Bodo Medium Class 9 English Chapter 9 A Legend of The Northland Question Answer for bodo medium Students, Class 9 English Question Answer in Bodo Medium to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA इंराजी Class 9 Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें. Class 9 English Chapter 9 A Legend of The Northland Question Answer Class 9 Bodo Medium English Chapter 9 Notes. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9th English Chapter 9 A Legend of The Northland Guide covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT. A Legend of The Northland Bodo Solution for Class 9.

Bodo Medium Class 9 English Chapter 9 A Legend of The Northland
Bodo Medium Class 9 English Chapter 9 Question Answer A Legend of The Northland | A Legend of The Northland Question Answer | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की कक्षा 9 बोडो मीडियम इंराजी खोन्दो 9 A Legend of The Northland Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 9 Question Answer बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 9 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस कक्षा 9 इंराजी में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।
Chapter 9 A Legend of The Northland
Textual Question Answers
Thinking about the poem
1. Which country or countries do you think “the Northland” refers to? (‘Northland’ आ बबे हादर एबा हादरफोरखौ मुंख ‘दों होनना नों सानो ?)
Ans : Northland is a country in the extreme north where days are short and nights are very long in winter.
2. What did Saint Peter ask the old lady for? What was the lady’s reaction? (बुरै हिनजावखौ सेइन्ट पिटारआ मानि थाखाय सोंदोंमोन? हिनजावनि फिनजाथाया मामोन ?)
Ans : Saint Peter asked the old lady for a single cake. The lady made a very little cake. But as it looked bigger, she reduced its size.
3. How did he punish her? (बियो बिखौ माबोरै साजा होदोंमोन ?)
Ans : Saint Peter grew angry with her and cursed her saying that she would be changed into a woodpecker so that she had to keep boring the trees. for her little food. Thus, he punished the selfish woman.
4. How does the woodpecker get her food? (दाउखुन्थुलुआ गावनि खाजाखौ माबोरै मोनो ?)
Ans : The woodpecker keeps boring into dry hard wood. Only then she gets little food.
5. Do you think that the old lady would have been so ungenerous if she had known who Saint Peter really was? What would she have done then? (मा नों सानोनामादि बुरै हिनजावा एसेबां गुसेब गोसोनि जायामोन जिदु बियो मिथिनायमोनब्ला थारै सेइन्ट पिटारा सोरमोन? अब्ला बियो मा खालामगौमोन ?)
Ans : It is very difficult to say with certainty how she would have behaved if she had known who Saint Peter really was. Perhaps, she would have behaved differently. She would have tried to please the saint to get a blessing from him. She would have given him all her cakes.
6. Is this a true story? Which part of this poem do you feel is the most important? (बेयो मोनसे थार सल’ना? बे खन्थाइनि बबे बाहागोखौ नों जोबोद गोनां होजना सानो ?)
Ans : It is not a true story but only a legend. Even the poet says,“I don’t believe ‘tis true”. Stanza three is the most important.
7. What is a legend? Why is this poem called a legend? (सल ‘बाथाया मा? बे खन्थाइखौ मानो सल ‘बाथा बुंनाय जादों ?)
Ans : A legend is a story from ancient times about people or events, that may or may not be true. Such a story is handed down from the past and generations to generations. title of the poem is “A Legend of the Northland”, The poet himself says, I“ don’t believe ‘this true”. So, it is a legend.
8. Write the story of “A Legend of the Northland’ in about ten sentences.. (A Legend of Northland नि सोमोन्दै मोनजि sentence सोआव लिर।)
Ans : One evening Saint Peter came to the door of a cottage and saw a short woman was baking cakes. He was very hungry as he had fasted all day. He asked the woman to give him a cake from her stores of cakes. The woman looked at the cakes and thought it was too large to give away. So, she made another cake that was still smaller. But then she thought that this one also too large as the first one. Now, she made another cake as thin as a wafer. But she could not part with that too.
So, she put all her cakes on the self. Saint Peter grew very angry. He cursed the woman saying that she would be changed into a woodpecker. Then she would have to bore the tree to find her food. No sooner had the Saint spoken his curse than the woman went up through the chimney and flew away in the wood. The woodpecker still lives in the trees and keeps boring the trees for food.
9. Let’s look at the words at the end of the second and fourth lines, viz, ‘snows’ and ‘clothes’, ‘true’ and ‘you’, ‘below’ and ‘know’. We find the ‘snows’ rhymes with clothes, ‘true’ rhymes with ‘you’ and ‘below’ rhymes with ‘know’.
Find more such rhyming words.
Ans :
(i) earth —— hearth
(ii) done —— one
(iii) faint —— saint
(iv) food —— wood
(v) word —— bird
(vi) same —— flame.
10. Go to the local library or talk to older person in your locality and find legends in your own language. Tell the class these legends. (जायगानि बिजाब बाख्रिसिम थां एबा जायगानि बैसोगोरा सुबुंफोरजों सावराय आरो नोंनि रावाव थानाय सल ‘बाथाफोरखौ दिहुन। बेफोर सल ‘बाथाफोरखौ थाखोआव बुंं ।)
Ans : There are many books about legends available in any language. Students can read such books. Also if they talk to the older persons they may know more. about these legends.
Try yourself.
Additional Questions :
1. Name the poem and the poet. (खन्थाइ आरो खन्थाइगिरिनि मुंखौ लिर ।)
Ans : The name of the poem is “A Legend of the Northland “by Phoebe Carry.
2. What did St. Peter use to do? (सेइन्ट पिटार्सआ मा मावोमोन ?)
Ans : St. Peter was an apostle of Christ. He used to spread the teachings of Christ.
3. How did he reach the old woman’s cottage? (बुरै हिनजावनि देरायाव बियो माबोरै मोनहैदोंमोन ?)
Ans : He travelled from one place to another for preaching. He came to the old woman’s cottage during his travels.
4. What did the old lady feel about her cakes? (गावनि फिथाफोरनि सोमोन्दै बरै हिनजावा मा सानदोंमोन ?)
Ans : The greedy old lady thought that the cakes were too large to be given away. Therefore, he didn’t give even a single cake to St. Peter and put them on the shelf.
5. What was the effect of St. Peter’s curse on the old lady? (सेइन्ट पिटारनि बुरै हिनजावनि सायाव होनाय सावनि गोहोमा मामोन ?)
Ans : St. Peter cursed the old lady to be a woodpecker. No sooner had he cursed than she immediately changed into a woodpecker. She still had a scarlet cap. But all clothes were burnt black. She went to the top and flew out of the chimney.
6. What did St. Peter say about the greedy old lady? (लुबैसुलि बुरै हिनजावनि सोमोन्दै सेइन्ट पिटारआ मा बुंदोंमोन ?)
Ans : St. Peter found her too selfish. She disgraced womanhood. She didn’t deserve food, shelter and fire to warm herself. She lacked basic human qualities.
7. What was the woman doing when Saint Peter came to the door of the cottage?
Ans : The woman was baking cakes when Saint Peter came to the door of the cottage.
8. How are the day and night in Northland?
Ans : In Northland daytime is shorter and the nights in winter are so long that people feel bored or tired of sleeping.
9. What kind of clothes do the children in Northland wear? How do they look?
Ans : In Northland children wear furry clothes. They look like bear’s cubs.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. St. Peter changed the old lady into (सेइन्ट पिटारा बुरै हिनजावखौ सोलायदोंमोन)
(a) a bat.
(b) owl.
(c) woodpecker.
(d) a bird.
Ans : (c) woodpecker.
2. The old lady finally gave to St. Peter. (बुरै हिनजावा सेइन्ट पिटारनो जोबनायाव होदोंमोन)
(a) a bread.
(b) a cake.
(c) rice.
(d) nothing.
Ans : (d) nothing.
3. At last the old lady decided to (जोबनायाव बुरै हिनजावा थिरांथा लादोंमोन)
(a) give all the cakes to the Saint.
(b) eat the cakes herself.
(c) place them on the shelf.
(d) none of the above.
Ans : (c) place them on the shelf.
4. After becoming a bird the old lady (दाव जाखांनायनि उनाव बुरै हिनजावा)
(a) stood there.
(b) sat before the Saint.
(c) pleaded before the Saint.
(d) uttered word and flew away.
Ans : (d) uttered word and flew away.
5. The old lady deserved to be (बुरै हिनजावा खालामजाथावगौ)
(a) killed.
(b) scolded.
(c) punished.
(d) beaten.
Ans : (c) punished.
6. Saint Peter reached the cottage of the lady (सेइन्ट पिटारा हिनजावनि देरायाव मोनहैदोंमोन)
(a) at noon.
(b) in the evening.
(c) at sunset.
(d) at down.
Ans : (b) in the evening.
Notes of Class 9 English in Bodo Medium | Bodomedium Class 9 English notes इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Bodo Medium 9th class English Question answer | Class 9 English seba in Bodo अगर आप एक bodo सात्र या शिक्षाक हो तो आपके लिए लावदयक हो सकता है।
SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Unit I | BEEHIVE |
Chapter – 1 | काजिरङा आरो शिबसागरसिम मोनसे दावबायनाय |
Chapter – 2 | The Fun They had |
Chapter – 3 | The Sound of Music |
Chapter – 4 | My Childhood |
Chapter – 5 | The Bond Of Love |
Chapter – 6 | If I were you |
Chapter – 7 | The Road Not Taken |
Chapter – 8 | The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Chapter – 9 | A Legend of The Northland |
Chapter – 10 | No Men Are Foreign |
Chapter – 11 | A Slumber did My Spirit Seal |
Chapter – 12 | The Adventure of Toto |
Chapter – 13 | The Happy Prince |
Chapter – 14 | Weathering The Storm Erasma |
Chapter – 15 | A House Is Not a Home |
Grammar |