Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Tense, Class 10 Grammar Tense Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Grammar Bodo Medium, Class 10 Grammar Tense Question Answer in Bodo दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Class 10 Grammar Tense. Class 10 Bodo Medium Grammar Tense. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Tense Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 10 Grammar Tense
Bodo Medium class 10 english grammar notes बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 10 Grammar Question Answer | English Grammar | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 10 English Grammar Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम class 10 grammar seba बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है।
थाइजानि हाबा जाफुंनाय सम एबा बोथोरखौनो Tense (बिदिनथा) बुङो। बिदिनथिखौ गुबैयै मोनथाम बाहागोआव राननाय जादों l जरै- (ग) Present tense (दा बिदिनथा), (ख) Past tense (गोदो बिदिनथा) आरो (ग) Future tense (इयुन बिदिनथा) |
जाय थाइजाया हाबा जाफुबाय थानाय सम दिनथियो बेखौनो present tense दा ( बिदिनथा) बुंनाय जायो । जैरै- He writes a letter.
जाय थाइजाया जाखांनाय एबा थांनाय बोथोरखौ फोरमायो बेखौनो past tense (गोदो बिदिनथा) बुंनाय जायो। जरै- He came home yesterday. जाय थाइजानि हाबाया फैगोन एबा जागोन बाथ्रानि खौरां दिनथियो बेखौनो Future tense (इयुन बिदिनथा) बुंनाय जायो। जेरै- He will write a letter.
बेनि अनगायैबो present tense, past tense आरो future tense खौ आरोबाव गुबैयै मोनब्रे बाहागोआव राननाय जादों l जरै- Indefinite, continuous, perfect आरो perfect continuous tense फोरखौ माबायदि बाहायनाय जायो बेखौ गाहायाव बिदिनथिजों सावरायनाय जाबाय।
The Present Tense
(1) Present Indefinite : Present Indifinite Tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय- (Form)
Sub + root of the verb (Infinite with or with out to affirmative)
Subject आ third person singular number जाबोला present indefinite tense नि उनाव s एबा es दाबावनाय जायो ।
Negative : Sub: do not/does not + root of the verb.
Interrogative : Do/does + sub + root of the verb.
Negative interrogative : Do not/does not + sub + root of the verb.
(i) He reads the Assam Tribune. (Affirmative)
(ii) He dos not read the Assam Tribune. (Negative)
(iii) Does he read the Assam Tribune? (Interrogative)
(iv) Does he not read the Assam Tribune? (Interrogative negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) जायफोर हाबा सानफ्रोमबो जायो एबा सरासनस्रायै (usually ) जायो बेफोर खामानिखौ फोरमायनो थाखाय Present indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) He goes home every Sunday.
(ii) I go to school on foot.
(iii) It rains in summer.
(iv) Flowers bloom in spring.
(b) Universal truth (अराय सैथो) फोरमायनो Present indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) Man is mortal.
(ii) The sun sets in the west.
(iii) The earth moves round the sun.
(iv) The stars are bright.
(c) Habitual action (दागोनां खामानि) फोरमायनो
Present indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) He speaks English fluently.
(ii) Flowers bloom in spring.
(iii) Snow melts when it is heated.
(d) गोदोनि बाथ्रा एबा थांनाय बाथ्रा रोखायै फोरमायनो माब्लाबा Present indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो l जेरै―
(i) Gandhiji is the father of Indian nationality.
(ii) Nehru is the first Prime Minister of India.
(e) माब्लाबा Present continuous tense नि बदलयै Present indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) Look, they play (meaning the playing).
(ii) Look, it rains (meaning it is raining)
(f) इयुनाव थिखालामखानानै दोननाय बाथ्राखौ फोरमायनो थाखाय माब्लाबा Present indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) The Prime Minister comes to Guwahati tomorrow.
(ii) The Assam Mail arrives at 5 a.m. tomorrow.
(g) लिरबिदांनि सोमोनदै सावरायनाइ लिरनो सरसनस्रायै Present Indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) A.G. Gardiner is a good essayist.
(ii) Wordsworth is a poet of nature.
(iii) Hamlet is a nice play.
(2) Present Continuous Tense : Present continuous tense नि बाथ्रा दानायनि फारिया जाबाय।
Sub + am/is/are + root + ing (Affirmative )
Sub + am/is/are + not + root + ing (Negative)
Is/am/is/are + sub + root + ing (Interrogative)
Is/am/are + sub + not + root + ing (Interrogative Negative)
(i) She is reading a magazine. (Affirmative)
(ii) She is not reading a magazine (Negative)
(iii) Is she reading a magazine? (Interrogative)
(iv) Is she not reading a magazine? (Interrogative negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) जायफोर खामानि जागायनाय जादों आरो दासिमबो सलिगासिनो दं बेफोर खामानिखौ फोरमायनो थाखाय Present continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो । जैरै―
I am reading a book.
(b) माब्लाबा इयुननि बाथ्रा फोरमायनो Present continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै―
(i) The president is coming to Tezpur tomorrow.
(ii) He is going to Londen next week.
(3) Present Perfect Tense : Present perfect tense नि बाथ्रा दायिनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + have/has + past participle + object. (Affirmative)
Sub + have/has + not + past participle + object (Negative)
Have/has + sub + past participle + object. (Interrogative)
Have/has + not + sub + past participle. (Interrogative Negative)
(i) I have done the deed. (Affirmative)
(ii) I have not done the deed. (Negative)
(iii) Have I done the deed? (Interrogative)
(iv) Have I not done the deed? (Interrogative Negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) जायफोर खामानि दा सो जोबदों बेफोर खामानिखौ फोरमायनो Present perfect tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै–
The sun has set.
(b) माब्लाबा आगोलाव एबा गोदोआव जाना थांनाय खामानि फोरमानोबो Present perfect tense Use बाहायनाय जायो, जायफोर खामानिनि फिथाइखौ दासिमबो मोनदाङो । जेरै–
We have known each other for several years.
(c) Past tense आरो Present tense नि गेजेराव सोमोनदो सोरजिनो Present perfect tense बाहायनाय जायो।
(4) Present Perfect Continuous Tense : Present perfect continuous tense नि बाथ्रा दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + have/has + been + root + ing (Affirmative)
Sub have/has + not been + root + ing (Negative)
Has/have + sub + been + root + ing (Interrogative)
Has/have + sub + not + been + root + ing (Interrogative Negative)
(i) He has been reading for two hours. (Affirmative)
(ii) He has not been reading for two hours. (Negative)
(iii) Has he been reading for two hours? (Interrogative)
(iv) Has he not been reading for two hours? (Negative Interrogative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : जायफोर खामानिखौ गोदोआवनो जागायनाय जादों आरो दासिमबो सलिगासिनोदं (मावगासिनोदं) बेफोर खामानिखौ फोरमायनो Present perfect continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै–
(i) I have been working for ten hours.
(ii) He has been living here since 1980.
(iii) She has been staying with me for ten weeks.
Past Tense
(1) Simple Past Tense/Past Indefinite Tense : Simple past tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + past of verb (Affirmative)
Sub + did not + root of the verb (Negative)
Did + sub + root of the verb (Interrogative)
Did + not + sub + root of the verb (Interrogative Negative)
(i) He came here yesterday. (Affirmative)
(ii) He did not come here yesterday. (Negative)
(iii) Did he come here yesterday? (Interrogative)
(iv) Did he not come here yesterday? (Interrogative Negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) गोदोनि एबा थांनाय समनि habitual action एबा state नि बाथ्रा फोरमायनो Past indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै–
(i) It was very cold last winter.
(ii) He went to Delhi last year.
(b) गोदोआव मावखांनाय खामानिखौ फोरमायनो Past indefinite tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै–
(i) I met him yesterday.
(ii) He failed last year.
(2) Past Continuous Tense : Past continuous tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + was/were + root of the verb + ing. (Affirmative)
Sub + was/were + not + root of the verb + ing (Negative)
Was/were + sub + root of the verb + ing. (Interrogative)
Was/were + sub + not + root + ing (Interrogative Negative)
(i) He was going to school. (Affirmative)
(ii) He was not going to school. (Negative)
(iii) Was he going to school? (Interrogative)
(iv) Was he not going to school? (Interrogative Negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) गोदोआव मोनसे समनि फ्राय मोनसे समालासै सोलिगासिनो थानाय खामानिखौ फोरमायनो Past continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै–
(i) She was singing when I called on her.
(ii) She was telling a tale.
(3) Past Perfect Tense : Past perfect tense दनायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + had + past participle of the verb (Affirmative)
Sub + had + not + past participle of the verb (Negative)
Had + sub + past participle (Interrogative)
Had + sub + not + past participle (Interrogative Negative)
(i) The train had left before he reached the station. (Affirmative)
(ii) The train had not left before he reached the station. (Negative)
(iii) Had the train left before he reached the station? (Interrogative)
(iv) Had the train not left before he reached the station? (Interrogative Negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) गोदोआव मोनसे समावनो जालांनाय मोननै खामानिनि जाय गिबियाव जादों बेखौ फोरमायनौ past perfect tense बाहायनाय जायो। उननि verb आ simple past tense जायो। जेरै–
(i) They had arrived before you came here.
(ii) He told me the case before she had left.
(iii) The train had stopped when she arrived.
(4) Past Perfect Continuous Tense : Past perfect continuous tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + had + been + root + ing (Affirmative)
Sub + had + not + root + ing (Negative)
Had + sub + been + root + ing (Interrogative)
Had + sub + not + been + root + ing (Interrogative Negative)
(i) She had been reading since morning. (Affirmative)
(ii) She had not been reading since morning. (Negative)
(iii) Had she been reading since morning? (Interrogative)
(iv) Had she not been reading since morning? (Interrogative Negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) गोदोआव जालांनाय मोनसे खामानिनि सिगाङाव गुबुन मोनसे खामानि सोलिगासिनो थानाय फोरमायनो Past perfect continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो। जेरै–
(i) He had been doing the work for sometime since before the sunrise.
(ii) I had been working when he came.
Future Tense
(1) Simple Future/Future Indefinite : Simple future tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + shall/will + root of the verb. (Affirmative)
Sub + shall/will + not + root of the verb (Negative)
Shall/will + sub + root of the verb? (Interrogative)
Shall/will + sub + not + root of the verb (Interrogative Negative)
(i) Ramesh will stand first. (Affirmative)
(ii) Ramesh will not stand first. (Negative)
(iii) Will Ramesh stand first? (Interrogative)
(iv) Will Ramesh not stand first? (Interrogative Negative)
गोसोआव लाखिनोगोनां : First person नि उनाव will आरो second आरो third person नि उनाव shall बाहायबोला emphatic फोरमायो ।
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) सरासनस्रायै इयुनाय मावनोगोनां एबा इयुननि खामानिखौ फोरमायनो simple future tense बाहायनाय जायो।
(i) They will come tomorrow.
(ii) We shall go to Delhi next month.
(2) Future Continuous tense : Future continuous tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + shall/will + be + root + ing (Affirmative)
Sub + shall/will + not + be + root + ing (Negative)
Shall/will + sub + be + root + ing (Interrogative)
Shall/will + sub + not + be + root + ing (Interrogative Negative)
(i) It will be raining tomorrow. (Affirmative )
(ii) It will not be raining tomorrow. (Negative)
(iii) Will it be raining tomorrow? (Interrogative)
(iv) Will it not be raining tomorrow? (Interrogative Negative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : (a) इयुननि मोनसे थि समाव खामानिया सोलिगासिनो थागोन फोरमायनो Future continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो।
(i) Tendulkar will be leading the Indian team.
(ii) They will be coming in the evening.
(iii) We will be playing in the evening.
(3) Future Perfect Tense : Future perfect tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय–
Sub + shall/will + have + past participle of verb. (Affirmative)
Sub + shall/will + not + have + past participle of the verb (Negative)
Shall/will + sub + have + past participle of the verb? (Interrogative)
Shall/will + sub + not + have + past participle of the verb? (Interrogative Negative)
(i) I shall have gone home. (Affirmative)
(ii) I shall have not gone home. (Negative)
(iii) Shall I have gone home? (Interrogative)
(iv) Shall I not have gone home? (Negative Interrogative)
Use (बाहायनाय) : इयुननि मोनसे थिसमायाव खामानिया जोबहैखांगोन फोरायनो Future perfect tense बाहायनाय जायो ।
(i) He shall have done the work by sunset.
(ii) You will have met your mother before I see you again.
(4) Future Perfect Continuous Tense : Future perfect continuous tense दानायनि फारिया जाबाय :
Sub + shall/will + have + been + root + ing
Sub + shall/will + not + have + past participle of the verb (Negative)
Shall/will + sub + have + past participle of the verb. (Interrogative)
Shall/will + sub + not + have + past participle of the verb? (Interrogative Negative)
(i) I shall have been doing the work. (Affirmative)
(ii) I shall not have been doing the work. (Negative)
(iii) Shall I have been doing the work? (Interrogative)
(iv) Shall I not have been doing the work? (Negative Interrogative)
Use ( बाहायनाय) : इयुननि जायखिजाया मोनसे थि समायाव मौनसे खामानि सोलिगासिनो थागोन होननानै आसा खालामनायखौ फोरमायनो Future perfect continuous tense बाहायनाय जायो।
(i) He will have been playing.
(ii) The boys will have been shouting until the arrival of the headmaster.
Questions and Answers
1. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs given in the brackets in their correct tense form :
(a) I (suffer) since last month.
Ans: I have been suffering since last month.
(b) When he came yesterday, I (read) a novel.
Ans: When he came yesterday, I was reading a novel.
(c) The child (cry) because it is hungry.
Ans: The child is crying because it is hungry.
(d) He (stay) here until you return.
Ans: He will stay here until you return.
(e) If he (come) to me, I would have helped him.
Ans: If he had come to me, I would have helped him.
(f) The boy jumped off the bus while it (move).
Ans: The boy jumped off the bus while it was moving.
(g) If I (have) time, I shall visit the exhibition.
Ans: If I have time, I shall visit the exhibition.
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs given in the brackets in their correct tense form :
(a) He (do) this work since monday last.
Ans: He has been doing this work since monday last.
(b) I wish I (be) there
Ans: I wish I were there.
(c) If it (rain), I shall not go out.
Ans: If it rains, I shall not go out.
(d) He (kill) in the battle last year.
Ans: He was killed in the battle last year.
(e) When he set out early this morning the sun (shine)
Ans: When he set out early this morning the sun was shining.
(f) I reached the place after he (leave).
Ans: I reached the place after he had left.
(g) If you (go) there yesterday, you could have met him.
Ans: If you had gone there yesterday, you could have met him.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs given in the brackets in their correct tense form :
(a) She (read) a book when I saw her.
Ans: She was reading a book when I saw her.
(b) If it (rain) tomorrow, we will have to put off the match.
Ans: If it rains tomorrow, we will have to put off the match.
(c) I (write) letters since ten O’clock in the morning.
Ans: I have been writing letter since ten O’clock in the morning.
(d) I wish I (know) all this,
Ans: I wish I knew all this.
(e) Let the work (do) immediately.
Ans: Let the work be done immediately.
(f) Guwahati (stand) on the Brahmaputra.
Ans: Guwahati stands on the Brahmaputra
(g) At one time it (take) a few hours to travel between Guwahati and Calcutta by air.
Ans: At one time it will take a few hours to travel between Guwahati and Calcutta by air.
At one time it took a few hours to travel between Guwahati and Calcutta.
4. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs given in the brackets in their correct tense form :
(a) This road (run) from Guwahati, to Jorhat.
Ans: This road runs from Guwahati to Jorhat.
(b) We (go) to the theatre last evening.
Ans: We went to the theatre last evening.
(c) These days football (play) everywhere.
Ans: These days football is played everywhere.
(d) We (stay) in this house for two years.
Ans: We have been staying in this house for two years.
(e) If I (be), you I should not accept the post.
Ans: If I were you, I should not accept the post.
(f) I (return) your money by next week.
Ans: I shall return your money by next week.
(g) The play (start) before we reached.
Ans: The play had started before we reached.
5. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs given in the brackets in their correct tense form :
(a) Recently the price of sugar (go) up.
Ans: Recently the price of sugar has gone up.
(b) I (do) lot of work today.
Ans: I shall have to do a lot of work today.
(c) The train (leave) before we reached the station.
Ans: The train had left before we reached the station.
(d) I wish my brother (be) here.
Ans: I wish my brother were here.
(e) As he (cross) the road a bus knocked him down.
Ans: As he was crossing the road a bus knocked him down.
(f) I (think) of going abroad for quite sometime.
Ans: I have been thinking of going abroad for quite sometime.
(g) This paper (appear) twice weekly.
Ans: This paper appears twice weekly.
1 | Comprehension |
2 | Determiners |
3 | Tense |
4 | Voice |
5 | Narration |
6 | Preposition |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।