Class 10 Grammar Voice in Bodo Medium, Class 10 Grammar Voice Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Grammar Bodo Medium, Class 10 Grammar Voice Question Answer in Bodo दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Class 10 Grammar Voice. Class 10 Bodo Medium Grammar Voice. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 10 Grammar Voice Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 10 Grammar Voice
Bodo Medium class 10 english grammar notes बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 10 Grammar Question Answer | English Grammar | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 10 English Grammar Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम class 10 grammar seba बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है।
Voice आ मोननै रोखोमनि Active voice आरो Passive Voice. जाय Voice आव Subject एबा मावग्रआया गिबियै बाहागोलायो बिब्दि बाथ्राखौ Active Voice आरो जाय बाथ्रायाव मावग्राया Passive (मावरोङि) जाना थायो नाथाय मावजाग्रा (object) नि सायाव सोनारो, बिखौनो Passive Voice बुंनाय जायो । बाथ्रानि बाहागो बादियै Assertive, Imperative, Interrogative, Optative, Exclamatory नि Voice change खालामनो हायो Active निफ्राय Passive सिम एबा Passive निफ्राय Active सिम Sentence change खालामनायनि नेमनि फाराग दङ Active निफ्राय Passive सिम सोलायहोनायनि गोनांथार नेमफोरखौ गाहायाब होनाय जाबाय।
(a) Active Voice नि Subject आ Passive Voice आव सरासनस्रा by preposition नि सोलाय with preposition बो जायो।
जेरै― Active : Corber killed the tiger.
Passive : The tiger was killed by Corbertt.
(b) Active Voice नि object आ Passive आव Subject जायो। अदेवानि Active Voice आव मोननै Object थायोब्ला मोनसेआ subject जायो आरो गुबुन मोनसेआ Retained object महरै थायो।
जेरै― Active : Father gave me a book. (me आरो book आ object)
Passive : I was given a book by father. (Book-retained object)
A book was given me by father. (me-retained object)
(c) Active Voice नि Principal verb आ सोलायनानै Passive. Voice आव बिनि Past participle आल’ थाहैयो
(d) Active Voice नि Principle verb नि Tense आरो Passive Voice नि Number आरो Person बादियै Principal verb नि सिगाङाव be verb मोनसे फज ‘नांगौ ।
(e) नाथाय Imperative Sentence खौ Acitve Voice निफ्राय Passive Voice सिम सोलायहोयोब्ला verb नि Infinite form थामहिनबा (to + verb) जायो ।
गाहायााव माखासे Active Voice निफ्राय Passive Voice सिम सोलायहोनायनि बिदिन्थि होनाय जाबाय।
(Question : Change the voice of the following)
1. Active : The villagers Killed the tiger.
Passive : The tiger was killed by the villagers.
2. Active : I know the boy.
Passive : The boy is known to me.
3. Active : The president gave away the prizes.
Passive : The prizes were given away by the president.
4. Active : My sister has written this poem.
Passive : This poem has been written by my sister.
5. Active : He has done the sum.
Passive : The sum has been done by him.
6. Active : A storm damaged the house.
Passive : The house was damaged by a storm.
7. Active : I wrote that book.
Passive : That book was written by me.
8. Active : I bought an umbrella yesterday.
Passive : An umbrella was bought by me yesterday.
9. Active : Someone repaired the bridge.
Passive : The bridge was repaired by Some one.
10. Active : Someone removed the dead body from the street
Passive : The dead body was removed from the street.
11. Active : A doctor is examining the patient.
Passive : The patient is being examined by a doctor.
12. Active : She is writing a letter.
Passive : A letter is being written by her.
13. Active : He is reading a book.
Passive : A book is being read by him.
14. Active : The postman is delivering letters.
Passive : Letters are being delivered by the postman.
15. Active : The policeman will catch the thief.
Passive : The thief will be caught by the policeman.
16. Active : They will do the works,
Passive : The works will be done by them.
17. Active : Do the work now.
Passive : Let the work be done now.
18. Active : Tell him to go there.
Passive : Let him be told to go there.
19. Active : Open the window.
Passive : Let the window be opened.
20. Active : Do not see it. Or, You are asked not to see it.
Passive : Let it not be seen.
21. Active : We eat rice
Passive : Rice is eaten by us.
Pronoun फोरनि सोलायानय :
Subject | Object |
I | me |
we | us |
he | him |
she | her |
they | them |
you | you |
it | it |
(A) Present Indefinite नि voice change :
1. Active : I know you.
Passive : You are know to me.
2. They play football.
Passive : Football is played by them.
3. Active : The President appoints the Prime Minister
Passive : The Prime Minister is appointed by the President
4. Active : Does he speak English?
Passive : Is English spoken by him.
(B) Present continuons नि voice change :
1. He is writing a letter.
A letter is being written by him.
2. The girl is making toys.
Toys are being made by the girl.
3. The students are doing sums.
Sums are being done by the students.
(C) Present Perfect नि voice change :
1. He has done the work.
The work has been done by him.
2. I have seen the zoo.
The zoo has been seen by him
3. The police have arrested the thief.
The thieves have been arrested by the police.
(D) Past Indefinite नि voice change
1. He did the work.
The work was done by him.
2. The hunter killed a tiger.
The tiger was killed by the hunter.
3. He sold the mangoes.
The mangoes were sold by him.
(E) Past Continuons नि voice Change
1. I was reading a book.
A book was being by me.
2. The girl was drawing pictures.
Pictures were being drawn by the girl.
3. We were flying kites..
Kites were being flown by us.
(F) Past Perfect नि voice change
1. He had done the sums.
The sums had been done by him
2. She had written a letter.
A letter had been written by him.
3. They had invited him in the meeting.
He had been invited by them in the meeting.
(G) Future Indefinite नि voice change.
1. I shall do it.
It will be done by me.
2. He will tell a story.
A story will be told by him.
The teacher will ask questions to the pupils Questions will be asked to the pupils by the teacher.
Imperatives Sentence नि voice change : गोसोआव लाखिदि Imperative Sentence खौ passive आव लांनायाव verb आ infinities महराव थायो ।
1. Close the door.
Let the door be closed.
2. Do it at once.
Let it be done at once.
3. Change the voice.
Let the voice be changed.
4. Bring me a glass of water for me.
Let a glass of water be brought for me.
5. Do not cross the road.
You are asked not to cross the road (बेफोरबायदि बाथ्रायाव let बाहायब्ला जाया)
6. Don’t tell a lie.
You are advised not to tell a lie.
7. Don’t go there.
You are asked not to go there
8. Please go there and tell them the news.
You are requested to go there and tell them the news.
Interrogative Sentence नि voice change :
1. Who has broken the window?
By whom has the window been broken?
2. Who taught you English?
By whom were you taught English?
3. Who did it?
By whom was it done?
4. Will you do it?
Will it be done by you?
5. Have you completed the work?
Has the work been completed by you?
6. Is a letter being written by you?
Is a letter being written by you?
7: Do you know her father?
Is her father known to you?
Can, May, Must. नि voice change :
1. I can do it
It can be done by me.
2. You must finish the work.
The work must be finished by you
3. She may help you.
You may be helped by her.
Question Papers Solved
(a) I have posted the letters.
Ans: The letters have been posted by me.
(b) The lady helps the poor.
Ans: The poor are helped by the lady.
(c) Our teacher buys books every month.
Ans: Books are bought every month by our teacher.
(d) I do not know his address.
Ans: His address is not known to me.
(e) The teacher is correcting our copies.
Ans: Our copies are being corrected by the teacher.
(f) My books have been stolen.
Ans: Somebody has stolen my books.
(g) Some boys broke the window panes.
Ans: The window panes were broken by some boys.
(h) They have completed the work.
Ans: The work has been completed by them.
(i) A doctor is examining the patient.
Ans: The patient is being examined by a doctor.
(j) The tiger was killed by the hunter.
Ans: The hunter killed the tiger.
(k) People speak English all over the world.
Ans: English is spoken all over the world (by people)
(l) The stage was decorated by the students.
Ans: The students decorated the stage.
(m) They say that he is a saint.
Ans: It is said that he is a saint.
He is said to be a saint.
(n) Was a tiger killed by the hunter?
Ans: Did the hunter kill a tiger?
(o) You should not raise this question now.
Ans: This question should not be raised now by you.
(p) The. bridge was completed in a record time.
Ans: They completed the bridge in a record time.
(q).The dog bites strangers.
Ans: Strangers are bitten by the dog.
(r) He was taken to the hospital.
Ans: They took him to the hospital.
(s) We have completed the arrangements for the fair.
Ans: The arrangements for the fair have been completed by us.
(t) The patient is being examined by a doctor.
Ans: A doctor is examining the patient.
1 | Comprehension |
2 | Determiners |
3 | Tense |
4 | Voice |
5 | Narration |
6 | Preposition |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।