Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Comprehension Test, Class 10 Grammar Comprehension Test Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Grammar Bodo Medium, Class 10 Grammar Comprehension Test Question Answer in Bodo दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Class 10 Grammar Comprehension Test. Class 10 Bodo Medium Grammar Comprehension Test. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Comprehension Test Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 10 Grammar Comprehension Test
Bodo Medium class 10 english grammar notes बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 10 Grammar Question Answer | English Grammar | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 10 English Grammar Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम class 10 grammar seba बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है।
Comprehension नि ओंथिया जाबाय to comprehend एबा बुजिमोननाय। Comprehension Test नि गेजेरजों फरायसाफोरनि बुजिमोननायनि गोहो (Power of understanding) खौ सुनाय जायो l
Comprehension Test नि थाखाय मोनसे passage आरो बेनि सिङाव मोननैसो सेंथि होनाय जायो । Passage खौ गले गले फरायना नायनानै मोजाङैबुजिना लानांगौ। बेनि उनाव मोनफ्रोम सेंथिखौ फरायनानै Passage नि बबे बाहागोआव फिननाया दं बेखौ नागिरना दिहुननांगौ।
मोननै मोनथामसो सोदोबनि ओंथि मिथियाब्लाबो गोसो बायनो नाङा। गोबां खेब फरायनायनि उनाव बेफोर बायदि सोदोबफोरनि ओंथिखौ हमदांनो हायो। गावनि रावजों लिरनो नाजानांगौ। गोनां जायोब्ला Passage आव थानाय Word एबा Phrase खौ बाहायनो उसु खुथु दाजा।
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
Perhaps you will feel insulted if anybody tells you that you have come from ape. But that is what learned man say. It took thousands of years for the ape to change into man.
He was quite different at first from what he is now. He did not know the use of clothes; he could not build houses; he could not make fire and cook his food.
He lived in cave and bushes and ate fruits and roots and the flesh of animals he killed with stones. In fact, the early man was almost no better than a beast. But he had one thing which no other creature had and that is the power to think. As thought grew in him he became clever and wiser.
He found out how to make fire, how to grow food and how to build houses and make clothes. He learned to make arms to fight against and kill animals much bigger and stronger. Still man was not satisfied. He went on finding out more and more ways of making life enjoyable.
In this way he has become the lord of creation. And the secret of his power is that he can think, that he has intellect.
Questions :
(a) What did man come from?
Ans: (a) Man came from the apes.
(b) What was the condition of the early man?
Ans: The condition of the early man was almost no better than a beast. He had no idea of the use of clothes; could not build houses to take shelter and could not make fire and cook his food. He lived in caves and bushes, ate fruits and roots and the flesh of the animal.
(c) What was the difference between man and other creatures.
Ans: The difference between man and other creature was that the former had the power to think while the latter had not.
(d) How has man become the lord of creation?
Ans: Gradually through his power of thought man became cleverer and wiser. He learnt how to make fire, grow food, build houses and make clothes. He killed other animals much bigger and stronger than him. He went on developing his skill and ultimately became the lord of the world.
(e) Pick out the correct alternative and complete the sentence:
I. The age changed into man in______
(i) one hundred years
(ii) one thousand years
(iii) several thousand years
Ans: (iii) several thousand years.
II. The early man lived in______
(i) built houses
(ii) open land
(iii) cave and bushes
Ans: (iii) caves and bushes.
III. Man’s nature has been to______
(i) somehow pass the days
(ii) try for better ways of life
(iii) kill other animals.
Ans: (ii) try for better ways of life.
IV. Man’s main source of power is_____
(i) his physical strength.
(ii) his power to grow food.
(iii) his intellect.
Ans: (ii) his intellect.
2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
What is a nation? Many tests have been suggested. It is said, for instance, that a nation must have a common religion, or a common race or a common language. Let us see how far there are sound tests.
Is common religion an essential characteristic of a nation? Most European nation include Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Egypt which is mainly Muslim has minority of Christians called Copts. China has many religions, there are confusion Chinese, Taoist Chinese, Buddist Chinese, Christian Chinese and Muslim Chinese.
Common races fare better as a test. The English are supposed to be a nation. But they include Irishmen and Scotch. Highlanders are entirely different race from the English. In India we have the Aryan and the Dravidians all nicey mixed up.
The United States of America is the most mixed nation of the earth- including the English, Germany, French, Italians, Spaniards, Red Indians, Negroes and yet they are one nation.
Common language is another myth. Canada speaks both something which bind people together into one nation?
The answer is that a nation is a collection of human beings.
Questions :
(i) What are the characteristics of a nation?
Ans: A common spirit that keeps the people united is the basis of a nation. Common religion, common races and common language cannot be the essential characteristics of a nation.
(ii) What are the two common religions predominant in Europe?
Ans: Two common religions predominant in Europe are Catholics and Protestants.
(iii) What do you mean by mixed nation? Which is the most mixed nation on earth?
Ans: Mixed nation is just like a melting pot that is formed of people hailing from different parts of the world and from different countries.
The United States of America is the most mixed nation on earth.
(iv) Can different races be found in English nation? Elaborate your answer.
Ans: Yes, different races can be found in English nation. The Irishman, the Scotch, the Highlanders together constitute English nation.
3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Caught like an insect in the tweezer grip of prejudice. I felt myself striking out in unreasoning retaliation. I became distrustful of every glance or gesture, seeking to probe behind them to expose the antipathy and endurance which, I felt sure was there.
I was no longer disposed to extend to English women or elderly people on buses and trains those essential courtesies which from childhood, I had accorded them as a rightful tribute and even found myself glaring in undisguised hostility at small children whose innocently enquiring eyes were attracted by my unfamiliar complexion.
Questions :
(i) In the above passage which place or country is under reference?
Ans: Please do yourself.
(ii) The writer thought that he was suffering from______ caste prejudice/coloured prejudice/religious prejudice.
(Choose the right alternative)
Ans: Please do yourself.
(iii) Who were attracted by the writer’s unfamiliar complexion?
Ans: Please do yourself.
Comprehension Test (Seen)
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
1. The house_____ the only one in the entire valley___ sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that promised a good harvest.
The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho – who knows his fields intimately____ had done nothing else but see the sky towards the north-cast.
“Now we’re really going to get some water, woman”
The woman, who was preparing supper, replied,
“Yes, Good willing”
Questions :
(i) Where was Lencho’s house situated?
Ans: Lencho’s house was situated in a lonely valley on the crest of a low hill.
(ii) Why did he sit seeing the sky?
Ans: Lencho sat watching the sky because his crop needed the rain to ripen.
(iii) When did the rain short and how did Lencho’s family welcome it?
Ans: The rain started during the evening. Lencho’s family welcomed it with glee.
2. Day after day she watched the bus, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on that bus, even it just once.
This wish became stronger and stronger,until it was an overwhelming desire. Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on or off the bus when it stopped at the street corner.
Their faces would kindle in her longings; dreams, and hopes.If one of her friends happened to ride the bus and tried to describe the sights of the town to her. Valli wourld be too jealous to listen and would short, in English: “Proud! proud!” Neither she nor her friends really understood the meaning of the word, but they used it often as a slang expression of disapproval.
Questions :
(a) What was Valli’s wish?
Ans: Valli’s wish was to ride an the bus.
(b) What did Valli do when the bus stopped at the street?
Ans: Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on or off the bus and thought sadly about it.
(c) What was the result of Valli’s seeing the bus daily?
Ans: The result was that she developed a great desire to ride the bus. The faces of the passengers created dreams and wishes in her mind.
(d) How was Valli’s dreams and hopes exited by?
Ans: Valli’s dreams and hopes were excited by the faces of the passengers.
3. Her first journey______ what careful, Pamstaking, elaborate plans she had to make for it. She had triftly saved whatever stray coins come her way, resisting every temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons, and the like, and finally she had saved a total of sixty paise.
How difficult it had been, particularly that day at the village fair, but she had resolutely stifled a strong desire to ride the merry go-round, even though she had the money.
After she had enough money saved, her next problem was how to slip out of the house without her mother’s knowledge. But she managed this without too much difficulty.
Every day after lunch her mother would nap from about one to four or so. Valli always used these hours for her ‘excursions’ as she stood looking from the doorway of her house or sometimes even ventured out into the village; to day, these same hours could be used for her first excursion outside the village.
Questions :
(i) How did Valli save the money?
Ans: Valli saved the money by resisting her temptations to buy the things.
(ii) What did Valli usually use to buy?
Ans: Valli usually used to buy peppermints, toys, balloons etc.
(iii) What problems did Valli have after saving enough money for the bus ride?
Ans: After saving enough money for the bus ride, her next problem was how to slip out of the house without her mother’s knowledge.
1 | Comprehension |
2 | Determiners |
3 | Tense |
4 | Voice |
5 | Narration |
6 | Preposition |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।