Class 11 Education Chapter 1 Concept and Aims & Answers

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Class 11 Education Chapter 1 Concept and Aims & Answers

Class 11 Education Chapter 1 Concept and Aims & Answers Question Answer | Guide for Class 11th Education Chapter 1 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Education In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English Medium then it will be very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,AHSEC Class 11 Education Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 Concept and Aims & Answers


1. What is Education? Explain its meaning by giving suitable definitions.

Ans: Education is one of the most powerful agencies in moulding the Character and personality of the individual and determine the future of individuals and nations.

According to Plato and Aristotle education as a process of collection of informations and knowledge which helps intellectual growth and development.

Rousseau regarded education as “plants are developed by cultivation and men by education.”

Rabindranath regarded education as “that process which makes one’s life in harmony with all existence and thus enables the mind to find the ultimate truth which gives as wealth of inner light and love”.

According to swami Vivekananda “Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man”.

2. From which word, the word ‘Education’ has been originated?

Ans: The word ‘education’ has a latin derivation. In Latin the word “Educare” means “to draw out”, “to bring up”, “to foster.”

3. Explain the scope of Education.

Ans: The literal meaning of scope is “range”. Scope means area or subject matter of study with views, outlook, planning, effectiveness, operation and application on the concerned persons is a comprehensive way. Education is a comprehensive concept which includes the knowledge obtained through newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other means in addition to the formal education provided in the schools and colleges. It enables the child to earn his livelihood and to behave properly, in accordance with his age.

Education attempts to develop the personality of the child and prepare him the membership of the society. Personality comprises the physical, social, mental emotional and spiritual characteristic of the person. Education thus becomes a process leading to the enlightenment of mankind and it is the most formidable tool for survival. It means intellectual growth alone is not the creation for education, but also emotional maturity and ethical awareness is also essential.

 Education is incomplete without the formation of good habits. The purposes of education in this respect is not merely to contribute to the continuity of culture but also to change peacefully and rationally the material foundations of civilization. Thus in real understanding education is life which includes manners, values morals, taste, skills attitudes personality and belief etc.

On the other hand the modern approach of education is child centred education. A modern educator who swears by modern techniques of teaching must understand the child where he plays he most significant role.

The role of the teacher is also indispensable as his responsibilities have also really increased. Today besides transmitting knowledge, teachers, function is to develop himself as a facilitates to the child. Therefore, from the purview of education scope of education is concerned with the “whole man the entire life of an individual. Its scope is very wide. It is as wide as the whole world and long as the history of mankind.

4. Write in brief about the narrow and wider meaning of education.

Ans: The Narrow meaning of Education: The most general and common meaning the education is schooling. In common parlance, people regard this concept of education to be synonyms with intellectual knowledge or formal instruction. From the narrow stand point education means more literacy, the knowledge of 3R’s (reading, writing and arithmetic). In this narrow sense a man is ‘said to be educated if he has a vast store house of information or has passed some examinations from educational institution. From this stand point therefore, imparting of the knowledge of 3Rs is the only function which education has to discharge. But this is a very narrow meaning of this concept because education includes not only the special influence of formal educational institutions but also many other indirect influences of some other agencies lying outside the schools like the library, the press, the cinema, the family etc.

The wider meaning of Education: In the wider and less definite sense educational implies the influence of the whole environment upon the individual. It is infact a process of development. In the words of Raymont-“Educational means that process of development in which consists the passage of human beings from infancy to maturity the process where by he gradually adopts himself in various ways to this physical, social and spiritual environment”. In this comprehensive sense education is a process of growth and all experience is education. It is a continuous process of modification. In the words John Dewey, the famous educationist of America, “Life itself is development and developing itself is life. Education is also a life-long process of development.” In fact “whatever broadens our mental outlook, sharpens our insight, refines other reactions and stimulates our thought and feeling educates us”. Education in this sense does not cease with the cessation of school life. It has no end beyond more growth the and change. In the words of Durville- “Education in its wide sense includes all influences which set upon the individual during the passage from the cradle to the grave”- Mahatma Gandhi also made a remark that education covers the entire field of life. There is nothing in life however small which is not the concern of education. Dewey also remarked “Education is all one with growing, it has no end beyond itself”.

5. Education is a “Bi-polar” as well as “Tri-Polar process”-Discuss.

Ans: Education- A Bi-polar Process: Modern education regards education as a Bi-Polar Process. It involves the interplay of the educator and the educant. Bi-Polar process means the personality of the educator which modifies the behaviour of the child and on the other hand the personality of the child also acts on the personality of the educator. Thus process is not only conscious but also deliberate. According to Dewey this process has psychological and sociological side. The psychological side is the basis of this process. It furnishes the materials and given the starting points for all education. In order to make education real and useful, the educator must know about the nature interest and activities of the educant.

Education A Tri-Polar Process: Education is also regarded as a Tri-Polar process involving the interaction of the personality of the educators on that of the educand in a social setting which affect the modification of the behaviour of the educand. According to John Dewey on the other hand, the sociological side is more important than the psychological. The child is to live in and for the community to which he belongs. Social conditions should be studied by the teacher and mould the child according to the social setting. Therefore, education is considered as a tripolar process where teacher, student and society community is interrelated.

6. Explain the following concepts:

(a) Education as a life long process.

Ans: Education is a continuous and lifelong process. It is the process of development from infancy to maturity. It includes the effect of everything which influences human personality.

(b) Educational as modification of human behaviour.

Ans: Education is the modification of behaviour. It enlarges human experience and so it produces some change in one’s behaviour which involves thinking feeling and action.

(c) Education as an instrument of social change.

Ans: Society is changing frequently education helps to bring the constant changes of the society. Children of the society get the correct concept of right and wrong from the help of education. Through education old customs and other things can be modified and they can accept some new and progressive changes.

7. Write briefly on:

(a) Formal education

(b) Informal education

(c) Non-Formal Education

Ans: (a) Formal education: Formal Education is imparted in a school, college or in any form of institution. It is planned with a specific end in view. It is deliberately planned with framed regulations for a specific end in view. It is deliberately planned with framed regulations for a specific period of time. In the formal educational system there is a systematic well defined curriculum in the formal system of education. Formal system of education on carries strict discipline, management and rules in the institutions. Formal education is concerned with the teachers, taught and the schools, colleges and other type of institutions. In the formal type of institutions there is rigidity in attendance and programs in their own systems. Formal education is fully structured to teach something and around this lies everything else- namely the staff, equipment religions institutions etc. Formal education is given by specially qualified teachers. They are supposed to be efficient in the art of instruction.

(b) Informal education: Informal education is not preplanned. It is -by nature, wide and more comprehensive which comprises many and vivid experiences provided by the environment. In formal education is quite incidental, situational and spontaneous leaving all the formalities. Informal agencies of education are such as home, social and religious institutions, Cinema, radio, television, press, libraries films and other such agencies. The influence of these agencies are very important and significant informal education is not given according to any fixed time-table or through formal means of education.

A member of experts defines informal education as ‘The process by which a person imbibes attitudes, develop skills, cultivates values and acquires knowledge, without these bring any organization or system about it. This would include the deliberate attempts of parents and others in the family and community to help the young ones grow and adapt themselves to the environment. Informal education also include all incidental learning that takes place while at work or at play and during travels as well as spontaneous learning through films, radio and television.

(c) Non-Formal Education: Non-Formal education is a modern and recent in concept, scope and method. It is life-long with learning integrated with life and work. Non-formal education is consciously and deliberately organised and systematically implemented. Non-formal education is by nature a continuous process. The aim of this ‘education is all round development of man. It is a process of enabling the individual to understand his own needs, the environmental situation, the social goals and mutual relationship. Non-formal education helps in sharir.g exploring analysing and judging together with maximum participation of the learners. Non-formal education is also pre-planned life formal education. The education under non-formal education is also given by experienced teachers but mostly through correspondence. It is need based, flexible and dynamic. The programmes of non-formal education are also organised round the temples, Mosques and Churches, some secular institutions also conducts programmes like dance, music, folk drama, etc. Presently the non-formal education are modified with the form of liberal and vocational education. In non-formal education, education certificate degrees are awarded on the basis of evaluation. Non-formal education encourages healthy points of departure towards progress. It anticipates and prepares for change for the future. Non-formal education is based on the principle of maximisation on human potentialities.

8. Distinguish between:

(a) Formal and informal education.

Ans: Difference between formal and informal education:

Formal Education Informal Education 
1.Formal education has formal means and purpose.1.Informal education has no such means and purposes.
2.Schools are the formal agencies of education.2.The various constituents of a the society are the agencies of informal education.
3.In formal education there is formal course of study.3.In informal education there is no syllabi or formal course.
4.In formal education there is beginning and end.4.Informal education is a life long process having no. beginning and end.
5.Only qualified teachers impart in formal education.5.Different individuals and agencies imparinterest education.
6.Formal education is dominated by examination.6.In informal there is no place for examination.
7.Formal education came into existence after informal education.7.Informal education proceeds formal education.
8.Rules regulations and discipline are indispensable parts of formal education.8.Informal education is regulated by rules regulations and discipline.
9.In formal education there is limited freedom for the individuals.9.There is ample freedom for the individual in informal education.
10.Formal education is expensive.10.Informal education is not expensive.
11.Formal education awards Degree, Diploma etc. to the individual.11.In informal education there is no provision for awarding Degree, Diploma etc.
12.Formal education is pre-planned and designed.12.Informal education is not planned and designed.
13.Formal education is time, space and age bound.13.Informal education is not bound by time, space and age.

(b) Formal and Non-formal education.


Formal Education Non-formal Education 
1.Formal education is organised for teaching.1.Non-formal education is organized for learning either by one self or by a group.
2.Formal school is a full time institution.2.Non-formal education is part-time.
3.The role of the teacher is more dominating.3.The role of the teacher is less dominating. Teacher-Pupil relationship is more intimate.
4.Formal education is run by professional teachers on full and Non-professional persons.4.Non-formal Programmes are run by professional and non professional persons.
5.Formal education is organised through schools and colleges.5.Non-formal education may be organised by social, political, cultural organizations.
6.In formal education there is uniformity and rigidity.6.Non-formal education is characterized by flexibility and diversity.
7.In formal education attendance is compulsory.7.In non-formal education attendance is voluntary.
8.Formal education includes non -workers.8.In Non-formal education programmes are organized for workers.
9.Formal education is centralized.9.Non-formal education is decentralized.
10.Formal education is more expensive.10.Non formal education is less expensive.
11.Formal education is space bound and time bound.11.Non-formal education is.not space-bound and time bound.
12.Formal education is employment oriented.12.Non-formed education is guided by individual development and motivated by self renewal.

9. Who was the Chief supporter of individual aim of education?

Ans: Sir Percy Nunn was the Chief supporter of individual aim of education.

10. What is meant by education for individuality? How far do you accept this view? 

Ans: According to Percy Nunn the ardent advocates of individuality life aims at the fullest development of individuality and therefore education should aim at developing the individuality of the child. In his words ” educational efforts, it would seem be limited to securing for every one the conditions under which individuality is most completely developed, that is to enabling him to make his original contribution to the variegated whole of human life as fully and as truly characteristic as his nature permits, the form of contribution being left to the individual as something which each must in living an by living forge out himself.” The individualistic ideal of education emphasises individual excellence and personal self-realisation. I accept this view due to its some advantages.

These are:

(i) Biological support: The biologists believe that every individual is different from the other. In the words of Prof. G Thompson, “Education is for the individual, its function being to enable the individual to survive and live out its complete life. Education is imparted to preserve the individual life. Community exists for the individual, not the individual for the community. Therefore, individual and not society should be the centre of all educational efforts and activities:”

(ii) Naturalists’ support: Naturalists like Nunn and Rousseau believe that aim of education should be the autonomous development of the individual. They stress that education should be imparted according to the nature of the individual.

(iii) Psychologists’ Support: According to psychology, every individual has his own unique personality. Every individual differs from the other in terms of mental abilities and talents. The task of education should be to help in the development of the innate powers of an individual.

(iv) Spiritualists’ support: The spiritualists believe that every individual is a separate entity and responsible for his own actions. The main task of education should therefore, be to help the individual in self. realisation

11. Explain the social aim of education with its merits and demerits.

Ans: John Dewey, the pragmatic philosopher has put forward a broad aim of education which is known as the socialistic aim. According to this socialistic theory the claims of society are always above the claims of the individual members composing the society. Therefore, every scheme of education should try to prepare individuals the social living. In fact the school should be a “miniature society” and everything taught in the school should have social bearing. Education is really a strong instrument of Social change. The champions of this ideals maintain that the society as a super personal entity has absolute right to dictate what should be the ultimate aim of education. Every individual should try to contribute as far as practicable towards social welfare and social progress.

Merits of Social aim:

Educationists have stressed on the social aim of education for the following reasons:

(i) Man is a social animal and therefore, he develops through social contacts. It is not possible for an individual to live without society. Raymont believes that the ‘isolated individual is a figment of the imagination’.

(ii) John Dewey, the Chief supporter of this aim believes that education should develop in each and every individual social efficiency which must be achieved by the positive use of individual powers and capacities in social occupations. Such person is not a burden on society but contributes to its development. He also follows the moral and social standards of conduct.

(iii) Gandhi who also supported this aim had formulated the basic scheme with the objective of making people realise that education was not only for their individual benefit but also for the needs of a predominantly rural and agrarian population.

Demerits of Social aim:

(i) Some educationists are of the view that social basis of human nature is not instinctive but habitual. We can change the habit of an individual, but not his instinct Education helps us to the develop good habits to lead a healthy social life.

(ii) Social aim if carried to the extreme reduces the individual to a mere entity.

(iii)The extreme notion of the all powerful state or society ignores the legitimate needs, desires and interests of the individual and suppresses his creative power.

(iv) It makes the individual only a tool in the hands of the govt, and demands unquestioning obedience and loyalty from the individual.

(v) It does not give any importance to individual development and his inherent qualities.

12. Make a difference between individual and social aim of Education.

Ans: The difference between individual and social aim of Education can be discussed under the following points:

(i) Basis: Individual aim of education is based on biological heredity of man.

While social aim of education is based on social haridity of man.

(ii) Power or freedom: Individual aim of education entrust complete freedom to the individual.

 While social aim of education entrust complete freedom and power to the state.

(iii) Believes: Individual aims of education believes the social development as a sub originate to the individual development.

While social aim of education believes individual development as a sub-originate to the social development.

(iv) Dependent Individual aim of education is dependent on the philosophy of naturalism.

While social aim of education depend on physiology of pragmatism

13. The individual and social aim of education are not contradictory but complementary to each other. Discuss the statement.

Ans: As man is potentially divine education should help the individual to develop his potentialities to such an extent that he is in a position to perfect himself. Man should therefore be educated as man. If education fails to realize the unique potentialities of each man, it will harm him as well as the society. Progressive thinkers feel that when individuals are developed society will automatically be developed. Great socio-cultural changes have been brought in this world by the personal influence of exceptional individuals. For example no one can deny that the contributions of people like Buddha. Mahatma Gandhi, Lenin, Martin Luther King etc. have had tremendous influence on the life of the people. People life these create society and preserve purify and promote and transmit culture to the young generation. Therefore the aim of education should be to develop individuality. Bertrand Russel rightly said that, “Education of the individual is a fair thing than the education of the citizen.”

By instinct, man is social. The sociological approach stresses that the development of an individual should be thought of in relation to his society and culture. Dewey maintained that education should produce socially efficient individuals who are socially aware and culturally refined. Every-individual in the society must be vocationally efficient or else he will be a parasite in the society. He should also be tolerant towards others and he aware about the rights and duties of a citizen. Hence, the social aim of education gives more importance on social heredity.

The individual and social aims of education are contradictory to each other. Some one say that a synthesis of education for individuality and education for the development of the state is not possible. In their extreme forms both the aims are undesirable and not at all. Conducive for the enhancement of either the individual or the society because unrestricted freedom produces undisciplined and selfish persons and on the other hand subordination of individuals by the state results in the suppression of one’s potentialities.

In reality, however, the argument that the two aims are contradictory is baseless. Events in history have proved that there have been unparalleled individual achievements in the field of art, literature, science, philosophy etc. and also in the life of the society. The Gupta period in Indian history is a glorious example of this. In today’s world we can find this in many advanced countries. So we can say that both the aims are complementary to each other. Percy Nunn one of the chief exponents of the individual aim admitted that ‘Individuality develops only in a social environment where it can feed on common interests and common activities”. Aristotle also said that, “The individual human being was not only a rational but a social and political animal, and because of this he had always lived in some kind of society.”

Thus it follows that a person develop as a human being in a community -a family, a village or in a city state. Neither the individual nor the society should be regarded as superior to each other. Instead the individual is essential for the society and the latter is necessary for the individual. So the individual and social aims of education can be coordinated to achieve the maximum development of both man and society. John Dewey rightly said that, ‘The individual who is able to the educated is a social individual and the society is an organic union of individuals.

14. What is vocational aim of education? What makes this aim so important for the society.

Ans: One of the most important aims of education in the present society is the vocational aim. In today’s world earning one’s livelihood is considered to be the most honourable experiences of his life. Parents expect their children to the educated enough to earn a respectable being this makes them self-sufficient in life and consequently develops self satisfaction, mental and moral strength and self confidence. Vocational aim of education makes education a purposeful activity. It helps to develop various interests and arouses thoughts and feelings in the minds of the young students. Vocational aim again helps in placing a person in the right vocation and instills the right attitude to work. This aim increases the industrial competency of a person without which he becomes a parasite in the society.

Advancement of science and technology and rapid industrialization has emphasized importance of the vocational aim of education. When the people of a nation become vocationally efficient, there is economic progress and consequently political and social stability. Mahatma Gandhi said “True education ought to be for children a kind of insurance against unemployment”. So preparation for a vocational is an important part of our education. Vocational education bridges the gulf between the rich and poor people. The education of the advanced countries lay special emphasis on developing the vocational efficiency of the people. According to John Dewey “Education is meaningful only when it aims at some vocation or employment.” Today’s child should grow up to be a responsible citizen tomorrow and one of his main responsibilities is to earn a living. Hence the importance of the vocational aim of education cannot be ignored.

15. What should be the aim of education in a democracy? 

Ans: The word Democracy is derived from two Greek words – “Demos” (which means people) and “Kratos” (which means power) from this we can easily define democracy as the power of the people. Henderson once remarked that ‘Democracy is based upon infinite value and worth of human personality and belief that men are capable of managing their own affairs in such a way as to promote the welfare of all and that they should have the freedom to do so.” The basic principle underlying democracy is the importance of individuality and respect for his freedom.

The main characteristics of democracy as:

(i) Affirming the dignity of the individual.

(ii) Equality

(iii) Liberty

(iv) Fraternity.

According to the university commission education is the great test instrument of social emancipation. The relationship between education and democracy is education of the masses. Because the success of democracy depends upon the civic, consciousness of the people regarding various problems confronting the society. The democracy the responsibility of the school are great.

Therefore the aims of education is democracy must be formulated on the basis of the following viz:

(i) Widespread expansion of education.

(ii) Preparing future citizens for economic productivity and self dependence.

(iii) Training for leadership.

(iv) Training for good citizenship.

(v) Aiming at complete development of personality.

(vi) Freedom for thought and action.

(vii) Training for national discipline.

(viii) Educating for national integration.

(ix) Educating for social emancipation.

(x) Preparing for international understanding.

(xi) Accelerating the process of modernization.

(xii) Educating for social equality and justice.

(xiii) Training for self expression.

(xiv) Mąking people politically conscious etc.

16. Write briefly on the relation of education with.

Ans: (a) Education and Biology: Biology is the study of living beings. It is the study of man and nature. It studies about the physical growth mechanism of an individual. By studying nature, it makes a detailed study of the physical environment around man and its impact on his growth.

Education also is a study of man and his environment. But its study is a broader than that of biology. It takes into consideration both the physical and mental factors that affect the growth of child. While dealing with environment, it includes both the physical and social environment of man and its impact on its growth. Education deals with the mental abilities of a man and all these abilities are directly related to our physiological body, the study of which is a subject matter of Biology.

Biology makes a detailed study about the dietary habits of man and why and what type of food should be consumed by man to achieve proper nutrition. The in taking of a balanced diet help a child develop proper both physically and mentally. Education in its scope also includes as to why such food is necessary for the proper growth of a child and the relation between physical and mental growth.

(b) Education and Sociology: (2016, 2019) The concept of education can be using wider sense. As it refers to all the experiences in which learner can learn something.

But the sociology is the study of getting maximum ability from each member of the society. Sociology includes both teaching and learning process.

The word ‘Sociology’ is derived from the latin word socio. Which implies companion and it is also derived from the Greek word ‘logos’ which implies scientific study.

On the other hand, education word is derived from two latin word “E” and “Duco”, “E” means “out of” and “Duco” means “to lead”. So education implies draw out something and to “put in something”. So education also has to aspect learning and teaching.

The relationship between education and sociology is that by increasing quality of education that the society can be improve.

On the other hand poor education system can decline the status of society.

(c) Education and Philosophy(2019): Education is said to be a normative science whereas philosophy is an art. When we look at these meanings it seems that there is no relation between the two subjects. But on a detailed study we find that there is a great relation between the two subjects.

Education may be said to be the dynamic side of philosophy. Philosophy lays down the principles and directions for moulding the behaviour of a child which is the ultimate aim of education. Philosophy formulates the method and education processes it. Philosophy lays down the ideas, values and principles of life and education works out those ideas, values and principles. Philosophy sets the goals of life and education provides the means for its achievement.

Yet another fact that establishes a relation between these two subjects is that all the great philosophers of the world have also been great educators, whether they belonged to the east or west. For example, Tagore, Gandhi, Locke, Rousseau, Spencer and many more.

Philosophy also provides aims to education. These aims determine the curriculum, the methods of teaching, the problems of school organisation, school discipline and the role of the teacher in the process of education.

(d) Education and Economics: Throughout human history education and economic growth have been closely interlinked. Generally, Economics is defined as the science of wealth. In other words it is a science which deals with the study of the nature of production, Consumption, distribution and exchange of wealth. Education is concerned with giving vocational training to the children in order to make him a good producer vigilant consumer and efficient distributor of wealth by becoming economically self dependent. Plato remarked before 2000 years ago that education has an economic value and therefore a considerable part of the wealth must be invested in education..

The relation between economics and education is felt in the following areas viz.:

(i) From the standpoint of economics education is an investment.

(ii) The realisation of educational objectives involves economics as there is need of money for the same.

(iii) The overall economic development of the nation depends upon the educational development.

(iv) Education is a great instrument for the removal of poverty.

(v) Education only can remove socio-economic disparity in the society.

(vi) The problem of unemployment can be solved if education is made job-oriented.

(vii) Education only can give a person economic security.

(viii) Remarkable development of science, technology and explosion of knowledge has brought about revolutionary change in the field of education.

In order to meet the challenge of future education must increase the amount of budget provision.

(ix) Eduction helps manpower planning which is dependent on economic resources.

(x) Educational programmes such as removal of illiteracy, Adult education programmes non-formal education. Open education and distance education needs strong economic support.

(xi) Education helps to solve some of the economic problems faced by the society such as (a) problems connected with educated unemployment (b) Absence of the dignity of labour, (c) Lack of awareness regarding rights and duties of a citizen, (d) Lack of facilities for job training (e) Problems of regional imbalance (f) Lack of awareness about the importance of investment in education etc.

(e) Education and statistics: Statistics is a set of tools for summarising and describing a set of data. Statistics is a branch of science which deals with the classification and frequency of occurrence of different kinds of things as a basis for description and inference. Statistics deals with collection and analysis of data. Statistics is used in every aspect of work of daily life. For example when we take our weights or measure of heights, when we scrutinise cricket test scores of various players compare the works obtained in the examinations by different students we use statistical help only. Statistical concepts are used when we often take of average price of a commodity also. Knowledge of statistics is required in almost all fields of study. Statistical teachings are used for research in physical and natural sciences like physics, chemistry and Biology. It is used in the applied pure and social sciences like Geology, Anthropology, Medical Engineering, Sociology, Economics, Psychology. Knowledge of statistics is particularly useful to students of Psychology etc. and Education because it helps in understanding the modern literature for better use.

Education and statistics is so related that it helps in conducting research investigations at the primary level to conclusion level. Statistics helps the teachers and school administrators in evaluating the performances of students in the schools. In education statistics is used widely in the planning and administration of the institutions. In education attempt are being made to measure human ability i.e., intelligence, scholastic aptitude, creativity, personality, interest, behaviour, attitude etc. through statistical analysis only. Therefore knowledge of statistical technique is required for understanding and problem solving in all the situations in education.

17. Mention two provisions of Right to Education Act, 2009.

Ans: Main provisions of the Act:

(i) Every child between the ages of six to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school, till completion of elementary education – External website that opens in a new window.

(i) No child shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education.

A. Very Short type. Question Answer (Marks 1-2)

(I) Fill up the blanks:

1. Tri-polar process of education involves the interplay of the education,_____and the social forces.

Ans: Pupil.

2. The author of the famous book ‘Democracy and Education’ in_____.

Ans: John Dewey.

3. Education we get from schools or colleges is called_____.

Ans: Formal.

4. Individual and social aim of education are not contradictory, but____to each other.

 Ans: Complimentary.

5. The chief exponent of social aim of Education is____.

Ans: John Dewey.

6. The most influential agency in the socialization of the child is _____.

Ans: Family

7. The education is a_____. process.

Ans: Tri-polar.

8. Modern education is____ centric.

Ans: Child.

9. ______has described education as a bipolar process.

Ans: John Adams.

10. The word Education is derived from_____.

Ans: Latin.

11. Education has two____, one is narrow and the other is broad.

Ans: Meanings.

12. The word Education is derived from the Latin word____.

Ans: Educere.

13. Find the correct answer;

_____is not education (modification of behaviour Discovery of lasting values / Literacy.

Ans: Literacy.

14. Education is a_____process of development.

Ans: Continuous

15. Informal education is not____ by society.

Ans: Recognised.

16.______ is a tri-polar process.

Ans: Education

17. The Chief advocate of individual aim is_______.

Ans: Sir Percy Nunn.

18. Modern education is______. centric.

Ans: Child

19. John Dewey wrote_____and_____.

Ans: Democracy and Education.

20. Vocational aim of education maker education a______activity.

Ans: Purposeful

21. Education has two______,one is narrow and the other is broad.

Ans: Meaning.

22. Individual and social aims of education are not_____ to each other. 

Ans: Contradictory.

23. According to Aristotle “Education is creating a mind in a_____ body.

Ans: Sound, sound.

(II) Multiple Choice Questions:

(a) The author of the famous book ‘Democracy and Education’ is 

(i) Percy Nun.

(ii) John Dewey

(iii) Gandhi

Ans: (ii) John Dewey

(b) Education we get from schools and colleges is called

(i) Formal Education

(ii) Informal Education

(iii) Non-formal education.

Ans: (i) Formal Education.

(c) “Life itself is development and development itself is life” Who made the statement?

(i) John Dewey

(ii) Aristotle

(iii) Socrates.

Ans: (i) John Dewey

(III) Answer the following:

(a) “Life itself is development and development itself is life Who made the statement?

Ans: John Dewey.

(b) “Education dispels error and discovers truth”. Who said this?

Ans: Socrates.

(c) “Education is the creation of a sound mind in sound body who said this?

Ans: Aristotle

(d) “Education is a life long process”. Who made this statement

Ans: John Dewey.

(e) “To prepare us for complete living is the function which education has to discharge.” Who said this?

Ans: Herbert spencer.

(f) “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man” Who said this?

Ans: Swami vivekananda

(g) From which language has the word “education” originated?

Ans: Latin word educere

(h) “Education is a natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers.” Who said this?

Ans: Pestalozzi

B. Short Type Question – Answer. (Marks 3/5)

1. Give the difference between literacy and Education.

Ans: For the common people, both these terms may be the same. But the educationists feel that education and literacy are not the same. A literate person may not be termed as educated and an illiterate cannot be termed as uneducated.

Literacy means the ability of an individual to read and write. An individual who acquires formal education by going to school and college is called a literate. After completing his training here, he is awarded with a degree, diploma or certificate by the concerned authority. It is therefore, acquiring some knowledge in a particular field.

Education, on the other hand comprises of the experiences in his everyday life. Every individual acquires experiences even without going to school or colleges. Through such experience an individual is able to solve the problems of his life. These are more useful in a man’s life. They help an individual to modify his behavior by his own mistakes and form his character and personality according to the social norms. Such individuals cannot be termed as uneducated because they may have acquired more experiences of life than a literate man.

In the other hand, a literate may not have a developed character and personality. His expression of behaviour may not be modified, according to the norms of the society. He may also not be able to modify his instincts.

So we can say that an illiterate person cannot be called uneducated and a literate cannot be called educated.

2. Mention five characteristics of non-formal education.

Ans: The five characteristics of non-formal education are:

(i) Non-formal education is open ended and Noncompetitive.

(ii) Non-formal education is structured and planned but out side the sphere of formal education.

(iii) It is consciously and deliberately organised and implemented.

(iv) It is programmed to serve the needs of a homogeneous group.

(v) Non-formal education possesses flexibility in design of the curriculum and process of evaluation.

3. Mention five education value of films.

Ans: The five education value of films are:

Films present certain meaning involving motion.

(i) Films attract attention which is essential for learning and recall.

(iii) Films clarify the time factor in any operation or series of events

(iv) Bring the past and the distant to the classroom.

(v) Enlarge and reduce the actual size of objects.

4. Write five advantage of radio as a agency of education.

Ans: The five advantage of radio as a agency of education are:

(i) Radio broadcasting enables the education to supplement their classroom instruction.

(ii) It can move in time and space and make its points from drama and documentary.

(iii) As a supplementary learning experience radio is very much valuable.

(iv) It has the attractiveness of a medium depends on personality.

(v) It can reach the masses conquering the barriers of space and time.

5. Mention five infinite value of TV as an audio-visual instrument.

Ans: (i) TV comes to the relief of those persons who are unable to acquire education through the traditional system.

(ii) Educational television has both amusement and instruction.

(iii) It holds great promise for education and possibilities, dissemination of information.

(iv) It makes the teacher more alert well informed and upto date.

(v) Educational telecast can recreate the past through dramatization, films or lectures.

6. Give five purpose of newspaper as an informal agency of education.

Ans: (i) It acquaints the reading public with various news of the world.

(ii) It provides good recreation.

(iii) It moulds the public opinion.

(iv) It provides a cheap but influential means of educating the citizens of country.

7. “An illiterate is uneducated”- explain.

Ans: In the literal sense, an illiterate person means one who cannot read and write. But such a person may acquire physical and mental development without formal education. From that point of view he may not be called uneducated. A carpenter or a cultivator may be illiterate, but not uneducated. Again, it is found in many cases that inspite of admirable success in formal education by many they may not be called ‘educated’ in the true sense of the term.

8. Mention two objectives of the National Policy of education of 1986.

Ans: Two objectives of the National Policy of education of 1986 are:

(i) The policy emphasises that education must facilitate socio-economic well-being and creativeness of the individual.

(ii) There should be a proper coordination between education and employment opportunities.

9. What is meant by Child-centric education?

Ans: From the beginning of the 18th century onwards the great educationists like Rousseau, Herbert, Montessari, Pastalozzi etc. emphasised upon child-centric education which means too much stress on the all round development of the child. A teacher has to impart education according to the needs and interest of the child. A child is always born with some potentialities and abilities within them. The education should aim at development these inborn qualities and talents of the child, so that they may become established personalities in near future.

10. Write briefly on knowledge aim of education.

Ans: Knowledge aim of education means that education means only for the spiritual upliftment of an individual. Knowledge is a kind of divine light which can remove ignorance, miseries, sorrows and sufferings of human life. It is based on philosophy of attainment of Nirvana of the Buddhist ideology.

This aim of education was promoted by Idealistic philosophers. They always maintain that divine light of knowledge should be the sole aim of education.

The main criticism against the knowledge aim of education is that it has given more stress upon the spiritual knowledge and has ignored the material and practical knowledge which serves the immediate needs of man.

C. Essay Type Question. (Marks -6/10)

1. What is education for national development. Discuss some of the important points of education that can help national development.

Ans: Every nation in the world feels that it should have some specific aim of education for its own national development and welfare. Progress of a nation depends upon its educational ideals, policies and programmes undertaken by the state for its people. It refines a sensitive and perceptive mind that contribute to national harmony, scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit which extend the goals of socialism, secularism and democracy.

Some important points of education that can help national development are:

(i) Increase in production

(ii) Increase in the process of modernization

(iii) To build up national integration by the establishment of common schools which should be open to all students irrespective of caste, creed, religion economic condition etc..

(iv) To consolidate the democracy.

(v) To build the character through the development of social moral and spiritual values.

2. Describe the merits or importance of the vocational aim of education. Also write its criticism.

Ans: Following are the merits or importance of vocational aim:

(i) Balances individual capacity with social service: Vocational aim helps in maintaining a balance between the capacity of the individual with social service. This ultimately leads to the development of social efficiency in the students.

(ii) Balances economic and industrial progress: Vocational education strikes a balance between economic and industrial development. It prepares students for a useful life and occupation.

(iii) Reduces emphasis on verbalism: Vocational aim of education reduces the dominance of the development of only the intellect. Rousseau and Gandhi were great supporters of this aim. Gandhiji even introduced craft and manual work as a part of his basic education scheme.

(iv) A purposeful activity:; Vocational education makes education a purposeful activity leading to efficiency. The Indian Education commission of 1964-66 has recommended the inclusion of “Work experience” in the Secondary education.

(v) Suitable for persons with lower intelligence: Children having lower intelligence are benefitted from vocational education because they cannot perform well in academic subjects.

(vi) Bridges gap: Vocational aim of education also helps in bridging the gap between the upper and lower class. Both the classes of pupil receive equal vocational education in the schools and colleges.

(vii) Teaches Dignity of Labour: Vocational education develops the concept of “dignity of Labour” in the students. They understand that no work is big or small. Every work has its own importance.


(i) Some educationists feel that only vocational aim cannot be termed as a complete aim of education. It is not able to meet all the needs of human life.

(ii) This aim gives undue importance to mere earning of one’s livelihood Therefore, it is also known as the ‘Bread and Butter’ aim. Earning of livelihood is all importance part of human life but not the whole

(iii) It is a narrow aim of education. It neglects the otherside of human life i.e., intellectual, moral and spiritual. It will produce good mechanics, doctors or other professionals but not good human beings.

(iv) Critics feel that a truly educated man has to be conscious of his rights and duties. He should also know to utilise his leisure time properly. The vocational aim does not do so.

3. Explain the objectives of education according to Kothari commission.

Ans: The Kothari commission or Education commission of 1964-66 observed that, “The most important and urgent reform needed in education is to transfer it to endeavour to relate it to the life, needs and aspirations of the people and thereby make it a powerful instrument of social, economic and cultural transformation necessary for realisation of the national goals”. To achieve this the commission suggested a five fold programme on aims of education.

(i) Relating education to productivity.

(ii) Strengthening social and national integration through educational programmes.

(iii) Consolidation of democracy through education.

(iv) Development of social, moral and spiritual values.

(v) Modernisation of society through awakening of curiosity, development of attitudes and values and building up certain essential skills.

These have been described in details below:

(i) Relating education to productivity: In our country education is a privilege for a very low percentage of population. This is because there is lack of resources. To generate these resources education has to be related to productivity so that an expansion of education leads to an increase in national income, which in turn, may provide the means for a larger investment on education. For this science education, work experience has to be made an integral part of school education. Steps should also be taken to vocationalise secondary education.

(ii) Strengthening social and national integration through educational programmes: For the creation of a strong and united country we have to realise that achievement of social and national integration is an importance aim of our education system. For this we have to adopt the system of common school of public education as a national goal. Such schools must be open for all children irrespective of their caste, creed, committee, economic or social status. Social and national service should be made compulsory for all students at all stages. Social and national integration can also be achieved if a proper language policy is developed in our country. The development of regional languages should be stressed on.

(iii) Consolidation of democracy through education: India is a secular country. It has people of different castes, communities, languages, religions and cultures living here as its citizens. The main role of our educational institutions should be to enable our students to understand the concept of ‘unit in diversity’ and thus lead a peaceful life. For this the student, have to be provided with an understanding of our rich cultural heritage. Steps should be taken to foster a feeling of national and international understanding among the students at all stages of education. The educational programmes in schools and colleges should be designed to inculcate democratic values in the minds of the pupils.

(iv) Development of social, moral and spiritual values: Education must be able to inculcate proper social, moral and spiritual values in the minds of the students. For this purpose, measures should be adopted to give a value orientation to students the central and state govt should introduce education in moral, social and spiritual values in the educational institutions under their control. Some periods in every school be set apart for the purpose. The study of all religions should form an integral part of our educational programmes. For this purpose a syllabus, providing information about each of the major religions, should be included as a part of general education.

(v) Accelerating the process of modernisation: Education should aim at the modernisation of society through awakening of curiosity development of attitudes and values and building up certain essential skills as independent study and capacity to think and judge for oneself, without which it is not possible to become a responsible member of a democratic society. For this, there has to be radical changes in the methods of teaching and in the training of teachers.

4. Discuss the aims of education as recommended by National Policy on Education 1986.

Ans: The draft on which the National Policy of Education of 1986 was finalised says, “Every country develops its system of education to express and promote its unique socio-cultural identity and also to meet the challenges of the time. There are moments in history when a new direction has to be given to an age old process. That moment is today. It further reads, “The country has reached a stage in its economic and technical development when a major effort must be made to derive the maximum benefit from the assets already created and to ensure that the fruits of change reach all sections. Education is the high way to that goal”.

The National Policy on Education, suggests the following aims of education in India:

(a) A common educational structure: The policy suggested the adoption of a common educational structure of 10+2 +3 for the whole country.

(b) Need for a National curricular Framework: A national curricular framework which certain a common core along with other components that are flexible should be the basis of the national system of education.

The common core will include the history of India’s important for the development of national identity. It believed on secular values in education.

(c) World view of peace and understanding: The NPE recommended that education must motivate the younger generations for international Co-operation and peaceful living. It must strengthen the world view of peace and understanding among nations.

(d) Promote Equality through equality of Educational opportunity: It recommended providing equal educational opportunity to all its citizens irrespective of caste, creed, race or sex.

(e) Developing Diverse Cultural and Social System: It recommended that minimum levels of learning be laid down. Education should try to foster among students an understanding of the diverse cultural and social systems of the people living in different parts of the country. Books from one language should be translated to another and multilingual dictionaries should be published.

(f) Facilitating inter regional mobility: In higher education in general and technical education in particular, steps should be taken to help students move from one region to another.

(g) Strengthening areas of research and development: Steps should be taken to promote the areas of research and development. Measures should be taken to establish network arrangements between different institutions in the country to pool their resources and participate in projects of national importance.

(h) Life Long Education: Facilities will be provided for attaining life long education to the youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professional in subjects of their choice and at the place suited to them. The future thrust must be in the direction of open and distance education.

5. Describe the characteristics of formal education? Also write its criticism.

Ans: Following are the characteristics of formal education:

(i) It is pre-determined and pre-planned.

(ii) It is time-bound and regulated by routine.

(iii) It is space bound, i.e., institutionalized.

(iv) It is age-bound.

(v) Follows systematic curriculum.

(vi) It is well-defined and graded.

(vii) Imparted by qualified teachers.

(viii) Observes strict discipline.

(ix) It has world wide significance, status and size.

(x) It is methodical.

But formal education is often criticized on the following grounds:

(i) It covers only a part of individual’s life.

(ii) It is discovered from life and society.

(iii) It is right, uniform and artificial.

(iv) It reaches out only to the well-to-do class.

(v) It is concerned with preparation for adult living.

6. Discuss the characteristics of Informal Education.

Ans: Due to few defects of formal education, educationists all over the world emphasis the importance of informal education.

Informal or incidental education is one which occurs automatically in the process of living and which one receives by living with other.

The main characteristics of informal education are:

(i) It is incidental and spontaneous.

(ii) It is not pre-planned and deliberate.

(iii) Not confined to any institution.

(iv) There is no prescribed syllabus and time-table.

(v) It is not time bound and age-bound.

(vi) There are many agencies of informal education.

(vii) It is also known as out of school education.

An informal education is not pre-planned and systematic it may be negative also. A child may learn stealing, gambling and other forms of anti-social behaviour due to this association with other individuals in the society. On the positive side informal education exerts remarkable influence in educating the child properly.

The main agencies of informal education with exerts potential influence on the growing child are:

(i) Family or Home.

(ii) Cinema

(iii) Radio

(iv) Television

(v) News paper and Magazine.

(vi) Library

(vii) Museum.

(viii) Religious organisation

(ix) Scouts and guides.

Notes of AHSEC Class 11 Education Chapter 1 | English Medium Class 11 Education Notes In this post we will explain to you Class 11 Education Chapter 1 Question Answer | AHSEC Class 11 Education Question Answer Unit 1 If you are a Student of English Medium then it will be very helpfull for you.

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