above.

                        Yours sincerely

                        Ranju Nair

1. “There was a time when all stories were printed on paper.” Who had said this to Margie’s grandfather? 

Ans: The grandfather of Margie’s grandfather said this to her grandfather.

2. Who turned the pages of the book?

Ans: Tommy and Margie turned the pages of the book. 

3. What seemed awfully funny?

Ans: That the words on the page stood still seemed awfully funny. 

4. How were the pages of the real book? 

Ans: The pages of the real book were yellow and crinkly.

5. Why were the pages of the real book yellow and crinkly?

Ans: The pages of the real book were yellow and crinkly because the book was very old.

6. What made Tommy exclaim “What a waste”? 

Ans: Tommy exclaimed because he had read only telebooks and had never seen a real book.

7. What did Margie hate now more than ever?

Ans: Margie now hated school more than ever.

8. What had the mechanical teacher been doing?

Ans: The mechanical teacher had been giving Margie tests in geography.

9. How did Margie fare in her tests?

Ans: Margie had been doing worse and worse in her tests. 

10. Who sent for the County Inspector?

Ans: Margie’s mother sent for the County Inspector.

11. Why did Margie not want her mechanical teacher?

Ans: Margie did not want her mechanical teacher because she hated it.

12. What did the County Inspector do with the mechanical teacher?

Ans: The County Inspector took it apart. 

13. What was the problem with Margie’s mechanical teacher?

Ans: The problem with Margie’s mechanical teacher was that it had been geared a little too quick.

14. What did the Inspector find with the mechanical teacher? 

Ans: The Inspector found that its geography sector had gone fast.

15. What is the special building referred to here?

Ans: The special building referred to here is a real school as it is these days.

16. What did the Inspector say about Margie’s progress?

Ans: Regarding Margie’s progress the Inspector said that it was quite satisfactory..

17. What is about old schools that surprises Margie? 

Ans: The fact that all the kids learnt the same thing in the old school surprises Margie.

18. What does Margie do with a sigh?

Ans: Margie, with a sigh inserts her homework in the slot of the mechanical teacher. 

19. What was Margie’s mother’s opinion about the learning of the girls?

Ans: Margie’s mother’s opinion about the learning of the girls was that little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.

20. Where did all the kids go to learn in olden days? 

Ans: All the kids went to school to learn in olden days. 

21. Where was Margie’s schoolroom?

Ans: Margie’s schoolroom was right next to her bedroom. 

22. How did the County Inspector look?

Ans: The County Inspector was a little man. He had a red S face.

24. What was Tommy’s reaction to the real book? 

Ans: Tommy exclaimed that it was a waste. After going through the book one just throw it away. But the television screen must have a million books on it. It was good for plenty more. He would not throw that away.

25. What was so funny about the book? 

Ans: It was so funny that the words stood still instead of moving. They did not more like the words on their television screen. They could be read again and again.

26. What was Margie’s hope regarding the County Inspector? 

Ans: Margie hoped that the County Inspector would not know how to put the mechanical teacher together again. But he knew everything all right. He was able to complete the job in about an hour. Now the big screen of the mechanical teacher was on again. It could show all the lessons and the related questions.

27. What did the County Inspector do after finishing his work? 

Ans: After finishing his work the County Inspector smiled and patted Margie’s head. Then he said to the mother, “It was not little girl’s fault. The geography sector was geared a little too quick. I have slowed it up to the level of an average 10 year old child. The over all pattern of the child’s progress is quite satisfactory.”

28. Why was Margie disappointed? 

Ans: Margie was disappointed because she had been doing worse and worse in geography. Actually, the geography sector was geared a little too quick and not in mental level. Margie had been hoping that they would take away the mechanical teacher altogether. 

29 What did Margie think of old schools? 

Ans: Margie thought about the old school of her great grandfather’s times. All the kids from the whole neighbourhood came there. They laughed and shouted in the schoolyard. They sat together in the schoolroom. They went home together at the end of the day. They learnt the same things. Thus, they could help each other in the homework. Thus Margie kept thinking about the fun children could have in those schools of old days.

30. How did Margie learn her lessons on the mechanical teacher?

Ans: Margie learnt her lessons on the big screen of her mechanical teacher. It asked her questions. She had to put her homework and test papers into the slot. She had to write them in punch code. Then the mechanical teacher calculated the marks in no time. Margie had been made to learn the punch code when she was six years old.

31. What problem had Margie been facing with her mechanical teacher?

Ans: Margie’s mechanical teacher had got set too quick for her mental level. She had been finding her lessons or homework difficult. So, she hated her mechanical teacher and wanted it to be taken away as Tommy’s had been taken for nearly a month.

32. What did Margie record in her diary? 

Ans: In her diary Margie recorded that Tommy had found a book on that day.

33. Why was it awfully funny to read the words in the old book?

Ans: Margie found the words in the old books.awfully funny because the words in the old book stood still instead of moving with which Margie was familiar.

34. Where did Tommy find the old book?

Ans: Tommy found the old book in the attic. 

35. What did Margie’s grandfather once say?

Ans: Margie remembered the words of his grandfather having said once that when he was a little boy, all the stories were printed on paper.

36. When did the old kind of school exist according to Tommy? 

Ans: According to Tommy, the old kind of school existed hundred and hundred of years ages.

37. Who was Margie’s teacher?

Ans: Margie’s teacher was a mechanical teacher.

38. How did Margie learn her lesson on the mechanical teacher?

Ans: Margie would read her lessons on the big screen of her mechanical Teacher. It asked her questions. She would do her homework, put her test papers in the slot and write her answers in a punch code. The teacher calculated her marks in no time. 

39. Why did Margie hate school? 

Ans: Margie hated school because her school was mechanical teacher. She found in it nothing to enjoy. She began to hate school more than ever because she had been given tests after tests in geography and she had been doing worse and worse.

40. Why did Tommy called the book a ‘Waste’?

Ans: Tommy called it a waste because he could throw it after reading.

41. For how long was Tommy’s teacher taken away?

Ans: Tommy’s teacher was a mechanical teacher and it had been taken for about a month or so.

42. Why did Tommy scream with laughter?

Ans: On hearing Margie’s saying that she would not want a strange man in her house to teach her Tommy screamed with laughter. 

43. What did the lit up screen of the mechanical teacher say to Margie? 

Ans: The lit up screen of the mechanical teacher said that that day’s arithmetic lesson was on the addition of proper fraction and it asked her to insert the previous day’s homework in the proper slot.

44. Why did Margie like past schools?

Ans: Margie liked past schools because she found the old schools. very amusing. All the children went to school together laughing and playing, learnt the same lessons together, helped one another in doing homework. Besides, their teacher was human beings. 

45. “ ——  but it was not a regular teacher”. What does the speaker mean by “a regular teacher”?

Ans: By “regular teacher” the speaker means a mechanical teacher.

46. What did Margie think of the old schools? 

Ans: Margie thought of old the schools of her grandfather’s times. All the children went to school together laughing and playing. They learnt the same lessons together, helped one another in doing homework. They went together at the end of the day.

47. What did the Inspector tell Margie’s mother Mrs. Jones fa about the mechanical teacher? 

Ans: The Inspector told Margie’s mother Mrs. Jones that the fault was not of the girl. The geography teacher was geared a little too quick for Margie to follow. He had slowed it up to the level of an average 10 year old child. He added that the overall pattern of Margie’s progress was quite satisfactory.

48. What did Tommy and Margie find turning the back page of the old book?

Ans: Turning the back page of the old book Tommy and Margie found the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.

49. What did Tommy say when Margie said that she would not want a strange man in her house to teach her?

Ans: Tommy said that the teachers did not live in the house. They had a special building and all the kinds went there.

Tick the correct answer from the alternatives given below each question.

1. Name the writer of the lesson.

(a) Deborah Cowley

(b) Katherine Mansfield

(c) Isaac Asimov

(d) Robert Frost.

Ans: (c) Isaac Asimov.

2. Who turned the pages of the book?

(a) Tommy 

(b) Margie 

(c) Margi and Tommy

(d) None 

Ans: (c) Margi and Tommy.

3. The pages of the real book had gone. 

(a) dusty 

(b) torn

(c) dogear

(d) yellow and crinkly

Ans: (d) yellow and crinkly.

4 The word ‘crinkly’ means

(a) old

(b) torn

(c) damaged

(d) wrinkled

Ans: (d) wrinkled.

5. A tale book is.

(a) a machine book 

(b) a book made of a machine 

(c) that book which can be read through

(d) a book that can appear on a mechanical teacher 

Ans: (d) book that can appear on a mechanical teacher.

6. The words in the real book were the same as

(a) these were fixed

(b) these were printed ones 

(c) before

(d) the book had.

Ans: (b) these were printed ones.

7. The word ‘plenty’ here means 

(a) enough

(b) a large number of

(c) more than sufficient

(d) more than needed

Ans: (c) more than sufficient.

8. How did Margie fare in her tests?

(a) good

(b) very good

(c) bad

(d) worse and worse

Ans: (d) worse and worse.

9. What was the County Inspector able to do?

(a) to set mechanical teacher right 

(b) to give Margie a test in geography 

(c) to take away the mechanical teacher 

(d) to help Margie in doing her home work 

Ans: (a) to set mechanical teacher right.

10. What was Margie made to do when she was six years old? 

(a) to do her homework

(b) to learn punch code

(c) to take tests in geography:

(d) to go to school daily

Ans: (b) to learn punch code.

11. What had Margie to do with her homework and test papers? 

(a) She had to show them to her teacher at school 

(b) She had to write them in punch code and put them in the slot of the mechanical teacher

(c) She had to show them to her mother daily

(d) None

Ans: (b) She had to write them in punch code and put them in the slot of the mechanical teacher.

12. What did Margie not know much about?

(a) geography lesson

(b) mathematics

(c) County Inspector

(d) Old kind of schools. 

Ans: (a) geography lesson.

13. Margie’s progress was

(a) slow

(b) fast

(c) satisfactory

(d) too quick 

Ans: (c) satisfactory.

14. The word ‘slot’ means

(a) a wide gap 

(b) a hole

(c) a small opening

(d) an open space 

Ans: (c) a small opening.

15. ‘I betcha’ means

(a) I wear

(b) I want to bet

(c) I will bet

(d) I bet

Ans: (d) I bet.

16. The word ‘patted’ means

(a) loved

(b) tapped

(c) beat

(d) kicked

Ans: (b) tapped.

17. Tommy goes out of Margie’s home when 

(a) it is evening 

(b) he is asked by Margie 

(c) it is time for him to go 

(d) Margie’s mother tells him it is time for her to go to school.

Ans: (d) Margie’s mother tells him it is time for her to go to school.

18. What did Margie do with s sigh?

(a) She started doing her homework 

(b) She inserted her homework in the slot 

(c) She opened her book 

(d) She went into her schoolroom. 

Ans: (b) She inserted her homework in the slot.

19. How many days a week did the mechanical teacher work? 

(a) four days 

(b) five days 

(c) six days 

(d) seven days

Ans: (b) five days.

20. The kids enjoyed their stay in the school in the past by

(a) going and coming to school together

(b) cracking jokes

(c) sitting together,laughing and shouting 

(d) helping one another.

Ans: (c) sitting together,laughing and shouting.

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