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Class 11 Education Chapter 3 School and its Organisation
Class 11 Education Unit 3 School and its Organisation Question Answer | Guide for Class 11th Education Chapter 3 English Medium Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Education In this post we will explain to you what to try If you are a Student of English Medium then it will be very helpfull for you. NCERT/SCERT,AHSEC Class 11 Education Chapter 3.
Unit 3 School and its Organisation
1. What is meant by school plant?
Ans: School plant is a very broad term which includes the school building, ground, school furniture, other equipment, apparatus, the human resources the students; teachers and other employees. It is an integral part of a learning environment. A good school plant helps in effective teaching learning.
2. Mention three physical resources required for setting up a school plant?
Ans: (i) School building
(ii) Class rooms
(iii) Library
3. Mention three human resources required for setting up a school plant?
Ans: (i) Teacher.
(ii) Students
(iii) Employees.
4. Mention five conditions required for selecting site or land for setting a school plant.
Ans: (i) The site should not be very close to the main road nor far from The surroundings should be healthy.
(ii) It should have a good communication facility.
(iii) The shape of the land should be preferably rectangular.
(iv) There should be scope for further expansion in future.
(v) It should not be near to public places like bus stand, market etc.
5. Mention five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a school building.
Ans: (i) The design of the building should be simple but artistic.
(ii) There should be a good provision of sanitation and supply of water.
(iii) The school building should be planned and constructed in such a way so that it is able to serve the various academic needs and interests of the students.
(iv) As far as possible, the building must be a ‘Pucca’ house.
(v) The school building should be economical in construction and maintenance.
6. Mention five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a classroom?
Ans: (i) The classroom should be spacious and scientifically built.
The teacher should sit on a chair which should be placed on an elevated platform.
(ii) A classroom should be square in size and should accommodate at least 50 students.
(iv) Every class-room should contain a waste paper basket.
(v) The benches and desks should be made in accordance with the age and height of students.
7. Mention five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a scientific laboratory.
Ans: (i) The laboratory should be accommodated in a room which is of the school.
(ii) The size of the laboratory should be equal to the size of a class room.
(ii) Almirahs, shelves and cupboards should be provided for keeping various scientific materials.
(iv) Sufficient provision should be made for supply of electricity, water, Gas etc for various scientific experiments.
(v) For conducting experiments in Botany and Zoology every school should made provision for a garden and animal farm.
8. Mention five functions of a teacher as a facilitator.
Ans : (i) The teacher should have everything ready to start class work and ensure that every child pays attention.
(ii) He should ask questions unevenly, should not repeat them and allow the students to take their time in answering them.
(ii) He should use various methods of teaching and learning.
(iv) He should provide problem situations to the students by putting thought provoking questions.
(v) He should explain the errors of the students individually rather than before class.
9. Mention five functions of a teacher as a motivator.
Ans: The five functions of a teacher as a motivator are:
(i) He should be able to give a clear and vivid knowledge of the subject.
(ii) He should use a variety of teaching aids to make his teaching effective and interesting.
(iii) The teacher should make use of instances or examples while teaching.
(iv) The teacher should always keep on adopting new methods of teaching which will remove the dullness of classroom teaching.
(v) From time to time specialist teacher should interact with the students which will broaden their outlook.
10. Mention five functions of a teacher as a counselor.
Ans: The five functions of a teacher as a counselor are:
(i) He the teacher should be able to help the students to solve their personal as well as academic problems.
(ii) He should be acquainted with the home conditions of the child.
(iii) Study the health records, test scores, anecdotal records etc. of each student.
(iv) He should be able to recognise individual differences among the students.
(v) He should maintain up-to-date cumulative records of his students.
11. Mention five condition of a good Library.
Ans: The five condition of a good Library are:
(i) A good library must have books for every one – for young children. older children, teachers and adults..
(ii) The library should be equipped with comfortable furniture, shelves, charming pictures, hangings etc.
(iii) It should have a well qualified librarian.
(iv) Cataloguing should be done of all the books.
(v) As far as possible open shelf system should be introduced so that the students may have free access to boos.
12. Mention five personal qualities of teacher?
Ans: The five personal qualities of teacher are:
(i) He should be dressed neatly.
(ii) He should be healthy both physically and mentally.
(iii) A teacher should have an attractive face.
(iv) He should be very punctual.
(v) He should have a loud and clear voice.
13. Mention five professional qualities of a teacher.
Ans: The five professional qualities of a teacher are:
(i) Skill in questioning.
(ii) Mastery of the subject matter.
(iii) Planning and preparation.
(iv) Knowledge of child psychology.
(v) Interest in Co-curricular activities.
14. Mention five challenges that a teacher has to face while imparting education to the children in the present day world?
Ans: (i) A teacher deals with students from all the sections of the society and they have to be treated on an equal footing and given due case.
(ii) The teacher has to adopt a democratic, secular and socialist attitude towards life.
(iii) He has to acquaint himself with the always new concepts like individualised instruction, microteaching, programmed learning, deschooling etc.
(iv) Explosion of knowledge in taking place in all the spheres of life and in all disciplines. This makes the task of the teaches more challenging.
(v) The present day teacher has to deal with the delinquent children. Which has become a serious problem with the adolescents children of today.
15. Name five different types of curriculum.
Ans: The five different types of curriculum are:
(i) The children-centred curriculum.
(ii) The knowledge-centred curriculum.
(iii) The society-centred curriculum.
(iv) Rigid and flexible curriculum.
(v) Subject-centred curriculum.
16. Mention five defects of the present day curriculum.
Ans. The five defects of the present day curriculum are:
(i) The curriculum is narrowly conceived.
(ii) It is overcrowded without providing rich, significant contents.
(iii) It is bookish and theoretical.
(iv) It does not cater to the various needs and capacities of adolescents.
(v) It is too much dominated by examinations.
17. Mention five principles that should be adopted while constructing the curriculum?
(ii) The principle of utility.
(iii) The principle of flexibility.
(iv) The principle of correlation.
(v) The principle of character formation.
18. Mention five advantage of the co-curricular activities.
Ans: The five advantage of the co-curricular activities are:
(i) They help in removing dullness and monotony created by the traditional curriculum and can motivate the students to study better.
(ii) They help in developing the psycho-physical health and hygiene of children and develop their manual and motor skills.
(iii) They help in the development of mental alertness, intellectual keenness and problem solving ability of the students.
(iv) They provide freedom and spontaneity of self-expression and self-realisation essential for good education.
(v) A child develops control over his emotion and attains emotional maturity through them.
19. Write briefly about.
(a) The traditional or subject centred curriculum.
Ans: Traditional curriculum means subject centred curriculum. Here more emphasis is laid on the subject rather than the child. It gives importance only to the intellectual development of a child and totally ignores the social and personal development of the child.
(b) Activity curriculum.
Ans: The curriculum which follows the principle of activity in education is known as activity curriculum. In this curriculum, the subject matter is taught with the help of some activities. Comenius suggested, “Whatever has to be learnt, must be learnt by doing.” This curriculum leads to the development of the constructive and creative urges of children and leads to the all round growth of their personality. It also helps in the social development of children. They do not depend upon the guidance of the teacher in every difficulty and try to solve their problem through mutual help.
(c) Experience Curriculum.
Ans: Experience curriculum is one which gives rich and varied experiences of knowledge, skills, attitudes and appreciation. The importance of this curriculum less in the fact that teaching is a bi-polar process therefore, constant interaction must take place between the teacher and the taught and they must share their education experiences.
(d) Undifferentiated curriculum.
Ans: Undifferentiated curriculum, means a curriculum which does not aim at the specialised study of various subject. Development of fuller and all round personality of a child is possible only through integrated experience and to bring this integration unification of subjects and activities is very important.
(e) Basic education curriculum.
Ans: The basic education curriculum is based on Gandhiji’s idea of education which implies; “an all round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.” The principle of correlation is the main point of this curriculum the framers of this curriculum believed that knowledge imparted through purposeful activity, practical experience and personal observation is real knowledge. Thus this curriculum lays emphasis on the practical aspects of education. It also aims at developing a feeling of patriotism in the minds of the pupils.
(i) Life centred curriculum.
Ans: The type of curriculum in which all the important principles of curriculum construction are kept in mind and then activities and subjects selected for various grades of pupil, is known as a balanced curriculum. Such curriculum includes all the aspects of human activity and development and thus, caters to the needs of the individual and the society. It transmits the cultural heritage, explains the present and helps in planning the future. In this way, it enables the child to adjust himself properly to the complex and fast changing modern world.
20. From which latin word has the word curriculum been derived?
Ans: The word “curriculum” is derived from the Latin word “currere”.
21. What is the meaning of the word “currere”?
Ans: It means ‘run’.
22. Mention five objective of co curricular activities ?
Ans: The five objective of co curricular activities are:
(i) To make proper use of leisure time of the students.
(ii). To give the younger generation training for citizenship
(ii) To remove the dullness of school life and make it interesting.
(iv) To prepare the students for social life.
(v) To provide scope for the outlet of special aptitudes.
23. Mention five physical cocurricular activities:
Ans: The five physical cocurricular activities are:
(i) Athletes
(ii) Boating
(iii) Swimming
(iv) Outdoor games.
(v) Yoga
24. Mention fiye academic co-curricular activities.
Ans: The five academic co-curricular activities are:
(i) recitation.
(ii) essay writing.
(iii) debates
(iv) extempore speech
(v) educational tours.
25. Mention five social cocurricular activities.
Ans: (i) NCC
(ii) Red cross
(iii) School cleanliness
(iv) NSS programmes
(v) Social education.
26. Mention five emotional cocurricular activities.
Ans: (i) Singing.
(ii) Dancing
(m) Music.
(iv) Dramatisation
(v) Art painting
27. Who are the visually handicapped children?
Ans: Those students are completely blind or posses a poor eye sight they are called visually handicapped children.
28. Who are the aurally handicapped children?
Ans: Such children may be totally or partially deaf. They are called aurally handicapped children.
29. Who are the speech handicapped children?
Ans: Such children may have disorder in voice, stammer, delayed, speech problem etc. They are identified as speech handicapped children.
30. Who are the orthopaedically handicapped children?
Ans: Some children are physically crippled, deformed and disable children who are incapable of leading a normal life. They are the orthopaedically handicapped children.
31. Mention five types of employed needed for the proper functioning of a school.
Ans: The five types of employed needed for the proper functioning of a school are:
(i) The principal or Head master.
(ii) The Office staff.
(ii) Library assistant
(iv) Canteen staff
(v) Cooks for hostel if they have one.
32. Mention five functions of each of the following.
(a) UGC
(c) SCERT and
(d) DIFT
Ans: (a) UGC
Following are the main function of UGC are:
Inquire into the financial needs of the universities.
(ii) Allocate and disburse the fund of the commission, grants to the universities.
(iii) Recommended to any university the measures necessary for the improvement of university education and advise the university upon the action to be taken for the purpose of implementing such recommendations.
(iv) Advise any authority on the establishment of a new university or on proposals connected with the expansion of the activities of the university.
(v) Collect information on all matters relating to university education in India and other countries as it thinks fit and makes the same available to any university.
Ans: Following are the main function of NCERT:
(i) To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate research in all branches of education.
(ii) To organise pre-service and in-service training for teachers.
(iii) To organise various extension services.
(iv) To disseminate the knowledges of improved techniques.
(v) To act as a clearning house for all ideas and information on all matters related to school education controlled and managed by the central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
Ans: The main functions of the SCERT are:
(i) To conduct surveys and educational research in state level.
(ii) Publish text books.
(iii) Impart training to the teachers of different schools.
(iv) It organises short time training programmes for school teachers on the new issues.
(v) It takes special measures to reward the teachers of special reputations.
(d) DIET
Ans: The DIETS would dane 3 main functions such as:
(i) Training (both of induction level as well as continuing varieties)
(ⅱ) Resource support.
(iii) Action research.
33. Mention three uses of technology in education.
Ans: Three uses of technology in education are: (i) Computer (ii) Internet (iii) E-mail.
34. Mention three advantages technology in education.
Ans: Three advantages technology in education are:
(i) The main role of technology in education is to facilitate and improve the quality of human learning.
(ii) it helps in maintaining internal disciplines and adopting to one’s environment.
(iii) Both quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of education can be facilitated only with the help of educational technology.
35. What is the meaning of the word ‘Computers’?
Ans: The word ‘Computer’ is closely related to the word ‘Compute which means to determine by calculation and ‘computing which means ‘determining by calculation’.
36. Who invented computer?
Ans: Charles Babbage invented computer.
37. What is a laptop computer?
Ans: Laptop computer is a mobile or portable electronic device to compute any kind of calculation, printing, connecting internet etc. activities done by normal desktop.
38. What is a palmtop computers ?
Ans: Palmtop computer is electronic device which is very handy and can be carried over very easily like a cell phone.
39. Mention any three basic parts of a computer.
Ans: (i) Input equipment
(ii) Output equipment
(iii) A memory store.
40. Mention the five parts of a complete computer unit ?
Ans: (i) Monitor (ii) Key board (iii) System unit (iv) Mouse (v) Printer uses of computer.
41. Mention any three uses of computers ?
Ans: (i) Trade and industries as well as financial and administrative accounting have been using computers and achieved great success.
(ii)Scientist and research worker process their data in computer’s to achieve accuracy, proficiency and speed in their work.
(iii) Computers helps the people to interact in a changed way.
42. Mention three characteristics of a computer.
Ans: (i) Computers are very fast.
(ii) A computers can store large amounts of information in its memory.
(iii) Computers work in the same manner all the time.
43. Mention any three advantages of computer aided instruction?
Ans: (i) It can assist teachers in the development in instructional materials.
(ii) It is capable of doing research on teaching under controlled conditions and on various modes of teaching.
(ii) It is capable of individualizing the means and ends of instruction.
44. Mention any five basic educational advantages of a computer?
Ans: (i) It helps to test students progress.
(i) It enables the exceptional children to learn at their own pace.
(iii) They are helpful in administering aptitude and achievement tests.
(iv) It is useful for the students when they themselves interest with the machine and where instruction is presented.
(v) It helps children to participate more actively in the educational process.
45. Mention any five limitation of using computer in education
Ans: (i) Computers are very expensive.
(ii) Software’s used presently may posses some defects.
(ii) Specially trained teachers will be required to provide such instruction.
(iv) The screens being small may not be visible to the whole class.
(v) Our schools have a lack of sufficent equipment, adequate software, furnished rooms, trained staff.
46. Mention any five advantages of using internet.
Ans. (ii) Listening to Music(iii) Reading latest news (i) Playing games (iv) Shopping on the internet (v) Accessing information on the internet.
47. Mention any three characteristics of E-Mail.
Ans: (i) Through E-mail interaction can be made with out side world.
(ii) It takes very less amount of time to send and receive messages.
(iii) Acknowledgment can be saved in the message box.
48. Mention any three characteristics of CD-Rom.
Ans: (i) Compact disc is an optical storage device that has a huge storage capacity.
(ii) It is removable and is a read only memory.
(iii) It can help the students to store their important information in it.
49. Mention any three characteristics of website?
Ans: (i) Website is used for getting information about varied topics.
(ii) Website comprises of e-mail facility,
(iii) It can be used for receiving voice mail facilities also.
50. What is the first page of a website known as ?
Ans: The first page of a website is known as a home page.
51. What is the full form of URL?
Ans: The full form of URL is Uniform Resources Locator.
52. Name the three types of Tele conferencing.
Ans: (i) Audio teleconferencing. (ii) Video teleconferencing. (iii) Computer teleconferencing.
53. Write short notes on:
(a) Internet.
Ans: Internet was started as ARPANET, Advanced Research Projects Administration Network by department of defence of USA in 1969. Later in 1984, the National Science Foundation allowed schools to joint the network. More and more networks joined giving birth to the Internet. Its have lots of advantages,
These are:
(i) Accessing information on the internet.
(ii) Reading latest news.
(iii) Listening to music
(iv) Sending and receiving e-mail.
(v) Playing games.
(vi) Shopping on the internet.
(vii) Advertising on the internet.
Internet has great educational advantage also.
The students can collect information on any topic they want to through the various websites.
(ii) It helps them to get the latest information on any subject they want to know about.
(iii) The information can be assessed from any corner of the world.
(b) Website.
Ans: Website is a special part of the internet. The internet is just like the net of a spider. To form the net of the internet a powerful computer, a modern, a telephone, a service provider, and an internet software i.e., a CD-ROM or floppy disks have the special necessity. The spider form the own net naturally. But the net of the internet is formed technically by the electronic tools. Generally when the computer of a person or an institution is not already connected to a server on the Net, then the person or the institution need a company which is called an Internet Service Provider (ISP). The company changes a special amount for the provision of the ISP. This ISP includes an email programme. Thus the computer get ready for e-mail programme for the person or the institution concerned The Web or the World Wide Web is a special provision by the help of which email may be sent without having an email programme. The e mail can be used on a part of the internet. Thus the part of the internet by the help of which email provision can be availed of is called the World Wide Web or the web. There is big advantage of the use of the web. By the help of the web it is possible to send and receive messages from any computer of the Net.
The web is made up of millions of various documents. The documents of the web are simply called the Web Pages. The web pages generally include different documents, viz, text, still and moving pictures and sounds. “A collection of web pages that is created by a single organisation or person is called a website.
(c) CD-ROM.
Ans: Within the last few years C-D ROM has emerged as the most cost effective media for multimedia projects. The full form of C-D ROM is compact disc-read only memory. Rom is called the permanent memory of computer because memory which is preserved in Rom cannot be changed easily. Materials which are huge in size like Encyclopaedia instructional programmes containing various pictures and animations are generally stored in C-D-ROM.
A C-D ROM disc can be produced in large numbers easily and cheaply It is capable of containing upto 84 minutes of full screen video or sound. “Even it can contain unique mixes of images, sound, text video and animations controlled by an authority system to provide unlimited user ‘instruction’.
Most of the personal computers have C-D-ROM drive and the software that drives these computers is commonly available on a C-D ROM disc.
The chief advantages C-D ROM are:
(i) It is portable.
(ii) Reliable for long time use.
(iii) It is a simple object convenient for maintenance.
(iv) Highly useful for Engineers, Architects for preserving the designs etc.
(d) E-Mail.
Ans: Electronic mail or E-Mail allows computer users to exchange messager locally and world wide. It helps to communicate with the people who are scattered all over the globe. Each user of E-mail must posses a mail Box address to which messages are sent. One of the benefits which are user of computer derives is the opportunity to communicate via email. It is a very cheap mode of communication which computers the process within a matter of seconds. For sending email it is necessary to have (1) a computer (2) Modern (3) Telephone line (4) Service provider. The computers is called e-mail server. Many organisations and companies provide facilities to users to send email free of cost. But for this the user’s name must be registered in a page in web-site. In this web page (1) Name (2) Title, (3) Language (4) Country (5) State (6) Sex. (7) Date of birth (Year, month, day) (8) Telephone No. (9) Password must be recorded. The password is very confidential and important as it is required for future correspondences.
(e) Teleconferencing.
Ans: Teleconferencing is the best method of distance education system. This method has become very popular all over the world. In this system two or more people living at different place can engage themselves in discussion. It is basically of three types.
They are:
(a) Audio teleconferencing.
(b) Video teleconferencing.
(c) Computer teleconferencing.
Teleconferencing also has got great educative value:
(i) In distance education system there are a large number of students spread all over the country.
(ii) Teleconferencing can be of great help of such students.
(iii) It is also less expensive compared to other medium of education
(iv) It is a flexible medium.
(v) It can be adjusted according to the number of students.
(vi) As this method is based on discussion, it creates interest in the minds of the students.
(vii) It helps the students to ask questions to the instructor and get immediate answer.
(viii) Its standard of education is also very high.
(ix) If used effectively this medium can prove to be one of the most efficient agencies of education.
54. Write the full form of the following:
(a) NCERT.
Ans: National Council of Educational Research and training.
(b) UGC.
Ans: University Grants Commission.
Ans: The State Council of Educational Research and Training.
(d) DIET
Ans: The District Institutes of Education and Training.
55. What is a ‘Web-site’?
Ans: Web-Site is a special part of the internet.
56. What is a web-page?
Ans: The web is made up of millions of various documents. These documents of the web are simply called the web pages.
57. In which year was the UGC established ?
Ans: November, 1953.
58. In which year was the NCERT established ?
Ans: September, 1961.
59. Where is the Headquarter of NCERT ?
Ans: New Delhi
60. Mention the three board function of NCERT?
Ans: The three board function of NCERT are:
(i) To organise pre-service and in service training for teachers.
(ii) To organise various extension services.
(iii) To disseminate the knowledges of improved techniques.
A. Very Short type Question Answer (Marks 1-2)
1. Fill up the blanks:
(a) The word curricular comes from the___word currere.
Ans: Latin
(b) Modern curriculum is_____.
Ans: Book-centric.
(c) A teacher is a friend, philosopher and
____to the students.
Ans: Guide.
(d) The word discipline is derived from the Latin word______.
Ans: Discipline.
(e) An ideal teacher is not made, but_____.
Ans: Born.
(f) Diversification of curriculam is needed for catering to the needs of students for their difference in_____.
Ans: Abilities.
(g)_____ is necessary for maintaining discipline.
Ans: Order.
(h)______ curriculum maintains the principle of change in its contents of study.
Ans: Flexible.
(i) _____activities improves the academic atmosphere of the school.
Ans: Co-curricular
(j) The word curricular is derived from the English word_____.
Ans: Curriculum.
(k) A______ should know John as well as Latin.
Ans: Teacher.
(I) Voice of a teacher should be______.
Ans: Audible.
(m) Without good______ even the best of the education system is bound to fail.
Ans: Teacher.
(n) “Every powerful teacher is, in fact, something of a______”
Ans: Mesmerist
(o) The three main human resources of a school are pupils, employees and______.
Ans: Teacher
(p) What are the two types of discipline?
Ans: Internal and External discipline.
B. Short type Question Answers (Marks 3-5)
1. Write in brief on the planning for the construction of an ideal school.
Ans: An ideal school should have the following basic qualities.
(i) Land: The school should be situated in a place away from the thickly populated area. The land should be high and dry, not usually submerged by rain waters.
(ii) Building: The school building school be one or two-storied to make i convenient for all. The building should have separate room for separate purposes, namely, for class, principal, office, library, laboratory, lavatory etc.
(iii) Classroom: Class rooms should be usually square or rectangular in size and spacious enough to accommodate adequate number of
(iv) Library: Library room should be spacious. A reading room should always be attached with it.
Besides, an ideal school should have a well-equipped science laboratory, -separate common rooms for boys and girls, a museum with a good number collections of educative value.
2. Write two factors of selection of site for a village school.
Ans: (i) Site should be peaceful and hygienic.
(ii) Social welfare centres should be within a limited area from where the school is located i.e. these centres should not be very far from the school premises.
3. Write briefly on school Museum.
Ans: Each and every school should possess a small museum of its own, where both the teachers and the students can collect and deposit their individual articles of geography, history, geology, flora and fauna etc. Museums may be considered as visual aids to education and their importance is increasing day by day.
4. What is free-discipline?
Ans: A child should be given full freedom for his self activity and development. There should not be any control either from the school authority or from the teacher. He or she should be given full freedom for, determining and executing his or her own policies. This state of unlimited and unrestricted freedom given to a child is called free-discipline.
5. Write on teacher’s personality.
Ans: Teacher’s personality often acts as a únifying and impelling force among the children because they usually comes from families having different social background. Teachers should always show their strength and personality of their character within and outside the school premises.
6. What is a black-board?
Ans: Black-board is an aid used by the teachers in the class-rooms from the time immemorial. It provides the teachers, the opportunity to explain each subjects with sketches or drawings; so that the students can learn more elaborately what they are explaining. It also improves their teaching power.
7. Write briefly on human resources of school.
Ans: Human resources of school includes the teachers, the students and the other employees of the school who together should work for the welfare of the nation.
8. Write briefly on teacher’s sense of humour.
Ans: With the teacher’s sense of humour, his personality may be more attractive to his students. It may act as a powerful weapon for motivating his students, if he knows how and when to make use of humour while teaching.
9. What do you mean by self-discipline ?
Ans: Self-discipline is the process by which the children learn to observe their daily routine work by their own selves with proper discipline in their each and every task. It is a very good procedure which should be taught to the children from their very early childhood.
Self discipline emerge out of one’s self-restraint and self-direction. It is spontaneous and is accepted by the child out of his own accord. It is not forced on the child by an external authority. So maintenance of this type of discipline requires strong will and moral power.
10. Write the merits and demerits of free- discipline.
Ans: Merit:
(i) It develop the child’s self-activities.
(ii) No control of authority prevails upon the children.
(iii) He gets complete freedom for determining and executing his own policies.
(i) Free discipline may be suicidal to children.
(ii) A child can never be completely self-dependent. So he is likely to misuse the absolute freedom.
(iii) It is destructive to them.
11. State the difference between discipline and order.
Ans: (i) Order aims at external appearance of behaviour while discipline aims at internal spirit along with outward behaviour.
(ii) Order aims at securing prompt and unquestioned obedience to authority. But discipline aims a securing willing obedience to authority and making orders necessary.
(iii) Order comes from those sources which are external to pupil, on the other hand, discipline is the willing acceptance of the dynamics of conduct by the concerned pupils.
12. Distinguish between rigid and flexible curriculum.
Ans: (i) Rigid curriculum is more or less static for a certain period of time. It does not allow frequent changes.
On the other hand, flexible curriculum allows change and reformation in accordance with the needs and requirements of the society along with changing time.
(ii) Rigid curriculum stands for maintenance of uniformity of standard in education which often give public recognition to the students. Flexible curriculum believes in the continued process of human evolution that serves the need of education.
(iii) Rigid curriculum is revolutionary but flexible curriculum is evolutionary.
13. What do you mean by gifted children.
Ans: Some children have God gifted superior physical and mental abilities by virtue of which they shine in life. Such children are called gifted children. These children shows remarkable performance in different fields and have superior intellectual power, creative ability and native talent in making spectacular results in a special line. Their power of thought, problem solving ability, creative genius and emotional maturity makes them intellectually very special people. These children have better height and weight at birth. They also attain puberty earlier and have better nutrition and improved sensory ability than the average.
14. ‘School is a miniature society’- Explain.
Ans: School, as a society does not have complexity, conflict, rivalry, corruption, crime, hatred and inequality. It is the calm, quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the school where the pupils can devote themselves to the meditation of life. A pupil can become more conscious of his responsibilities as a citizen in the most natural way in the school. The school is said to be a miniature society because it is formed by the mini i.e. small members or small representatives coming from the large society. The teachers, school employees and officers of the education department including the pupils of the school comes under the purview of this miniature society. There always exists a close relationship between them. The school as a miniature society helps the students to hold various responsibilities in their future life.
C. Long type Question Answers (Marks 5-10)
1. What is discipline? Mention four points for maintenance of discipline in your school.
Ans: Discipline is a controversial term. It simply means obedience to the standard rules of an institution. But, in wider sense, it means the genuine influence of the teacher’s personality upon personality of the students in their education and development.
Four points for maintenance of discipline in school are:
(a) Influence of the teacher: The teacher should make himself or herself a source of inspiration and an ideal person to be obeyed and followed.
(b) Absence of political influence: The teacher should keep a watchful eye on the students so that political and communal elements of the society cannot enter inside the school. The students should be made to realise that education and politics cannot go together.
(c) Method of teaching and curriculum: In favour of discipline teacher should avoid theoretical and verbal method of teaching. There can be better understanding between the teacher and the taught if active and cooperative method of teaching can be adopted.
(d) Parent teacher cooperation: Problem of the discipline in students may be solved effectively through joint cooperation of the teachers and the parents. Mutual problems can be solved through parent teacher association.
2. Discuss the merits and demerits of punishment as a matter of maintenance of discipline.
Ans: Merits of punishment:
(a) It helps to stop repetition of certain objectionable behaviour.
(b) It helps in development of the sense of obedience and discipline in one’s mind.
(c) It can control and regulate one’s mind from certain instinctive urges which are socially objectionable..
(d) When persuasive measures fail to give good results, it can be used as the last resort.
(e) It keeps reasonable distance between the teacher and the taught.
Demerits of Punishment:
(a) Punishment used instinctively may disturb educational environment in school.
(b) It may give rise to inferiority complex amongst the students.
(c) It may cause physical harm to students.
(d) If punishment becomes frequent, it may lose its educative significance.
(e) It may lead to unhappy state of impression in child’s mind that stands on way self expression.
3. What is curriculum? Write about the narrow and wide meaning of curriculum?
Ans: The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools. Depending on how broadly educators define or employ the term, curriculum typically refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which includes the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach; the assignments and projects given to students; the books, materials, videos, presentations, and readings used in a course; and the tests, assessments, and other methods used to evaluate student learning. An individual teacher’s curriculum, for example, would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize and teach a particular course.
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