SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 6 If I were you

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Class 9 English Chapter 6 If I were you

SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 6 If I were you Question Answer । Guide for Class 9th English Chapter 6 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 6

Chapter 6 If I were you

Textual Questions

The following words and phrases occur in the play. Do you know their meanings? Match them with the meanings given, to find out

culturedan informal expression for a fashionable vehicle
count onunnecessary and usually harmful
melodramaticsophisticated; well mannered
to be smarthere, a tone of voice
wise guyan unexpected opportunity for success
a dandy bustrap
trades peoplea Christian religious teacher who teaches on Sundays in Church
gratuitous(American English) a person whopretends to know a lot
dodgedepend on; rely on
lucky break(American English) an informal way of saying that one is being too clever
Sunday-school teacheroccupied; busy


cultured :sophisticated; well mannered
count on :depend on; rely on
engaged :occupied; busy
melodramatic :unnecessary and usually harmful
to be smart :(American English) a person who pretends to know a lot
infection :here, a tone of voice
wise guy :(american English) an informal way of saying that one is being too clever
a dandy bus :an informal expression for a fashionable vehicle
tradespeople :merchants
gratuitous :exaggerated
dodge :avoid
lucky break :an unexpected opportunity for success
Sunday-school teacher :a Christian religious teacher who teaches on Sundays in Church
frame :trap

Thinking about the Text

1. Answer these questions 

1. “At last a sympathetic audience”

(i) Who says this?

Ans: Gerrand says these words. 

(ii) Why does he say it?

Ans: Gerrand says it because the intruder has shown some sympathy towards him.

(iii) Is he sarcastic or serious? 

Ans: He is sarcastic.

2. Why does the intruder choose Gerrand as the man whose identity he wants to take on?

Ans: The intruder is a criminal who has killed a cap. The police is pursing him and if caught he will be hanged. He finds Gerrard closely similar to him. So, he decides to kill him. Then he can live as Gerrard and never be caught.

3. “I said it with bullets.”  

(i) Who says this? 

Ans: Gerrard says this. 

(ii) What does it mean? 

Ans: It means that he is a dangerous person and has killed some one.

(iii) Is it the truth? What is the speaker’s reason for saying this?

Ans: No, it is not the truth. Ile says so to befool the intruder. 

4. What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer. 

Ans: By profession Gerrard is a play wright. We know this when he says on phone to the man on the other side, “Sorry I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal ….

5. “You’ll soon stop being smart.”

(i) Who says this?

Ans: The Intruder says this. 

(ii) Why does the speaker say it?

Ans: He says this because Garrard has not shown any fear of the intruder though he has a gun in his hand. 

(iii) What according to the speaker will stop Gerrard for being smart?

Ans: He says that Gerrard will stop being smart after being hit by one of his bullets. He will also make Gerrard crawl.

6. “They can’t hang me twice”

(i) Who says this?

Ans: The Intruder says this. 

(ii) Why does the speaker say it? 

Ans: He says this because he has already killed a cop. He can be hanged for it. Now he has planned to kill Gerrard too. The penalty of death can’t be given to him twice.

7. “A mystery I propose to explain..” What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain?

Ans: The speaker wants to explain to the intruder that he, too has killed a man and the police is pursuing him.

8. “This is your big surprise.”

(i) Where has this been said in the play?

Ans: This has been said in the play when the intruder prepares to shoot Gerrard.

(ii) What is the surprise? 

Ans: The surprise is that Gerrard himself has killed a man and the police is following him. He says that one of his men has been caught and the police is expected there any moment.

Additional Questions

1. Why does the Intruder enter Gerrard’s house?

Ans: The Intruder wants to live as Gerrard after killing him. With this purpose he enters his house.

2. What crime had the Intruder committed?

Ans: The Intruder had killed a cop in a town and escaped. So the police was after him. He would be hanged if he was caught. 

3. What has the Intruder heard about Gerrard?

Ans: The Intruder has never seen Gerrard before. He only knows him by his name. He does not know about his being a playwright. He only knows that he is a kind of mysterious man and lives in the wilds of Essex.

4. How does the Intruder threaten Gerrard after entering his house?

Ans: The Intruder threatened that he would soon stop being smart. He would make Gerrard crawl.

5. What was Gerrard doing when the Intruder entered?

Ans: When the Intruder entered, Gerrard was preparing to leave his house for work. He was going to attend a rehearsal of his drama. He had prepared his bag in which there were props for the rehearsal.

6. How and when did the Intruder come to know about Gerrard?

Ans: After killing a cop the intruder had been escaping from the police. He came to Aylesbury to escape. There he happened to see Gerrard in a car by chance. He overheard the people talking about Gerrard. He found Gerrard very much like him in the figure and a mysterious person who fitted him well.

7. How does Gerrard say the Intruder’s plan of impersonating him won’t be successful? 

Ans: Gerrard says that he is also a criminal and has been dodging the police. If the Intruder shoots him, he would be hanged for sure if not himself, then as Gerrard. 

8. How does Gerrard befool the Intruder with his false story?

Ans: Gerrard says that one of his men had been caught and found things which should have been burnt. So, for this reason he expected trouble that night and was getting ready to clear off at the earliest. 

9. How does Gerrard convince the Intruder to follow his plan and he would be ‘safe’?

Ans: Gerrard tells the Intruder to clear his muddled head and they both should go out at once in the car. If he finds that it is a frame he has got car and his gun too.

10. What story does Gerrard tell the Intruder about himself? Do you think it is a true story? 

Ans: Gerrard tells the Intruder that he is also a criminal like him. He says that once things went wrong with him. He had to use bullets. Since then he has been dodging the police. But the police got one of his men and found some papers from him. From those papers they came to know of Gerrard’s name and address. Now the police can reach there at any moment in search of him. So, he has been packing the bag and getting ready to run away. The Intruder is convinced.

It is not a true story. He has fabricated it to lay a trap for the Intruder. He wants to have him arrested.

11. How does Gerrard outsmart the Intruder?

Ans: Gerrard can convince the Intruder and says that they both should run away in his car. By saying so he opens a door that leads to his garage. The Intruder agrees to run away with him. But as soon as the Intruder turns his head to lean forward,, then Gerrard pushes him in the cupboard. 

He knocks the revolver out of his hand. He then slams the door and locks it. Then he calls the police. Thus Gerrard traps the Intruder and has got him arrested. 

12. What does Gerrard tell about his life when the Intruder asks him to sit down and have a nice talk?

Ans: Gerrard says that as a child he was stolen by the gipsies. So, he found himself living in his lonely Essex Cottage even at the age of thirty two.

13. How does Gerrard have the Intruder arrested? 

Ans: The Intruder believes Gerrard’s story. He agrees to run away with him. Gerrard opens the door that leads to his garage. But as soon as he steps in, Gerrard locks the door. It is not the door to any garage. It is the door of a cupboard. Thus Gerrard traps the Intruder and has him arrested. 

14. How does Gerrard compel the Intruder to take him with him?

Ans: Garrard finds that the Intruder has not believed in his story. So, he asks him to run away with him in his car. He also tell the Intruder to shoot him if he finds his story fabricated. 

15. What did the Intruder want to do with Gerrard and live thereafter?

Ans: The Intruder wanted to kill Gerrard and thereafter he would live as Gerrard because he was similar to him.

16. How is the intruder ‘a poor hunted rat” as he tells Gerrard?

Ans: The Intruder has killed a cop and the police is after him and may arrest him any moment. He has been escaping to dodge the arrest. So, he is now a poor hunted rat”. 

17. How old was Gerrard? 

Ans: Gerrard was thirty two.

18. How does Gerrard get the revolver from the intruder? 

Ans: Gerrard pushes the intruder into the cupboard knocking the revolver. He then picks it up.

19. Why had the intruder planned to kill Gerrard?

Ans: The intruder was a criminal because he had killed a cop. The police was running after him. He could be hanged if he was caught. He found that Gerrard looked quite like him. So, he planned to kill him. He thought that he could live as Gerrard and never be caught.

20. Did the intruder succeed in his plan? Why?

Ans: The introduer’s plan to kill Gerrard failed because-Gerrard proved too clever for him. Gerrard made a fool of him and got him arrested.

21. Why did the intruder say, “They can’t hang me twice”?

Ans: The intruder had already killed a cop. He could be hanged for it if he was caught. Now he has planned to kill-Gerrard too. The penalty of death cannot be given to him twice. 

22. How did Gerrard get the intruder arrested?

Ans: Gerrard could convince the intruder by his fabricated story. The Intruder agreed to run away with him. But as soon as the Intruder turned his head to lean forward, then Gerrard pushed him in the cupboard. He knocked the revolver out of the Intruder’s hand and locked the door. Thus, Gerrard got the Intruder arrested. 

23. How does the Intruder threaten Gerrard after entering his house? 

Ans: After entering his house the Intruder threatened Gerrard that he would soon stop being smart. He would make Gerrard crawl.

24. How does Gerrard befool the intruder with his false story?

Ans: Gerrard is too smart for the Intruder. He tells the Intruder that one of his accomplices has been caught. The things which should have been burnt have been found. For that matter he expected trouble that night. That’s why, he wanted to clear off at the earliest.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Intruder for Gerrard?

(A) a funny person

(C) a fool

(B) a crook

(D) a lair

Ans: (B) a crook.

2. The Intruder plans to kill Gerrard and take 

(A) his belongings 

(B) his car

(C) his jewels 

(D) his identity 

Ans: (D) his identity.

3. Gerrard is a mysterious man because he

(A) lives in secret

(B) does not mix with people

(C) lives in a remote area and does not mix with people.

(D) behaves mysteriously

Ans: (C) lives in a remote area and does not mix with people.

4. The Intruder says that his speciality is

(A) bank robbery

(B) jewel robbery

(C) in stealing

(D) in murdering

Ans: (B) jewel robbery.

5. The Intruder saw Gerrard before at 

(A) Essex cottage city 

(B) Aylesbury

(C) a corner of the 

(D) none of the above

Ans: (B) Aylesbury.

Notes of SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 6 | English Medium Class 9 English Notes In this post we will explain to you Class 9 English Chapter 6 Question Answer | SEBA Class 9 English Question Answer Chapter 6 If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you.

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