Bodo Medium Class 9 Grammar Story Writing, Class 9 Grammar Story Writing Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Grammar Bodo Medium, HSLC Class 9 Grammar Story Writing Question Answer in Bodo दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Class 9 Grammar Story Writing. Class 9 Bodo Medium Grammar Story Writing. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 Grammar Story Writing Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 9 Grammar Story Writing
Bodo Medium class 9 english grammar notes बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 9 Grammar Question Answer | English Grammar | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 9 English Grammar Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम class 9 grammar seba बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है।
1. Write a story in about 200 words expanding the out line given below, give a suitable title to your story. 1. A rich man’s watch stolen by his servant….gives each servant a stick of equal length saying the thief’s stick will grow an inch longer tomorrow ………. the thief cuts an inch from his stick ………. is caught.
A thief steps into a trap
There was a very rich man in a town. He had a vast network of business. He had several servants at his house. His eldest son, a computer engineer, had been working in the USA. He presented his father a beautiful watch with a golden chain. The man considered the watch a valuable treasure and used to boast of it. But one day it was missing from his house. He searched every nook and corner of his house but it was no where to be found. Then he came to the conclusion that one of his servants must have stolen it but none of them would confess it. He thought and thought and suddenly a novel idea came to his mind.
He assembled all his servants at a place and gave to each one of them a stick of equal length. Then he said.
“See, these are magic sticks. The stick of the who has stolen my watch will grow longer by one inch during the night. You will have to produce your sticks by tomorrow morning so that I can detect the real culprit among you.”
That night the thief could not sleep at all. He was simply looking at the stick given by his master and it seemed to him as if the stick had already grown longer by an inch. His wife was looking at his restlessness. She understood that Something terrible had happened to her husband.
She said “Darling, tell me frankly what worries you so much. May be, I can help you.”
He then told everything to his wife. His wife said, “You need not worry. I have a solution to the problem. If the stick grows longer by one inch during the night, the problem. will be solved if we cut one inch from the stick”
The man praised the intelligence of his wife, cut-one inch from his stick and slept peacefully.
Next morning each of the servants deposited his stick before his master. The thief was easily caught because his stick was shorter by one inch. He was handed over to police.
2. A king of an island employed a workman and his son ……did not allow them go home….. they were unhappy ……..the workman made wings with feathers ………fixed them with wax both flew up ……. the father advised the son not to fly too high, the son did not listen….. wax melted-the son was drowned……. the man escaped.
A piece of wise advice ignored
Once a king in an island wanted to have a beautiful castle built and sent news far and wide that expert workmen were needed for the purpose on handsome remuneration. Lured by the prospect of handsome remuneration à father and his son from a neighbouring country went to the island the king. They had earned reputation in their country as expert workmen. The king employed them with and met other workmen.
They had worked continuously for long two years but they understood that it would take at least one more year for completion of the castle. Long absence from home made them homesick and wanted to go home. They expressed: their desire before the king but the king would not allow them to leave the island till the work of building of the castle was complete. He feared that they might not return.
This disheartened, the father and his son. They began thinking ways by which they would get rid of the problem. At last the workman decided to try a novel but somewhat risky plan. He made two pairs of wings with feathers; He first fixed one pair of wings to the arms of his son and his son helped him in getting the other pair fixed to his own arms.
A small sea only separated their country from the island and they were hopeful of crossing the sea flying over it. They were so excited that they could not sleep at night.
Next day, early in the morning they took to their wings. They were delighted to find that their plan worked perfectly. But the workman saw that his son was flying too high. He said, “My dear son, do not fly too high because the sun would melt the wax. In that event you will fall straight into the sea.”
But the son was too excited to pay any heed to his father’s wise advice. He was so delighted to find himself floating on air that he began to fly upwards. His father was desperately shouting at him No son! Listen to me, do not go up, please don’t”. But the worst had happened before he would complete his sentence. The wax of the son’s wings melted away in the sun and he fell nose dive into the sea and met his watery grave there. The workman landed at his village with his heart broken to pieces because of the loss of his son.
3. A beggar pretends to be dumb ….. people give him money…… another beggar comes………. he says that the other beggar is not dumb……… both quarrel and the truth comes out.
A beggar used to sit at the entrance of the Kamakhya temple but he was not so old and looked able-bodied. So he failed to draw sympathy from people. His crocodile tears had little impact on the heart of people. So he did not earn much. So he decided to pretend to be dumb and try his luck. His luck favoured him.
Now people had sympathy for him and they were moved by his false tears. They gave him alms liberally. He began earning much more than what the other beggars did. The old beggar who used to sit next to him was the worst sufferer. Though weak, and feeble, he failed to attract people’s attention. His earning was decreasing day by day.
One day a benevolent man dropped a ten rupee note into the bowl of the pretended dumb. The other beggar could bear it no more. He burst out;
“Babu, this rascal has been cheating people for a long time. I have known him for a long time. He has pretended to be dumb only to draw people’s sympathy. So please don’t give him anything.”
The pretended dumb was red with anger. He rushed at the second beggar shouting; “You may know me but I do not know you. By the way, who are you?” Then he turned to the gentleman and said- “Babu, pay no heed to what he says. He is a habitual liar. I am really a dumb man.”
But before he could realise the situation, the first beggar saw that the gentleman picked up the ten rupee note from his bowl and gave it to the second beggar.
The bystanders roared into laughter. When the first beggar realised his he looked quite nervous and silently left the place.
4. Twelve fools start on a journey…cross a river……. count themselves each counting not himself, counts eleven….. a passerby agrees to produce the lost man….. gives each fool a blow……. counts twelve.
The story of twelve fools
Once there lived twelve fools in a village. People used to laugh at them and made fun of them. One day they assembled and discussed among themselves that so long they remained in the village people would only make fun of them. So they decided that they would seek their fortune elsewhere away from their village.
One fine morning they set out together. The whole morning they walked. On their way, they found a river and as it was a small river it was not a problem for them as all of them knew how to swim. They swam across the river and rested for a while on the other side of it. Then one of them said, “Friends! We better count ourselves to see that none of us is drowned in the river.” All agreed.
The first one counted and cried out with sorrow that there were only eleven- of them. One of them was drowned in the river. He found eleven because he did not count himself. The second one said, “You are not good at counting. Let me count”. He counted and to his dismay he also found eleven. Then each one counted and counted only eleven. Because every one committed the same mistake of not counting himself. At last they began to cry beating their foreheads.
A man happened to pass by them. He thought that something terrible must have befallen them. He came forward and said to them “My friends, what has happened to you? Why are you crying.”
Between sobs one of them told the man their sad story. The man counted them and found twelve. He said “Friends, you say that you were twelve on the other side of the river. But I see that you are still twelve.” At this, one of them showed him that they were eleven, and not twelve. It did not take much time for the man to understand that they were infact fools. He said “Don’t cry my friends. I am here to help you. I will produce the lost man. Now all of you stand in a row. I will give each of you a blow and count the below.
were in fact fools. He said “Don’t cry my friends. I am here to help you. I will produce the lost man. Now all of you. stand in a row. I will give each of you a blow and count the below.
The fools stood in a row. The man gave each one of them a blow and counted the blows. They too heard the sound of twelve blows. They were now convinced that they were in fact twelve and not eleven. The man indeed did a miracle. He produced their lost friend. Their joy knew no bounds. They profusely the man. The man smiled under his moustache. The fools resumed their journey.
5. Two friends travelling through a forest……. a bear coming to wards them- one climes up a tree…….. the other falls flat as dead……… the bear smells his body and leaves with unhurt………… the first man comes down and asks what the bear whispers into to his ear.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
One day two friends were travelling through a dense forest. They were discussing the qualities of a true friend. The first friend said, “A true friend is one who stands by his friend through weal and woe. I can assure you that I am your true friend. Let an opportunity come. I shall prove it. “The other friend said.” Thank you my friend.
I am proud of you” No sooner had he finished his sentence than they saw a huge bear approaching them. The first friend said “Friend! immediately climb up a tree if you want to save your life”. The other friend said in despair, “But I do not know how to climb a tree. Please help me.” “In that case you are doomed; Pray to God. Good bye, my friend”. So saying the first friend quickly climbed up a nearby tree. The second friend was at a loss. But he gathered his wits in no time.
He remembered that a bear would not touch a dead man. So he fell flat on the ground before the bear could see him. He closed his eyes and held his breath. The bear smelt his body and left the place taking him for a dead man. The first man was noticing all this from the tree top.
He was surprised. He climbed down the tree and said, “Friend, thank God that the bear did not hurt you. But I saw the bear whispering something into your ear. What was it”? The second man looked at his friend with contempt and said calmly,
“The bear has taught me a valuable lesson”? “Lesson? What is it”?
“The bear has advised me never to trust a man who deserts his friend in distress”, said the second man.
6. An old farmer had four sons…… all good for nothing…….. the farmer on his death bed.………. summons his sons-tells them that a considerable treasure lies under the long neglected fields………. his breath fails. The farmer dies. the sons work in the fields……… dig hard .rain.comes sow seeds………… a rich harvest -get the treasure now.
The hidden treasure
Once upon a time there lived in a village a very rich man. He was a self made man. He was hard working and diligent. By dint of hard work and diligence he acquired a large fortune. When he was young he used to work in his fields from dawn to dusk, Even at his old age he looked after the men who were engaged to take care of his land.
But he was unhappy, because all his four sons were good for nothing. Though he tried to give them good education they left school mid way. They preferred a lazy and an easygoing life. They did not go to the fields. The old man was deeply worried because he knew that after his death his good for nothing sons would squander away his hard earned property.
He was growing old fast and one day he took to his bed. He knew that his days were numbered; so he must do something before his death. Suddenly an idea came to his mind. He called all his four sons to his death bed and said. “Listen to me, my sons. So long I have held back a secret from you. I think it is high time I disclosed the secret to you”.
“What is that dear father?” They asked eagerly. “The secret is that a considerable treasure lies buried in the long neglected fields of ours. Don’t tell it to anybody. After my death you share it among yourselves.” After a little while the old man breathed his last.
The four sons were delighted at the prospect of the big treasure. They began digging the fields from that day itself. Day in and day out they continued working hard in the fields. But to their utter dismay, they found no treasure buried under the fields. They thought that their father had deceived them.
Then came rains in torrents. The eldest among the brothers said “Brother, as our fields are thoroughly tilled, so we can sow seeds”. All the brothers agreed with him and did accordingly.
That year the brothers reaped a very good harvest. Then only they realised the wisdom of their father. Their father did not tell them a lie. There was in fact a considerable treasure lying buried in the fields.
7. A fox falls into well……… can not get out………. a goat comes there……the fox praises the sweetness of the water………. invites the goat…….. gets out of the well……. the goat remains behind.
A fool goat steps into a trap
One day a fox was roaming merrily in a thin jungle near a paddy field. There was an old and abandoned well at the edge of the jungle. Perhaps it was dug long ago to irrigate the fields. The unused well was covered with wild creepers and long grass. The fox accidentally stepped into it and fell down. The water level was quite high.
But still he could not jump out of it as there was no support. He tried desperately but in vain. Then a goat happened to pass by the well. She heard the sound of splashing of water coming. from inside the well. Out of curiosity she peeped into well and saw that a fox was playing with water. She said, “Brother fox, what are you doing there in the well?”
The cunning fox at once replied. “Dear sister goat, do you really want to know”?
“Yes, I do, brother fox.
“It is a secret. But I can’t help telling it to you. The water of this well is very sweet. I always drink this sweet water.”
The foolish goat swallowed the bait: She said, “Dear brother fox, will you allow me also to drink a little water from the well?”
For The cunning fox showed as if She were reluctant. But at last She invited the goat into the well. The goat lost no time. She jumped into the well to taste the sweet water. Within a twinkle of an eye the fox jumped on the horns of the goat and then he jumped out of the well. He said “My beloved sister goat, drink the sweet water to your heart’s content. I am gone.”
It was too late for the foolish goat to realise the intensity of her blunder. The poor creature met her tragic watery grave.
8. An old man grey hair and beard…… wore wore turban…… dyed beard…… attended a party….. turban fell off…… friends laughed and said that grey hair and dark beard…… “hair older than beard” the old man said.
A witty old man
Once there was an old man in a town. But he was still going strong mentally. He would mix with young people. and enjoy with them. He maintained his health in such a way that he looked much younger than his age. But he had little control over nature. His hair and beard grew completely grey.
He used to dye his beard regularly but as he always wore a turban he did not dye his hair. One day he had to attend a party. His beard was becoming grey. He thought. that as he would wear a turban, it would be sufficient if he dyed his beard.
At the party a young and beautiful lady invited him to dance with her. The man gladly accepted her invitation, and began to dance with her. Then, as ill luck would have it, some one dashed against him and his turban fell off. He became aware of it when the people present there roared with laughter. One of his friends said, “How come my friend, your hair is grey and your beard as black as coal?” Again the hall roared with laughter.
Even the lady with whom he had been dancing joined them. Our old friend was nervous for a moment. He picked up the turban, wore and adjusted, it as if nothing had happened and said in a grave voice, “My friends, you should know that my hair is at least fifteen years older than my beard. So it is no surprise that my hair is grey and my beard, black.”
His friends had no reply to this witty remark. They were aptly returned with their own coin.
9. A hungry fox…….. sees a crow with a piece of meat…… wishes to have the piece……….. praises the crow…… the crow to sing…… the crow sings…… the piece falls down……. the fox picks it up and walks away.
The foolish crow
One day a fox was very hungry and was desperately searching for food. But luck did not favour him. So he was returning home sad and gloomy. Suddenly he caught sight of a crow sitting on the branch a tree with a piece of meat in her beak. She had stolen it from the nearby butcher’s shop when the owner was away for some moments.
The fox’s mouth began watering at the sight of the piece of meat “If somehow I could manage to get the piece of meat!”, he thought. The fox is cunning by nature. He decided to try his luck. He took his position under the tree and said, “Dear sister crow, I have not seen you for a long time. I always. remember you. You are so beautiful, with your silken black colour and round yes. It’s no wonder that other birds envy you.
The crow looked down. The flattery of the fox had immediate effect on her. She looked pleased and delighted.
“But what I wonder most”, continued the fox, “is your melodious voice. I have heard the nightingale’s song, the cuckoo’s song. But your voice is matchless. Your voice can not be compared with that of any one else. Now, will you, my dear sister crow, soothe my heart with a song with your melodious voice!?”.
The fox observed the crow’s reaction. His heart was beating faster. The crow was so pleased that she forgot that she had a piece of meat in her beak. Because never in her life she had been praised so much by any one. She opened her beak to sing. But no sooner had she opened her beak than the piece meat fell down. The fox was eagerly waiting for this moment. He caught the piece of meat in the air, as a fielder in cricket match carefully catches a catch, and went away before the crow could realise her foolishness.
10. A youngman applies for a post………… is told no vacancy……… he notices a pin lying near the door…….. picks it up…………. proves to be highly careful……… gets a job.
Carefulness pays
Ramen was an educated young man. He came of a very poor family. Though he passed B.A. with major in Economics three years ago, he could not manage a job. His father had died while he was still a student and his mother worked hard to keep the wolf from the door. He was therefore in a dire need of a job to eke out his living. He ran from pillar to post for a job but everywhere there was the same reply “No vacancy”
One day he heard that there was a vacancy in the office of a company. He immediately sent an application. But finding no response from the office even after one month, he decided to go there.
The manager of the company was a fine gentleman. He politely said, “My dear young friend, we have received your application. But I am sorry to say that there is no vacancy at present in our company”
“But sir, one of my friends told me that you need an office assistant in your office.” Ramen said with politeness.
“Your friend was right, young friend. We needed one. But the post has already been filled up.”
Thank you sir, then it is my bad luck” Ramen rose up. Though he was disappointed for not getting the job, the polite behaviour of the manager impressed him much. As he was leaving the room he noticed a pin lying on the floor. He picked up the pin and put it on the manager’s table.
The manager understood that the careful young man would be an asset for their company. He immediately appointed him to the post of a clerk. At last luck smiled on en.. Ramen.
11. A blind old lady promises to pay the doctor handsomely if she is cured………… but nothing if she is not cured……… The doctor begins treatment and takes away all her furniture one by one…….. the lady is cured……. the doctor demands fees…… she refuses as she can not see her furniture.
Did the blind lady get back her eyesight?
There was once a happy couple. But their only sorrow Iwas that they had no issues, They had enough wealth. But at one time misfortune struck them one after another. The husband died after a brief illness and the lady went blind after a few months. A doctor came forward to treat her at her home. The lady said, only on one condition Dear doctor, you may treat me
“What is that?” asked the doctor.
“I shall pay you handsomely, more than you deserve, if only I am fully cured but you will get nothing if I am not.”
The doctor agreed to her proposal because he was sure that he would be able to cure her. F Every day he used to visit the lady. He saw the beautiful furniture in the lady’s house. He could not resist his temptation of taking it away. Every day he took one item of the furniture. He told her neighbours that the lady gave him those for her treatment After one month or so, the lady became completely cured. She could see everything, except her fine furniture. She understood that the doctor had only taken her furniture. When the doctor demanded his fees, she said,
“I agreed to pay only when I am cured. But I am not cure
“But you are cured,” the doctor said with stress. furniture?” said, “In that case, why I do not see. my the lady. The doctor’s heart sank. He thought that he had been caught. So he at once left her home.
12. A railway bridge gives away during the heavy rains…………. a boy sees a train approaching the bridge………. stands by the line weaving his red shirt. The train stops. The boy is rewarded for his presence of mind.
A disaster averted
It was summer. It had been raining cats and dogs for one week and most of the villages were submerged under water. A village boy took his cows to tend near the railway line in the morning. There was a railway bridge over a small river. The river swelled with water and the bridge gave away before his eyes. But there was nothing he could do.
Then he saw that a train was approaching the bridge quite aware that the bridge had given away. The small. boy was quite puzzled. He realised the gravity of the situation. If the train was not stopped, it would certainly plunge into the river. Many innocent passengers would be killed in such an eventuality.
There was no time to think because the train was only a few metres away. He gathered his wits and stood between the lines. Thank God, he was wearing a red shirt. Immediately he tore it off and began to wave it signalling danger ahead. He saw railway guards waving red flags to stop train. The driver of the train could well read the meaning of the gesture.
There was some danger ahead and he must stop the train by hook or by crook. He pulled the brakes and train came to a grinding halt just a few metres from the river. The passengers got down. When they came to know that the presence of mind of the small boy saved them from an impending danger, they praised him profusely. The railway authorities rewarded the boy handsomely for his presence of mind, besides arranging for his free education in a good railway school.
13. Two cats quarrel over a piece of cake……… a monkey becomes the arbitrator,…….. cats up the whole cake on the plea of making the two parts equal.
Quarrelling cats and the monkey judge.
One day two cats stole a piece of cake from a house, but they quarrelled over the share, each of them should get. A monkey was noticing it from a tree top. He climbed down the tree and went to the cats: “My dear sisters, why do you quarrel? What is the matter?” He asked them. The two cats told him why they were quarrelling.
The money said, “Don’t worry, I shall give you a proper share cach,” He brought in a weighing balance and breaking the piece of cake into two, put them on the two sides of it. As one piece was found to weigh heavier than the other, he took a bite from it on the plea of reducing its weight. But he purposely took a far bigger bite than proper. The result was that the lighter side became heavier now.
The monkey reduced its size by the same process. In this way he went on taking bites now from one piece and then from the other on the plea of making the two parts equal. The cats saw through the trick but could not say anything, At last, when they saw that the cake was almost finished, they gathered courage and said, “Dear brother, monkey, give us the remaining portion of the cake. We will divide it between ourselves.” The money smiled and said, “You ungrateful creatures, should not I get the price of my labour?” He put it into his mouth and went away.
14. A farmer’s daughter going to market with a can of milk on her head ……… lost in day dreaming ………. dreams of becoming very rich many suitors rejects them all nods her head in pride……. the result.
No one profits from day dreaming
A young farmer girl was of a romantic turn of mind. She loved day dreaming. One day she was going to the nearby market with a can of milk on her head. As she was walking on, she gave free play to her romantic ideas. She would accumulate the profit from the sale of her milk every day and buy more and more cows with it. Soon she would have a large numbers of cows.
They would give enough milk which would bring her enough money. She would be very rich. She would build a big house for herself. She would buy new dresses, new jewellery which would be the envy of the neighbouring maids. The handsome young men of the locality would be around her suing for her hand, but she would reject them all saying that none of them was a match for her.
She was so lost in her dream that she actually gave a shake of her head to express her rejection. The can on her head fell on the ground breaking into pieces. The girl got a rude awakening from her foolish dream. She returned home empty handed with tears rolling down her cheeks.
15. A house catches fire…… people try to put out the fire with buckets of water sand etc….. they fail…… the fire spreads…… the people felt nervous and helpless a small boy runs to a neighbour’s house…… there is a telephone…… rings up the fire brigade…… the fire brigade……. fair brigade arrives in no time…… the fire is put out……. the people praise the boy’s presence of mind.
A quick wittier boy prevents a devastation
It was the busy and congested area of a big town. There were rows of houses along the two sides s of the road. One day one of the houses somehow caught fire. The inmates of the house raised a hue and cry which attracted the attention of the people of the locality. They rushed to the spot and tried all possible means to put out the fire. They threw water, sandbag etc. But the fire could not be contained. Rather it spread to a nearby house making people panicky.
A small boy saw the red flames rising high above. Immediately he ran off to a nearby house which had a telephone. The boy sought permission from the owner to ring up the fire brigade. Then only it came to the owner’s mind that he should have already rung the fire brigade himself. In the meantime the boy rang up the fire brigade. In no time fire brigade arrived at the place and set to work at once.
The fire was put out soon before it could spread further. People heaved a sigh of relief. People came to know that but for the presence of mind of the small boy, there could be large scale devastation in the area. They highly praised the boy. When the news was published through media, the government rewarded the boy with a handsome amount.
16. A bus moving with too many passenger…….. some are standing up……. the bus moves very fast turns in a corner…….. an old man loses his balance………. is about to fall……. a boy stands up and helps him……… offers him his fall seat.
A well-mannered boy
One day an old man aged about sixty was travelling. in a crowded city bus was the pick hour. Mostly office it going people crowded the citybus. A large number of passengers in cluding the old man were standing. The bus was moving at such speed that the passengers found it hard to keep their balance. The bus took a sharp turn at a corner. The old man lost balance and was about to fall down.
A young boy who was sitting saw the old man when he was about to fall. He at once stood up from his seat and caught hold of the old man. He then said to the old man “Sorry grandpa, I did not notice that you were standing. Please sit on my seat,” The boy helped him to his seat. The old man said, “My child, but for you I would have fallen down and injured myself. God bless you young boy. I wish other boys. followed your example”.
17. A rich man in Rome ill treats his slave …….. the slave runs away……… in the forest pulls out the thorn from a the slave is lion’s paw…….., they become friends …….. caught……. the king’s man throws him before a hungry the lion recognises his friend………. leaves him lion unhurt.
Kindness is a Great Virtue
Slavery was in vogue in olden times. The slaves were treated very cruelly. A rich man in Rome had a slave. He was very cruel to him. He made him work like an animal but gave him very little to cat. One day the slave ran away from his master’s house and went to a deep forest.
The rich man lodged a report to the king’s men. The runaway slaves were given capital punishment. The kings men were looking for the slave.
The slave took shelter in a cave. He mostly lived on fruits and the roots of plants. One day the slave was lying in the cave when he heard the roar of a lion just near by. He was afraid lest the lion should come into the cave and to his horror, the lion actually came into his cave. The slave turned pale with fear. But he saw that the lion was limping and growling in pain while walking. It had a thorn stuck into its paw. It came up to the slave and held its paw up. The slave carefully pulled the thorn out to the great relief of the lion. The lion began to lick his feet in gratitude.
After a few days the slave was caught by the king’s men. He was sentenced to death and was to be thrown before a hungry lion.
A day was fixed for the punishment. The slave was pushed into the arena and a lion was let loose on him. The lion gave out a loud roar before springing at his prey. But to the utter surprises of the spectators and the king, the hungry lion began licking the hands and feet of the slave.
The slave took little time to understand that the lion was none other than his old friend who came to his cave with a king, the slave narrated the whole story. The king was moved with pity. He set the lion and the slave free. Both of them returned to the thick forest and began to live there like two faithful friends.
18. An old farmer……. his four sons always quarrel among themselves……… At his death bed the old farmer gives them a bundle of sticks to break……… cach tries but fails……. now asks to break the sticks one by one…..every one does……… they learn a lesson.
Unity is Strength
Once upon a time there was an old farmer. Despite his wealth he was not at all happy. His four sons always quarrelled among themselves. They never cared for their father’s advice even. The old man was worried about them. He left no stone unturned to make them live in peace, but efforts all his ended in smoke. They fell out trifles.. even over.
Years rolled by and the old man took to his bed. He knew well that his days were numbered. Even on his death bed he was much worried about his sons. He thought and thought and at last hit upon a plan to give them a practical lesson.
Weak and feeble as the farmer was, he called all his four sons and said, “My dear sons, you must have understood that my days are numbered. Before leaving this world for good I want to give you something precious.” The sons. were very eager to know what their father was going to give them.
The old man asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. The sons obeyed him and brought a bundle of sticks tied them to try there strength together. The dying farmer asked on the bundle of sticks. Turn by turn everyone of them tried his best but none could break the bundle. Now the old man asked them to untie the bundle. Now even the youngest son was able to break the sticks of the bundle one by one. The old farmer now said, “Dear sons, I wanted to give you a precious lesson.
When the sticks were united none of you could break them, could you? But when they are separate even the weakest of you has broken them. Like wise, if you quarrel among yourselves, people will soon ruin you. But if you remain united, you will be strong. enough and nobody shall be able to harm you. Always remember, your strength lies in unity.”
This practical lesson had the desired effect. It acted as an eye opener to the four brothers. Henceforth they never quarrelled. Their old father died in peace.
SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Unit I | BEEHIVE |
Chapter – 1 | काजिरङा आरो शिबसागरसिम मोनसे दावबायनाय |
Chapter – 2 | The Fun They had |
Chapter – 3 | The Sound of Music |
Chapter – 4 | My Childhood |
Chapter – 5 | The Bond Of Love |
Chapter – 6 | If I were you |
Chapter – 7 | The Road Not Taken |
Chapter – 8 | The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Chapter – 9 | A Legend of The Northland |
Chapter – 10 | No Men Are Foreign |
Chapter – 11 | A Slumber did My Spirit Seal |
Chapter – 12 | The Adventure of Toto |
Chapter – 13 | The Happy Prince |
Chapter – 14 | Weathering The Storm Erasma |
Chapter – 15 | A House Is Not a Home |
Grammar |