SEBA Class 8 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 4 डकच ‘रिया पन्सायत सोमोन्दै सोलोङो | Dokchory learns about the Panchayat | Class 8 English Question Answer in Bodo As Per New Syllabus to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA डकच ‘रिया पन्सायत सोमोन्दै सोलोङो Class 8 General English Chapter 4 Question Answer/Class 8 English Chapter 4 Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Notes of SEBA Class 8 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 4 Question Answer. Class 8 English Question Answer Chapter 4 in Bodo. SEBA Class 8 English Question Answer In Bodo Medium Chapter 4 covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.
Class 8 English Chapter 4 डकच ‘रिया पन्सायत सोमोन्दै सोलोङो
SEBA Class 8 English Notes Chapter 4 In Bodo डकच ‘रिया पन्सायत सोमोन्दै सोलोङो। Dokchory learns about the Panchayat। English Guide for Class 8th Chapter 4. Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 8 English Question Answer Chapter 4 in Bodo. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये Notes for Class 8 English In Bodo Medium बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। Ncert/Scert English Class 8 Chapter 4 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस SEBA Class 8 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 4 में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।
खोन्दो 4 डकच ‘रिया पन्सायत सोमोन्दै सोलोङो
Chapter 4 Dokchory learns about the Panchayat
1. Here are some words from the text and their meanings. Test your understanding by matching the words on the left with their meanings on the right.
(आयदानिफ्राय खायसे सोदोब आरो बेनि ओंथिफोरखौ बेवहाय होनाय जादों। आगसिजों थानाय सोदोबफोरजों आगदाजों थानाय ओंथिफोरखौ गोरोबहोनानै नोंनि बुजिमोननायखौ आनजाद नाय।)
institution ― manner of governing or ruling
elections ― angry dispute, unfriendly relations with someone
sincerity ― organization or society
differently abled ― the exercise through which we vote for new leaders
schemes ― the money citizens of a country have to pay the government to help it do different kinds of work
substantial ― plans
rural ― large in size or amount
tax ― relating to a village or the countryside
quarrel ― having a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for a person to do all the work that other people do
governance ― devotion to a purpose
institution ― organization or society.
elections ― the exercise through which we vote for new leaders.
sincerity ― devotion to a purpose.
differently abled ― having a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for a person to do all the work that other people do.
schemes ― plans.
substantial ― large in size or amount.
rural ― relating to a village or the countryside.
tax ― the money citizens of a country have to pay the government to help it do different kinds of work.
quarrel ― angry dispute, unfriendly relations with someone.
governance ― manner of governing or ruling.
2. Complete the following sentences with information from the text?
(गाहायनि बाथ्राफोरखौ आयदानिफ्राय खौरांजों आबुं खालाम)
(a) Doctoral studies in Class ________.
Ans: Dokchory studies in class VIII.
(b) The name of her school is ________.
Ans: The name of her school’s Disangmukh Janajati High School.
(c) Her father’s name is, ________.
Ans: Her father’s name is Konke Mili.
(d) He works in the ________.
Ans: He works in the Panchayat.
(e) Dokchory goes to school by _______.
Ans: Dokchory goes to school by bicycle.
(f) She loves the ride because she _____.
Ans: She loves the ride because she gets to know new things everyday.
(g) To contest the Panchayat elections, one has to be ______ years old.
Ans: To contest the Panchayat election, one has to be 21 years cold.
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3. Answer the following questions to understand the text better.
(फराखो साबसिनै बुजिनो थाखाय गाइनि सोंथिफोरखौ फिलनाय हो।)
(a) What was the meaning of Panchayat long ago?
(गोबाव बोसोरनि सिगां पन्सायनि मुङा मामोन?)
Ans: Long ago, Panchayat meant a system of government by five elderly men called Gramin Pramukh.
(गोबाव बोसोरनि सिगां, पन्सायतनि ओंथिया जादोंमोन साबा बैसोगोरा मानसिफोरनि खुंथाइमोन जायखौ ग्रामीन प्रमुख बुंनाय जायोमोन।)
(b) What is the meaning of Panchayat now?
(पन्सायता आधिखालाव माखौ ओंथि खालामो?)
Ans: Now-a-days Panchayat means an elected body. It is responsible for the development of villages.
(आथिखालाव, पन्सायतआ मोनसे बिसायख’ आफादखौ बुजायो। बेयो गामिफोरनि जौगाथाइनि थाखाय दायनिगिरि।)
(c) What kind of work is done by the Panchayat?
(मा रोखोमनि खामानिफोरखौ पन्सायता मावो?)
Ans: The Panchayat builds and repairs rural roads, bridges, house for the poor and so on.
(पन्सायता गामियारि लामाफोरखौ बानायो आरो फाहामो, दालां लुयो, निखावरिफोरनो न’लुना होयो आरो बायदि बायदि।)
(d) From where does the Panchayat get money to perform all its work?
(पन्सायता बेनि गासै खामानिफोरखौ मावनो थाखाय बबेनिफ्राय रां मोनो?)
Ans: The Panchayat raises a little money from taxes on vehicles, river ghats, bazaars and bells etc. It also gets an annual grant from the Panchayat and Rural development of the government. The local MLA or Ministers also contribute substantially to the Panchayat.
(पन्सायता मथर-गारिनिफ्राय, दैमा-गाथोननिफ्राय, हाथायनिफ्राय आरो बिलो बायदिसिनानिफ्राय इसे टेक्स खाङो। बेयो सरकारनि पन्सायत आरो गामियारि जौगाखांनिफ्राय बोसोरारि अनसुंथाइफोरबो मोनो। जायगानि MLA एबा मन्थ्रिफोरा पन्सायतनो गोगोम बिहोमाबो होयो।)
(e) How did the Panchayat help Dhaniram?
(पन्सायता धनीरामखौ माबोरै हेफाजाब होदोंमोन?)
Ans: The Panchayat helped Dhaniram by building a house for him last year.
(पन्सायता धनीरामनो थांनाय बोसोराव न ‘गंसे होनानै बिखौ हेफाजाब होदोंमोन।)
(f) How did Dhaniram spend the cold December nights?
(धनीरामा गुसु दिसेम्बर हरखौ माबोरै हगारहरदोंमोन?)
Ans: Dhaniram spent the bitter cold December nights on the open verandah of the school building.
(धनीरामा गुसु दिसेम्बर हरखौ फरायसालिनि भारान्दायाव हगारहरदोंमोन।)
4. You have just read about the Panchayat. Using information from the lesson, fill in the table below:
(नों पन्सायतनि सोमोन्दै दासो फरायखांबाय। आयदानिफ्राय खौरांफोरखौ बाहायनानै, गाहाइनि फारिलाइखौ आबुं खालामः)

The Panchayat | |
Meaning: | |
Minimum age to contest: | |
Powers of a Panchayat: | |
Kinds of work a Panchayat does: | |
Sources of money: |
Panchayat | |
Meaning: | The panchayat is an institution constituted by elected member. |
Minimum age to contest: | The Constitution of India grants powers to the Panchayat to raise taxes, plan develop ment schemes and work development. |
Powers of a Panchayat: | A Panchayat builds and repairs rural roads, bridges, houses for the poor etc. |
Kinds of work a Panchayat does: | |
Sources of money: | Collection of a little money from taxes on vehicles,river ghats, bazaars, beels an annual grant from the Panchayat. and Rural Development. Depart- ment of the Government, contribution of the local MLA or Ministers. |
5. The morning assembly of Disangmukh Janajati High School begins at 8.45 every day. Each student of the school has to deliver a speech according to a roster pre- pared by the school authorities. When Dokchory’s turn came, she gave the following speech:
(दिसांमुख जनजाती हाइ स्कुलनि फुंनि आर ‘ज जुथुमा सानफ्रोमबो 8.45 रिंगायाव जायो। फरायसालिनि साफ्रोमबो फरायसाया फरायसालिनि खोमथाइगिरिया थियारि खालामखानाय मुंफारिलाइ बायदियै मोनसे बिबुंसार होनांगौ।
जेब्ला दकचरीनि फाला फैयो, बियो गाहाइनि बिबुंसारखौ होदोंमोन।)
Good morning!
Respected Principal, teachers, parents and my dear friends. I am Dokchory. Today I am going to talk about the Father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, who is also known as Bapu. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhiji was born on 2 October, 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat in India. He was a great freedom fighter who led India in its fight against the British rule. Gandhiji died on 30 January, 1948. His life story is a source of inspiration for all of us.
(सिबिजाथाव गोरायुं, फोरोंगिरिफोर, बिमा-बिफाफोर आरो आंनि अनजालु लोगोफोर। आं डकचरी दिनै आं जोंनि हारिनि बिफा महात्मा गान्धीनि सोमोन्दै बुंनो नागिरदों, जायखौ जों बापु होनना मिथिनाय जायो। बिनि आबुं मुङा महनदास करमचाद गान्धी। गान्धीया 2 अक्टबराव, 1869 मायथाइयाव भारतनि गुजरातनि पराबन्दराव जोनोम जादोंमोन। बियो सासे गेदेर उदांस्त्रि दावहारुमोन। जाय ब्रिटिसफोरनि हेंथायै भारतखौ दैदेनदोंमोन। गान्धीया 1948 मायथाइनि 30 जानुवारीयाव थैदोंमोन। बिथांनि जिउ सल’आ जों मासैबोनि थाखाय थुलुंगागोनां।)
Imagine that your turn to deliver a speech for the morning assembly is tomorrow. Prepare your own speech using Dokchory’s example, and present it in the class.
-Your teacher will ask each student to deliver the speech one by one.
(हमना ला फुंनि जुथुमनि थाखाय नोंनि बिबुंसारनि फालाया गाबोन सफैबाय। डकचरीनि बिदिन्थिखौ बाहायनानै नोंनि गावनि बिबुंथिखौ थियारि खालाम आरों थाखोआव बेखौ फोरमायथि, नोंसोरनि फोरोंगिरिया साफ्रोमबो फरायसाफोरखौ साफा साफायै बुंनो होगोन।)
Good Morning!
Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. Today. I am going to say about 26th January, the Republic Day of India.
India got independence in 1947. A new constitution was needed for the administration of India. So, a Constituent As sembly was formed under the presidentship of Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The constituent Assembly constituted a drafting committee with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairperson. The constitution of India was adopted in 1949. But it came into force with effect from 26th January, 1950. So, the 26th January is observed as the Republic Day of India.
6. Discuss in small groups:
(फिसा हान्जायाव सावराय)
(a) If you want to help the needy, would it be fine to do it immediately? Why or why not?
(जिदु नों निखावरिखौ हेफाजाब होनो लुबैयो बेखौ हरखाबै मावनाया मोजांना? मानो एबा मानो नङा?)
Ans: It would not be fine to help the needy so immediately. Because we have to find out his needs and look for the way out to a permanent solution of his needs. In that matter, time is necessary.
(आंखाल मानसिखौ एसेबां हरखाबै हेफाजाब होनाया मोजां जानाय नङा। मानोना जों बिनि आंखालखौ दिहुननांगोन आरो बिनि आंखालनि अरायथा समाधाननि लामाखौ नागिरनांगोन। बेनि थाखाय सम नांगोन।)
(b) How would you like to help a person with special needs? Share your ideas in your group?
(सासे जुनिया गोनांथि थानाय मानसिखौ माबायदियै हेफाजाब होनानै नों मोजां मोनगोन? नोंनि साननायखौ हान्जायाव फोरमायलाय।)
Ans: Before going to help a person with special needs, we should know his/her particular needs. Accordingly, we can help him/her. It is also better to see in which field the person is skilled with.
(c) Did Konke Mili plan right thing to help Dhaniram? Give more suggestions.
(कंके मिलिया धनीरामखौ हेफाजाबहोनो थार थांखि लादोंमोनना? गोबां सुबुरन्थाइ हो।)
Ans: Yes, Konke Mili planed the right thing to help Dhaniram.
7. Dokchory will work for the Panchayat when she fin- ishes school. Write a paragraph on what you will do for your village or town when you grow up.
(डकचरीया फरायसालिखौ फोजोबखांनायनि उनाव पन्सायतनि थाखाय खामानि मावगोन। नों देरब्ला नोंनि गामि एबा सोहोरनि थाखाय मा मावगोन बेनि सायाव मोनसे खोन्दो लिर।)
Ans: When I grow up, I will be a teacher. I will teach the young children Education is an instrument of social change. I dream of a beautiful and enlighted village of our own.
8. In class VII you learnt about Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs. In this lesson, we see more of such sentences.
(थाखो VII आव नोंसोर Reported speech and Reporting verbs फोरनि सोमोन्दै सोलोंदोंमोन। बे आयदायाव जों बेबादि बाथ्राफोर गोबां नुगोन।)
Look at this sentence from the lesson:
आयदानिफ्राय ये बाथ्राफोरखौ नायः
She said to her father, “What is a Panchayat?” बियो बिफाखौ बुंदोंमोन, “पसायता मा?”
The reported clause starts with a ‘wh’ question. Wh words are who, when, whom, whose, what, where, which, why and how. A wh-question is changed into the indirect form by us- ing the question around at the beginning of the reported clause.
e.g. She asked her father what a Panchayt was.
Peported clause आ ‘wh’ सोंथिजों जागायो। wh सोदोबफोरा जाबाय who (सोर) when (माब्ला) whom (सोरखौ) whose (सोरनि) what (मा) where (बबेयाव) which (बबेयो) why (मानो) आरो how (माबोरै)। मोनसे wh सोंथिखौ reported clause नि जागायनायाव सोंथि सोदोब बाहायनानै indirect form (खेंसालिया दाथाद) याव सोलायनाय जायो।
बिदिन्थि महरैः बियो बिफोरखौ सोंदोंमोन पन्सायता मा मोन।
Let’s practice changing other questions into the reported form:
(गुबुन सोंथिफोरखौ reported form आव सोलायनानै सर’ खालामदोनि)
(a) She said to her father, “What kind of work do you do?”
Ans: She asked her father what kind of work he did.
(b) She said to her father, “Where do you get all the money from?”
Ans: She asked her father where they got all the money from.
(c) She said to her father, “Is that enough to do so much work?”
Ans: She asked her father if that was enough to do so much work.
(d) She asked him, “Why don’t you build a house for poor Dhaniram?”
Ans: She asked him why they did not build a house for poor Dhaniram.
(e) She said to him. “What is a Panchayat?”
Ans: She asked him what a Panchayat was.
Now read this sentence. It is another type of reported sentence.
(दानिया के बाथ्राखौ फराय। बेयो गुबुन मोनसे रोखोमनि reported sentence.)
(a) She said to her father, “Do something for the old man”:
(बियो बिफाखौ बुंदोंमोन, “बोराइ मानसिनि थाखाय माबा मोनसे माव।”)
Here the reported clause is an Imperative sentence. In an imperative sentence, the subject, which is usually the second person ‘You’ is generally left unwritten.
बेवहाय reported clause आ मोनसे बिथोनारि बाथ्रा। मोनसे बिथोनारि बाथ्रायाव, मावग्राखौ जाय सरासनस्त्रायै नैथि सुबुंसा ‘नों’ खौ सरासनस्त्रायै लिरालासिनो दोननाय जायो।
(b) Do something for the old man (=You do something for the old man)
(बोराइ मानसिनि थाखाय माबा मोनसे माव (=नों बोराय मानसिनि थाखाय माबा मोनसे माव)
There are other types of imperatives such as negative and emphatic imperatives. For example, the imperative sentence.
गुबुन गुबुन रोखोमनि imperatives दं जेरै negative (नङा दिन्थिनाय) आरो emphatic imperative (ज ‘र होनाय) बिथोनारि बाथ्रा। बिदिन्थि, बिथोनारि बाथ्रा:
Come in, please
अननाने सिङाव फै
बेखौ सोलायनो हागौ:
Negative: Don’t come in, please.
अननाने, सिङाव दाफै।
Find out how much you have understood. Change the following imperative sentences into their negative and emphatic forms:
(नौ बेसे बुजिमोनखो दिहुन। गाहायनि imperative sentence फोरखौ बिसोरनि negative and emphatic form आव सोनाय।)
(a) Repair the roads.
Ans: Don’t repair the toads (negative) Do repair the roads. (emphatic)
(b) Build a house for Dhaniram.
Ans: Don’t build a house for Dhaniram. (negative) Do build a house for Dhaniram. (emphatic) Please do wash your hands. (emphatic)
(c) Work for local development.
Ans: Don’t work for local development. (negative) Do work for local development. (emphatic)
(d) Close the door, please.
Ans: Don’t close the door, please. (negative) Do close the door, please. (emphatic)
(e) Please wash your hands.
Ans: Please don’t wash your hands. (negative). Please do wash your hands. (emphatic)
9. Say the words in the box aloud:
(बाकसुवाव थानाय सोदोबफोरखौ गोबारै बुंः)
Panchayat | child | dokchory |
much | change | panch |
पन्सायत | साइल्ड | डकचरी |
माच | चेन्ज | पन्स |
Did you notice that they all have the sound oh?
(नों नोजोर खालामदोंना बेफोर गासैहाबो oh (अ’) रिंसार दं?)
Now, find other words from the lesson which have similar ch sound in them. Write them in your note book. Add a few more and practice saying them aloud.
(दानिया आयदानिफ्राय बिसोरनियाव ch रिंसार थानायखौ दिहुन। नोंनि, सुजाबाव बेफोरखौ लिर। मोननैसो आरोबाव दाजाबदेर आरो बेफोरखौ गोबारै बुंनो सर’ खालाम।)
(a) catch – केत्स
(b) touch – टाच
(c) chase – चेइज
(d) much – माच
(e) inch – इन्च
(f) change – चेन्ज
10. Here is a crossword puzzle for you to find out the adjectives (describing words). in the puzzle to fill up the blanks on the right. One is done for you.
(बेवहाय नोंसोरनो आगदाथिंजाय थानाय लान्दांजायगाखौ सुफुंनो थाखाय साथोरआव थानाय थाइलालि (बिजिरलु सोदोबफोर) खौ दिहुननो थाखाय मोनसे हेब्रे-हेब्रा सोदोब साथोर होनाय जादों। मोनसेखौ नोंसोरनि थाखाय खालामना होनाय जादों।)

Ans: (a) open verandah
(b) annual grant.
(c) rural roads.
(d) tiny institution.
(c) good things.
(f) social change.
(g) important question.
(h) bitter cold.
11. Let’s play a game. Look at the following pairs of words quickly. Each pair looks the same, but are different in meaning as well as in spelling. The different mean- ings are given against each pair. Fill in the blanks by putting in one or two letter(s) to show the difference in spelling. The one who completes it first will be the winner.
(मोनसे खेला गेलेनि। गाहायनि सोदोब जराफोरखौ गोखैयै नाय। मोनफ्रोम ज’ राखौ एखेबायदि नुयो। नाथाय ओंथि आरो बानानआव गुबुन गुबुन। मोनफ्रोम ज ‘रानि हेंथायै गुबुन गुबुन ओंथिफोर होनाय दं। बानानाव बिसोरनि फारागखौ दिन्थिनो थाखाय मोनसे एबा मोननै सोदोबहोनानै लान्दां जायगाखौ आबुं खालाम। जाय गिबि आबुं खालामग्रोनो हागोन बियो देरहागिरि जागोन।)
(a) d ______ ry: a record of everyday’s events or thoughts
d _________ ry: a place where milk is processed to make different milk products.
Ans: diary (सानरेब) a place of everyday’s events or thoughts.
dairy (गाइखेर गवाल) a place where milk is processed to make different milk products.
(b) w _______ ther: temperature of a place
w _______ ther: expressing a doubt
Ans: weather (बोथोर) temperature of a place.
whether (नंगौना नङा) expressing doubt.
(c) I _____ ke: a large area of water
I ______ ke: similar to
Ans: Lake (बिलो) a large area of water.
Like (बायदि) similar to
(d) w ________ sh: to make something clean by using water
w _______ sh: to want something to happen
Ans: wash (सुनाय) to make something clean by using water.
wish (लुबैनाय) to want something to happen.
(e) n _______ w: fresh, not old or used
n ____ w: the present time
Ans: new (गोदान) fresh, not or used.
now (दा) the present time.
12. Rupali Chetia is a contestant for President in the coming Panchayat election. In groups, design a poster seeking votes for her victory.
(रुपाली चुटीयाया फैगौ, पन्सायत बिसायखथिनि सासे बादायारि। हान्जायाव बिनि देरहानायनि थाखाय भत नागिरनानै गंसे पस्टार बानाय।)

Ans: Please vote for
Rupali Chetia for the
Panchayat President
12. Recite the Poem
(रिसाइट दा पयेम/खन्थाइखौ आवराय:)
Love of Country
लाभ अफ कान्ट्रि
(हादोरनि मोजांमोननाय)
Who loves…………………….…. her name
रिसारः हु लाभस दिस कान्ट्रि उइल नट रेष्ट
कनटेन्ट उइथ भ’ एन्द प्लिज एलन,
बाट फ्लाइस हार बेनार इन हिस ब्रेस्ट
एन्द काउन्टस हार देसटिनी हिस अन
नट अनली हवेन दा बागोल प्लेइस
स्टेन्स फर्थ तु गिभ हिस लाइफ फर हार,
बात अन दा फिल्द अफ कमन देइस
इस स्टं तु लिभ हिस लाइफ फर हार,
हि इस नट सेटिस्फाइद तु क्लेइम
एस हेरिटेज, हार पावार एन्द फेम
बाट स्ट्राइभिं, गेइनस दा राइट तु वेर
दा साइनिं अनार अफ हार नेम।
–नेन्सि बाइर्ड टिउनार
Vow: A formal and serious promise – सतबांसा, समायलानाय।
fame: The state of being known and talked about by many people- मुंदांखा, नामजादा।
striving: Trying very hard to achieve something. (माबा मोनसे मोनफुंनो जोबोद नाजानाय)
claim: To demand (दाबिनाय)
bugle: A musical instrument like a small trumpet. (रोखोमसे दामग्रा फेमफा)
13. Think and write:
(सान आरो लिर:)
Do you love your country? Discuss with your friend how you can show your love for your country. Write a paragraph on it.
(नों नोंनि हादोरखौ मोजां मोनोना? नोंनि हादोरनि थाखाय मोजां मोननायखौ नों माबोरै दिन्थिनो हागौ लोगोजों सावराय। बेनि सायाव मोनसे खोन्दो लिर।)
Ans: I do love my country. When I grow up, I will become a teacher. I will educate the children with the best of my capability. Because today’s children are the citizens of tomor- row. If they are well educated in their childhood, they will do their almost for the progress and development of our country.
SEBA Class 9 Bodo Medium Question Answer:
- Class 9 Science Question Answe in Bodo
- Class 9 Social Question Answe in Bodo
- Class 9 Hindi Question Answe in Bodo
- Class 9 Boichitramoi Assam Question Answe in Bodo
- Class 9 English Question Answe in Bodo
- Class 9 Mathematics Question Answe in Bodo
Additional Question Answers
1. In which class does Dokchory read?
(डक्चरिया बबे थाखोआव फरायो?)
Ans: Dokchory reads in class VIII.
2. In which school docs Dokchory read?
(बबे फरायसालियाव डक्चरिया फरायो?)
Ans: Dockchary reads in Disangmukh Janajati High School.
3. Why does Dokchory love the bicycle ride?
(डक्चरीया मानो साइकेल सालायनायखौ मोजां मोनो?)
Ans: Dokchory loves the bicycle ride because she gets to know new things every day.
4. What is the meaning of Dokchory?
(डक्चरीनि ओंथिया मा?)
Ans: The meaning of ‘Dokchory’ is a necklace of beads the Missing usually wear in festival time.
5. Write the name of Dokchory’s father’s name?
(डक्चरिनि बिफानि मुंखौ लिर।)
Ans: Konke Mili.
6. Who takes Dokchory to school?
(सोर डक्तरिखौ फरायसालियाव लाना थाङो))
Ans: Konke Mili, father of Dokchory takes her to school on bicycle.
7. What is the minimum age to contest Panchayat election?
(पन्सायत बिसायख’थियाव बादायनो थाखाय खमसिन बैसोआ मा)
Ans: Above 21 years.
8. What powers does the Constitution of India grant to the Panchayat?
(भारतनि संबिजिरा पन्सायतनो मा मा गोहो होदों?)
Ans: The constitution of India grants powers to the Panchayat to raise taxes, plan development schemes and work for local development.
9. What can the differently-abled persons do?
(बेंगुरा मानसिफोरा मा मा खामानि मावनो हागौ?)
Ans: Differently abled persons can also do their own chores, and also paint, read, play games and enjoy their hobbies. They can also lead normal lives and learn to be independent.
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Chapter – 1 | पानि दिहिंनि राजखुंगुर |
Chapter – 2 | आंनि आंगो हादोर |
Chapter – 3 | भारतखौ संदानः कुइस सम |
Chapter – 4 | डकच ‘रिया पन्सायत सोमोन्दै सोलोङो |
Chapter – 5 | लुइस पेष्टिउर |
Chapter – 6 | मोनसे गोदान सान, मोनसे गोदान लामा |
Chapter – 7 | अनखांथि |
Chapter – 8 | चन्द्रप्रभा शइकियानी |
Notes of Class 8 English in Bodo Medium | Bodomedium Class 8 English notes इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Bodo Medium Class 8 English Question answer | SEBA Class 8 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 4 अगर आप एक bodo सात्र या शिक्षाक हो तो आपके लिए लावदयक हो सकता है।
Note- यदि आपको इस Chapter मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।