SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 8 The Lake Isle of Innisfree

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Class 9 English Chapter 8 The Lake Isle of Innisfree

SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 8 The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question Answer । Guide for Class 9th English Chapter 8 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The Lake Isle of Innisfree

Textual Questions 

1. What kind of place is Innisfree? 

Ans: Innisfree is a beautiful island. It is free from the noises of the modern world. Nature is beautiful, alive and full of life. here.

(i) What three things does the poet want to do when he goes back to Innisfree?

Ans: (i) He wants to build there a small cabin with clay and wattles.

(ii) He wants to grow nine rows of bean.

(iii) He will also have a hive for the honeybees.

(ii) What does the poet hear and see in Innisfree and what effect does it have on him?

Ans: The poet hears there the cricket’s song in the dim twilight of morning. In the evening, he sees the glimmering of stars and at noon the purple glow of the sun. All these beauties of nature brings peace to the poet’s mind.

(iii) What he hears in his ‘heart’s core’ even when he is far away from Innisfree?

Ans: He hears the lake water lapping constantly the shore with low sounds.

2. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a simple, natural, full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands?

Ans: Innisfree is a beautiful place where peace prevails everywhere. In the twilight of morning the crickets sing there. The midnight glimmers with dim stars in the sky. The noons have a purple glow. In the evening the linnets sing flying all around in the sky. So, it is the place of the heart’s desire of the poet. But the poet is on the roads way of London now. The pavement is grey and lifeless. While Innisfree is full of life.

1. Do you think Innisfree is only a place, or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days? 

Ans: Innisfree is both an actual place and also a state of mind. It is a lovely island full of peace and tranquillity. The poet had spent his childhood days on this beautiful island. But he had to leave this place to live with his parents in London. Now he actually misses the place. Now the beauty of that place is haunting him. He still hears in the core of his heart the lake water lapping against the shore of the lake. He feels that the sound of lake water beckons him to Innisfree.

2. Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears in Innisfree.

(i) bee-loud glade.

(ii) evenings full of linnet’s wings. 

(iii) lake water lapping with low sounds.

What pictures do these words create in your mind? 

Ans: (i) Bee-loud glade gives the picture of bee hives and honey bees humming all around the open place. The humming of the honey bees produce a sweet melodious music,

(ii) Evening full of linnet’s wings gives the picture of many linnets flying all about in the sky giving the musical sound created buy their wings.

(iii) Lake water lapping with low sounds gives the picture of lake water beating gently against the shore. It is producing a, soft music. 

3. Look at these words :

—— peace comes dropping slow 

Dropping from the veils of the morning where the cricket sings.

What do these words mean to you? What do you think comes dropping slow – from the veils of the morning? What does “to where the cricket sings” mean?

Ans: These words mean that peace comes slowly with morning. It comes from early morning till night constantly. “To where crickets sings” indicates the time when they sing.

Additional Questions

1. Name the poet of the poem “The lake Isle of Innisfree”

Ans: W.B. Yeats is the poet of the poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”

2. Where does the poet want to go?

Ans: Poet wants to go to Innisfree. 

3. Why does the poet want to go to Innisfree?

Ans: The poet wants to go to Innisfree in order to have peace. 

4. What will the poet do in Innisfree?

Ans: In Innisfree, the poet will build a small cabin with clay. and wattles. He will grow nine rows of bean there. He will also have a hive for the honey-bees and spend his time enjoying himself in the midst of the humming bees.

5. How does the poet describe the lake water in the poem?

Ans: The poet gives a beautiful description of the lake water in the poem.

With lake water constantly lapping against the beach of the lake with low sounds there flows a sweet music. It is pleasant to hear. 

6. How will the poet enjoy his stay in Innisfree “night and day”?

Ans: The poet will hear the cricket sing merrily in the moring. At midnight he will see and enjoy the glimmer. At noon he will see the purple glow and enjoy himself. He will also enjoy the song produced by the linnets with their wings in the evening.

7. Where is the poet now? How is it different from Innisfree?

Ans: The poet is now on the roadway in London. The pavements are dull and grey. But Innisfree is quite different. It is full of natural beauty and full of life. There is peace all around.

8. Why does the poet want to build a cabin at Innisfree. 

Ans: The poet wants to build a cabin in Innisfree because he wants to live there a simple life. Innisfree is a beautiful island free there from the noises of the modern artificial world.He wants to go in search of peace.

9. What is Innisfree?

Ans: Innisfree is a small island near Silgo in Ireland. To the poet it is a place of natural beauty.

10. How is the evenings at Innisfree? 

Ans: The evenings at Innisfree are full of linnets wings. 

11. How will the poet build his cabin at Innisfree? 

Ans: At Innisfree he will build his cabin with clay and wattles. 

12. How are the midnights and noons at Innisfree? 

Ans: At Innisfree midnight is full of glimmer with the faint stars and the noon time is full of purple glow.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shall the poet build at Innisfree to live in?

(a) a small cabin.

(b) a small cabin of clay and wattles.

(c) a little house.

(d) a beautiful building.

Ans: (b) a small cabin of clay and wattles. 

2. How will the poet enjoy his evenings?

(a) by reading books.

(b) by attending articles.

(c) by watching linnets flying about.

(d) by watching the setting sun. 

Ans: (c) by watching linnets flying about.

3. Where is the poet at this time? 

(a) In London.

(b) In New York.

(c) In Paris.

(d) In Innisfree.

Ans: (a) In London.

4. Where does the poet want to go?

(a) To New York.

(b) To Delhi.

(c) To Innisfree.

(d)  To Goa.

Ans: (c) To Innisfree.

5. He wants to go there because? 

(a) it is very popular. 

(b) it is a very luxurious place. 

(c) is happy with city life. 

(d) it is the place of his heart’s desire.

Ans: (d) it is the place of his heart’s desire.

6. How will the midnight be in Innisfree? 

(a) dark.

(b) glimmer.

(c) bright.

(d) purple glow.

Ans: (b) glimmer

7. Where does the poet hear the sound of water lapping?

(a) in Innisfree.

(b) an the roadways.

(c) on the grey pavements.

(d) in his heart’s core

Ans: (d) in his heart’s core.

8. The poet will live in Innisfree 

(a) with his family members.

(b) all alone.

(c) with his friend.

(d) with his relatives.

Ans: (b) all alone.

Notes of SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 8 | English Medium Class 9 English Notes In this post we will explain to you Class 9 English Chapter 8 Question Answer | SEBA Class 9 English Question Answer Chapter 8 If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you.

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