SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 13 The Happy Prince

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Class 9 English Chapter 13 The Happy Prince

SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 13 The Happy Prince Question Answer । Guide for Class 9th English Chapter 13 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The Happy Prince

Textual Questions

1. Why do the courtiers call the prince “The Happy Prince”? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?

Ans: The courtiers call the prince “The Happy Prince” because during his lifetime he did not know what sorrow was as no sorrow was allowed to enter the palace. Thus, he spent his life happily. But after his life he is not happy because he is placed on a tall column where from he can see the ugliness and the misery of his city. These scenes make him unhappy and weep silently.

2. Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do in the seamstress house?

Ans: The Happy Prince sees that the seamstress’ little baby is ill. The baby asks for oranges. But the seamstress has no money. So, the Happy prince sends a ruby for the seamstress through the swallow. It places the ruby near the thimble of the lady tailor. He also fans the ill boy and then returns to the prince.

3. For whom does the prince send the sapphires and why? 

Ans: The prince sends a sapphires for a playwright who has to finish a play for the Director of the theatre, but he is unable to do so because he feels very cold and has no fire to warm himself. He is also hungry and weak.

He also sends another sapphires for the match girl who has fallen all the matches into the gutter. She is crying because her father will beat her when she cannot give him money. The prince wants to help both of them. So, he sends his sapphires for them. 

4. What does the swallow see when it flies over the city?

Ans: When the swallow flies over the city, it sees the rich people. making merry in their beautiful houses and the beggars are seen sitting at their gates. It also sees in the dark lanes, there are poor children. They are hungry and their faces are white. He also sees the watchman asking two hungry young boys to run off. 

5. Why did the swallow not leave the prince and go to Egypt?

Ans: The Happy prince had become completely blind as the sapphires had been plucked out from his eyes. He felt pity for the prince. He could not leave the prince in such a state. So, he decided to live with the prince and not to go to Egypt.

6. What are the precious things mentioned in the story? Why are they precious?

Ans: The two precious things mentioned in the story are the heart of the happy prince and the dead swallow. They are precious because they have sacrificed themselves for the sake of the other people.

Additional Questions

1. Why did the swallow want to go to Egypt? 

Ans: The swallow wanted to go to Egypt because all his friends had gone there.

2. Why couldn’t the swallow go to Egypt?

Ans: The swallow wanted to go to Egypt. But after the sapphires were plucked off from the prince’s eyes, the prince became completely blind. The swallow felt pity for him and decided to remain with him forever. So, he couldn’t go to Egypt.

3. How did the swallow get on in the cold?

Ans: His swallow grew colder and colder. He flapped his wings in order to keep himself warm. But he could no longer keep himself in that cold and ultimately died due to hunger and extreme cold.

4. What did the angels consider “The two most precious things in the city”?

Ans: The angels considered the lead heart and the dead swallow the two most precious things in the city. They took these two things to God.

5. What was the playwright doing when the swallow entered his garret?

Ans: When the swallow entered the playwright’s garret he found him with his head buried in his hands. He did not hear the flutter of the bird’s wings. He was sad.

6. What made the playwright happy? 

Ans: On seeing a sapphire lying near him on the label, the playwright thought that it had been sent by some great admirers. This made him happy.

7. How did the Happy prince help the needy people and made them happy? 

Ans: The happy prince’s heart melted with pity when he saw the sufferings of others. He helped the seamstress with his ruby. Then he helped the playwright with one of his valuable sapphires. He also gave the other sapphires to a match girl and became blind. Finally, he gave all the gold leaves of his body to bring back happiness to the hungry children. He sacrificed everything for the poor and made them happy with the help of the swallow. 

8. Why was the statue of the Happy Prince pulled down? What happened to it?

Ans: The Happy Prince had given away his jewels and golds on his body. The Prince looked ugly. The city Mayor happened to pass by that way. He saw the statue that was looking very ugly. He ordered it to be pulled down.

The statue was melted in a furnace but the broken lead heart would not melt. So, it was thrown on a dust heap where the dead swallow was also lying.

9. What made the Happy Prince cry? 

Ans: The Happy Prince could see all the miseries of the city. He was heartbroken on seeing the sorrows of the poor people. So, he cried.

10. Describe the statue of the Happy Prince?

Ans: The statue of the Happy Prince stood on a tall column high above the city. His body was covered with gold. It had sapphires in its eyes and ruby on its sword hilt.

11. Why did the Prince not know what tears were during his lifetime?

Ans: The Prince lived in a palace where no sorrow was allowed to enter. Really, he was happy. So, he did not know what tears were then.

12. How did the Prince and the swallow help the poor? 

Ans: The swallow told the Prince about the misery of the poor people in the city. He was very sorry to hear the sorrowful plight of the helpless people and asked the swallow to pluck gold and jewels from his body. He asked the swallow to give all these to the poor.

13. What happened to the little swallow when it alighted between the feet of the Happy Prince?

Ans: Once a little swallow came flying to the city of the Happy Prince. He wanted to go to Egypt. He sat on the statue and decided to spend the night on it. But as he was going to sleep, a large drop of water fell on him. The swallow was surprised. There was no cloud, yet it rained. The second drop of water made the swallow decide to fly off. The third drop of water made him look at the statue. It was weeping. The misery of the people made the statue weep.

Notes of SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 13 | English Medium Class 9 English Notes In this post we will explain to you Class 9 English Chapter 13 Question Answer | SEBA Class 9 English Question Answer Chapter 13 If you are a Student of English, Hindi, Assamese Medium then it will very helpfull for you.

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