Bodo Medium Class 9 Moments Question Answer English Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home for bodo medium Students, Class 9 English Question Answer in Bodo Medium to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA इंराजी Class 9 Moments Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें. Class 9 English Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home Question Answer Class 9 Bodo Medium English Chapter 15 Notes. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9th English Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT. Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home Bodo Solution for Class 9.

Bodo Medium Class 9 English Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home
Bodo Medium Class 9 Moments Question Answer in English Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home | A House is not a Home Answers | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की कक्षा 9 बोडो मीडियम इंराजी खोन्दो 15 A House Is Not a Home Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 15 Question Answer बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। कक्षा 9 इंराजी खोन्दो 13 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस कक्षा 9 इंराजी में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।
Chapter 15 A House Is Not a Home
Textual Questions
1. What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do? (रबिबारनि सानसे फुङाव लिरगिरिया मा नोजोर खालामखो? लिरगिरिनि बिमानि फिनजाथाया मा? बियो मा मावखो ?)
Ans : The author noticed smoke pouring in through the seams of the ceiling. Soon the whole house is on fire.
His mother then ran out of the house carrying a small metal box full of important documents. Again she entered the house to bring out her late husband’s pictures and letters.
2. Why does he break down in tears after the fire? (अरनांनायनि उनाव बियो मानो मेगन मोदैजों ओलैस्रो जाखो ?)
Ans : The author had a lovely cat which he loved dearly. After the fire, the cat was nowhere to be found. The author thought that the cat had been killed. So, he broke down in tears.
3. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his fear and insecurity? (अखानायै फरायसालियाव लिरगिरिया मानो जोबोरैनो दद मद जाखो? बबे सोदोबा बिनि गिनाय आरो रैखागैयैखौ दिनथियो ?)
Ans : Remorsefully, the author had lost everything in the fire. His dress was dirty, he had no books, no bag, no home work with him. He felt that he was going to be out cast. So, he was deeply embarrassed.
The word ‘weird’, greek’ and ‘outcast’ show his fear and insecurity.
4. The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the story? Where was the cat after the fire? Who brings it back and how? (मावजि आरो लिरगिरिया गावजों गाव जोबोद मोजां मोनलायो? बेखौ सल’ आव माबोरै दिन्थिदों? अर नांनायनि उनाव मावजिया बबेयाव दंमोन? सोर बिखौ लाबोखो आरो माबोरै ?)
Ans : The cat and the author are very fond of each other. This has been shown when the author began weeping and crying because of not finding his lovely cat.
The cat had been so freaked by the fire that she ran over a mile away. A woman found it. Though it had a telephone number on its collar, it was burnt in the fire. She took pains to search the owner of the cat. At last, after a month, she brought the cat back to the author.
5. What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort him emotionally? How does his loneliness vanish and how does he start participating in life? (फरायसा लोगोफोरनि बबे खामानिया लिरगिरिनि जिवनि आरो मानसिनि सोमोन्दै बुजिमोननायाव सोलायनाय लाबोदों आरो बिखौ आबेगआरि महरै
सान्ति होदों? बिनि हारसिंथिया माबोरै गोमोर लांखो आरो माबोरै बियो जिवआव बाहागो लानायखौ जागायखो ?)
Ans : The schoolmates collected school supplies; notebooks, all kinds of different clothes- jeans; tops, sweatsuits etc. People met him and showed their concerns. Their kindness and fellow feelings changed the author’s feelings towards life and people. This all touched him emotionally. He made friends with them and his loneliness vanished. He started life afresh.
6. What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I”? Had the author gone anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back? (“आंनि मावजिया फैफिनबाय आरो आंबो” बैनि ओंथिया मा? लिरगिरिया बहाबा थांदोंमोनना? बियो मानो बुंदोंदि बिबो फैफिनबाय ?)
Ans : The author lost everything in the fire. He could not find his cat. He lost all interest in life. He felt lonely and life seemed to be meaningless. He had not gone anywhere but mentally he had gone far away. His schoolmates came to help him. They got him everything that he needed. They helped him in rebuilding his house. A woman brought back his cat. Thus he found new friends and his cat. He regained interest in life. So, he says, “My cat was back and so was I”.
Additional Questions
1. What was the author doing when the fire broke out? (अरनांनाय जागायनाय समाव लिरगिरिया मा मावदोंमोन ?)
Ans : It was a Sunday afternoon. The author was sitting at home at their dining room table doing homework. Suddenly he smelt something strange and noticed smoke pouring in through the seams of the ceiling. The whole house was on fire.
2. What were the things which were saved from the fire? (अरनिफ्राय रैखा खालामजानाय मुवाफोरा मा मा मोन ?)
Ans : Almost all the things were completely gutted by the fire. Only some important some other personal items and pictures were saved from burning by the author’s mother.
3. How did the author go to school next day? (अखानायै लिरगिरिया माबोरै फरायसालियाव थांदोंमोन ?)
Ans : The author went to school wearing the church dress. He. had no shoes, no books and no backpack. He felt himself to be an outcast and a greek. He wanted to die.
4. What happened to the author’s cat? (लिरगिरिनि मावजिहा मा जादोंमोन ?)
Ans : The cat had been so freaked by the fire that she ran over a miles away. A kind lady came to him with the cat. He took the cat from her and thanked a lot.
5. What did the author’s mother do when the house was on fire? (अरनांनाय समाव लिरगिरिनि बिमाया मा मावदोंमोन ?)
Ans : When the house was on fire, the author’s mother ran out with a small metal box full of important documents. She again ran back to the house to get the pictures and other things.
6. Why did the author feel ‘isolated’? (लिरगिरिया मानो नागारजानाय बायदि मोनदांदोंमोन ?)
Ans : The author felt isolated because he joined another school while his closest friends at his old school had been sent to a different high school. So, he felt very isolated. went.
7. What did his old teachers advise him when he to them? (बिनि गोजाम फोरोंगिरिफोरा बिखौ बिसोरनिसिम थांफिननायाव मा बोसोन होदोंमोन ?)
Ans : His old teachers advised him to get involved in school activities. They encouraged him a lot and told him that very soon he would adjust well in new school.
SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Unit I | BEEHIVE |
Chapter – 1 | काजिरङा आरो शिबसागरसिम मोनसे दावबायनाय |
Chapter – 2 | The Fun They had |
Chapter – 3 | The Sound of Music |
Chapter – 4 | My Childhood |
Chapter – 5 | The Bond Of Love |
Chapter – 6 | If I were you |
Chapter – 7 | The Road Not Taken |
Chapter – 8 | The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Chapter – 9 | A Legend of The Northland |
Chapter – 10 | No Men Are Foreign |
Chapter – 11 | A Slumber did My Spirit Seal |
Chapter – 12 | The Adventure of Toto |
Chapter – 13 | The Happy Prince |
Chapter – 14 | Weathering The Storm Erasma |
Chapter – 15 | A House Is Not a Home |
Grammar |
Note- यदि आपको इस Unit मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।