SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 5 The Bond Of Love

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Class 9 English Chapter 5 The Bond Of Love

SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 5 The Bond Of Love Question Answer । Guide for Class 9th English Chapter 5 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 5

Chapter 5 The Bond Of Love

Textual Questions 

Thinking about the Text

I. Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings. Orphaned cub; Burnor’s Food-chart; An accidental Case of poisoning; Playful Baba; Pain of separation; Joy of Reunion; A Request to the Zoo; An Island in the Courtyard.


(a) An Orphaned Cub —— para 3 (page 113-114)

(b) Burno’s Food-Chart —— para 6 (page114)

(c) An Accidental Case of poisoning —— para 8 (page114)

(d) Playful Baba —— para 14 (page116)

(e) Pain of Separation  —— para 16 (page116)

(f) Joy of Reunion —— para 18 (page117)

(g) A request to the Zoo —— para 18 (page117)

(h) An Island in the Courtyard —— para 21 (page118)

II. Answer the following questions :

1. “I got him for her by accident.”

(i) Who says this?

Ans: The author says this.

(ii) Who do ‘him’ or ‘her’ refer to?

Ans: ‘Him’ refers to the baby bear and ‘her’ refers to the wife of the author.

(iii) What is the incident referred to here?

Ans: The incident refers to the catching of the baby bear.

2. “He stood on his head in delight.” 

(i) Who does ‘he’ refer to? 

Ans: The word ‘he’ refers to the baby bear caught by the author.

(ii) Why was he delighted?

Ans: The baby bear was delighted to see the author’s wife after a long time.

3. “We all missed him greatly : but in a sense we were relieved.”

(i) Who does “We all” stand for?

Ans: “We all” stands for the author and his son.’ 

(ii) Who did they miss?

Ans: They missed the baby bear.

(iii) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved? 

Ans: The bear was getting too big to be kept at home. They had to take great care of him. So, they felt relieved at sending the bear to the Mysore Zoo.

III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.

1. On two occasions Bruno ate/ drank something that should not be eaten/ drunk. What happened to him on these occasions? 

Ans: One day an accident be fell Bruno entered the library and ate some of barium carbonate. It was a poison to kill the rats, After consuming it Bruno’s legs got paralysed and was taken to a vet. The vet injected the medicine and he got well.

On another occasion, he drank a gallon of old engine oil. However, it had no ill effects on him.

2. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then he had to be sent away?

Ans: Yes, Bruno was a loving and playful pet. He could do a few tricks. He would wrestle box and tumble. He would hold gun in the form of a stick and pointed at a person. However he was getting too big to be kept at home. So, he had to be sent away.

3. How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved? 

Ans: Bruno was brought back home from the Zoo. An island was made for Bruno (Baba) in the author’s compound. It was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide and was surrounded by a dry pit or moat, six feet wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was put for Bruno to sleep in at night.

Thinking About the Language

1. (a) Find these words in the lesson. They all have ic. or ei in them.

f— ld, ingred —– nts, h ght, misch —– vous, 
fr —– nds,    —–  ghty —– seven, fel —– ved, p —– ce

Ans: Field,  ingredients,  height, mischievous,  friends,  eighty-seven, relieved,  piece. 

2. Now here are some more words. Complete them with ei or ie. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

bel —– ve,  rec —– ve,  w – rd,  I —– sure,  s —– z
w —– ght,  re —– gn,  f —– gn,  gr —– f,  p —– race.

(There is a popular rule of spelling ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’ check if this rule is true by looking at the words above.)

Ans: believe,  receive,  weird,  leisure, seize,  weight,  reign,  feign,  grief,  pierce.

11. Here are some words with silent letters. Learn their spelling. Your Teacher will dictate these words to you. Write them down and underline the silent letters.


Ans: The silent letters are underlined as under : 

hours returnhornetcalm

III. Read yourself and find out.

1. Adverbs :

Find the adverbs in the passage below. (you’ve read about adverbs in Unit I)

We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth-bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that was about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot. 

(i) Complete the following sentences, using a suitable adverb ending in — ly.

(a) Rana does her homework —— 

(b) It rains —— in Mumbai in June.

(c) He does his work ——

(d) The dog serves his master —— 


(a) Carefully

(b) heavily 

(c) diligently

(d) faithfully.

(ii) Choose the most suitable adverbs or adverbial phrases and complete the following sentences : 

(a) We should —— get down from a moving train. (never, sometimes, often) 

(b) I was —— in need of support after my poor performance. (badly, occasionally, sometimes).

(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her —— (suddenly, seriously, immediately) 


(a) never 

(b) badly 

(c) immediately.

2. Take down the following scrambled version of a story, that your teacher will dictate to you, with appropriate punctuation marks. Then, read the scrambled story carefully and try to rewrite it rearranging the incidents. A grasshopper, who was very hungry. saw her and said, “When did you get the corn? I am dying of hunger.” She wanted to dry them. It was a cold winter’s day, and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had gathered the corn in summer. 

“I was singing all day.” answered the grasshopper.

“If you sang all summer,”said the ant, “you can dance all winter.”

“What were you doing?” asked the ant again. The grasshopper replied, “I Was too busy.”

“I collected it in summer,” Said the ant. “What were you doing in summer ?

Why did you not store some corn ?” 

Ans: It was a cold winter’s day and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had gathered the corn in summer. She wanted to dry them. A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, “I am dying of hunger, When did you get the corn ?”

I collected it in summer,” said the ant. “What were you doing in summer? Why did you not store some corn?” The grasshopper replied, “I was too busy.” What were you doing?” asked the ant. again. “I was singing all day.” answered the grasshopper. “If you sang all summer,” said the ant, “You can dance all winter.”

Additional Questions

1. Name the story and the writer?

Ans: The name of the story is the Bond of Love and the name of the writer is Kenneth Anderson.

2. What was the bear doing? 

Ans: The bear was panting in the hot sun.

3. How was the wife reacted when the author presented her the baby bear? 

Ans: The wife was delighted when the author presented her with the baby bear.

4. What did the baby bear do when it was caught? 

Ans: It snapped and tried to scratch the writer with its long hooked claws.

5. Who was Bruno?

Ans: Bruno was a pet bear in the writer’s house.

6. Why was Bruno sent to the zoo at Mysore?

Ans: He was sent to the Zoo at Mysore because he was getting too big to be kept at home.

7. How did the baby bear endear itself with the author’s wife? 

Ans: Bruno grew in size with its height equal to that of dogs and looked even bigger. The bear and the author’s wife loved mutually. The wife even changed his name from Bruno to Baba. Baba could wrestle or box and would hold a stick like a gun. These funny tricks endeared him to the author’s wife.

8. How did the baby bear pass his time? 

Ans: Very soon Bruno became attached to two Alsatian dogs. Not only that, he also became friendly with the children of the neighbourhood. He used to enjoy himself freely and spent his time in playing and running in to the kitchen. He even slept in their bed. 

9. Describe the meeting scene of the author’s wife with Baba in the Zoo?

Ans: The author’s wife spent three hours with Baba. She offered him tea, lemonade, cakes, ice cream etc. At the closing time she wept bitterly. Baba too cried bitterly. Even the keepers and the curator of the Zoo felt sad.

10. What kind of place was made for Baba at the author’s house?

Ans: An island was made for Baba. It was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide and was surrounded by a dry pit, or moat, six feet wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was also put on the island for Baba to sleep at night. Straw was placed inside to keep him warm.

11. How did Baba feel on the island which was made especially for him?

Ans: Baba was delighted and standing on his hindlegs he pointed his gun and cradled his baby. The authors’ wife spent hours sitting on a chair there while he at on her lap. He was fifteen months old and pretty heavy too.

12. How did the writer get Bruno?

Ans: The writer got Brumo by accident.

13. Who christened the baby bear?

Ans: The writer’s wife christened the baby bear. 

14. How did the author catch the baby bear? 

Ans: The author tried to capture the baby bear when it ran. It scooted into the sugarcane field. Following it with his companions, the author was able to grab it by the scruff of its neck. The bear tried to scratch him with his long and hooked paws.

15. What was the strange incident as mentioned by the author? What did the author do?

Ans: The writer had put down barium carbonate, a kind of poison to kill rats and mice in his library. Bruno entered the library as he often did and ate some of the poison. Paralysis set into the extent that he could not stand on his feet. But he dragged himself on his stumps to the writer’s wife. The writer guessed what had happened. He was taken to a veterinary doctor..

16. Who changed the name of Bruno to Baba and Why?

Ans: The author’s wife changed the name of Bruno to Baba out of love and affection. Because Bruno loved her and she too loved J 20 her very much. The word ‘Baba’ is a Hindustani word meaning “a small boy.”

17. How did the author’s wife miss Baba?

Ans: Baba was sent to the zoo in Mysore. The author and all others missed him greatly. However they were relieved. But the author’s wife was very sorry and inconsolable. She wept and wept and fretted also. For the first days she did not eat anything.

18. What was the plea of the author’s wife to the superintendent? Was her plea granted? 

Ans: The author’s wife pleaded before the superintendent that both Baba and she were fretching for each other. She requested him to give back Baba to her.

The superintendent was a kind hearted man and consented. 

19. What beautiful tricks could be done by Baba?

Ans: Baba could do some beautiful tricks like the human beings. He could wrestle and box. When he was asked “Baba, hold gun, he would take a stick and hold it like a gun. When he was asked “Where’s baby”he would hold a stump of wood and cradle it affectionately.

20. How did the author’s wife feel when Baba was sent to the zoo?

Ans: She was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first. for a few days she would not eat anything.

21. What made the author’s wife to go to the zoo in Mysore?

Ans: She was eager to see how Baba was in the zoo. But she was kept restrained for three months from visitin Baba at Mysore. Then one day she decided to go to see Baba. She told the writer to take her by car or she herself would go by bus or train. So, she was taken to Mysore by car.

22. How did Baba behave when the author’s wife came to visit him in the zoo? 

Ans: No sooner had Baba seen the writer’s wife than he recognised her. He howled with happiness. She ran up to him and patted him through the bars. Baba was very much delighted when she came to visit him in the zoo.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the author presented the baby bear to his wife she

(A) was angry 

(B) was delighted

(C) patted it 

(D) smiled

Ans: (B) was delighted.

2. The author wrote a letter to the zoo curator

(A) for directions 

(B) for advice

(C) to receive Bruno at the zoo Bruno 

(D) to take care of Bruno

Ans: (C) to receive Bruno at the zoo Bruno.

3. To keep Bruno they made–

(A) a room 

(B) a cage

(C) a box 

(D) an island

Ans: (D) an island.

4. Bruno was sent to

(A) Bangalore

(B) Mysore

(C) an island

(D) a forest

Ans: (B) Mysore.

5. Bruno’s baby was 

(A) a stick

(B) a bear toy

(C) a piece of wood

(D) a stump of wood

Ans: (D)  a stump of wood.

6. The word “floundering” means

(A) struggling to fight 

(B) struggling to live 

(C) struggling to move

(D) struggling to survive 

Ans: (C) struggling to move.

7. The word scooted means

(A) fled away

(B) ran away

(C) stayed away

(D) went away

Ans: (B) ran away.

Notes of SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 5 | English Medium Class 9 English Notes In this post we will explain to you Class 9 English Chapter 5 Question Answer | SEBA Class 9 English Question Answer Chapter 5 If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you.

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