Class 9 English Chapter 3 The Sound of Music Question Answer in bodo medium Class 9 English Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA इंराजी Class 9 Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें. Class 9 English Chapter 3 The Sound of Music Question Answer Class 9 Bodo Medium English Chapter 3 Questions Answer. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9th English Chapter 3 The Sound of Music Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 9 English Chapter 3 The Sound of Music
Bodo Medium Class 9 English Chapter 3 Question Answer The Sound of Music Question Answer | The Sound of Music Question Answer | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की कक्षा 9 बोडो मीडियम इंराजी खोन्दो 3 The Sound of Music Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 3 Question Answer बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 3 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस कक्षा 9 इंराजी में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।
Chapter 3 The Sound of Music
Thinking about the Text.
I: Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.
1. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music? (Royal Academy of Music आव थाङोब्ला Evelyn आ बेसेबां बैसोनि मोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn was not even seventen when she went to the Royal Academy of Music.
2. When was her deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed? (बिनि बेंगि जानाय अबस्थाखौ माब्ला नोजोराव गोग्लैदोंमोन? माब्ला बेयो थार जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn’s deafness was first noticed by her mother when she was eight years old.
For quite a while Evelyn managed to conceal her growing deafness from friends and teachers By the time she was eleven her marks had deteriorated and it was confirmed.
II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (30-40 words).
1. Who helped her to continue with music? What did he do and say? (सोर बिखौ देंखोजों सोलिलांबाय थानो हेफाजाब होदोंमोन? बियो मा मावदोंमोन आरो बुंदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Ron Forbes, the great percussionist helps Evelyn to continue with music. He spotted a great potential in her. He tuned two large drums to different notes and said to Evelyn “Don’t listen through your ears. Try to sense it some other way.” Suddenly she realised she could feel the higher drums from the waist up and the lower one from the waist down.
2. Name the various places and causes for which Evelyn performs. (गुबुन गुबुन जायगा आरो जाहोनफोरखौ मुंख’ जायनि थाखाय Evelyn आ दिन्थिफुङो ।)
Ans : Evelyn performs regular concerts as her profession. In addition to this, she gives free concerts in prisons and hospitals. She also gives great importance to classes for young musicians.
III. Answer the question in two or three paragraphs (100-150 words).
1. How does Evelyn hear music? (Evelyn आ माबोरै देखोखौ खोनायो ?)
Ans : Evelyn is deaf. She hears music not through her ears, but through the different parts of her body. What we hear, she feels. And she feels it far more deeply than any of us. She says that music pours in through every part of her body. It tingles in her skin, her cheekbones and even in her hair. When she plays the xylophone, she can sense the sound passing up the stick into her fingertips.
By learning against the drums, she can feel the resonances flowing into her body. On a wooden platform she removes her shoes so that the vibrations pass through her bare feet and up her legs:
Additional Question:
1. What did Evelyn’s mother notice when she was waiting to play the piano? (जेब्ला बियो पियान ‘खौ दामनो नेगासिनो दंमोन बे समाव Evelyn नि बिमाया मा नोजोर खालामदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn’s mother noticed her deafness when she was waiting to play the piano.
2. What did the headmistress urge Evelyn’s parents? (गाहाय फोरोगिरिजोआ Evelyn नि बिमा-बिफाखौ मा आरज खालामदोंमोन ?)
Ans : The headmistress urged Evelyn’s parents to take Evelyn to a specialist.
3. What was the result when the specialist examined Evelyn and what was her advice to her parents? (दाक्टरा Evelyn खौ आनजाद नायनायनि जावना मामोन आरो बिमा -बिफानि सिम बिनि बोसोना मामोन ?)
Ans : By examining Evelyn the specialist discovered that her hearing was severely impaired as a result of gradual nerve damage. The specialist advised her parents that she should be fitted with hearing aids and sent to a school for the deaf.
3. What happened when Evelyn was eleven years old? (Evelyn आ जिसे बोसोर जानायाव मा जाथाय जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : When Evelyn was eleven years old her marks of deafness had deteriorated and the headmistress urged her parents to take her to a specialist.
4. What was Evelyn determined to do? (Evelyn आ मा मावनो थिरांथा खालामदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn was determined to lead a normal life and pur sue her interest in music.
5. What did Evelyn notice on day? (Evelyn आ सानसेखालि मा नोजोर होदोंमोन ?)
Ans : One day Evelyn noticed a girl playing a xylophone.
6. When did Evelyn decide to play xylophone too? (माब्ला Evelyn आ जायल फनबो दामनो थिरांथा लादोंमोन ?)
Ans : One day Evelyn noticed a girl playing a xylophone. Then she decided to play it too.
7. Who discouraged her and why? (सोर बिखौ गोसो बायहोदोंमोन आरो मानो ?)
Ans : Her teachers discouraged her because of deafness.
8. Who was Ron Forles? (Ron Forbes आ सोरमोन ?)
Ans : Ron Forbes was a percussionist.
9. What did Ron Forbes find in Evelyn and how did he encourage her? (Ron Forbes Evelyn नियाव मा मोनदोंमोन आरो माबोरै बियो बिखौ थुलुंगा होदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Ron Forbes spotted her potential and encouraged her by telling not to listen through-ears but some other way.
10. What was the result of Forbes’ repeated exercise on Evelyn? (Forbes नि Evelyn नि सायाव गले गले सर’ खालामबाय थानायनि फिथाइया मामोन ?)
Ans : Forbes’ repeated exercise made Evelyn sense certain notes in different parts of her body. She had learnt to open her mind and body to sounds and vibrations.
11. How did Evelyn get to the top of the world as most sought-after muti-percussionist? (माबोरै Evelyn आ बुहुमनि गोबांयैनो नागिर जानाय गोबां टबला दामगिरिनि साबसिन खर ‘सायाव मोनहैनो हादोंमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn got to the top of the world’s most sought-after multi percussionist by dint of determination and hardwork.
12. What is intriguing? (माया सोमोनांथावना ?)
Ans : It is intriguing to watch Evelyn function so effortlessly without hearing.
13. Evelyn is looked at internationally as what? (Evelyn खौ मुलुगनां महरै मा हिसाबै नोजोरहोनाय जायोमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn is looked at internationally as a master of some 1000 instruments.
14. As for music what does Evelyn say? (देखोनि सोमोन्दै Evelyn आमा बुङो ?)
Ans : Evelyn says that music pours in through every part of her body. It tingles in her skin, her cheekbones and even in her hair.
15. What did Evelyn do before she performed and why? (Evelyn आ दिन्थिफुंनायनि सिगां मा मावोमोन आरो मानो ?)
Ans : Evelyn removed her shoes before she performed so that the vibrations pass through her bare feet and up her legs.
16. What did Evelyn confess? (Evelyn आ माखो सिमान लादोंमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn confessed that she was something of a workaholic. She worked harder than classical musicians.
17. How did Evelyn encourage the young musicians? (लाइमोन देंखोगिरिफोरखौ Evelyn आ माबोरै थुलुंगा होदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn encouraged the young musicians by giving priority to their classes.
18. In which year was Evelyn presented with the Royal Caphil harmonic Society’s prestigious Soloist of the Capear Award? (बबे बोसोराव Evelyn नो Royal Caphil harmonic. society’s prestigious soloist of the Capear Award बान्थाखौ होनाय जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : In 1991 Evelyn was presented with the Royal Caphil harmonic Society’s prestigious Soloist of the Capear Award.
19. What does master percussionist James Blades say? (आखा-फाखा टबला दामगिरि James Blades आ Evelyn नि सोमोन्दै मा बुङो ?)
Ans : Master percussionist James Blades, says “God may have taken her hearing but Cape has given her back something extraordinary.”
20. What does Ann Richlin of the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children say? (Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children Ann Richlin आमा बुङो ?)
Ans : Ann Richlin of the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children says. “She (Evelyn) is a shining inspiration for deaf children. They see that there is nowhere that they can not go.” “”
21. What is Evelyn’s great deeds to percussion? (टबला दामगिरिनि थाखाय Evelyn नि मावनाय गेदेर खामानिया मा ?)
Ans : Evelyn’s great deeds to percussion is that she has brought it to the front of the orchestra and demonstrated that it can be very moving.
22. Who spotted the potential in Evelyn? (Evelyn नियाव सोर थाखोमानाय गोहोखौ मोनदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Ron Forbes, the percussionist spotted Evelyn’s potential.
23. What did Evelyn discover when Forbes repeated the exercise? (Forbes आ सर खौ गले गले खालामब्ला इभलीना मा मोनदोंमोन ?)
Ans : When Forbes repeated the exercise Evelyn discovered that she could sense certain notes in different parts of her body.
24. How did Evelyn hear the music? (Evelyn आ माबोरौ दे देंखोखौ खोनासङोमोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn did not hear the music. But she sensed it in different parts of her body. It poured in through every part of her body. When she played the xylophone, she could sense the sound passing up the stick into her fingertips.
25. When did Evelyn tour the United Kingdom and with whom? (माब्ला Evely आ इंलण्डखौ दावबायदोंमोन आरो सोरजों?)
Ans : Evelyn toured the United Kingdom when she was sixteen with a Youth Orchestra.
26. Why does Evelyn call herself a workaholic? (Evelyn आ मानो गावखौनो खामानिनि एमफौ होनना बुंदों ?)
Ans : Evelyn calls herself a workaholic because often she had to work harder than the classical musicians.
27. What happened when Evelyn was eleven years old? (Evelyn आ जिसे बोसोर जाब्ला मा जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : By the time Evelyn was eleven, her power of hearing had deteriorated. Her headmistress urged her parents to take her to a specialist.
28. How did percussionist Ron Forbes help Evelyn in her career? (टबला दामग्रा Ron Forbes आ Evelyn खौ जिव दानायाव माबोरै हेफाजाब होदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Percussionist Ron Forbes tuned two large drums to different notes. He asked her not to listen through her ears but to try to sense it some other way. This helped Evelyn to sense notes in different parts of her body.
29. What is Evelyn’s contribution to music? (देंखोनि फारसे Evelyn नि बिहोमाया मा ?)
Ans : Evelyn has already accomplished more than most people twice her age. She has brought percussion to the front place of the orchestra and demonstrated that it can be very moving. She has given inspiration to those who are handicapped.
30. What was the cause of Evelyn’s deafness? (Evely नि बेंगी जानायनि जाहोना मा मोन ?)
Ans : Evelyn’s deafness caused due to gradual nerve damage.
31. Evelyn never looked back. How did she do so? (Evelyn आ माब्लाबाबो उनथिं नायफिनाखैमोन? बियो माबोरै बिब्दि खालामदोंमोन ?)
Ans : By dint of strong will power and hard work Evelyn elevated herself to the highest level in music. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and scored one of the highest marks in the history of the Academy. She gradually move from orchestral work to solo performances. At the end of her three year course she had captured most of the top awards.
Tick the correct answer from the alternatives given below each questions: (सिङाव होनाय मोनफ्रोम सोंथिनिफ्राय थार बांबा फिनायखौ सायख’)
1. What handicap did Evelyn suffer from (Evelyn आ मा बेंगुरायाव भुगिदोंमोन ?)
(a) She was blind
(b) She was dumb
(c) She was deaf
(d) She was lame
Ans : (c) She was deaf.
2. Evelyn feels the music (Evelyn आ देखोखौ मोनदाङो)
(a) through her fingers
(b) through vibrations
(c) through her body
(d) pouring in through her entire body
Ans : (d) pouring in through her entire body.
3. Who noticed something was wrong with th eight years. old Evelyn? (दाइन बोसोर बैसोनि Evelyn आ माबा मोनसे गाज्रि जानायखौ सोर नोजोर होदोंमोन ?)
(a) Father
(b) Mother
(c) her teacher
(d) doctor
Ans : (b) Mother.
4. Evelyn’s deafness had been due to (Evelyn नि बेंगि जानायनि जाहोना जादोंमोन)
(a) illness
(b) accident
(c) truma
(d) gradual nerve damage
Ans : (d) gradual nerve damage.
5. It is intriguing to watch Evelyn function (Evelyn खौ खामानि मावनाय नुनाया जोबोद सोमोनांथाव)
(a) so interestingly without hearing
(b) so effortlessly without hearing
(c) so nicely without hearing
(d) so smartly without hearing
Ans : (b) so effortlessly without hearing.
6. Who spotted Evelyn’s potential? (Evelyn नि गोहोखौ सोर नागिरना मोनदोंमोन ?)
(a) her teacher
(b) specialist
(c) Ann Richlin
(d) Ron Forbes
Ans : (d) Ron Forbes.
8. Evelyn calls herself- (Evelyn आ गावखौनो बुङो-)
(a) very beautiful
(b) very smart
(c) clever
(d) workaholic
Ans : (d) workaholic.
9. According to Ann Richlin, Evelyn has been a shining inspiration for- (Ann Richlin नि बादिब्ला Evelyn आ बैसोरनि थाखाय जोंथि थुलुंगा)
(a) young musicians
(b) deaf children
(c) blind children
(d) orphaned children.
Ans : (b) deaf children.
Notes of Class 9 English in Bodo Medium | Bodomedium Class 9 English notes इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Bodo Medium 9th class English Question answer | Class 9 English seba in Bodo अगर आप एक bodo सात्र या शिक्षाक हो तो आपके लिए लावदयक हो सकता है।
SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Unit I | BEEHIVE |
Chapter – 1 | काजिरङा आरो शिबसागरसिम मोनसे दावबायनाय |
Chapter – 2 | The Fun They had |
Chapter – 3 | The Sound of Music |
Chapter – 4 | My Childhood |
Chapter – 5 | The Bond Of Love |
Chapter – 6 | If I were you |
Chapter – 7 | The Road Not Taken |
Chapter – 8 | The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Chapter – 9 | A Legend of The Northland |
Chapter – 10 | No Men Are Foreign |
Chapter – 11 | A Slumber did My Spirit Seal |
Chapter – 12 | The Adventure of Toto |
Chapter – 13 | The Happy Prince |
Chapter – 14 | Weathering The Storm Erasma |
Chapter – 15 | A House Is Not a Home |
Grammar |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।
Prat 2 bwrwy sir