Bodo Medium Class 9 Grammar Article, Class 9 Grammar Article Question Answer in Bodo to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Grammar Bodo Medium, HSLC Class 9 Grammar Article Question Answer in Bodo दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Class 9 Grammar Article. Class 9 Bodo Medium Grammar Article. SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 Grammar Article Notes covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.

Class 9 Grammar Article
Bodo Medium class 9 english grammar notes बोडो मीडियम कक्षा 9 Grammar Question Answer | English Grammar | इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 9 English Grammar Question Answer. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये बोडो मीडियम class 9 grammar seba बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है।
1. Write a paragraph of about 100 words on any one of the following topics.
(a) A memorable day of your life.
Ans : The memorable day of my life is the third of July 2008. That was the day my HSLC examination result was declared by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam. The newspapers had reported that our result would be declared on that day. As the first boy of our class and the school as well people expected that I would do well in the examination. My honourable teachers, including the Headmaster expected something wonderful in my result. My parents and my brothers and sister were as anxious as I was. In fact I was experiencing a mood of suspense.
My only thought. was whether I would be able to rise to the expectations of so many of my wellwishers. The situation was like that of a drama full of suspensé. As the time for the announcement of the result approached the suspense grew. Finally at about 11.30 a.m. my brother came rushing home and announced that I stood in the third position among the successful candidates. Thank God, that I could rise to the expectations of my teachers and wellwishers.
(b) A Rainy Day.
Ans : A rainy day is pleasant in summer for it brings down the temperature and brings respite to the people. A rainy day in spring is generally accompanied with hailstorm that settles down the dust and brightens the atmosphere. In autumn a rainy day give the foretaste of coming winter. But a rainy day in winter is really hateful. People, specially the elderly ones feel chilled on such a day and remains pinned to the fire place. A rainy day suspends the normal activities of the people.
The students and office goers suffer much as they are to go out under umbrellas braving the rain and gushing wind. In Guwahati, of course sometimes parts of the city are inundated by flash flood water and normal life is suspended. In a rainy day people like to remain inside while the hunger grows. Children float paper boats on rain-water and the elderly people remain at home doing some indoor works. Domestic animals remain hungry as they cannot be let out to graze.
(c) Your best friend.
Ans : Man cannot live alone. He wants some one to whom he can open his heart freely and exchange his thoughts and ideas, hopes and fears. Sagar is such a friend of mine, who always stands by me in my weal and woe. Strong in his power of love, he never hesitates to rebuke me as an elder brother whenever he finds as going wrong.
On certain occasions I fall into some miss fortunes by disregarding his advice. He never deserts me on such occasions like a fair weather friend. He becomes up and doing and spares no pain to relieve of the misfortune befallen to me. He never considers any sacrifice too great to pull me out. Indeed, such a friend is a blessing of God to me.
(d) The Recent Flood Ravages in Assam.
Ans : Flood is a recurring problems in Assam. The state had been ravaged many times by flood. But the fury of the flood that inundated most part of the state in July, 2002 was one of the worst. People in both the Brahmaputra and Barak valleys realed under flood for about two months. However the worst affected districts were Dhemaji, Dhubri, Nalbari, Kamrup. In these districts, specially in Dhemaji and Dhubri the flood caused irreparable damage.
Road and rail links remained snapped for more than two months. In many places dwelling houses and livestocks were washed away. Army rescued many people marooned by flood water. People starved in relief camps as relief materials could not be sent to them for lack of transport communication. In other districts also flood had left the marks of its ravages.
Property worth crores of rupees were damaged. Standing crops. were damaged. About hundred people were killed. After the flood water receded diseases broke out in many places. People’s misery knew no bounds. It was estimated that it would take several years for the people to regain their normal economic status. hs.
(e) The library in your institution.
Ans : Library has been recognised as an essential organ of human civilization. A library is a store house of knowledge. Our college library is a big one. It is housed in a separate building There are about 10,000 books in our college library. The books are kept in orderly manner. There are about 25 almirahs in the library. All varieties of books are there in them.
The reading room is attached to the library. About fifty students and teachers can read in it at a time. The library and the reading room are managed by a librarian and his helpers. StuIdents and teachers may borrow books from the library. The college library is meant for the use of the teachers and the students.
Our college library is a nice one. Every year new books are bought and add to the stock. Thus the size of the library and its standard is growing every year. In fact we take pride of our college library.
(f) A Serious Road Accident.
Ans : On the other day I was standing on a foot path near the court building in Guwahati. I was hailing a rickshaw to take me to a friend’s house nearby. Suddenly I heard a big blast and immediately there arose a-hue and cry. A crowd gathered at once and traffic movement came to a halt. The accident took place some hundred metres away from me.
From an old gentlemen I could gather that a minibus full of passengers collided head on with a mini truck coming from the western direction. Reportedly both the bus and the truck were running at high speed. I was so shocked by the sound that it took me several minutes to regain my normal mental state. Coming near I saw injured passengers being sent to hospital. Police cordoned the area.
The drivers were arrested. The angry public would have killed them had there been no police. It was a pitiable sight to see the injured passengers. Two of them were seriously injured. However there was no death. Police restored normal traffic flow after about half an hour.
(g) Television.
Ans : The television is a wonder of the modern world. John Beyard, an English scientist has invented the television in 1926. In India T.V. was first installed in the sixties of this century. In Assam it has been introduced in 1984. The television is an electronic gadget. It has a screen on which appears the pictures of persons and things relayed.
There are black and white television, colour television, the portable television sets and now a days there are the pocket size sets. A television brings. home the live pictures of things, persons, places and incidents cinema, news, sports events and musical items are relayed on the television screen. Now a days one can enjoy programmes relayed on different channels. The television has become the best mass media of our times.
(h) A recent Train accident.
Ans : Train accidents are generally caused by human failures or engineering defects. A serious train accident occured on 24th April this year. The Down N.E. Express running between Guwahati and New Delhi collided head on with a goods train at a place between Pathsala railway station and Sarupeta-railway station. It was the result of wrong signalling.
The two trains each running from opposite direction to the other were allowed to proceed on the single line track. The accident took place at about 3 p.m. Two bogies of the N.E. Express derailed injuring about thirty passengers. The engines of both the trains derailed and were badly damaged. The crew members were severely injured.
Local people rushed to the spot from the nearby villages and rendered all possible help. The injured were shifted to the local P.H.C. Two seriously injured passengers and the crew members of both the trains were shifted to Bongaigaon Railway Hospital. High civil and Railway officers visited the site. It took about ten hours to restore normal traffic, on the track.
(i) An Artificial Satellite.
Ans : An artificial satellite is a wonderful creation of science and technology. The moon is the only satellite of the earth. Living at a certain distance it goes an orbiting the earth. Similarly an artificial satellite goes on orbiting the earth at certain specific time and speed. An artificial satellite is sent to the sky with the help of rockets.
Then it is placed at an orbit beyond the gravitational pull of the earth. Its speed is so fixed that it does not fall down to the earth and goes on orbiting the globe of the earth from where it is sent. An artificial satellite carries on works entrusted to it. For example it can collect data about weather, vegetation on earth and so on. Now a days artificial satellites are also used to collect data about military might of certain countries.
Artificial satellites are also used to establish tele communication service. Thus an artificial satellite serves mankind in different ways. Orbiting round the earth it goes on sending informations to the ground centres. Artificial satellite is really a big aid to man.
(i) All that glitters is not gold.
Ans : Gold is a bright yellow metal and very valuable. There are many other things looking equally bright yellow ally birch but worthless with regard to their value. It means that appearances are often deceptive and things are not what they appear to be. t means that we should not judge things by their outward appearance. A person.
may look like a gentleman by his dress and speech, but in reality he may turn out to be a cheat and hypocrite. The proverb implies that vice may assume the 200 garb of virtue and handsome looks may hide moral deformity. A food pleasing to the taste may be injurious to health. So we must always be on our guard against being misled by outward appearance.
(j) The Teacher you like best.
Ans : Prof. Nunn says “An average teacher teaches, a good teacher demonstrates, but an ideal teacher inspires”. In course of my academic career I have had the fortune of meeting several experienced and wise teachers who have tremendous influence on me. I have regards and respects for all of them, right from Shri Uttam Deka who taught me A for apple, to Shri Ramani Mohan Deka who taught me (a+b)² = a² + 2ab + b² But among them all, I like and adore best.
Shri Bipin Chandra Deka or B.C. Deka, as he is popularly known as. The reason I like best him is that he inspired me for life with his pleasant personality. He used to teach English Grammar in upper classes. Generally English Grammar is regarded a dull subject. But Deka sir taught us English grammar in such a simple way that we had eagerly waited for his class. He was a a friend, a philosopher and guide to every student.
The noticeable thing was that he never carried a cane to class. room as was customary to an average teacher in those days. Instead of beating or rebuking a student he tried to reform him by way of counsel and advice. They say that I am not bad in English Grammar. I don’t hesitate to admit that it was only for Deka sir that I had tried to learn the subject. I shall never ever forget him.
(k) Pollution.
Ans : Pollution means making filthy, dirty or impure.Pollution has posed a threat to entire humanity. Our air, water, and earth have become terribly polluted. In fact the whole world is shocked to learn that pollution may bring an end to not only human beings but also to animal kingdom. In Spite of the fact that most countries of the world are aware of the danger of pollution, the condition is going from bad to worse.
More factory smoke and car fumes and chimney fuel have polluted the environment; more wastes, oils and chemicals from factories have been adding poisonous substances to rivers and seas, more insecticides have made our food poisonous. The disclosure of holes in ozone layer has alarmed even the common man. Sound pollution in towns and cities has been a major health hazard. In brief, fresh air or pure water is gradually waning and the day is not very far when life will be impossible on this planet.
(I) A street quarrel.
Ans : Street quarrels are common among people of lower strata of the society. People of the higher rung of the society generally do not wash their dirty linen in public. But last Sunday, I had the experience of such a street quarrel and it was between two women of having so called social status. The time was about eleven in the morning. I was at my study table.
Suddenly a noise disturbed my attention. I came out to the veranda and saw two women were fighting with each other in the street, kicking, hitting and showering blows at each other. At the same time both were pulling each other’s hair. Though a crowd of people had already gathered there, they seemed to enjoy the scene. rushed forward and separated the quarrelling women. The cause of the fight was rather trifle.
Their sons were playing cricket and the cricket ball hit the son of a quarrelling woman. I asked the ladies where their sons were for whom they were quarrelling. Then they looked around. To their utter disbelief, they saw that their sons were playing cricket merrily. The two women realised their fault and left the place in no time. The Va incident reminded me of Tolostoy’s story, “Who is bouti wiser?”
(m) How I spent a Holiday open.
Ans : It is always refreshing, specially for the city dwellers, to go out of doors, once a while. Free air is always welcome. Picnics for the city dwellers were very common in olden days. But now a days city life has been so mechanical and routine bound that picnics becoming rare and uncommon. On holidays children like to be glued to T.V. programmes or Internets in computers. Parents prefer to enjoy rest after a week’s hectic life.
But our parents prefer an outing whenever an opportunity comes. We always avail ourselves of the opportunity of going for a family picnic whenever weget one. We had such an opportunity last Sunday. On the previous Saturday it was decided that we would spend the next Sunday at Chandubi. My mummy prepared food and I and my sister Niharika busied ourselves in making other arrangements.
Our driver Jagadish arrived in time and we set out early in the morning. But when we reached the picnic spot at eight in the morning, the spot was overcrowded with picnickers. It was a beautiful scene with green trees all around. Some fishermen were catching fish. There we took our lunch and it was so tasty! Darkness enveloped the earth when we returned home.
(n) My pet dog.
Ans : Besides being a pleasure, my pet dog ‘Manik’ is a source of security and protection for me. Manik is an Alsatian. When my friend Sanjib gave it as a gift to me, he was a puppy of four months. But now he has a curved bushy tail, sharp eyes, strong jaws and nimble feet. I have taken immense pains in training Manik. He has impeccable toilet habits. When he has the tendency of going to toilet, he gives out a peculiar cry.
I have trained him to shake hands, and fetch things. In the morning, the hawker drops the newspapers at the main gate of our house. Manik brings them home in his mouth. He faithfully obeys the command given to him. He recognises friends and never harms them. For others, his barking is enough to unnerve them. I take him for long walks in the morning and the evening. Then only he is chained. Manik is totally a vegetarian and he lives on rice and milk. I am proud of my Manik.
(o) A House of fire.
Ans : It was midnight. I was enjoying a sound sleep in my room. Suddenly I was awakened by a confusing noise. Peeping through the window I saw that the house of my friend Manash was ablaze. In no time I was on the spot. The house was completely enveloped in flames. A strong wind added fuel to fire. Manash’s father, a retired school teacher, was crying and beating: his breast. There was endless hurry and excitement.
Some men were busy in bringing buckets of water, others poured it on the fire. I also joined them. In the I meantime two fire brigades arrived and go to work immediately and the fire was brought under control in H half an hour. The loss was estimated at five lakh rupees. Even in this hour of crisis,. everybody praised the prudence of Manash’s father. Because the house was insured.
(p) Is the telephone a boon?
Ans : In modern days not to speak of towns and cities, even in rural areas a telephone has become a ‘must’. But till the other day, it was a status symbol for quite a few. It is true that life these days is fast and busy. A telephone serves us as a faithful servant. Because of our busy schedule, we have no time to pay social visits. The telephone helps us to keep constant touch ends and relatives. Cell phones or mobile phones have given a new meaning and dimension to it.
One can contact anybody, anytime over the mobile phones. But telephones are not all boon. The evils of mobile phones can best be understood from the fact that the use of mobile phones has been, banned in most of the educational institutions. In rural areas a telephone invites enmity and unfriendliness in our neigh bourhood. The neighbours use our telephones and we have to pay the bills. Some of the neighbours give the telephone number to their friends and relatives.
If we fail to call the neighbour at an odd hour he will become angry. Again, it has been observed that the telephone bell rings at odd hours, when we are in the bath room, in bed, or shaving or eating lunch or dinner, only to tell that it was a wrong number, Notwithstanding all its abuses, the telephone is certainly a boon.
(q) Where there is a will there is a way
Ans : It is truly said that man is the architect of his own fortune. From examples of the great men, we know that they secured à niche in the history of mankind because of their firm determination and unswerving faith in their capabilities. The secret of the success of Alexander the great or Napoleon was their iron will. When Napoleon was told that the Alps stood in the way of his army, his reply was “There shall be no Alps.
A road was made across the Alps over heights previously considered inaccessible and the army marched towards victory. Napoleon said “impossible is a word found in the dictionary of fools”. With his strong will, Lincoln abolished slavery from the map of America in the teeth of deep opposition. Lachit Barphukan, Shivaji, Martin Luther, Mother Teresa and many others swam against the current of their times, emerged successful and left indelible imprints on the sands of time.
They showed to the world that whatever may be the odds, if one has firm determination and will power, one can win anything and everything in the world. In 2004, the son of the chowkidar of a High School in Nalbari district secured a position among the top twenties in the H.S.L.C. Examination despite the fact that he had no private tutors and no reference books. So, the proverb has testified time and characters. It is equally true of the saying of George Crabbe “Be there a will and wisdom finds a way.”
(r) A Day before the Examination
Ans : Almost all students dread examinations in Assam. Specially the month of December brings gloom to every school going g child in Assam because it is the month of annual examination in Assam. As the examination draws closer, the students find themselves in the grip of tension and fear. They look worried and anxious. The day before the examination is a horrible day for them. They remain busy on revising the main points.
They lose appetite, they take no interest in recreational items. The more they read after burning midnight oil, they feel quite blank,Naturally they feel nervous and confused.Every student, whether he is bright or dull, seeks divine help and prays to God to help him/her pass the examination or pass the examination w with flying colours.
He does not have sound sleep on the night before the examination. Fear and anxiety sits heavily on his mind. He fears to go to bed, less he should leave any portion unrevised. So, on the morning of the Examination day, most of them look tired and exhausted.
(s) If I were the Prime Minister of India.
Ans : I wish I were the Prime Minister of India so that I might serve my country in a most humble manner. Though in our country the President occupies the apex position, it is the Prime Minister who does everything to run the administration of the country on behalf of the President. As a Prime Minister I would see that poverty is eliminated from the land for ever and people get at least two square meals a day.
I would also leave no stone unturned to remove illiteracy from the country. My earnest endeavour would be to bring about communal harmony in the country. People would no longer fight in the name of religion, caste or language. My next endeavour would be to fight corruption in public places which is rampant these days throughout the country.
My next priority will be military power so that it can face any external aggression from any quarters, because a weak nation always invites invaders. Armed forces would be so strengthened that no enemy dares have evil designs against our sovereignty. But we will continue to follow the policy of peaceful co-existence and try to maintain cordial and friendly relation houring countries.
(t) A Fancy Dress Competition.
Ans : A Fancy Dress Competition was organised in our school last month. The students would appear themselves in dresses they like. There were three prizes. A stage was set and the students were asked to appear on the stage with their dress. The boys taking part in the competition adopted the dresses of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhas Ch. Bose, Lachit Barphukan, Jyoti Prasad Agarwala and many other eminent personalities of Assam and India.
The girls adopted the dresses of Kanaklata, Rani Laxmi Bai, Indira GGandhi, Mother Teresa etc. The judges adjudged the dress of Mother Teresa, Jyoti Prasad Agarwala and Pandit jawaharlal Nehru as first, second, and third respectively. As in earlier years, the prizes were sponsored by Noonmati Refinery, Guwahati. I may claim some credit of the first prize because it was won by my sister Bidisha and I helped her while she was preparing herself for the competition.
(u) The friend whom I like best a.
Ans : As the saying goes “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.” To a great extent the genuine happiness of a man depends on the choice of a friend. A true friend is very difficult to come by. We have thousands of acquaintances, companions, comrades and fair weather friends but only a few friends are true friends.
Majority of the friends are fair weather friends, they cluster around us when we are well off and readily desert us when we fall prey to adversity. But I am lucky to have a few true friends and Chandan Sarma, our next door neighbour, is certainly the best among them. He is my class mate. We have grown up together in the same locality. Chandan comes of a very poor family.
His father is an office Assistant in a State Government Department while my father is the Regional Manager of a commercial bank.But my parents and my sister Pinky love him very much. Only last month I had an attack of malaria. I was admitted to a Nursing Home Chandan attended on me day in and day out and though quite tender in, age he nursed me to recovery. Doctors also admitted that but for Chandan’s nursing the process of my recovery would have been much slower.
Chandan’s parents also earnestly prayed for my early recovery. Chandan is a part and parcel of our family. I can not think of spending day, not even a holiday without him. It is no surprise that Chadan will always be with us whenever we go for an outing, be it a picnic or an excursion. I am really proud that I have a true friend.
SEBA Bodo Medium Class 9 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Unit I | BEEHIVE |
Chapter – 1 | काजिरङा आरो शिबसागरसिम मोनसे दावबायनाय |
Chapter – 2 | The Fun They had |
Chapter – 3 | The Sound of Music |
Chapter – 4 | My Childhood |
Chapter – 5 | The Bond Of Love |
Chapter – 6 | If I were you |
Chapter – 7 | The Road Not Taken |
Chapter – 8 | The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
Chapter – 9 | A Legend of The Northland |
Chapter – 10 | No Men Are Foreign |
Chapter – 11 | A Slumber did My Spirit Seal |
Chapter – 12 | The Adventure of Toto |
Chapter – 13 | The Happy Prince |
Chapter – 14 | Weathering The Storm Erasma |
Chapter – 15 | A House Is Not a Home |
Grammar |