Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Narration, Class 10 Grammar Narration Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Grammar Bodo Medium, Class 10 Grammar Narration Question Answer in Bodo दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Class 10 Grammar Narration. Class 10 Bodo Medium Narration Test. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Narration Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 10 Grammar Narration
Bodo Medium class 10 english grammar notes बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 10 Grammar Question Answer | English Grammar | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 10 English Grammar Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम class 10 grammar seba बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है।
गाहाइनि बाथ्राखौ नाय :
Raju said, “I am doing M.A.”
गोजौनि राजुआ बुंनाय बाथ्राखौ गुबुननि सिगाङाव थोंजोंयै फोरमायनो हागौ । बेवहाय राजु बुंनाय बाथ्रानि सोदोब फोरखौ जेरैदं एरैयैनो बाहायदों। जेबो सोलाय सोल’ जायाखै। बे रोखोमनि बाथ्राफोरमायनायखौ Direct speech एबा direct narration बुंनाय जायो । बेवहाय बुंगिरिनि बाथ्राखौ गोजौ कमा (” “) नि सिङाव लाखिनाय जायो ।
गाहाइनि बाथ्राखौ नाय :
Raju said that he was doing M.A.
बेवहाय Raju बुंनाय बाथ्राखौ इसे सोलाय सोल’ खालामनानै बुंनाय जादों। बुंगिरिनि बुंनाय बाथ्रानि गुबै ओंथिया एखयैनो थायो। रावखान्थिनि नेमाल’ इसे सोलाय सोल’ जायो। बिब्दि फोरमायनाय बाथ्राखौ indirect speech एबा Indirect narration बुंनाय जायो ।
Raju said, “I am doing M.A.”
गोजौनि बाथ्रायाव ‘said’ आ जाबाय reporting verb आरो ‘is’ आ जाबाय reported verb.
Direct speech निफ्राय Indirect speech खालामनो थांनायाव pronoun फोरा गाहायाव होनाय बायदि सोलायो ।
Direct | Indirect |
I | he/she |
my | his/her |
me | him/her |
we | they |
our | their |
Us | them. |
जिदु Direct speech नि Reporting verb आ present एबा future tense आव थायो अब्ला Indirect speech नि tense आ जेबो सोलाया। जैरै–
Direct : He says. “I am ill.”
Indirect : He says that he is ill.
Direct : She says, “I shall do it.”
Indirect : She says that she will do it.
Direct : Ramu says, “I have passed the examination.”
Indirect : Ramu says that he has passed the examination.
Direct : Geeta will say, “I did my homework.”
Indirect : Geeta will say that she did her homework.
Direct : Karim will say, “My father is coming tomorrow.”
Indirect : Karim will say that his father is coming tomorrow.
नाथाय Direct speech आव reporting verb आ past आव थायोब्ला Indirect speech आव tense आ गाहायाव होनाय बायदि सोलाय सोल’ जायो ।
Direct | Indirect |
Present Indefinite | Past Indefinite |
Present Continuous | Past continuous |
Present Perfect | Past Perfect |
Past Indefinite | Past Perfect |
Past Continuous | Past Perfect Continuous |
Future (shall/will) | Conditional (should/would) |
गाहायाव बिदिन्थिफोरखौ होनाय जाबाय :
1. Hayna said, “I like to study history.” (Present Indefinite)
Hayna said that she liked to study history (Past Indefinite)
2. Mongla said. “I am writing a letter.” (Present Continuous)
Mongla said that he was writing a letter. (Past Continuous)
3. Dalimi said, “My father has taught me English.” (Present Perfect)
Dalimi said that her father had taught her English. (Past Perfect)
4. Sankar said. “I went to Guwahati.” (Past Indefinite)
Sankar said that he had gone to Guwahati. (Past perfect)
5. Hongla said, “We were playing football.” (Past Continuous)
Hongla said that they had been playing football. (Past perfect continuous)
6. Jaru said, “I shall buy a new pen.” (Future)
Jaru said that she would buy a new pen. (conditional)
गोसोहोनोगोनांदि अरायसैथो बाथ्रा एबा हुदा फोराव Reporting verb आ past tense आव थायोब्लाबो Indirect speech आव लांनायाव tense आ सोलाया।
The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
Mother said, “God is one.”
Mother said that God is one.
He said, “Ice floats on water.”
He said that ice floats on water.
अरायसैथो बाथ्राफोरनि उनगायै गुबुन बानाथ्राफोराव गोजौ आव होनाय फारिलाइनि नेमफोरखौ मानिनांगोन ।
खायसे auxiliary verb नि सोलायनाय :
Direct | Indirect |
can | could |
may | might |
must | must/had to |
Biju said to me. “I can lend you ten rupees.”
Biju told me that he could lend me ten rupees.
Champa said to me, “I may go.”
Champa told me that she might go.
Radha said, “I must do it.”
Radha said that she had to do that.
सम फोरायनाय adverb आरो adverbial phrase फोरा गाहाइयाव होनाय बायदि सोलायो।
Direct | Indirect |
now | then |
today | that day |
tomorrow | the next day, the following day |
yesterday | the day before, the previous day |
last night | the night before, the previous night |
ago | before |
next week | the following week. |
मोननैसो गुबुन गुबुन सोलायनाय
Direct | Indirect |
this | that |
these | those |
come | go |
thus | so/in that manner |
here | there |
बिदिन्थिफोर :
Thebla said, “I am going to the market today.”
Thebla said that he was going to the market that day.
Mangli said, “I saw a dream last night.”
Mangli said that she had seen a dream the night before.
Gendra said. “I shall do it tomorrow.”
Gendra said that he would do that the next day.
The girls said. “We went to Guwahati a year ago.
The girls said that they had gone to Guwahati a year before.
मोननैसो मिथिनो गोनां :
(i) Direct speech आव had better थायोब्ला Indirect speech आव एखेयैनो थायो । जैरै–
Arga said, “We had better go soon.”
Arga said that they had better go soon.
(ii) Reported clause आव मोनै verb आ जिदु मोनसे tense आवनो थायो अब्ला बेनि tense आ सोलाया।
She said, “Reeta came when I left.”
She said that Reeta came when she left.
सिगाङाव सावरायबोनाय sentence फोरा जाबाय गासैबो Assertive sentence अब्ला Assertive sentence फोरखौ माबोरै narration खालामनाय जायो बेफोरनि नेमफोरखौ मोनबाय। दानिया जों Interrogative, Imperative, Optative आरो Exclamatory sentence फोरनि narration खौ सावरायदोनि ।
Interrogative sentences
He said, “Am I right?”
He said if (whether) he was right.
बेवहाय, auxiliary verb फोरजों सोंनाय जायोब्ला ‘if’ एबा ‘whether’ connective लानांगौ आरो बे sentence आ interrogative आव थालिया। बेयो Assertive महरावसो थाहैगोन। Reporting verb ‘said’ नि जायगायाव asked/inquired बाइदि फज’नाय जायो ।
मोननैसो बिदिन्थिफोरखौ नायदो :
1. Rupam said to me, “Are you preparing for the lesson?”
Rupam asked (inquired of) me if (whether) I was preparing for the lesson.
2. The teacher said to me, “Have you done the sum?”
The teacher asked me if I had done the sum.
3. Rantheng said to her, “Is your brother at home?”
Rantheng asked her if her brother was at home.
4. Dodere said to me, “Was your father in Delhi last year?”
Dodere asked me if my father had been in Delhi the previous year.
5. Monika said to me, “Will you help me?”
Monika asked me if I would help her.
6. Mainao said to me, “Can you cook?”
Mainao asked me if I could cook.
जिदु सोंनाया who, which, when, where, how, what, why, when बायदिजों जागायो अब्ला if एबा whether जेबो connective लानाय जाया।
मोननैसो बिदिन्थिफोरखौ नाय :
1. The teacher said to me, “What are you doing?”
The teacher asked me what I was doing.
2. Mithinga said to me, “Where is your brother now?”
Mithinga asked me where my brother was then.
3. Karim said to me, “When will you visit us?”
Karim asked me when I would visit them.
4. He said to her, “What is your name?”
He asked her what her name was.
5. Rahim said to him, “How did you do it?”
Rahim asked him how he had done that
6. He said to me, “Who teaches you English?”
He asked me who taught me English.
Do, does, did जों सोंमायनि Narration
बेफोरजों सोंनाय जायोब्ला if एबा whether connective लानाय जायो आरो बाथ्राखौ assertive महराव लांनाय जायो।
मोननैसो बिदिन्थिफोरखौ नाय :
1. He said to me, “Do you play cricket?”
He asked me if I played cricket.
2. She said to me, “Does your brother sing well?”
She asked me if my brother sang well.
3. Rani said to me. “Did you go to the market yesterday?
Rani asked me if I had gone to the market the day before yesterday.
Bimal said to me, “Did you come here last night?”
Bimal asked her if I had gone there the previous night.
Imperative Sentence नि Narration
(i) Imperative sentence आव Direct speech नि Reporting verb आ ओंथिखौ नायनानै indirect speech आव command/ordered/advised/requested/asked/forbid बाइदि जायो ।
(ii) Indirect narration आव verb नि Infinitive form (to + verb) बाहायनाय जायो ।
(iii) ‘Don’t’ थायोब्ला not to बाहायनाय जायो आरो
(iv) Please नि सोलाय request बाहायनाय जायो ।
गाहाइनि मोननैसो बिदिन्थिखौ नाय :
The captain said, “March forward.”
The captain ordered to march forward.
The teacher said. “Obey your parents.”
The teacher advised to obey our parents.
The man said, “Don’t kill the birds.”
The man advised not to kill the birds.
The girl said to me, “Please sing a song.”
The girl requested me to sing a song.
Let सोदोबा proposal एबा suggestion फोरमायोब्ला indirect speech आव Reporting verb आ proposed एबा suggested जायो ।
He said, “Let us go to the market.”
He proposed that we should go to the market.
She said to me, “Let us arrange a picnic,”
She proposed/suggested to me that we should arrange a picnic.
नाथाय ‘let’ सोदोबा allow ओंथि फोरमायोब्ला reporting verb. आ entreat, request, tell बायदि जायो आरो उनाव might/might be allowed, should/should be allowed बाहयनांगौ ।
The boy said to the mother, “Let me watch TV.”
The boy requested the mother that he might be allowed to watch TV.
The students said, “Sir, let us play football.”
The students requested their teacher that they might be allowed to play football.
The nurse said, “Let the mother feed her breast to the child.”
The nurse advised that the mother should feed her breast to the child.
Optative Sentence
Optative sentence नि narration आव Direct speech नि reporting verb आ pray, wish, bless बायदियाव सोलायो ।
बिदिन्थि :
He said to me, “May you live long.”
He wished that I might live long.
The old man said to us, “May God less you.”
The old man prayed that God might bless us.
The people said, “Long live the king.”
The people wished a long life for the king.
The teacher said, “Good morning.”
The teacher wished us good morning.
He said to me, “Thank you.”
He thanked me.
“Congratulation” she said to me.
She congratulated me.
Exclamatory Sentence
Exclamatory sentence नि Reporting verb आ ओंथिखौ नायनानै exclaim, cry out, pray, wish बाइदि जायो। Interrogative sentence आव जानाय बायदि बेफोर sentence आ exclamatory आव थायालासै Assertive sentence आव थाहैयो।
Exclaim सोदोबनि उनाव बाहायनाय adverb फोरा जाबाय Joyfully, wonderfully, sorrowfully, regretfully बाइदि बाइदि बेफोरनि सिगाङाव with बाहायब्ला एरै जागोन with joy, with wonder, with sorrow, with regret बाइदि बाइदि ।
मोननैसो बिदिन्थिखौ नाय :
She said, “What a fine scene it is!”
She exclaimed with wonder that (that) was a very fine scene.
He said, “Hurrah! we have won the match.”
He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
She said, “Alas! I am undone.”
She exclaimed with sorrow that she was undone.
1 | Comprehension |
2 | Determiners |
3 | Tense |
4 | Voice |
5 | Narration |
6 | Preposition |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।