Class 11 Education Unit 2 English Medium Stages of Human Development

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Class 11 Education Chapter 2 Stages of Human Development

Class 11 Education Unit 2 Stages of Human Development Question Answer | Guide for Class 11th Education Chapter 2 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Education In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English Medium then it will be very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,AHSEC Class 11 Education Chapter 2.

Unit 2 Stages of Human Development


1. What is the difference between growth and development?

Ans: Growth means an increase in size implies all round changes in shape, form or structure resulting in improved worth or functioning. It means changes in the qualitative aspects of human life.

2. How many stages of development human life?

Ans: According to Dr. Earnest Jones there are four stages of development human life.

There are:

(i) Infancy-birth to 5 years

(ii) Childhood-6-12 years

(iii) Adolescence-12-18 years

(iv) Maturity or Adulthood – above 18 years.

3. What is the name of the stage from birth to 5 years?

Ans: Infancy

4. What is the name of the stage between 12 to 18 years of age?

Ans: Adolescence

5. Write three characteristics of development.

Ans: The three characteristics of development are:

(i) The growth rate of different physical and mental aspects are different. Every individual reaches maturity at different times.

(ii) Development proceeds from general to specific response a child first uses its whole body to react to some situation and gradually it learns to becomes specific.

(iii) The interaction of both heredity and environment leads to the proper development of an individual. These two factors work together from the very time of conception.

6. Why Childhood is called the age of schooling?

Ans: During this stage, the Child becomes capable of going of schools. Physical, mental, intellectual and social, all these development make the child completely fit for school life. That’s why childhood is called the age of schooling.

7. Why do infants frequently ask questions?

Ans: Because the Child becomes curious to know the what, whom and where of every strange and interesting things or rate object, custom etc.

8. What is infancy?

Ans: Infancy is the first stage of life. Infancy begins after birth and continues, till the five years of growth and development.

9. Write five characteristics of infancy?

Ans: The main five characteristics of infancy are:

(i) Rapid or quick physical growth.

(ii) Physical dependence

(iii) Rapid motor development.

(iv) Playfulness

(v) Sensory development.

10. What is childhood? Write three characteristics of childhood. 

Ans: Childhood is the second stage of growth and development after birth. In general speaking childhood is the stage of growth and development which comprises the age limit from six years to twelve years.

There characteristics of Childhood:

(i) Rapid physical development.

(ii) Intellectual ability

(iii) Social development

11. What is adolescence? Why adolescence is called the period of storm and stress?

Ans: Adolescence is the period of human growth from 12-18 years of age. It is said to be the most crucial and important period of human life There are changes from all sides- Physical, mental, sexual, emotional, social and moral.

Professor Stanly Hall, the great US phycologist has, described this period as one of the stages the most critical period of the life. In other words, it is a time of great “Strife and Strain, when the adolescent meets with a ” clash between his previous scheme of thoughts and his new experiences.

12. Mention five psycho-physical needs of infancy.

Ans: The five psycho-physical needs of infancy are:

(i) Need of play

(ii) Need of emotional security

(iii) Need of satisfying Security

(iv) Need of Status

(v) Need of freedom

13. Mention five psycho-physical needs of adolescence.

Ans: The five psycho-physical needs of adolescence are:

(i) Sex Need

(ii) Security Need

(iii) Gregarious need

(iv) Adventure need

(v) Need for social- approval.

14. Write five problems of adolescence.

Ans: The five problems of adolescence are:

(i) Sex-Problem

(ii) Problem of Identity crisis.

(iii) Emotional Problem

(iv) Social Problem

(v) Educational Problem

15. What is gang loyalty?

Ans: Gang loyalty is one of the main factor of later child hood. Due to the instinct of group consciousness, the Children becomes social and they usually try to become a member of some gangs. They are very faithfully to the gang to which he or she belongs. They do not even hesitate to tell lies to their parent or teachers for the sake of their gang royalty.

16. What is hetero-sexuality?

Ans: Sex is the fundamental fact of adolescence. They develop into hetero sexuality which make them anxious to know about sex and the biological changes going on in the body. Sometimes to satisfy their sex-curiosity, the boy or girl may develop some physical relationship and then repent it.

17. What is animation?

Ans: Animision is a belief in a supernatural power that organises and animates the material universe. It is the attribution of a living soul to plants, animal objects and natural phenomena.

18. Write briefly about the educational provision of infancy.

Ans: After birth, infancy is the first stage of life. Infancy begins after birth and continues till the five years of growth and development. Some psychologists have divided infancy into two parts i.e. early infancy and later infancy. From the moment of birth till two years of life is the first phase of infancy which is called as early infancy from two years of age to 5 years is the second phase which is called the later infancy. The first phase i.e. early infancy has special significance from the point of growth and development of the child. During this phase the Child has to learn to adjust with the totally new environment after coming out from the mother’s abdomen. This is the formative period of growing human life and the stage at which formal education should begin. Gessel and Megrow divided the educational development of infants into eight stages viz.

(i) Physical development

(ii) Language development

(iii) Development of adjustment precess

(iv) Individual development

(v) Social Development

(vi) Sensory development

(vii) Intellectual development

(viii) Development of imagination.

19. Write briefly about the educational provision of childhood.

Ans: Primary education caters to the educational need of children above the stage of infancy. It constitutes a very important part of the total structure of education. It is also the first phase of child’s formal education. Because it is this stage that the young child starts attending a formal education institution for formal course of study. The main function of primary school is to impart instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic. Because this schools also give elementary knowledge of the history, Geography, Nature study, Handwork, Drawing etc. In short primary school instruction provides in disposable basis for secondary education. Education of this stage is given highest priority on the ground of democracy and social justice and for improving the occupational competency of workers all over the world.

20. Write briefly about the educational provision of adolescence?

Ans: Adolescence is the period of human growth from 12-18 years of age. One the other hand, secondary education is that stage of education, which is given after primary education and before higher education. It is generally given to the students of the age group of 11-18 years. The students are in their adolescence period at this stage. Secondary education occupies a great place in the education system of the a country it helps the students to mould their character and personalty and prepare them for the future sociality. It also helps them to give fall expression to their abilities. As the students are prepared to receive higher education after this stage, the education at this stage should be framed to help the students acquire both knowledge and skill to lead a better economic life.

21. Write briefly about the influence of home on child’s development?

Ans: It is often said that the advancement of a nation is mirrored in the condition of its homes as families. Historically of the society, Rosen kraz says- The education institution of the society, Rosen Kver says – The family is the organic starting point of education. It is so to say the ideal school of life. The healthy influence of home or family goes a long way in moulding and education the child’s mind to reach a particular ideal. Normally it is at house with his mother that the child learns to walk, to distinguish between muum and tuum to learn the simple properties of the things around him to take his bearings amid his physical and social surroundings and to from some of the deepest of human affections. The drawing out of the child’s inherent capacities and innate instincts and their guidance or education begins in the home environments..

Notes of AHSEC Class 11 AHSEC Class 11 Education Unit 2 | English Medium Class 11 Education Notes In this post we will explain to you Class 11 Education Chapter 2 Question Answer | AHSEC Class 11 Education Question Answer Unit 2 If you are a Student of English Medium then it will be very helpfull for you.

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