Bodo Medium Class 9 Moments Question Answer English Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma for bodo medium Students, Class 9 English Question Answer in Bodo Medium to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA इंराजी Class 9 Moments Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें. Class 9 English Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma Question Answer Class 9 Bodo Medium English Chapter 14 Notes. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9th English Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma Guide covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT. Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma for Class 9.

Bodo Medium Class 9 English Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma
Bodo Medium Class 9 Moments Question Answer in English Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma | Weathering The Storm Erasma Answers | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की कक्षा 9 बोडो मीडियम इंराजी खोन्दो 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 14 Question Answer बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 14 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस कक्षा 9 इंराजी में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।
Chapter 14 Weathering The Storm Erasma
Textual Questions
1. What havoc has the super cyclone wreaked in the life of the people of Orissa? (गेदेर बारहुंखाया उड़िसानि मानसिफोरनि जिउआव मा सिलिंखार लाबोखो ?)
Ans : The super cyclone brought about a great devastation. It uprooted the trees, destroyed the buildings, killed in large scale the humans and animals. Heavy rainfall after by cyclone caused flood and the water entered the houses. Strong wind blew in fury. Bloated carcasses and corpses floated in every direction.
2. How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village? (लाइमोन बैसोनि प्रशान्तआ माबोरै बिनि गामिनि मानसिफोरखौ हेफाजाब होनो हाखो ?)
Ans : Prashant was a teenager. He took the lead to help the victims. of the cyclone. He organised a group of youths and elders and compelled the merchants to give rice for them. He also organised a team of women to look after the orphaned children.
He also gathered the orphaned children and made them stay in a shelter made of polythene. He persuaded the grief stricken women to join “food for work” programme. He arranged cricket matches for the children. He engaged volunteers to clean the camp and heal the sick.
3. How have the people of the community helped one another? (माहारिनि मानसिफोरा माबोरै गावजों गाव हेफाजाब होलायखो ?)
Ans : The people of the community cooperated one another to get rid of their difficulties. They gathered the orphaned children and made shelter for them. While man worked for collecting food and other materials, women looked after the orphans. Prasant persuaded women to work in the “food-for-work” programme. Thus, the people of the community helped one another.
4. Why do Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows? What alternatives do they consider? (प्रशान्त आरो गुबुन मावसोम हानजानि सोद्रोमाफोरा मानो मावरिया आरो रान्दीफोरनि थाखाये फसंथान गायसननाय बिथांखिखौ होबथादोंमोन? बिसोर मा गुबुन राहा सानखो ?)
Ans : The government planned to set up institutions for orphans and widows. Prashant and other volunteers resisted this plan. Because they felt that in such institutions the orphaned children would grow up without love and the widowed women suffer from loneliness and stigma. They believed that orphans should be resettled in their own community itself.
5. Do you think Prashant is a good leader? Do you think young people can get together to help people during natural calamities? (प्रशान्तखौ नों सासे मोजां दैदेनगिरि होनना सानो नामा? मिथिंगायारि खैफोदनि समाव सेंग्राफोरा मानसिफोरखौ हेफाजाब होनो ज जालायनो हागौ होनना नों सानो नामा ?)
Ans : Really, Prasant is a selfless and undisputed leader. He organises all together to face the super cyclone ruin. He became a saviour of the cyclone hit people. He helps people to get over their grief and sorrow in this critical situation. So, Prashant is a worthy leader to be emulated.
Additional Questions
1. Why was it difficult for Prashant to travel back to his village? (प्रशान्तनि थाखाय मानो गामिसिम गिदिंबोफिननाया गोब्राब जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : There was water and water everywhere. He waded through water. At some places there was waist deep water. At several points he lost the road and had to swim. Bloated animal carcasses and human corpses floated in every direction. He had to push them aside and wade through the water. It was really very difficult for Prashant to travel back to his village.
2. What happened in the evening when Prashant was at his friend’s house in Erasma? (प्रशान्तआ अरासमायाव गावनि लोगोनि नआव थानाय समाव मोनाबिलियाव मा जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : In the evening, a dark and menacing storm gathered. Winds beat against the houses with a speed and fury. Heavy and incessant rain continued. Trees were uprooted and crashed to the earth. People cried in sorrow. A super cyclone had come.
3. Describe how the super cyclone caused destruction in the villages of coastal orissa? (उड़िसानि लैथो बोरिमानि गामिफोराव देगेर बारमोदाया खालामनाय सिलिंखारखौ बिजिर ।)
Ans : The super cyclone brought about a large scale destruction all around the villages of coastal Orissa. Trees were uprooted and houses were destroyed. Heavy rain caused food and washed away houses, people and animals and other materials. Carcasses and corpses of animals and people came floating on water here and there. There was water everywhere. People took shelter on house roofs.
4. What did Prahant do for the orphaned children? (मावरिया गथफोरनि थाखाय प्रशान्तआ मा मावदोंमोन ?)
Ans : He gathered the orphaned children and made them stay in a shelter made of polythene sheet. Women were persuaded to work for them. He also organised games like cricket for them.
5. What did Prashant find in his house when he reached there? (न मोनहैब्ला प्रशान्तआ गावनि नआव मा मोनदोंमोन ?)
Ans : On reaching his house, Prashant only found some remnants of its roof. Some of their belongings were caught, mangled and twisted in the branches of trees just visible above the dark waters.
6. When did the super cyclone in Orissa take place? (उड़िसानि गेदेर बारहुंखाया माब्ला जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : The super cyclone in Orissa took place on 27 October, 1999.
7. Name the village of the young Prashant. (सेंग्रा प्रशान्तनि गामिनि मुंखौ लिर ।)
Ans : The name of the village of the young Prashant was kalikuda.
8. What did Prashant see when he reached his village? (प्रशान्टआ गावनि गामियाव मोनहैनानै मा नुदोंमोन?)
Ans : On reaching his village Kalikuda, Prashant felt sad because their house had been damaged. There was no sign of houses. Only roofs were seen. The household things were seen mingled in the branches of trees.
9. How was Prashant looked at long after the super cyclone was over? (गेदेर बारहुंखाया जोबनायनि उनाव प्रशान्टखौ माबादि नायगिरनाय जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : Prashant did a lot for the cyclone hit people of Erasma. He had now become a kind of saviour for then. The widows and children of his village sought out his face in their hours of grief.
10. Describe the cyclone that hit Erasma? (इरासमाखौ सिमबेनाय बारहुंखाखौ बिजिर ।)
Ans : A dark and roaring storm engulfed the whole sky followed by heavy and continuous rain. Trees were uprooted. People and houses were washed away. The waters continued to rise higher and higher.
SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Unit I | BEEHIVE |
Chapter – 1 | काजिरङा आरो शिबसागरसिम मोनसे दावबायनाय |
Chapter – 2 | The Fun They had |
Chapter – 3 | The Sound of Music |
Chapter – 4 | My Childhood |
Chapter – 5 | The Bond Of Love |
Chapter – 6 | If I were you |
Chapter – 7 | The Road Not Taken |
Chapter – 8 | The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Chapter – 9 | A Legend of The Northland |
Chapter – 10 | No Men Are Foreign |
Chapter – 11 | A Slumber did My Spirit Seal |
Chapter – 12 | The Adventure of Toto |
Chapter – 13 | The Happy Prince |
Chapter – 14 | Weathering The Storm Erasma |
Chapter – 15 | A House Is Not a Home |
Grammar |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।