SEBA Class 10 Social Science Chapter 6 in English Economic Geography: Matter and Resource

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Class 10 Social Science Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Matter and Resource

SEBA Class 10 Social Science Question Answer Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Matter and Resource। Social Science Guide for Class 10th Chapter 6 in English | Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social In this post we have tried to explain to you that Class 10 Social Science Question Answer Chapter 6 in English. If you are a teacher or Student of English Medium, then this is for you. Notes for Class 10 Social Science In English Medium can be very beneficial। Ncert/Scert Social Class 10 Chapter 6 Please read this carefully. By studying this SEBA Class 10 Social Science Question Answer Chapter 6 carefully, you can get good marks in your upcoming examination.

Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Matter and Resource

Part: II Geography


1. What is Economic Geography? What is its main subject matter? Mention the important branches of Economic Geography.

Ans. The branch of Geography in which the study of human activities relating to the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources is done with respect to space and time is called Economic Geography.

The subject matter of the Economic Geography is the story of human relationship between man’s productive activities and environmental conditions. The economic activities of man are not same in everywhere. Actually, due to the prevalence of variation in the elements of the natural and man-made environments, human’s way if life and its economic activities also do not remain the same everywhere. In view of such difference if one place is agriculturally developed, another place may be developed in trade and commerce, or even rich in industrial or fish production activities. That is why all the places on the earth having dependent on one another continue to maintain a kind of interrelationship. In fact, resources and all the phenomena relating to various activities of man are discussed in Economic Geography.

The important branches of Economic Geography are:

(a) Agricultural Geography. (b) Industrial Geography, (c) Resources Geography, (d) Transport Geography. (e) Marketing Geography, (f) Tourism Geography etc.

2. Write in brief about the scope of Economic Geography. 

Ans. The scope of the Economic Geography mainly based on the following questions: 

(i) Where is the economic activity located?

(ii) What are the characteristics of the Economic Geography?

(iii) To what other phenomena is the economic activity related?

(iv) Why is the economic activity located where it is?

(v) Would it not be better located elsewhere? 

Among the above mentioned five questions, the traditional economic geography is associates with the first three. But the latter two questions have laid the foundation of modern Economic Geography. 

3. What do you mean by economic activity of man? What are such economic activities?

Ans. Economic activities of human being are diverse in nature. Generally speaking, the activities leads to productivity, earning money or livelihood, utilisation of material resources, farming, transportation, marketing etc. is called economic activities of man. These activities are discussed in the scope of economic geography.

There are four types of economic activities/occupations of man. 

These are:  

(a) Primary Occupation, (b) Secondary Occupation, (c) Tertiary Occupation, (d) Quaternary Occupation.

(a) Primary Occupation: The human activity through which man collects resources from the nature is called Primary Occupation For example, agricultural activity, fishing activity, forest resource collection, mineral resource collection, etc.

(b) Secondary Occupation: The human activity through which man transforms the commodities collected from the nature into a usable form by using various technologies is called secondary occupation. For example, manufacturing process, various types of construction and repairing works, etc.

(c) Tertiary Occupation: The human activity through which the commodities produced by means of primary and secondary activities reach the consumers is called tertiary occupation For example, transport, communication, marketing, wholesale of retail selling, tourism activity etc.

(d) Quaternary Occupation: The human activity through which the secondary and tertiary activities can be made more easy and productive is called quaternary occupation. For example, bank or other financial institutions, publicity media, administration, education and research, etc.

4. Write briefly about the subject matter of the importance branches of Economic Geography?

Ans. The major branches of Economic Geography and their subject matter are:

(a) Agricultural Geography: An important branch of Economic Geography Here, factors associated with agricultural activity, types of agriculture, distribution and methods of agricultural activity, crop production and its associated theory, marketing and export-import of agricultural produces, etc are studied.

(b) Industrial Geography: Here, economic and other factors associated with establishment of industry, types of industry and geographical distribution, production of industrial goods, theories associated with location of industry, marketing and export-import of industrial produces, etc. are studied.

(c) Geography of Resources: Here, types of resource, regional distribution of resources, the factors associated with exploration and production of resources, relationship between resource and development, conservation and management of resources etc. are studied.

(d) Transport Geography: Here, types of transport system and factors associated with it, role of transport on resource distribution, role of transport in movement and economic activities of man, role of transport system towards economic development, viz. industrial development, agricultural development, etc. are studied.

(e) Geography of Marketing: Here, the need of establishing markets and the associated factors, types and distribution of markets and associated theories, etc. are studied.

(f) Geography of planning and Development: Here, factors associated with economic development, planning strategies, sustainable development, regional and resource-based development process, etc are studied. 

(g) Geography of Tourism: Here, tourism and factors associated with its growth, types of tourism development and planning process of tourism system etc are studied. 

5. Why ‘Resource Geography’ is known as an important branch of Economic Geography?

Ans. The ‘Resource Geography’ is the most important branch of Economic Geography. There is a big relationship between resource and socio-economic development. That is why resource and its use are closely associated with progress of human society. It may be mentioned that the resource are formed as a result of the interaction among the nature, man and culture including science and technology. Although many of the resource useful to man are made available from the nature, most of them are transformed as per requirement into more consumable form by man. Moreover the attributes of functionality and utility of the materials found in nature can be explored only through human knowledge. So, the economic development of a country mainly depend on the availability of resources.

From this point of view, the Resource Geography is an important branch of Economic Geography.

6. What is meant by ‘Resource’? Mention its main characteristics?

Ans. All the materials necessary for human living are called resources. For example- air, water, sunshine, soil, plants, fruits, minerals etc.

The main characteristics of resources are:

(a) utility, (b) functionality and (c) dynamism. 

7. Resource is Dynamic’. Explain. 

Ans: Resource is dynamic. Even though a commodity is not used by man today or it is harmful to man today, the same may be used for human welfare in future. In fact, of these materials found on the earth, which are in no way useful or harmful to man are known as Natural Stuff For instance, until man did not learn about the use of coal or mineral oil in generation of power, they were simply Neutral Stuffs.

On the other hand, the materials or phenomena harmful to man are called Resistance. For example, infertile soil, severely flood-affected region etc. are resistances. It may be mentioned here that until construction of dam on the river Damodar for generation of hydropower and creation of irrigation facility, the Damodar river that used to create flood havoc in West Bengal was considered as a resistance.

Thus, with the expansion of human knowledge and development of science and technology many such neutral stuffs and resistances found on the earth are getting transformed into resource through human efforts. It is due to such a dynamic attribute of resource, a material of phenomenon which is found to be useful today may get transformed in the course of time into a resistance or neutral stuff. It means with change in society simultaneous change occurs in the concept of resource, and consequent change in resource collection and use.

8. Briefly discuss about the necessities of resources with example. 

Ans. All the materials essential for human living are known as Resources. The air, water, sunrays, soil, plants, fruits, minerals, etc. are essential to man, these are all resources. It is due to the availability of these resources, apart from fulfilling the man’s primary needs- food, shelter and clothing and many other requirements, the improvement in the living conditions of man has been possible.

Many of Resources useful to man are made available from the nature, and most of them are transformed as per requirement into more consumable form by man. The attributes of functionality and utility of the materials found in nature can be explored only through human knowledge. With the expansion of the horizon of human knowledge many new resources are also created and used. For example, technology, house, roads, industries, schools, offices, agrofarm, equipment, vehicles, etc. are produced by men themselves apart from natural resources. So, without a natural resources any country can not developed properly. 

9. Write in brief about the relationship between resource and man.

Ans. There is a big relationship between resource and man. Man is associated resources in two different ways. Such as: 

(a) as producer of resources.

(b) as consumer of resources.

Many of the resources useful to man are made available from the nature, most of them are transformed as per requirement into more consumable form by man, For example – technology, house, roads, schools, vehicles, agro- farm equipments etc. are produced by man. That is why are called man-made resources. Moreover as a producer or a creator of resource man is also a kind of resources. It is known as Human Resources.

It is notable that the variation in the use of natural and man-made resources is dependent on the change in human demand and development of new technology. 

10. Briefly discuss about the relationship between resource and science technology.

Ans. There is a good relationship between resource and science and technology. All the natural resources useful to man, can not be used directly from the nature. With the help of science and technology man can transform various neutral stuff to resource. Generally all the resources are found as a result of the interaction among the nature, man and culture including science and technology. The variation in the use of natural and man-made resources is dependent on the change in human demand and development of new technology.

With the expansion of human knowledge and development of science and technology many such neutral stuff and resistances found on the earth are getting transformed into resource through human efforts. Science and Technology also help us to give apropriate shape of resource as the requirement of man. 

11. Write about classification of resources with example. 

Ans. There are various types of resources in the earth. 

The resources may be classified on the following ways:

Classification of Resource

Based on process of origin resources can be divided into three types. 

These are:

(a) Natural Resource.

(b) Man-made Resource.

(c) Human Resource.

(a) Natural Resource: The resources which are found in nature are known as Natural Resources. For example: sunshine, air, water, soil, plants, animal, mineral, rivers etc. 

(b) Man-made Resource: The resources which are produced through human efforts are known of Man-made Resources. For example: house, roads, paper, cloth, plastic, soap etc. 

(c) Human Resource: An educated skill person is known as Human Resource. For example: Man. 

Based on structure resource can be divided into two types. 

These are:

(a) Biotic Resource and (b) Abiotic Resource.

(a) Biotic Resource: According to physical structure or composition the resource which have life are called Biotic Resources. For example: plants, animals, birds, men, women, crops, fishes, insects etc.

(b) Aboitic Resource: The resource which have no life is known as Abiotic Resource. 

For example. soil, rock, water, air, coal, minerals etc. 

Based on availability and durability resource can be divided into two types. 

These are:

(a) Renewable Resource and 

(b) Non-Renewable Resource.

(a) Renewable Resource: The resources which can be kept unexhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called Renewable or Inexhaustible Resource. For example sunshine, air, water, plants, animal, human beings, crops etc.

(b) Non-Renewable Resource: The resources which can not be regenerated after use and get completely exhausted are called Non-Renewable or Exhaustible Resources. For example coal, mineral, oil, iron, natural gas etc.

Based on ownership resources can be divided into three types. 

These are:

(a) Individual Resource, 

(b) National Resource, 

(c) International Resource 

(a) Individual Resource: The things in possession of man are known as Individual Resource. For example: good character, education etc.

(b) National Resource: The things in possession or responsibility of a country are known as National Resource. For example: transport, network, rivers, bridge, wildlife, sancturies, plants and animals etc.

(c) International Resource: The things in possession of the whole world are known as International Resource. For example: seas, oceans, atmosphere, forest etc.

12. What is meant by natural resource? Write briefly with example.

Ans. The resources which are found in nature are known as Natural Resources. For example: sunshine, air, water, soil, plants, animal, mineral, rivers etc.

The resource, for example: sunshine, air, water, soil, plants, animals, minerals, river, etc. which after natural formation remain distributed on the earth, are known as Natural Resources. The natural resources are found in solid, liquid or gaseous states, and in metallic or non-metallic form. Many of such natural resources are use as raw materials in different industries. Besides, coal, mineral oil, natural gas etc are also natural resources which are used by us as sources of energy. 

13. What is man-made resource? Write in brief about its use with examples.

Ans. The resource which are produced through human efforts are known as man-made resource. For example: Technology, house, roads, industries, schools, offices, agro-farms equipments, vehicles etc. 

We know that many materials having collected from the nature are converted into more usable forms as per requirement by applying different technologies. Mention may be made in this respect, for example, paper from bamboo; cloth from cotton, different types of dyes, paints, naptha, synthetic cloth, chemical fertilizer, insecticides, soap, plastic, synthetic rubber, wax, etc. different types of food items, medicine, wood, house construction materials, etc from plants. Such materials as produced through human efforts are known as man-made resources. It is necessary to have adequate skill, education, technology and desire among men so as to make the natural resources useful to man. 

It is because of these attributes, population is known as human resource Actually man is the creator of resources. It is due to human resource development despite scarcity of many natural resources and raw materials for industries, the countries like Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea etc have been able to occupy a high position in respect of development in the world.

14. What are the differences between renewable and non renewable resource? Discuss briefly with examples.

Ans. Among the available natural resources on the earth, some do not get exhausted after use and some other get gradually exhausted.

The resources which can be kept unexhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called Renewable or Inexhaustible Resource. For example sunshine, air, water, plants, animal, human beings, crops etc. 

These resources originate very easily on the earth. We can use this type of resource everyday. There is no end of this type of resources. 

On the other hand the resources which can not be regenerated after use and get completely exhausted are called Non-Renewable or Exhaustible Resources. For example coal, mineral, oil, iron, natural gas etc. 

One used such resources get exhausted former Hence adequate emphasis should be given for planned extraction and utilization of these resources so that such types of mineral resources are not easily exhausted. 

15. What is meant by Conservation of Resources? What is its necessity?

Ans. Generally, the concept or act of possible complete utilization of any resource without any destruction and misuse is known as Conservation of Resources.

Conservation of Resources is very essential for men. 

Although resource conservation is more associated with non-renewable resources, actually the concepts of conservation are applicable to all the resources. It may be mentioned that destruction of forests (renewable resource) results in decline of animal habitat including its bio-diversity and disturbance in the environmental balance in such areas. In view of such a situation many plans and projects for conservation of some rare and important biotic resources, such as tiger, elephant, rhino, dolphin etc have been taken up throughout the world.

Besides, many of the valuable plant-species of Assam, such as Sarpagandha, Chalmugra, Kalmegh, Arjun, Agaru, Chirata, Jaifal, Satmul, Suklati etc are getting extinct. Among the animals getting extinct, Golden Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, wild Buffalo, Pigmy Hog, River’s Dolphin, White Wood Duck, Hornbill, Greater Adjutant Stork etc. are worth mentioning.

Moreover, the rapid increase in the use of mineral oil, coal etc. as the sources of energy and chemical fertilizer, chemical insecticides and pesticides, etc in agriculture has caused serious environmental problems due to pollution of air, water and soil.

Thus, we have to take up necessary steps for resource conservation including economical use of resources so that our development process lasts long. 

For instance, in respect of soil conservation, we have to make use of a plot of land for agriculture in such a way so that we continue to get good harvest of crops without depletion of soil fertility Even though fish is a kind of renewable natural resource, its rapid increase of production has given rise to shortage of fish including its variety in many fishing grounds in the world. Besides, due to rapid increase of motor vehicles and industries and expansion of man’s luxurios modern life style the non-renewable energy resources like coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. are getting gradually vanished. In view of such a situation, conservation and rational use of resources have become very important globally. Otherwise, it would become difficult for substance of human and its civilization on the earth.

16. Write in brief about the methods of Resource conservation.

Ans. The methods of Resource conservation are: 

(a) Search for Alternative Resource, (b) Recycling, (c) Innovation, (d) Waste control. (e) Expansion of knowledge and education, (f) Execution of conservation related Atcs, (g) Proper Assessment of Resource Reserve, (h) Assessment of future Requirement of Resource.

(a) Search for Alternative Resource: It is necessary to carry out required research and survey for exploring possible source of alternative resource even when the production of any highly and resource goes on. Synthetic fibre in place of cotton fibre, synthetic rubber in place of natural rubber etc. are a few examples of alternative resources. Besides in order to reduce the use of non-rene-wable energy resources like coal, mineral oil etc. use of renewable resources like solar energy, hydro electricity wind energy, organic energy, etc needs to be increased.

(b) Recycling: In order to reduce the use of raw materials with limited reserve usable disposed garbages can be reused through the process of recycling. For instance, by the method of recycling of the old polythene bag, plastic bottle, paper, iron scrapes etc. the sue of raw materials for such products can be reduced to some extent. Thus, the recycling of some usable waste materials helps conservation of resources.

(c) Innovation: Necessary study and research are to be undertaken to develop innovation in converting the resources collected from the nature into usable forms. This also helps check misuse of raw materials and increase resource production. Emphasis needs to be given on the use of organic fertilizer so as to check the negative impact of the use of chemical fertilizer.

(d) Waste control: Considerable amount of resources can be conserved if adequate measures are taken to check production of waste materials through their recycling and reuse while converting raw materials to useful resources. For example, while constructing wooden materials after cutting trees, if arrangement is simultaneously made by utilizing waste wood through establishment of some small industries, misuse of natural resources can be checked. If the waste materials of wood and bamboo generated in a paper mill are converted into organic or chemical substances, the pressure on natural resources will automatically fall.

(e) Expansion of knowledge and Education: For proper management of production and use of resources, expansion of knowledge and education is highly essential. Awareness among the people needs to be increased to check unnecessary wastage of resources.

(f) Execution of Conservation Related Act: For proper execution of resource conservation programmes the provision of conservation acts needs to be strict and transparent and it should be effectively implemented.

(g) Proper Assessment of Resource Reserve: For future planning of resource use a correct assessment of available reserve of any resource is necessary. This in turn helps in curtailing unnecessary use of certain resource and emphasizing to explore alternative resource.

(h) Assessment of Future Requirement of Resources: Looking at the extent of present use of a resource and growth rate of population it is highly essential to determine the future requirement of the resource. It is through this effort also unnecessary use and wastage of resources can be checked and at the same it would help in expeditivy exploration of alternative resource. 

17 Write in brief about the organisation associated with resource conservation and their role.

Ans. In view of rapid increase of world population and growing environmental problems including depletion of many natural resources efforts are being made worldwide at various levels for environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. For this purpose a large number of governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations have been formed at international, national, regional and local levels.

In this respect an international environment conservation organization under United Nations Organization named International Union for Conser- vation of Nature (IUCN). The main objective of this organization is to carry out study and research on conservation of global natural environmental and natural resources.

It is with the initiative of the IUCN two more international organization like WWF for nature and World Conservation Monitoring Centre have been established.

In this way a large number of associations and organizations have been working at international and national levels for conservation of some specific animal and plant species. 

For such purpose a Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change has been formed at government level in India. Under this Ministry an autonomous institute named Indian Council of Foresty Research and Education was formed in 1986. 

Besides, a number of no-governmental organizations like Centre for Science and Environment Greenpeace India, Wildlife Trust of India etc are working of protection of the environment.

In Assam also a number of non-governmental organization like Assam Science Society, Aaranyak etc are working for environmental protection, biodiversity conservation etc.

18. Write Short Notes: 

(a) Resource.

Ans. (a) Resource: All the materials essential for human living are known as Resource. The air, water, sunrays, soil, plants, fruits, minerals etc. found on the earth are all essential to man. Hence, these are all resource. These resources are collected by man mainly from the nature. The resources so obtained from the nature are used by man employing its own energy, knowledge and intelligence and skill. The main characteristics of resources are- (i) Utility (ii) Functionality and (iii) Dynamism. 

According to Zimmermann any material to become a resource should two properties (i) Functionality and (ii) Utility.

It is because of these two properties resource utilization has been able to bring about human welfare and socio-economic development. That is why resource and its use are closely associated with progress of human society.

Resources are divided into some different types of resources. These are- Natural Resource, Man-made Resource, Human Resource, Biotic Resource, Abiotic Resource, Renewable Resource, Non-Renewable Resource, Individual Resource, National Resource and International Resource.

(b) Human Resource.

Ans: Human Resource: It is necessary to have adequate skill, education, technology and desire among men so as to make the natural resources useful to man. It is because of these atributes, population is known as human resource. For example: The population of our country is known as Human Resource.

On the other hand man is the creator of resources. It is due to human resource development despite scarcity of many natural resources and raw materials for industries, the countries like Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea etc. have been able to occupy a high position in respect of development in the world.

(c) Wealth.

Ans: Wealth: According to the principle of Economic, the materials which have value in exchange are called wealth. Notably, besides usefulness, the supply of wealth is relativity limited and it can be transferred from one individual to another through money or value. 

For example land, house, machineries company share, etc. are wealth All these have market price.

(d) Renewable Resource.

Ans: Renewable Resource: The resource which can kept unexhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called Renewable or Inexhaustible Resource.

For example sunshine, air, plants, animals, human-beings, crops etc. are renewable resource.

These Resources originate very easily on the earth

(e) Personal Resource.

Ans: Personal Resource: The things which in possession of individual man are known as Individual or Personal Resource.

For example: land, household properties and good self atributes, e.g. good character, education, working skill etc. are Individual or Personal Resource. 

(f) National Resource.

Ans: National Resource: All the resources under the responsibility or possession of the Government of a country are called National Resources.

For example: Transport networks, land, rivers, bridge, wildlife, sancturies, plants and animals present in forest, educational institution, administrative system, government etc are National Resource.

(g) Biotic Resource.

Ans: Biotic Resources: According to physical structure or composition the resource which have life are called Biotic Resources. For example plants, animals, birds, men, women, crops, fishes, insects etc.

(h) Resource conservation.

Ans: Resource conservation: Generally, the concept or act of possible complete utilization of any resource without any destruction and misuse is Although resource conservation is more associated with non-renewable known as Conservation of Resources. 

Conservation of Resources is very essential for men. 

resources, actually the concepts of conservation are applicable to all the resources. It may be mentioned that destruction of forests (renewable resource) results in decline of animal habitat including its bio-diversity and disturbance in the environmental balance in such areas. In view of such a situation many plans and projects for conservation of some rare and important biotic resources, such as tiger, elephant, rhino, dolphin etc have been taken up throughout the world.

Besides, many of the valuable plant-species of Assam, such as Sarpagandha, Chalmugra, Kalmegh, Arjun, Agaru, Chirata, Jaifal, Satmul, Suklati etc are getting extinct. Among the animals getting extinct, Golden Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, wild Buffalo, Pigmy Hog, River’s Dolphin, White Wood Duck, Hornbill, Greater Adjutant Stork etc are worth mentioning.

Moreover, the rapid increase in the use of mineral oil, coal etc as the sources of energy and chemical fertilizer, chemical insecticides and pesticides, etc in agriculture has caused serious environmental problems due to pollution of air, water and soil.

Thus, we have to take up necessary steps for resource conservation including economical use of resources so that our development process lasts long. 

For instance, in respect of soil conservation, we have to make use of a plot of land for agriculture in such a way so that we continue to get good harvest of crops without depletion of soil fertility. Even though fish is a kind of renewable natural resource, its rapid increase of production has given rise to shortage of fish including its variety in many fishing grounds in the world. Besides, due to rapid increase of motor vehicles and industries and expansion of man’s luxurious modern life style the non-renewable energy resources like coal, petroleum, natural gas etc are getting gradually vanished. In view of such a situation, conservation and rational use of resources have become. very important globally Otherwise, it would become difficult for substance of human and its civilization on the earth.

(i) Resource Recycling.

Ans: Resource Recycling: The resource recycling is one of the important method of reducing the use of raw materials with limited reserve usable disposed garbages can be reused through the process of recycling.

For example: By the method of recycling of the old polythene bag, plastic bottle, paper, iron scrapes etc. the use of raw materials for such product can be reduced to some extent.

(j) IUCN.

Ans: I.U.C.N: This is an international environment conservation organization under United Nations Organization named International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN was formed in the year 1948 with the initiative of British Biologist Julian Huxley, the founder Director General of UNESCO.

The main objective of this organization is to carry out study and research on conservation of global natural environment and natural resources including biodiversity, and to take appropriate measures. 

The IUCN initiative of the two more international organization like: 

(i) WWF for nature.

(ii) World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 

19. Write the difference between: 

(a) Resource and Wealth, (b) Economic Geography and Resource Geography, (c) Resource and Neutral Stuff, (d) Biotic and Abiotic Resource, (e) Renewable and Non-renewable Resource, (f) Personal Resource and Human Resource, (g) Man-made Resource and Human Resource, (h) Recycling Resource and Innovation.

Ans. (a) Resource and Wealth.

1. It ha snot exchange value. 1. It has exchange value.
2. It can be transformed from one to another. 2. It can be transformed. 
3. All resources are not wealth. 3. All wealth are resources.
4. These are unlimited in nature. 4. These are limited in nature. 

(b) Economic Geography and Resource Geography.

Economic Geography Resource Geography 
1. This branch of geography studies about human activities like production, livelihood etc.1. This geography study about resources. 
2. The scope of economics Geography is wider in nature.2. The scope of resources geography is narrow in nature this is a branch of economics geography. 
3. Economic development leads to economic geography. 3. Economic geography directly leads to resource geography. 

(c) Resources and neutral staff.

Resourceneutral staff
1. All the materials essential for human living are called resource. 1. The materials which are no way useful for harmful to man are known neutral stuff. 
2. Resource cannot be transformed 2. Neutral stuff can be transformed with the help of technology. 
The air, water, soil, plants, fruits, minerals etc. are resources. 3. Infertile soil severely flood affected region etc. are example of neutral stuff. 
It has no exchange value.4. Neutral stuff has exchange value

(d) Biotic and Abiotic Resource.

Biotic resourceAbiotic resource
1. Biotic things have life. 1. Abiotic things do not have life
2. This type of things can move, for example, trees, men and animals, fishes crops etc.2. Soil, Rock, water, air, coal, etc. are abiotic resources.
3. This type of resources are grownup and developed. 3. These resources are not grown up and developed.
4. Biotic resources are renewable in nature. 4. Abiotic resources are not renewable by nature. 

(e) Renewable and Non-Renewable Resource.

Renewable Non-Renewable 
1.The resources which can be kept unexhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called renewable resources.1. The resources which can not be regenerated after use and  get completely exhausted are called non-renewable resources. 
2. Some examples of renewable resources are sunshine air, water, plants, animals, crops etc. 2. Some examples of non-renewable resources are: coal, mineral, oil, copper, gold, iron, silver etc.
3. These resources are originate very easily on the earth. 3. These resources are not easily originate on the earth.
4. This also called unexhausted resources by nature. 4. These also called exhausted resources by nature. 

(f) Personal Resources and National Resources.

Personal Resources National Resources 
1. The things in possession of individual men such as land household properties goods self attributes etc. are known as personal or individual resources.1. The things in possession a country such as transport, bridge, wildlife, plants and animals, educational institution etc. are called National resources. 
2. Personal resources may be accepted for transfer into national resources. 2. National resources can not be personal in its action.
3. Development of personal resources leads to welfare only personal. 3. Development of national resources leads to public welfare. 

(g) Man-made Resources and Human Resources.

Man-made ResourcesHuman Resources
1. Resources which are produced through human efforts are called man-made resources. 1. Human resources are a creation of resources without which we can not create man-made resources.
2. Men-made resources may not be developed the economic aspects of a country completely.2. With the help of human resources the economic conditions of a nation can be developed. 
3. Paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, different types of paints dyes etc are man- made resources.3. Human resources are necessary to make useful natural resources for man and other living things. Man himself is human resources.

(h) Recycling Resource and Innovation.

Recycling ResourceInnovation
1. In order to reduce the use of raw materials with limited reserve usable disposet garbage can be reused through the process of recycling.1. Necessary study and research are to be under taken to develop innovation in converting the resources collected from materials and increase resource production.
2. This process of some usable waste materials helps conservation of resources.2. It helps check misuse of raw materials and increase resources production.
3. By this method the old polythene bag, plastic bottle, paper, iron scraps etc. the use of raw materials for such products can be reduced some extent.3. Use of scientific and technological weapon aids in different field is an example of innovation.
4. By this method an useful material can be reuse in our life.4. Through innovation we can find out different strategies and method to be applied in different sector for better use.

20 Choose the correction answer.

(a) Which of the following is man-made resource:

(i) Rivers. 

(ii) Mineral oil. 

(iii) Irrigation canal. 

(iv) Forest. 

Ans. (iii) Irrigation canal.

(b) Which one of the following to abiotic resource- 

(i) Air. 

(ii) Plants. 

(iii) Animals. 

(iv) Fungus. 

Ans. (i) Air.

(c) Which one of the following is non-renewable resource-

(i) Air. 

(ii) Water. 

(iii) Crops. 

(iv) Coal. 

Ans. (iv) Coal.

(d) Which one of the following animals is about to be extinct-

(i) One horned Rhino. 

(ii) Pygmi Hog. 

(iii) Giraffe. 

(iv) Gayal/Mithen. 

Ans. (ii) Pygmi Hog.

(e) The organization IUCN is under which of the following organization-

(i) UNESCO. 

(ii) UNDP. 

(iii) WWF. 

(iv) UNEP. 

Ans. (i) UNESCO. 

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answers:

(1) Which one of the following resource is a non Renewable resource?

(a) Crops. 

(b) Man. 

(c) Iron. 

(d) Sunlight. 

Ans. (b) Man. 

(2) World Environment Day of UNO-

(a) 5th June. 

(b) 5th July. 

(c) 5th August. 

(d) 5th September. 

Ans. (a) 5th June.

(3) Which one of the following is a non-Renewable Resource-

(a) Water. 

(b) Sunshine. 

(c) Plants. 

(d) Natural Gas. 

Ans. (d) Natural Gas.

(4) Which one of the following is abiotic Resources-

(a) Air. 

(b) Plants. 

(c) Animals. 

(d) Crops. 

Ans. (a) Air. 

(5) In which branch of Geography the study of human activities associated with production, distribution, consumption and exchanges of resources is a-

(a) Regional Geography. 

(b) Economic Geography. 

(c) Human Geography. 

(d) Political Geography. 

Ans. (b) Economic Geography. 

(6) The plants, animals, insects, crops, Men, Women are the example of-

(a) Biotic Resource. 

(b) Abiotic Resource. 

(c) National Resource. 

(d) Human Resource. 

Ans. (a) Biotic Resource. 

Very Short Type Questions and Answers:

1. Give an example of substance which in both a resource and wealth.

Ans. Land is an example of substance which in both a resource and wealth.

2. When was IUCN formed?

Ans. IUCN was formed in the year 1948.

3. Name the person behind the formation of IUCN?

Ans. The British Biologist Julian Huxley is the person behind the formation of IUCN.

4. Who was the founder Director General of UNESCO? 

Ans. The British Biologist was the founder Director General of UNESCO.

5. When is the World Environmental Day celebrated? 

Ans. The World Environmental Day celebrated on 5th June in every year. 

6. “The main objective of economic geography is determination of the economic development trend and direction of a place’ who said this statement?

Ans. The father of modern economic geography George Chisholm. 

7. “Any material to become a resource should have two properties, viz functionality and utility”. Who said this?

Ans. The famous economist Zimmermann.

8. What type of resource fish is?

Ans. Fish is a Renewable Resources. 

9. Give example of Resistance?

Ans. Infertile soil is a resistance. 

10. Where is located Damodar river?

Ans. Damodar river is located in West Bengal.

11. Write a country which is developed in human resources.

Ans. Japan. 

12. Give example of primary occupation?

Ans. Agricultural activity, fishing activity, forest resources collection, mineral resource collection etc. 

13. Give example of Secondary Occupation? 

Ans. Manufacturing process, various types of construction and repairing works etc.

14. Give example of Tertiery occupation?

Ans. Transport, communication, marketing, wholesale or retail selling, tourism activity etc.

15. Give example of Quaternary Occupation?

Ans. Bank or other financial institutions, publicity media, administration education and research etc.

16. Give example of National Resource? 

Ans. Sunshine, air, water, soil, plants, animals, minerals, rivers etc.

17. Give example of Biotic Resource?

Ans. Plants, animals, fish, crops, insect etc.

18. Give example of Abiotic Resource? 

Ans. Soil, rock, water, coal, natural resources, mineral oil etc.

19. Name three resources from biotic point of view.

Ans. Coal, Natural gas, Mineral Oil.

20. What type of resources gold is?

Ans. Gold is a natural resource.

21. Name the government ministry for resource Conservation of India.

Ans. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

22. What is the full form of WWF for nature?

Ans. World Wide Fund for Nature.

23. Name one private organization for resource conservation in India?

Ans. Wild Life Trust of India.

24. Which is not a primary occupation?

(a) fishing. 

(b) manufacturing process. 

(c) forest resource collection.

(d) agriculture activity. 

Ans. (b) manufacturing process.

25. Which of the following is not applied to ‘resource’?

(a) cannot be exchanged. 

(b) does not have market value. 

(c) brings about human welfare. 

(d) may have both utility and harmful effect. 

Ans. (b) does not have market value. 

Short Type Questions and Answers:

1. What is Economic Geography?

Ans. The branch of Geography in which the study of human activities relating to the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources is done with respect to space and time is called Economic Geography. 

2. What are the main branches of Economic Geography? 

Ans. The main branches of economic geography are Agricultural geography, Industrial geography, Resource geography, Transport geography, Marketing geography, Tourism geography etc. 

3. What are the main division of Geography.

Ans. The Subject Geography is broadly divided into two divisions: 

(i) Physical Geography and (ii) Human Geography. 

4. What is the main objective of Economic Geography according to George Chisholm.

Ans. According to George Chisholm, who is considered as the father of modern economic geography the main objective of economic geography is determination of the economic development trend and direction of a place.

5. What is primary Occupation? Give example.

Ans. The human activity through which men collects resources from the nature is called primary occupation.

For example Agricultural activity, fishing activity, forest resource collection, mineral resource collection etc.

6. What is secondary occupation? Give example.

Ans. The human activity through which man transforms the commodities collected from the nature into a usage form by using various technologies is called Secondary occupation.

For example manufacturing process, various types of construction and repairing work etc.

7. What is Tertiary Occupation? Give example.

Ans. The human activity through which the commodities produced by means of primary and secondary activities reach the consumers is called tertiary occupation.

For example: transport, communication, marketing, wholesale or retail selling, tourism activity etc.

8. What is Quaternary Occupation? Give example.

Ans. The human activity through which the Secondary and tertiary activities can be made more easy and productive is called quaternary occupation.

For example: Bank, publicity media, administration, education and research etc.

9. As a vast discipline, economic geography is studied by using a number of approaches. What are these approaches?

Ans. The approaches are: (a) Regional Approaches, (b) Topical or Commodity Approach, (c) Behavioural Approach, (d) Principle Approach, (e) System Analysis Approach, (f) Institutional Approach etc. 

10. What is the subject matter of Agricultural Geography?

Ans. The subject matter of Agricultural geography is- Factors associated with agricultural activity, types of agriculture, distribution and methods of agricultural activity, crop production and its associated theory, marketing and export-import of agricultural produces, etc are studied.

11. What is the subject matter of Industrial Geography?

Ans. The subject matter of Industrial Geography is Economic and other factors associated with establishment of industry. types of industry and geographical distribution, production of industrial goods, theories associated with location of industry, marketing and export-import of industrial produces, etc. are studied.

12. What is the subject matter of Geography of Resource?

Ans. The subject matter of Geography of Resource is: 

Types of resources, regional distribution of resources, the factors associated with exploration and production of resources, relationship between resource and development, conservation and management of resources etc. are studied.

13. What is the subject matter of Transport Geography?

Ans. The subject matter of Transport Geography is:

Types of transport system and factors associated with it, role of transport on resource distribution, role of transport in movement and economic activities of man, role of transport system towards economic development, viz industrial development, agricultural development, etc. are studied.

14. What is the subject matter of Geography of Marketing?

Ans. The subject matter of Geography of marketing is:

The need of establishing markets and the associated factors, types and distribution of markets and associated theories, etc. are studied.

15. What is the subject matter of Geography of Tourism?

Ans. The subject matter of Geography of Tourism is: 

Tourism and factors associated with its growth, types of tourism development and planning process of tourism system etc. are studied.

16. Name the primary needs of men.

Ans. The primary needs are: food, shelter and clothing.

17. According to Zimmermann, to become a resource there should have two properties. Mention the properties. 

Ans. According to a famous economist Zimmermann, any material to become a resource should have two properties: (a) Functionality (b) Utility.

18. How man is associated with resource?

Ans. Man is associated resource in the different ways:

(a) as producer of resource, (b) as consumer of resource.

19. What is Man-made Resource? Give example.

Ans. The resource which are produced through human efforts are known as man-made resource. 

For example technology, house, roads, industries, schools, office, agro- farms equipments, vehicles etc.

20. What is Neutral stuff? Give example.

Ans. The materials which are is no way useful or harmful to man are known as Neutral Stuff.

For example: Until man did not learn about the use of coal or mineral oil in generation of power, they were simply Neutral stuff

21. What is Resistance? Give example.

Ans. The materials or phenomena harmful to man are called Resistance. 

For example: Infertile soil, severely flood-affected region etc. 

22. What is wealth? Give example.

Ans. According to the principle of Economics the materials which have value in exchange are called wealth. 

For example: land, house, machineries, company share etc are wealth.

23. How many forms of Natural Resource?

Ans. The natural resources have three forms, such as- (i) Solid, (ii) Liquid or gaseous states, (iii) Metallic or non-metalic.

24. What is Biotic Resource? Give example.

Ans. According to physical structure or composition the resources which have life are called Biotic Resources.

For example: Plants, animals, fishes, crops, men, women, insects are biotic resources.

25. What is Abiotic Resources? Give example.

Ans. According to physical structure or composition the resources which have no life are called abiotic resources.

For example: Soil, rock, water, air, coal, minerals, natural gas etc are abiotic resources. 

26. What is Non-Renewable Resource? Give example.

Ans. The resources which can not be regenerated after use and get completely exhausted are called Non-Renewable or Exhaustible Resources.

For example: Coal, mineral oil, minerals (copper, gold, limestone, iron, silver etc.) natural gas etc. are non-Renewable resources.

27. What is International or World Resource? Give Example. 

Ans. The resource belonging to all the countries and the resources under the possession of the whole world are called International Resources. 

For example: Oceans and seas, mineral, biotic resources, atmosphere. forest etc. are International Resources.

28. What is Ubiquitous Resource? Give example.

Ans. The Natural Resources which are found in everywhere or available in all places on the earth. Such natural resources are called Ubiquitous Resources.

For example: Sunshine, air, water etc. are Ubiquitous Resources.

29. What is Localised Resources? Give example. 

Ans. The natural resources which are found only in some selected places on the earth are called Localised Resource.

For example: Coal, petroleum, iron, ore, uranium etc. mineral resources, vegetables, crops etc are some of the localised resources.

30. What is the main objectives of resource conservation?

Ans. The main objective of resource conservation is that we have to collect and use the necessary resources from the nature in such a way so that we all continue to get benefit from these for long time.

31. Name the valuable plant-species of Assam that are on the verge of extinct.

Ans. Many of valuable plant-species of Assam are- Sarpagandha, Chalmugra, Kalmegh, Arjun, Agara, Chirata, Jaifal, Satmul, Sukati etc.

32. Name the animals of Assam that are getting extinct.

Ans. Golden Langur, Hoolock, Gibbon, Wild Buffalo, Pigmy Hog, River’s Dolphin, White wood Duck, Hornbill, Greater adjutant stork etc.

33. Name the non-governmental organisations in India that are working for protection of the environment.

Ans. Greenpeace India and Wildlife Trust of India. 

34. Name the Non-governmental organisations in Assam that are working for protection of the environment.

Ans. Assam Science Society and Aranyak.

35. Why is man called Human resource?

Ans. Man is producer or creator of resource and man is also a kind of resource. So men is known as a human resource.

Essay Type Questions and Answers:

1. ‘Use of resources and its conservation are closely associated.’ Explain.

Ans. Use of resources and its conservation are very closely associated. Generally, the concept or act of possible complete utilization of any resource without any destruction and misuse is known as Conservation of Resources. It means the main objective of resource conservation is that we have to collect and use the necessary resources from the nature in such a way so that we all continue to get benefit from these for long time. By the term ‘Conservation of Resources’ simply does not mean preservation of resources without any use. For example, by conservation of mineral oil means the act of exploitation of mineral oil from the nature without any wastage and its proper use for long time towards human welfare.

2. Write in brief about the main characteristic of Resources?

Ans. The main characteristics of Resources are: 

(a) Utility.

(b) Functionality.

(c) Dynamism.

(a) Utility: Utility is the important characteristis of resources. The resources found in nature should be useful for all human beings. And it should fulfil the fundamental needs of human being such as food, shelter and cloth. Resources improves the economic condition of people and functions as human welfare.

(b) Functionality: It is the main characteristics of Resources. Each and every resources of nature has its function such as: 

(i) CO,, Shelter from plants, (ii) Woods from trees, foods for animals etc. (iii) Different minerals resources used in factory, (iv) Cultivation of crops, wheat etc.

These utilities are most for advantages of man and animal.

Resource utilisation has been able to bring about human welfare and socio-economic development.

(c) Dynamism: Another characteristics of resources is dynamism, ie, changeable. Even though a commodity is not used by man today or it is harmful to man today. The some may be used for human welfare in future. In fact of these materials found on the earth which one is no way useful or harmful to man are known as Neutral stuff. For instance, while man did not learn about the use of coal or mineral oil in generation of power, they were simply Neutral Stuff.

3. How can conservation of resource be made successful? 

Ans. The process of resource conservation cannot remain active of its own. Its proper execution requires well-considered and well planned programme. Thus, it is highly necessary to incorporate the following methods for successful implementation of resource conservation programme.

(a) Search for Alternative Resource: It is necessary to carry out required research and survey for exploring possible source of alternative resource even when the production of any highly used resource goes on. Synthetic in place of cotton fibre, synthetic rubber in place of natural rubber, etc. are a few examples of alternative resources. Besides, in order to reduce the use of non-renewable energy resources like coal, mineral oil etc., use of renewable resources like solar energy, hydro electricity, wind energy, organic energy, etc. needs to be increased.

(b) Recycling: In order to reduce the use of raw materials with limited reserve the usable disposed garbages can be reused through the process of recycling. For instance, by the method of recycling of the old polythene bag. plastic bottle, paper, iron scrapes, etc. the use of raw materials for such product can be reduced to some extent. Thus, the recycling of some usable waste materials helps conservation of resources.

(c) Innovation: Necessary study and research are to be undertaken to develop innovation in converting the resources collected from the nature into usable forms. This also helps check misuse of raw materials and increase resource production. Emphasis needs to be give one the use of organic fertilizer so as to check the negative impact of the use of chemical fertilizer. 

(d) Waste Control: Considerable amount of resources can be conserved if adequate measures are taken to check production of waste materials while converting raw materials to useful resources.

(e) Expansion of knowledge and Education: For proper management of production and use resources, expansion of knowledge and education is highly essential. Awareness among the people needs to be increased to check unnecessary wastage of resources.

(f) Execution of Conservation Related Acts: For proper execution of resource conservation programmes the provision of conservation acts needs to the strict and transparent and it should be effectively implemented.

(g) Proper assessment of Resources Reserve: For future planning of resource use a correct assessment of available reserve of any resource is necessary. This is turn helps in curtailing unnecessary use of certain resource and emphasising to explore alternative resource.

(h) Assessment of Future Requirement of Resources: Looking at the extent of present use of a resource and growth rate of population it is highly essential to determine the future requirement of the resource.

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