SEBA Class 10 Social Science Chapter 8 in English Geography for the World

SEBA Class 10 Social Science Chapter 8 in English Geography for the World | Geography for the World Class 10 Question Answer | Class 10 Social Science Question Answer in English Chapter 8 As Per New Syllabus to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA Class 10 Social Geography Part 2 Chapter 8 Question Answer in English/Class 10 Social Chapter 8 Question Answer in Geography for the World.

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Class 10 Social Science Chapter 8 Geography for the World

SEBA Class 10 Social Science Question Answer Chapter 8 Geography for the World। Social Science Guide for Class 10th Chapter 8 in English | Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social In this post we have tried to explain to you that Class 10 Social Science Question Answer Chapter 8 in English. If you are a teacher or Student of English Medium, then this is for you. Notes for Class 10 Social Science In English Medium can be very beneficial। Ncert/Scert Social Class 10 Chapter 8 Please read this carefully. By studying this SEBA Class 10 Social Science Question Answer Chapter 8 carefully, you can get good marks in your upcoming examination.

Chapter 8 Geography for the World

Part: II Geography


1. Write in brief about the earth’s lithosphere and hydrosphere.

Ans. Lithosphere: The land component of the earth composed of rocks, soils, minerals etc. forms the lithosphere. On the other hand, another part of the earth’s surface formed by land slightly above sea level is called the lithosphere. The lithosphere covers all the continents where we find the mountains, hills, plateaus, plains, valleys and coasts. The lithosphere covers about 29% of the earth surface.

Hydrosphere: A large portion of the earth’s surface covered by the oceans and seas including rivers, lakes etc is known as the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere covers about 71% of the earths surface. The rivers, lakes and other waterbodies distributed in the continents are also parts of the hydrosphere.

2. How was the earth in the early days according to the continental drift theory?

Ans. According to the continental drift theory, in the early stage, that is about 300 million years before the earth’s lithosphere was together as a single landmass, which was surrounded by hydrosphere. This state of lithosphere of the earth is known as pangaea and the hydrosphere surrounding the pangaea is known as panthalassa.

After passage of sometime a narrow and elongated sea was formed almost in the middle of the pangaea in east-west direction. It is known as Tethys sea. Formation of this Tethys sea divided the pangaea into two parts in north-south direction. Its northern part is called Angaroland or Laurasia and the southern part is called Gondowana Land. 

3. Write briefly about the topography of the ocean floor.

Ans. The ocean floor is rugged. The floor of the oceans has landforms like ridge, canyon, oceanic hill, trench etc. The average depth of the oceans is about 4,000 meter.

Generally, from the coast to the middle of oceans and seas there exist continental shelf, continental slope, deep sea plain, oceanic ridge and Island and deep sea trench. The shallow part of the oceans and seas surrounding the coasts is called the continental shelf. The considerably deep part after the continental shelf is known as the continental slope. After the continental slope there exist very deep oceanic floor, deep oceanic trench and a large number of seathered ridge, islands the appearing above the sea level. 

4. Write briefly about the distribution of oceans and continents.

Ans. According to the continental drift theory, in the early stage, that is about 300 million years before the earth’s lithosphere was together as a single landmass, which was surrounded by hydrosphere. This state of lithosphere of the earth is known as pangaea and the hydrosphere surrounding the pangaea is known as panthalassa.

After passage of sometime a narrow and elongated sea was formed almost in the middle of the pangaea in east-west direction. It is known as Tethys sea. Formation of this Tethys sea divided the pangaea into two parts in north-south direction. Its northern part is called Angaroland or Laurasia and the southern part is called Gondowana Land.

During the Mesozosic era, that is about 250 million years ago, due to splitting and continental drift the Laurasia and Gondowanaland got further divided and moved towards the equator and the west and thereby the continents of present form were created. According to the theory of continental drift, North America. Greenland and landmass of Europe and Asia north of India subcontinent were formed after division of the Laurasia. On the other hand, following division of the Gondowanaland South America, Africa, Mandagaskar. India, Arabian region, Malaysia and its other islands, Australia, Antarctica etc. were formed.

On the other hand all the oceans and seas of the earth excepting the Caspian sea, Dead sea and Arab sea are being linked with one another, but the lithosphere, having surrounded by water from all sides, remains divided into four divisions:

(i) The first part of lithosphere is formed by the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa.

(ii) The second part is formed by the continents of North America and South America.

(iii) The third part by Australia including a large number of island constituting the continents of Oceania.

(iv) The fourth part by the continents of Antarctica.

On the other hand, among the five ocean of the earth, which are all interlinked and surrounding the continents

(i) The Pacific is located between Asia, North America and South America. 

(ii) The Atlantic is located between North America and South America and Europe and Africa.

(iii) The Indian ocean is located on the South of Asia, East of Africa and West of Oceania.

(iv) The Northern or Arctic ocean on the North America, Europe and Asia. 

(v) The Southern ocean is located on the south of South America, Africa and Oceania.

5. Write a short note about the landforms present on the earth’s land surface. 

Ans. There are varieties land forms present on the earth’s land surface there are- hills and mountains, plateaus, plains, coastal plains, etc.

The presence of hills and mountains, plateaus, plains, coastal plains, etc has kept the topography of the lithosphere highly rugged. Of course, the topography is not same in all parts of the continents. Besides, the climate also does not remain the same in different places on the earth. For instance, the climate of the equatorial and tropical region is hot and wet; mid-latitude region temperate, and polar region extremely cold. Due to such a variation of climatic condition the vegetation character also differs. For example, it is evergreen forest in the equatorial region, short grass and thorny vegetation in the hot and dry desert region, mosses, lichens and fern-type vegetation in the polar region.

6. Briefly discuss the physical characteristics of Asia.

Ans. The physical characteristics of Asia are:

(i) Asia is the largest among the continents of the world. Except some islands of the East Indies the entire continent of Asia falls within the northern hemisphere.

(ii) The 90° E line of longitude (imaginary) passes through the centre of Asia. 

(iii) In Asia there are various kinds of physiography feature like lowlands, plains, plateaus, hills, mountains, valley etc.

(iv) There are innumerable rivers and many lakes in Asia. Such as Amur, Yensey, Una, Hwang Ho etc. 

(v) The climate of Asia is diversified, There is high variation in climate.  

(vi) Mineral resources of almost all type in varying amounts are found in Asia. Among these petroleum and iron are important. Asia is famous in the world for its petroleum and natural gas reserves.

(vii) Out of total world’s production of rice about 90% is produced in Asia, especially in its tropical monsoon regions. 

(viii) Asia is the largest continent of the world. It is full diversities. It is the only continent in the world where there are high degree of variations in climate and natural vegetations.

7. Give your answer with reasons:

(a) Why do 90 percent of the world’s total population concentrate in the northern hemisphere? 

Ans. Due to the natural environments, the favourable natural condition of being, availability of natural, resources, fertility of land, transport, etc are the causes for which 90% of people are concentrated in the northern hemisphere. The continents like North America, Europe and Asia are completely withing the northern hemisphere. Besides a large portion of the lithosphere about 67% is confined to the northern hemisphere. That is why about 90% of the world’s human population lives in the northern hemisphere. 

(b) What is the reason behind lack of permanent human settlement in Antarctica.

Ans. The Antarctica is the smallest ocean of the world. This is surrounded by the Northern part of Asia, Europe and North America. Due to its location in the north polar region the Antarctica region is covered by ice. The thick ice covered the area for the whole year. So, there is lack of permanent human settlement in Antarctica.

(c) Why is the climate of Asia so diverse?

Ans. The climate of Asia so diversified. The main factors influencing the climate of Asia are: (i) location of the continent, (ii) Size, (iii) locations of the high mountains and plateaus, (iv) Influence of the seas and ocean’s, (v) Influence of the monsoons and other winds.

8. Give short answer to the following questions:

(a) Which has created a natural boundary between Asia and Europe?

Ans. The Ural mountain and Ural river has created a natural boundary between Asia and Europe. 

(b) Which is the longest mountain range of the world and where it is located?

Ans. The longest mountain range of the world is the Andes mountain range. It is located in South America.

(c) In terms of land area which are the largest and smallest countries of the world?

Ans. In terms of land areas Russia is the largest and Vatican city is the smallest countries of the world. 

(d) Which country of the world is spread to two continents?

Ans. Russia is spread to Asia and Eruope continents of the world. 

(e) In terms of population which are the largest and smallest countries of the world?

Ans. In terms of population china is the largest and Vatican city is the smallest country in the world.

(f) What is the name of the major mountain range of North American? What is its length? In which part of the continent is located?

Ans. The name of the major mountain range of North America is Rocky mountain range.

The length of this mountain range is 9800 M.

The mountain is located in western part of North America.

(g) Which is the world’s largest desert and where is located?

Ans. The world’s largest desert is Sahara desert and it is located in Africa.

(h) Write the names of two northerly and two easterly rivers of Asia.

Ans. Ob and Lona are northerly and Amur, Hwang Ho are the easterly rivers of Asia.

(i) Write the names of one each of major mountain range, river and desert of Australia. 

Ans. Great dividing range is the name of mountain range. Murray river and the Great Victoria are the names of desert of Australia. 

(j) Write the name of three countries of Europe located in mediterranean region.

Ans. Greece, Italy and Spain are the three countries of Europe located in mediterranean region.

(k) In terms of land area which are the largest and smallest continents of the world?

Ans. In terms of land area Asia is the largest area Ocennia is the smallest continents of the world.

9. Write short notes:

(a) Pangaea. 

Ans. Pangaea: According to the continental drift theory, in the early stage, that is about 300 million years before the earth’s lithosphere was together as a single landmass, which was surrounded by hydrosphere. This state of lithosphere of the earth is known as pangaea and the hydrosphere surrounding the pangaea is known as panthalassa.

After passage of sometime a narrow and elongated sea was formed almost in the middle of the pangaea in east-west direction. It is known as Tethys sea. Formation of this Tethys sea divided the pangaea into two parts in north-south direction. Its northern part is called Angaroland or Laurasia and the southern part is called Gondowana Land

(b) Arctic ocean.

Ans. Arctic ocean: With an area of about 14 million km² the Arctic ocean Is the smallest ocean in the world. Its area is about one-fifth of the Indian ocean. As the Arctic ocean surrounds the north pole, its shape is circular. Infact, the northern part of Asia, Europe and North America surround the Arctic ocean. Its average depth is about 3500 meter Due to its location in the north polar region, the Arctic ocean remains covered with thick ice in most part of the year. 

(c) The continent of oceania.

Ans. The continent of oceania: The continent of Oceania is formed by the great island of Australia and many other small and large islands located in the south-west Pacific ocean including New Zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea, etc. Located on the south of Asia this continent is completely a part of southern hemisphere. It roughly extends from 0° equator on the north to 48° south latitude on the south, and 180° longitude on the east to 113° east longitude on the west.

The land area of this continent is about 8 million km², which constitutes 5.4 percent of the world’s total land area. Australia is the largest country of this smallest continent, and it is the sixth largest country of the world. The continent of Oceania is surrounded by the islands of Java, Sumatra, Celebes, etc of the South-East Asia and the Pacific ocean on the north, the Southern ocean on the south; the Pacific ocean on the east, and the Indian ocean on the west. Along with Australia and New Zealand the continent of Oceania altogether has 14 countries. As per 2014 estimates, Oceania has about 38 million population. Australia, the main land of Oceania, is an ancient plateau. It has narrow coastal plains all around, The eastern part of Australia is a highland region formed by the Great Dividing Range and Snowy mountain. This region is known as the Australian Alps, The Murray and Darling rivers have created a great plain in the south-eastern part of Australia. Besides these two major rivers, the other important rivers of Australia are Baliando, Fitzroy, Flinders, Victoria, Sowan, etc. Among the lakes, Eyre, Barlee, Carnezie, Mackay, Carey, etc are worth mentioning. The western part of Australia is covered’ with a wide desert. Among the deserts of Australia, the Great Victoria, Great Sandy, Tanamy, Simpson, Gibson, Little Sandy, Tirarie, Pedirka, etc are important.

(d) The rivers of Asia.

Ans. The rivers of Asia: There are innumerable rivers and many lakes in Asia. Here, only the major rivers and lakes are mentioned. The rivers of Asia may be classified into four groups, such as (a) the rivers flowing into the Arctic Sea, (b) the rivers flowing into the Pacific ocean (c) the rivers flowing into the Indian ocean, and (d) the inland rivers.

The major rivers flowing into the Arctic ocean are Ob, Yenisey and Lena. Among the rivers flowing into the Pacific ocean the Amur, Hwang Ho, Yangtze Kiang, Mekong and Menam are important. On the other hand, the major rivers that flow into the Indian ocean include the Salween, Irrawaddy, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Indus, Narmada, Tapti, Mahanadi, Euphrates and Tigris. There are also some inland rivers of the continent. The notable ones are the Ural, Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Tarim, Helmand and Jordan.

The continent has many small and large lakes. Some of these are saline water lakes, while some are fresh water lakes. The Caspian lake (sea), Arallake (sea) and Dead Sea are the important saline water lakes. On the other hand, the major fresh water lakes include, the Baikal, Manas Sorobar and Ular lakes. It is important to’ note that the Caspian sea is the largest lake in the world. 

(e) The lakes of Africa.

Ans. The lakes of Africa: The famous lakes of Africa are Victoria, Albert, Tanganyka, Chad, Voita, Nyasa, Cabora Bana, Malawi, Turkana, Kivu, Kochoo, Abbe etc.

(f) The rivers of Europe.

(f) The rivers of Europe: The famous rivers of Europe are Elbo of Spain, phone and Seine of France, Rhine and Elbe of Germany, Oder and vistula of poland, Dannube of Austria, Hungary and Romania, Dnieper of Balarus and ukraine, Po of Italy, Thames of the Great Britain, Don, Volga and Ural of Russia etc are worth mentioning.

(g) The Appalachian Highland Region.

Ans. The Appalachian Highland Region: On the basis of physiographic character North America can be mainly divided into four divisions. In this divisions are is also called the Appalachian Highland Region. The coastal west is characterised by the mountain ranges like Cascada, Sierra Nevada and coast range and the eastern part extending from Newfoundland in the north to Florida in the South being characterised by hills and mountains narrow valleys, fragmented plateaus etc. forms the rugged Appalachian highland. The Allegheng and Blue Ridge mountains are located in the Southern part of this region. There is a wide plain land of the Atlantic coast east located on the east of Appalachian highlands stretching from Nova scotia in the north of Panama in the south. 

(h) The lakes of North America.

Ans. The lakes of North America: The major lakes of North America are superior, Huron, Michigan, Eric, Onteario Great Bear, Great slave, Winnipeg and Great Salt.

10. Write the differences between: 

(a) Continental Shelf and Continental Slope. 

Ans. The differences between continental shelf and continental slope are below: 

The shallow part of the oceans and seas surrounding the coasts is called the continental shelf. On the other hand the deep part after the continental shelf is known as the continental slope.

The depth of the continental shelf up to about 200 meters from the coast and the depth of the continental slope upto about 2000 meter.

(b) Everest peak and Godwin Austin Peak.

Ans. The differences between everest peak and Godwin Austin peak are as follows:

Everest peak is the highest peak of Himalaya mountain in the world. On the other hand Godwin Austin peak is the highest peak.

Both Everest peak and Godwin peak belongs to Himalaya mountain. The height of the everest peak is 8,848 meter and height of the Godwin Austin peak is 8,611 meter.

Everest peak is situated in Nepal of Asia and high point of the Himalaya. And Godwin Austin is situated in Karakoram mountain of the continent of Asia.

(c) The Continent of Oceania and the Continent of Antarctica.

Ans. The differences between the continent of Oceania and the continent of Antarctica are:

The continent of Oceania is situated in Pacific Ocean and formed by small and big islands. On the other hand the continent of Antarctica is located in the southern pole.

Oceania is a part of southern hemisphere and its land area is about 8 million km². And Antarctica’s land area is about 13.2 of the world area.

The continent of Oceania has 14 countries with about 38 million population On the other hand, there is no permanent human settlement as the continent of Antarctica due to its snow falling for the whole year.

(d) Gobi desert and Atacama desert.

(Ans. The differences between Gobi desert and Atacama desert area: 

Gobi desert is located in the continent of Asia and Atacama desert is located in south America.

Gobi desert is a desert of rain falling but Atacama desert is not a rain falling desert.

11. Choose the correct answer:

(a) Which is the world’s second largest ocean?

(1) Pacific Ocean.

(2) Indian Ocean.

(3) Atlantic Ocean.

(4) Southern Ocean. 

Ans. (3) Atlantic Ocean. 

(b) Which is smallest continent of the world?

(1) North America.

(2) Europe.

(3) Antarctica.

(4) Oceania. 

Ans. (4) Oceania. 

(c) In Which Ocean Falkland island is located? 

(1) Atlantic Ocean.

(2) Arctic Ocean.

(3) Pacific Ocean.

(4) Indian Ocean. 

Ans. (3) Atlantic Ocean.  

(d) Which sea has separated the continents of Asia and africa?

(1) Mediterranean Sea.

(2) Red Sea.

(3) Caspian Sea.

(4) Arabian sea. 

Ans. (2) Red Sea. 

(e) What has naturally separated Asia form Europe?

(1) Ural mountain range.

(2) Caucasus mountain.

(3) Caspian Sea.

(4) Volga river.

Ans. (1) Ural mountain range. 

(f) In Which continent is Ecuador located? 

(1) North America.

(2) South America.

(3) Africa.

(4) Asia. 

Ans. (2) South America. 

(g) What is the capital of Brazil?

(1) Rio de Janeiro.

(2) Sao Paulo.

(3) Brasilina.

(4) Lima.

Ans. (3) Brasilina. 

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer:

(1) The land area of the continent of Asia is-

(a) 64.2 million km². 

(b) 24.2 million km². 

(c) 44.2 million km². 

(d) 54.2 million km². 

Ans. (c) 44.2 million km². 

(2) One of the major river of Asia flowing into the Artic Ocean is-

(a) Ural. 

(b) Yenisey. 

(c) Mekong. 

(d) Howang-Ho. 

Ans. (b) Yenisey. 

(3) Which plateau is known as the ‘roof of the world’?

(a) Aronenia plateau. 

(b) Pamir Plateau.  

(c) Anatolia plateau. 

(d) Kurdistan plateau. 

Ans. (c) Anatolia plateau. 

(4) Among the following rivers of Asia the inland river is- 

(a) Amur. 

(c) Mekong. 

(b) Tigris. 

(d) Helmand. 

Ans. (d) Helmand. 

(5) Which is the world’s largest ocean-

(a) Pacific Ocean.

(b) Indian Ocean.

(c) Atlantic Ocean.

(d) Southern Ocean.

Ans. (a) Pacific Ocean

(6) The capital of Bloemfontein is-

(a) Somalia.

(b) Zimbabwe.

(c) Swaziland.

(d) South Africa.

Ans. (d) South Africa. 

(7) The depth of Mariana Trench is-

(a) 11,012m. 

(b) 11,011m. 

(c) 11,022m. 

(d) 11,022m. 

Ans. 11,022m. 

(8) The depth of continental slope is-

(a) 2000m. 

(b) 4500 m. 

(c) 3000 m. 

(d) 4050 m. 

Ans. (a) 2000m. 

(9) The highest peak of North America is- 

(a) Kilimanzara. 

(b) Mc Kinly. 

(c) Pamir knot. 

(d) Tibet. 

Ans. Mc Kinly. 

(10) Which country is like on inverse triangle-

(a) Asia. 

(b) Africa. 

(c) South America. 

(d) Europe. 

Ans. South America. 

(11) The second largest country in the world is-

(a) Russia.

(c) Brazil.

(b) Canada.

(d) Asia.

Ans. Canada. 

(12) Total country in the world-

(a) 300. 

(b) 197. 

(c) 200. 

(d) 174. 

Ans. (b) 197. 

(13) Patagonia is a-

(a) hot desert. 

(b) temperate desert.  

(c) Mountain range. 

(d) river. 

Ans. (b) Temperate desert. 

Short Questions and Answers:

1. What is the total surface area of the earth?

Ans. The total surface area of the earth is 510 million square km.

2. How much of the earth’s surface area covered by land?

Ans. The land covers about 29% of the earthy surface area (149 million square km)

3. How much of the earth’s surface area covered by water?

Ans. The water covers about 71% of the earth surface area (361 million square km).

4. Name the planet that is the only habitat of men.

Ans. The Earth is the only planet that is the habitat of men.

5. By which continents the land portion of the earth is constituted?

Ans. The land portion of the earth is constituted by the continents like Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania and Antarctica.  

6. By which continents the water portion of the earth is constituted?

Ans. The huge water portion of the earth is covered by with the pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans.

7. Name the largest continent in the earth.

Ans. Asia is the largest continent in the earth.

8. Name the largest ocean in the earth.

Ans. The Pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the earth.

9. What is the total population of the world according to the estimates of 2015?

Ans. According to the estimates of 2015 the total population of the world is 730 crores or 7.3 billion.

10. What is Pangaea?

Ans. The initial state of lithosphere of the earth is known as pangaea.

11. What was the northern part of the Pangea? 

Ans. Laurasia was the northern part of the pangaea.

12. What was the southern part of the pangaea?

Ans. Gondowanaland was the southern part of the pangaea.

13. What is Panthalassa?

Ans. The intitian state of hydrosphere surrounding the pangaea is known as panthalassa. 

14. When did the Laurasia and Gondownaland get further divided and moved towards the equator?

Ans. During the Mesozoic era, that is about 250 million years ago due to splitting and continental drift the laurasia and Gondowanaland got further divided and moved towards the equator

15. Name the landmass formed the division of Laurasia, according to theory of continental drift. 

Ans. According to the theory of continental drift, North America, Greenland and landmarks of Europe and Asia north of Indian subcontinent were formed after division of the Laurasia.

16. Name the landmass formed the divisions of Gondowanaland, According to theory of continental drift.

Ans. According to the theory of continental drift division of the Gondowanaland South America, Africa, Madagaskar, India, Arabian region, Malaysia and etc other islands Australia, Antarctica etc were formed.

17. Name the continents of the earth.

Ans. The seven continents of the earth are- Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania and Antarctica.

18. Name the oceans of the earth?

Ans. The five oceans of the earth are Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Ocean. 

19. Write a short note on Lawrasia and Gondowanaland.

Ans. According to the Continental Drift. Theory in the early stage, that is about 300 million years before (Permian Period of Palaeozoic Era), the earth’s lithosphere was together as a single landmass, which was surrounded by hydrosphere. This state of lithosphere of the earth is known as Pangaea, and the hydrosphere surrounding the Pangaea is known as Panthalassa. After passage of sometime a narrow and elongated sea was formed almost in the middle of the Pangaea in east-west direction. It is known as Tethys sea. Formation of this Tethys sea divided the Pangaea into two parts in north-south direction. Its northern part is called Angaraland or Laurasia and the southern part Gondowanaland 

20. What is Hydrosphere?

Ans. A large portion of the earth’s surface covered by the oceans and seas including rivers, lakes, etc is known as the Hydrosphere. 

21. What is lithosphere?

Ans. The earth’s surface formed by land slightly above sea level is called the lithosphere.

22. How is the first part of lithosphere formed? 

Ans. The first part of lithosphere is formed by the continents of Asia. Europe and Africa.

23. How is the Second part of lithosphere formed? 

Ans. The second part of lithosphere formed by the continents of North America and South America.

24. How is the third part of lithosphere formed? 

Ans. The third part of lithosphere is formed by the continent of Australia including large number of island constituting the continent of Oceania. 

25. What is Tethys sea?

Ans. A narrow and elongated sea that was found almost in the middle of the Pangaea is known as Tethys sea.

26. Where is the Pacific Ocean located?

Ans. The Pacific ocean is located by between Asia, North America and South America.

27. Where is the Atlantic ocean located?

Ans. The Atlantic ocean is located between North America, South America, Europe and Africa. 

28. Where is the Indian Ocean located?

Ans. The Indian ocean is located between South Asia, East Africa and West of Oceania.

29. Where is the Arctic ocean located?

Ans. The Arctic ocean is located between North America, Europe and Asia.

30. Where is the Southern ocean located?

Ans. The Southern ocean is located between south America, Africa and Oceania.

31. In which hemisphere a large portion of the lithosphere is confined? 

Ans. A large portion of the lithosphere is confined in the northern hemosphere (67%). 

32. In which hemisphere a large portion of the hydrosphere’s confined?

Ans. A large portion of the hydrosphere is confined in the southern hemisphere (57%). 

33. Name the three oceans that are spacially spread to both northern and southern hemisphere.

Ans. The three ocean that are spacialy spread to both northern and Southern hemisphere are (1) Pacific (ii) Atlantic and (iii) Indian Ocean.

34. In which hemisphere is the Southern Ocean located? 

Ans. The Southern ocean is located in the Southern hemisphere.

35. In which hemisphere is the Northern ocean located?

Ans. The northern oceán is located in the northern hemisphere.

36. What is the average depth of ocean floor?

Ans. The average depth of ocean floor is 4000 meter. 

37. What is continental shelf?

Ans. The shallow part of the oceans and seas (depth up to about 200 meter) surrounding the coasts is called the continental shelf. 

38. What is continental slope?

Ans. The considerably deep part (depth up to about 2000 meter) after the continental shelf is known as the continental slope.

39. Which is the deepest oceanic trenches of the world? What is its average depth?

Ans. The deepest oceanic trenches of the world is Mariana Trench or challenger Trench The average depth of this oceanic trenches is 11,022 meter.

40. Write the names of two mountain ranges of Asia which extend to the west from the pamir knot.

Ans. Sulaiman and Hindukush.

41. What is the area and total population of Asia? 

Ans. The total area of Asia is 41.67 million sq km and total population is 382 crores.

42. What are the three important rivers of the vast northern low lands Asia?

Ans. Obb, Yenisey as Lina.

43. Name the continental land blocks on the north and south of the  Tethys sea.

Ans. The northern part is called Angaroland or Lourasia and the southern part is called gondwana land. 


1. Which is the largest ocean in the world? 

Ans. Pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

2. What is the land area of the Pacific ocean?

Ans. The land area of the Pacific ocean is 165 million km².

3. How much portion is covered by the Pacific ocean? 

Ans. The Pacific ocean covers about one-third of the earth’s surface area.

4. What is the average depth of the Pacific ocean?

Ans. The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is 5000 meter.

5. How many islands are there in the Pacific ocean?

Ans. There are about 20,000 small and big oceanic island are there in the Pacific ocean.

6. Name any 4 seas under the Pacific ocean?

Ans. The major 4 seas under the Pacific ocean are: 

(i) Bering sea 

(ii) Okhotsk sea 

(iii) Japan sea 

(iv) Philippine sea. 

7. Name any 4 major islands under the Pacific ocean?

Ans. The 4 major islands under the Pacific ocean are:

(i) Japan 

(ii) Taiwan 

(iii) Philippine 

(iv) Indonesia. 

8. Name any 4 Oceanic trenches under the Pacific ocean.

Ans. The 4 oceanic trenches under the Pacific ocean are:

(i) Mariana trench 

(ii) Aleutain trench 

(iii) Kurile trench 

(iv) Philippine trench.

 9. Write down the surrounds of the Pacific ocean?

Ans. The Pacific ocean is surrounded by:

Northern: Alaska state of the United states of America, part of Siberia and the Arctic ocean on the north.

Southern: Australia, New Zealand and Southern ocean on the south. 

Western: Western coast of North and South America on the east of Japan, Philippines, etc on the west.


1. Which is the second largest ocean in the world? 

Ans. Atlantic ocean is the second largest ocean in the world.

2. What is the land area of the Atlantic ocean?

Ans. The land area of the Atlantic ocean is about 82 million km². 

3. How much of the earth’s surface is covered by the Atlantic ocean?

Ans. The Atlantic ocean covers about one-sixth of the earth’s surface area and it is about half of the Pacific ocean.

4. How is the shape of the Atlantic Ocean?

Ans. The shape of the Atlantic ocean is like that of English letter ‘S’.

5. What is the average depth of the Atlantic ocean?

Ans. The average depth of the Atlantic ocean is about 3000 meter.

6. Name the ridge that is almost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?

Ans. Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the ridge that is almost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

7. What is called Dolphin Rise and challenger Rise? 

Ans. There is a ridge named Mid-Atlantic Ridge almost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean in north-south direction. Its northern part is called Dolphin Rise and the Southern part is called Challenger Rise.

8. Name 4 major oceanic Island of the Atlantic Ocean. 

Ans. The 4 major oceanic Island of the Atlantic ocean are:

(i) Iceland 

(ii) Newfoundland 

(iii) British Isles 

(iv) Canary.  

9. Name 3 major oceanic Trenches of the Atlantic ocean.

Ans. The 3 major oceanic trenches of the Atlantic ocean are: 

(i) Puerto Rico. 

(ii) Romanche. 

(iii) South Sandwich. 

10. Name 4 major seas of the Atlantic ocean.

Ans. The 4 major seas of the Atlantic ocean are: 

(i) Mediterranean sea

(ii) Baltic sea

(iii) Caribean sea

(iv) Gulf of Mexico. 

11. Write down the surrounds of the Atlantic ocean? 

Ans. The Atlantic ocean is surrounded by-

Northern: Greenland and the Arctic ocean on the north. 

Southern: The southern ocean on the south. 

Eastern: The continents of Europe and Africa on the east. 

Western: The continents of North America and South America on the west.


1. Which is the third largest ocean in the world. 

Ans. The third largest ocean in the world is Indian ocean.

2. What is the land area of the Indian ocean?

Ans. The land area of the Indian ocean is about 73 million km².

3. What is the area of the Indian ocean?

Ans. The Indian ocean’s area extent is slightly less than half of the area of the Pacific ocean

4. What is the average depth of the Indian ocean?

Ans. The average depth of the Indian ocean is about 4000 meter.

5. Name four oceanic trenches of the Indian ocean.

Ans. The 4 oceanic trenches of the Indian ocean are: 

(i) Socotra-chagos 

(ii) Seychelles 

(iii) Madagascar 

(iv) Crozet. 

6. Name four seas of the Indian ocean?

Ans. The 4 seas of the Indian ocean are: 

(i) Arabian sea, 

(ii) Persian Gulf, 

(iii) Bay of Bengal, 

(iv) Red sea. 

7. Name four oceanic islands in the Indian ocean.

Ans. The 4 oceanic islands in the Indian ocean are: 

(i) Sri Lanka, 

(ii) Indonesia, 

(iii) Maldives, 

(iv) Madagascar. 

8. Write down the surrounds of the Indian ocean.

Ans. The surrounds of the Indian ocean are:

Northern: Indian Sub-continent and south East Asia.

Southern: Southern ocean.

Eastern: Australia and the island of South-East Asia.

Western: Africa and Madagascar.


1. Which is the fourth largest ocean in the world?

Ans. The fourth largest ocean in the world is Southern ocean.

2. What is the land area of the Southern ocean?

Ans. The land area of the southern ocean is about 20 million km². 

3. Where does the Southern ocean lie?

Ans. The Southern ocean lies to the south of 40° South latitude.

4. By which continent of the southern ocean is surrounded?

Ans. The Southern ocean is surrounds the continent of Antarctica.

5. By Which oceans the southern ocean is extended?

Ans. Southern ocean is an extension of the Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean. 

6. Why the Southern ocean is covered with ice in most part of the year?

Ans. Due to its location in the South Polar region the Southern ocean remains covered with ice in most part of the year.


1. Which is the smallest ocean in the world?

Ans. Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean in the world.

2. What is the land area of the Artic ocean?

Ans. The land area of the Arctic ocean is about 14 million km². 

3. What is the shape of the Arctic ocean? 

Ans. The shape of the Arctic ocean is circular. 

4. How much area is covered by Indian ocean?

Ans. The area is about one-fifth of the Indian ocean

5. Why the shape of Arctic ocean is circle?

Ans. The Arctic ocean surrounds the northern pole. So its shape is circular. 

6. What is the average depth of the Arctic ocean.

Ans. The average depth of the Arctic ocean is about 3500 meter. 

7. Why the Arctic ocean is covered with thick ice in most part of the year. 

Ans. Due to its location in the north polar region, the Arctic ocean remains covered with thick ice in most part of the year. 

8. What surrounds the Arctic ocean?

Ans. The northern part of Asia, Europe and North America surrounds the Arctic ocean.


1. How much portion of the earth lithosphere is confined to northern hemisphere?

Ans. About 67% of the earth lithosphere is confined to the northern hemisphere.

2. Which sea determines the boundary between the continents of Europe and Africa?

Ans. Mediterranean sea determines the boundary between the continents of Europe and Africa.

3. Name the canal that forms the boundary between North America and South America.

Ans. Panama canal forms the boundary between North America and South America.

4. What has kept the topography of the lithosphere highly rugged? 

Ans. The presence of hills and mountains, plateaus, coastal plains, etc has kept the topography of the lithosphere highly rugged. 

5. Write shortly on the vegetation in different regions of the earth. 

Ans. The climate does not remain the same in different place on the earth. For instance the climate of the equatorial and topical region is hot and wet, mid-latitude region temperate and polar region extremely cold.

Due to such a variation of climatic condition the vegetation character also differs. For example it is evergreen forest in the equatorial region, short grast and thorny vegetation in the hot and dry desert regions, mosses, lichens and fern-type vegetation in the polar region.  

6. Name the vegetation that is found in the equatorial region.

Ans. Evergreen forest is found in the equatorial region.

7. Name the vegetation that is found in the polar region.

Ans. Mosses, lichens and fern-type vegetation found in the polar region. 

8. What is the type of vegetation of the Taiga climatic region.

Ans. The coniferous forest is known as Taiga forest.

9. Name four major crops produced in the monsoon region of Asia.

Ans. Four crops produced are- Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane and tea.


1. Which is the world’s largest continent?

Ans. Asia is the largest continents in the world.

2. What is the area of continents of Asia?

Ans. The area of the continents of Asia is 44.6 million km²

3. How much portion of the continent of Asia covered by earth’s land surface?

Ans. The continent of Asia covers about 30% of the earth’s land area.

4. Where the continent of Asia located?

Ans. The continent of Asia is mainly located in the northern hemisphere.

5. How far the continent of Asia extended?

Ans. The continent of Asia lies between 78° north latitude in the north to 1 north latitude in the south and 25° east longitude in the west to 170° west longitude in the east.  

6. Name the major Island of Asia.

Ans. Japan, Taiwan, Philippine, Java, Sumatra, Borneo etc. 

7. What is the population of Asia as per 2014 estimates?

Ans. The population of Asia as per 2014 estimates is 430 crores.

8. How many countries are there in Asia?

Ans. There are 51 countries in Asia.

9. Write the brief about the mountain of Asia. 

Ans. The continent of Asia is covered with high mountain ranges, plateaus, river valleys, low-lands, coastal plains, islands, deserts etc. Its central part is full of mountains and plateaus. Among the mountain ranges, the north-south Ural mountain ranges forming the western boundary of the continent the world’s highest the east-west running Himalayan mountain ranges and the off shoots in the middle and the Karakorm ranges, Kunlun range, Altain ranges, tienshan ranges Altain mountain, Aravalli ranges etc. are worthy the mention.

10. Which is the highest Peak in the world?

Ans. The worlds highest peak is Everest (8.848 meter). 

11. Which is the second highest peak in the world?

Ans. The second highest peak is Godwin Austin or Mount K, (86211 meter). 

12. Name the major plateaus of Asia?

Ans. Tibetan plateau, Pamir plateau, Siberian plateau, Mongolian plateau, Deccan plateau etc.

13. Name three rivers of the South Asia.

Ans. Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra.

14. Name three rivers of North Asia.

Ans. Yenisei, Ob and Lena. 

15. Name three rivers of East-Asia.

Ans. Amur, Hwang-Ho, Yangtzekiang and Sikiang. 

16. Name same rivers of South-East Asia.

Ans. Narmada, Tapti, Mahandi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Barak, Menam, Irawati and Mekong etc.

17. Name the major lakes of Asia.

Ans. The major lakes of Asia are Balkhas, Baikal, Chilka, Sambar, Dal, Pulikat, Kolleru, Loktan etc.

18. Name three major deserts of Asia.

Ans. The three major deserts of Asia are: 

(i) Gobi

(ii) Thar

(iii) Arabian desert.

19. In which countries find the Gobi desert?

Ans. We find the Gobi desert in the continents of Asia

20. Write down the surrounding of the continent of Asia.

Ans. The continent of Asia is surrounded by:

Northern: The Arctic ocean of the north. 

Southern: The Indian ocean on the south.

Eastern: The Bering strait and the Pacific ocean on the east. 

Western: The Red sea, Suez canal, Mediterranean sea, Caucasus mountain, Caspian sea, Ural river and Ural mountain range on the west.


1. Where is the continent of Europe situated.

Ans. The continent of Europe is situated along the north-western boundary of Asia.

2. Where is the Europe located?

Ans. The continent of Europe is located by the northern hemisphere.

3. How far the continent of Europe is extended?

Ans. The continent of Europe is extends from 36° north latitude in the south to 71° north latitude in the north, and from 10° west longitude in the west to 65° east longitude in the east.

4. What is the land area of the continents of Europe. 

Ans. The geographical area of the continent of europe 10.9 million km².

5. What is the population of Europe as per estimates of 2014? 

Ans. The population of Europe as per estimates of 2014 is 74 crores.

6. How many countries are there in Europe? 

Ans. There are 44 countries in Europe.

6. Name the major Mountain ranges of Europe.

Ans. The major mountain ranges of Europe are the Alps, Pyrences, Carpethian, Caucasus.

8. Which is the highest place of the Europe?

Ans. The Mount Albrus’ peak (5.633 meter) of the Caucasus mountain range is the highest place of Europe.

9. What is the highest peak of the Alps?

Ans. ‘Mount Blanc (4807 meter) is the highest peak of the Alps.

10. Name the major seas of the Europe?

Ans. The major seas of the Europe are- Elbro of Spain, Rhone and Seine of France, Rhine and Elbe of Germany, Oder and Vistula of Poland etc.

11. What are the major lakes of Europe?

Ans. The major lakes of Europe are- Onega, Ladoga, Sudskowe, Venann etc

12. Write in brief about the Physiographic structure of Europe.

Ans. The physiographic structure of Europe is very complex and diverse In respect of physiography Europe can be broadly divided into two parts-northern part and southern part. The northern part which stretches from the coastal France on the west to the Ural mountain ranges on the east is almost a plain land. But, the southern part (from Spain to the Black sea) having covered with hills, mountains and plateaus is highly rugged Among the mountain ranges of the southern Europe, the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpethian and Caucasus are worth mentioning The ‘Mount Albrus’ peak (5,633 meter) of the Caucasus mountain range is the highest place of Europe. On the other hand, the highest peak of the Alps is ‘Mount Blanc’ (4,807 meter). Europe is full of rivers, lakes, etc. Among the rivers, Elbro of Spain, Rhone and Seine of France, Rhine and Elbe of Germany. Oder and Vistula of Poland, Danube of Austria, Hangary and Romania, Dnieper of Balarus and Ukraine, Po of Italy. Thames of the Great Britain, Don, Volga and Ural of Russia, etc are worth mentioning. Some of the important lakes of Europe are Onega, Ladoga, Sudskowe, Venarn, etc.

13. Write down the surrounds the continents of Europe. 

Ans. The continents of Europe is surrounds by:

Northern: The Arctic Ocean on the north.  

Southern: The Mediterranean sea, caspian sea and Black sea on the south.

Eastern: The continents of Asia on the east. 

Western: The Atlantic Ocean on the west.


1. Name the Second largest continent in the world. 

Ans. Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

2. What is the land area of the continents of Africa?

Ans. The land area of the continents of Africa are about 30 million km².

3. How much portion is covered by the continent of Africa. 

Ans. The continents of Africa covers about 20% of the worlds total land area.

4. How far the continent of Africa extended? 

Ans. Africa is located between 37° north latitude in the north to 34° south latitude in the south, and 51° East longitude in the east to 17° west longitude in the west.

5. What is the population of Africa as per estimates of 2014? 

Ans. The population of Africa as per estimates of 2014 in 11 crores.

6. Which is the largest country of Africa?

Ans. Algeria is the largest country of Africa.

7. What is the land area of Algeria

Ans. The land area of Algeria is 2.4 million km².

8. How many countries are there in Africa?

Ans. There are 53 countries in Africa.

9. Which is the highest place in Africa? 

Ans. The Kiliman zaro is the highest place in Africa (5895 meter).

10. What are the major highlands of Africa? 

Ans. The major highlands of Africa are:

(i) Atlas mountain of northern fringe. 

(ii) The Ethiopian highland of north-eastern fringe. 

(iii) The Adamawa highland of western fringe.

(iv) Drakensberg highland of South Africa. 

11. Name longest river of continent of Africa.

Ans. Nile is the longest river in the world.

12. What are the major rivers of Africa?

Ans. The major rivers of Africa are: 

Congo, Niger, Zambezi, Orange, Limpopo, Volta, Senegal, chive ogu, Lurio, Luangwa, Kaledon etc.

13. What are the major deserts of Africa?

Ans. The major deserts of Africa are- Sahara desert, the Kalahari desert and the Namibia deserts.

14. Name the world’s largest desert of the continent of Africa.

Ans. The Sahara desert is the world’s largest desert.

15. What are the major lakes of Africa? 

Ans. The major lakes of Africa are: 

Victoria, Albert, Tanganyka, Chad, Volta, Nyasa, Malawi, Kochow, Abbe etc. 

16. Write down the surrounds of the continents of Africa.

Ans. The continents of Africa is surrounds by: 

Northern: Mediterranean sea on the north.

Southern: The southern ocean on the south. 

Eastern: The Indian ocean on the east.

Western: The Atlantic ocean on the west.


1. Name the 3rd largest continent in the world.

Ans. North America is the third worlds largest continents. 

2. What is the land area of the continents of North America?

Ans. The land area of the continents of North America is 24.3 million km.

3. How much portion of the worlds total land area covered by North America?

Ans. The continents of North America covers about 16.30% of the worlds total land area.

4. Why the continent of America is called North America? 

Ans. As this continent is located on the North of South America and also in the northern hemisphere, it is called NorthAmerica. 

5. How far the North America extended?

Ans. This continent extends from 70° north latitude on the South to 83° north latitude on the north, and from 50° west longitude on the east to 168° west longitude on the west. 

6. How many countries are there in North America?

Ans. There are 23 countries in North America.

7. In which continent is Canada situated?

Ans. Canada is situated in North America.

8. Name the second largest country in the world?

Ans. Canada is the second largest country in the world.

9. Name the largest country in North America.

Ans. Canada is the largest country in North America.

10. What is the total population of North America as per 2014 estimates? 

Ans. The total population of North America as per 2014 estimates is 565 million.

11. Name the major countries of North America.

Ans. The major countries of North America are Canada, United States of America and Mexico, Guatemala, Costarica, Panama, Cuka, Jamaica, Bahama, Dominican Republic etc.

12. What is the highest place in North America?

Ans. Mckinley peak (6194 metre) is the highest place in North America.

13. What is the lowest place in North America?

Ans. Death Valley (86 meter) is the lowest place in North America. 

14. How is the North America divided on the basis of physiographic character? 

Ans. On the basis of physiographic character North America can be mainly divided into four divisions:

(i) Rocky mountain Region

(ii) Great upland plain Region

(iii) Appalachian Highland Region

(iv) Coastal lowland plains.

15. Name the major rivers of North America.

Ans. The major rivers of North America are: 

Missouri, Missisippi, Yukon, Kackenrie, Riogrande, Red, Arkansas, Colorado, Colombia, Snake, Ohio, Hudoon etc.

16. Name the major lakes of North America?

Ans. The major lakes of North America are:

Superior, Huron, Michigan, Eric, Ontario, Great Salt, Great Bear etc. 

17. Name the major desert of North America?

Ans. Colorado is the major desert of North America.

18. Write in brief about the physiographic character of North America.

Ans. The physiographic character of North America is highly divers. Its highest place is Mckinly peak and lowest place is Death Valley (85 meter below sea level). The western and eastern parts of the continent are hilly and mountainnous in north-south direction. On the other hand, the remaining part of the continent is covered with high and low land plains.

On the basis of physiographic character North America can be mainly divided into four divisions- 

(1) Rocky mountainous region, 

(2) Great upland plain region, 

(3) Appalachian Highland region, and 

(4) Coastal lowland plains. The Rocky mountainous region consisting of the lofty young folded mountain ranges is located in the western part of North America from Alaska to Mexico in north-south direction..

19. Write down the surrounds the continents of North America.

Ans. The continents of North America is surrounds by:

Northern: the northern ocean on the north.

Southern: South America, Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean on the south.

Eastern: the Atlantic ocean on the east.

Western: the Bering sea, bering strait and the Pacific ocean on the west.


1. Where is the South America located? 

Ans. The South America is located just on the south of North America.

2. From where to where the south America extended?

Ans. This continents extends from between 12° north latitude on the north to 55° south latitude on the south and 35° west longitude on the east to 81° west longitude on the west.

3. How is the shape of the continent of South America?

Ans. The shape of this continent is like a reversed triangle. It means the northern part is very wide and the southern part is very narrow.

4. What is the land area of the continent of South America?

Ans. The land area of the continent of South America is about 18 million km².

5. How much portion of the world total land area is covered by South America?

Ans. The continent of South America covered about 11.9% of the worlds total land area.

6. How many countries are there in South America?

Ans. There are 12 countries in South America.

7. Name the largest country in the South America. 

Ans. Brazil is the largest country in the South America..

8. Name the worlds fifth largest country.

Ans. Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country.

9. What is the total population of South America as per 2014 estimates?

Ans. The total population of south America as per 2014 estimates is 407 million.

10. Name the longest mountain system in the world. 

Ans. Andes is the longest (about 8.000 km) mountain system in the world. 

11. Name the highest peak in the South America.

Ans. The highest peak in the South America is Aconcagua (7020 meter). 

12. Name the major desert of South America. 

Ans. The major desert of South America are:

(i) The Atacama hot desert.

(ii) The Patagonia temperate desert.

13. Name the major rivers of South America

Ans. The major rivers of South America are:

(i) Orinico

(ii) Amazon

(ii) Parana

(iv) Paraguay

(v) Uruguay etc. 

14. Name the major plateaus of South America.

Ans. The major plateaus of South America are: 

(i) Ecuador plateau.

(ii) Parana-patagonia plateau.

15. Name the worlds’ highest lake?

Ans. Titicaca’ is the world’s highest lake.

16. Where is the world’s highest lake Titicaca located?

Ans. The world’s highest lake Titicaca is located in South America.

17. Name the major countries of South America.

Ans. The major countries of South America are Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile etc.

18. Write down the surrounds of the continent of South America.

Ans. The continents of South America surrounds by: 

Northern: North America and Carribean Sea on the north. 

Southern: The Southern Ocean on the South.

Eastern: The Atlantic ocean on the east. 

Western: The pacific ocean on the west.


1. By Which oceans the Oceania is constituted? 

Ans. The continent of Oceania was formed by the great island of Australia and many other small and large island located in the South-west Pacific ocean including New zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea, etc.

2. Where is the continent of Oceania located? 

Ans. The continent of Oceania located on the South of Asia is completely a part of Southern hemisphere. 

3. Mention the extension area of the continent of Oceania.

Ans. The continent of Oceania extends from 0° equator on the north to 48° south latitude on the south, and 180° longitude on the east to 113° east longitude, on the west.

4. What is the land area of the continent of Oceania?

Ans. The land area of the continent of Oceania is about 8 million km².

5. How much percentage of the total land area is covered by the Oceania? 

Ans. The continent of Oceania covers about 5.4% of the worlds total land area.

6. Name the smallest continents in the world.

Ans. Oceania is the smallest continents in the world.

7. Name the largest country in the continent of Oceania.

Ans. Australia is the largest country in the continent of Oceania.

8. Name the sixth largest country of the world.

Ans. Australia is the sixth largest country of the world.

9. Where is the New Zealand?

Ans. New Zealand is situated in the continent of Oceania.

10. What is the population of oceania as per 2014 estimate?

Ans. The population of oceania as per 2014 estimates is 38 million. 

11. How many countries are there in the continent of Oceania?

Ans. There are 14 countries in the continent of Oceania.

12. Name the ancient plateau in the continent of Oceania.

Ans. Australia is the main ancient plateau in the continent of Oceania.

13. Name two highland region Australia.

Ans. The 2 highland region of Australia are:

(i) Great Dividing Range

(ii) Snowy mountain.

14. Which region is called the Australian Alps?

Ans. The eastern part of Australia is a highland region formed by the Great dividing Range and Snowy mountain. This region is known as the Australian Alps.

15. Which rivers of Australia created a great plain in the South- eastern part of Australia?

Ans. The Murray and Darling rivers have created a great plain in the south-eastern part of Australia.

16. Name the major rivers of Australia.

Ans. The major rivers of Australia are- Baliando, Fitzroy, Flinders, Victoria, Sowan etc.

17. Name the major desert of Australia.

Ans. The major desert of Australia are- the Great Victoria, Great Sandy Tanamy, Simpson, Gibson, Little Sandy etc.

18. Name the major lakes of Australia.

Ans. The major lakes of Australia are- Eyre, Barlee, Carnezie, Mackay, Carey etc.

19. Write briefly on the physiography character of Oceania.

Ans. Australia the main land of Oceania, is an ancient plateau. It has narrow coastal plains all around. The eastern part of Australia is a highland region formed by the Great dividing range and Snowy mountain. This region is known as the Australian Alps. The Murray and Darling rivers have created a great plain in the south-eastern part of Australia.

20. Write down the surrounds of the continent of Oceania. 

Ans. The continent of Oceania surrounded by:

Northern: the islands of Java, Sumatra, Eelebes, etc of the South-East Asia and the Pacific Ocean on the north.

Southern: the Southern ocean on the south. 

Eastern: the Pacific ocean on the east. 

Western: the Indian Ocean on the west.


1. How many countries are there in the world?

Ans. There are altogether 197 countries in the world. 

2. In terms of population size which are the largest and smallest country in the world.

Ans. In terms of population size China is the largest country and Vatican city is the smallest country in the world.

3. In terms of land area which are the largest and smallest country in the world.

Ans. In terms of land area Russia is the largest country and Vatican city is the smallest country in the world.

4. In terms of land area which are the largest and smallest country in the continent of Asia?

Ans. In terms of land area Russia (17098242 square km) is the largest and Maldives (298 square km) is the smallest country in the continent of Asia.

5. In terms of population which are the largest and smallest country in the continent of Asia as per 2015 estimates.

Ans. China is the largest country (137,19,20,000 and South Ossetia (70,000) is the smallest country in terms of population as per 2015 estimates.

6. In terms of population which are the largest and smallest country in the continent of Europe as per 2015 estimates? 

Ans. Germany (8,11,32,000) is the largest and Vatican city is the smallest (800) country in terms of population as per 2015 estimates.

7. In terms of land area which are the largest and smallest country in the continent of Europe?

Ans. Turkey (7,83,562 sq km) is the largest and Vatican city (0,44 sq km) is the smallest one in terms of land area in the continent of Europe.

8. Name the largest and smallest country in terms of population as per 2015 estimates in the continent of Africa.

Ans. Nigeria (18,18,39,400) is the largest and Seychelles (92,833) is the smallest country in the continent of Africa.

9. In terms of land area which is the largest and smallest country is the continent of Africa as per 2015 estimates.

Ans. Sudan (25,05,813 sq km) is the largest and Seychelles (455 sq km) is the smallest country is terms of land area. 

10. Name the highest populated and lowest populated country as per 2015 estimates is the continent of North America.

Ans. United states (32,12,34,172) is the highest and Saint Kitts and Nevis (42,696) is the lowest populated country in North America.

11. Name the largest and smallest countries in terms of land area in the continent of North America.

Ans. Canada (99,70,610 sq km) is the largest and Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 s km.) is the smallest country in terms of land area.

12. Name the highest and longest populated countries of the continent of South America as per 2015.

Ans. Brazil (20,45,19,398) is the highest and Suriname (5,76,000) is the lowest populated countries of the continent of South America.

13. In terms of land area which is the largest and smallest countries of the continent of South America.

Ans. Brazil (85,14,877 sq km) is the largest and Suriname (1,63,820 sq km) is the smallest country in terms of land area of the continent of South America.

14. Name the highest and largest populated countries of the continent of Oceania as per 2015 estimates.

Ans. Australia (23888000) is the largest and Tuvalu (11800) is the smallest country in the continent of Oceania as per 2015 estimates.

15. In terms of land area which is the largest and smallest countries of the continent of Oceania. 

Ans. Australia (7741220 km sq) is the largest and Nauru (21 sq km) is the smallest country in terms of land area of the continent of Oceania.

16. In terms of land area which is the largest and smallest continents in the world. 

Ans. The continent of Asia (44.6 million km²) is the largest and Oceania (8.1 million km2) is the smallest continents in the world.

17. Name the highest and lowest populated continents in the world as per 2014 estimates.

Ans. North America (565 crore) is the highest and Africa (11 crore) is the lowest populated continents in the world as per 2014 estimates.

18. Name the largest and smallest Oceans in terms of land area in the world.

Ans. Pacific Ocean (165.2 million km²) is the largest and Arctic Ocean (14.1 million km²) is the smallest ocean in the world.

Essay type questions and answers:

1. Discuss briefly about the distribution of Oceans. Or, Describe the distribution and characteristics of the oceans. 

Ans. A large portion of the earth’s surface covered by the oceans and seas including rivers, lakes, etc is known as the Hydrosphere. On the other hand, another part of the earth’s surface formed by land slightly above sea-level is called the Lithosphere. It may be mentioned that both these two large hydrosphere and lithosphere of the earth are not forming two separate clusters. It means hydrosphere and lithosphere are penetrating within each other through fragmentation of both tile units. Of course, all the oceans and seas of the earth excepting the Caspian sea, Dead sea and Aral sea are being linked with one another. But the lithosphere, having surrounded by water from all sides, remains divided into four divisions. It means the first part of lithosphere is formed by the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa; the second part is formed by the continents of North America and South America; the third part by Australia including a large number of islands’ constituting the continent of Oceania; and the fourth part by the continent of Antarctica.

On the other hand, among the five oceans of the earth, which are all interlinked and surrounding the continents, the Pacific is located between Asia, North America and South America; the Atlantic is located between North America and South America and Europe and Africa; the Indian ocean is located on the south of Asia, east of Africa and west of Oceania; the Northern or Arctic Ocean on the north of North America, Europe and Asia; and the Southern ocean is on the south of South America, Africa and Oceania. It may be mentioned that a large proportion of the hydrosphere (57 percent) is confined to the southern hemisphere. On the other hand, a large portion of the lithosphere (67 percent) is confined to the northern hemisphere. That is why about 90 per cent of the world’s human population lives 10 the northern hemisphere.

2. What is called continental shelf and continental slope. Draw a picture on continental shelf and continental slope.

Continental shelf (Mahidhal)

Ans. The shallow part of the oceans and seas (depth up to about 200 meter) surrounding the coasts is called the Continental Shelf. The considerably deep part (depth up to about 2000 meter) after the continental shelf is known as the Continental Slope. After the continental slope there exist very deep oceanic floor (depth up to 4000 méter), deep oceanic trench (on an average with depth up to 8000 meter in the middle of the ocean) and a large number of scattered ridges, islands, etc appearing above the sea level Among the oceanic trenches, the Mariana Trench or Challenger Trench (with depth 11,022 meter) of the Pacific ocean floor is the deepest.

3. Describe the Pacific Ocean.

Ans. Pacific Ocean: With a land area of about 165 million km² the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. This ocean covers about one-third of the earth’s surface area, In terms of land area it is little more than two times of the Atlantic ocean.

The Pacific ocean is surrounded by Alaska state of the United States of America, eastern part of Siberia and the Arctic ocean on the north, Australia, New Zealand and the Southern ocean on the south, western coasts of North and South America on the east, and eastern coasts of Asia and islands of Japan, Philippines etc. on the west.

The average depth of the Pacific ocean is about 5000 meter. The Pacific ocean has at least 20,000 number of, small, and big oceanic islands. Among these islands, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, New Zealand, Indonesia, Hawaii, etc. are worth mentioning. 

Again, the oceanic trenches like the deepest Mariana trench, Aleutian, Kurile, Philippine, Tonga, Peru-Chile, etc. are important Some of the major seas under the Pacific ocean include Bering sea, Okhotsk sea, Japan sea, South China sea, Philippine sea, Alaska sea, etc.

4. Describe the Atlantic Ocean.

Ans. Atlantic Ocean: With an area of about 82 million km² the Atlantic ocean is the second largest ocean in the world. The Atlantic ocean covers about one-sixth the earth’s surface area and it is about half of the Pacific ocean.

The shape of the Atlantic ocean is like that of English letter ‘S’. It is surrounded by Greenland and the Arctic ocean on the north, the Southern ocean on the south, the continents of Europe and Africa on the east, and the contents of North America and South America on the west. The average depth of the Atlantic ocean is about 3000 meter. It may be mentioned that there is a ridge named Mid-Atlantic Ridge almost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean in north-south direction. Its northern part is called Dolphin Rise and the southern part Challenger Rise.

The Atlantic ocean has innumerable small and big ocean islands. Among them, Iceland, Newfoundland, British Isles, West Indies, Canary. Falkland, Bermuda, etc are worth mentioning. Some of its important oceanic trenches include Puerto Rico, Romanche and South Sandwich Some of the major seas under the Atlantic ocean are Mediterranean sea, Baltic sea, Caribean sea, Gulf of Mexico, Labrador sea, Hudson sea etc. 

5. Describe the Indian Ocean.

Ans. Indian Ocean: With an area of about 73 million km² the Indian ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. Its areal extent is slightly less than half of the area of the Pacific ocean. The Indian ocean is bounded on the north by Indian sub-continent and South-East Asia; on the south by the Southern ocean, on the east by Australia and the islands of South-East Asia, and on the west by Africa and Madagascar.

The average depth of the Indian ocean is about 4000 meter. It has a few oceanic trenches like Sunda, Socotra Chagos, Seychelles, Madagascar, Crozet etc.

Some of the important seas under the Indian ocean include Arabian sea, Persian Gulf, Bay of Bengal, Andaman sea, Red sea, etc. On the other hand, some of the important oceanic islands in the Indian ocean are Sri Lanka, Andaman and Nicobar islands, Indonesia, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar etc.

6. Describe the Southern Ocean.

Ans. Southern Ocean: With an area of about 20 million km² the Southern ocean is the fourth largest ocean in the world. It surrounds the content of Antarctica. Roughly the Southern ocean lies to the south of 40° south latitude. Actually, it is an extension of the Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean. Due to its location in the south polar region the Southern ocean remains covered with ice in most part of the year.

7. Describe briefly about the Arctic Ocean. 

Ans. With an area of about 14 million km² the Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean in the world. Its area is about one-fifth of the Indian ocean. As the Arctic ocean surrounds the north pole, its shape is circular. Infact, the northern part of Asia, Europe and North America surround the Arctic ocean. Its average depth is about 3500 meter. Due to its location in the north polar region, the Arctic ocean remains covered with thick ice in most part of the year.

8. Draw a map of the Arctic Ocean.


9. Write the names of five countries and their capitals of the continent of Asia.


Country NameCapital 
(1) AfghanistanKabul
(2) BangladeshDhaka
(3) ChinaBeijing
(4) IndiaNew Delhi
(5) IranTehran

10. Show the main physiographic divisions of Asia. 

Ans. The main physiographic divisions of Asia is: 

11. Discuss the factors responsible for the variation of climates in Asia.

Ans. The climate of Asia is diversified. There is high variation in climate. Varied types of climate prevail in different parts of the continent. As factors causing such variations in climate, five factors can be identified, such as (a) location of the continent, (b) size, (c) locations of the high mountains and plateaus, (d) influence of the seas and oceans and (e) influence of the monsoons and other winds.

The location of Asia is such that it extends from the equatorial region upto the polar region. So, the continent enjoys climates ranging from the equatorial type to cold Tundra type of climate. In size Asia is the largest of all continents of the world. Because of its vast size, its middle parts are very far away from the ocean. The middle parts thus being deprived of maritime influences enjoy extreme type of climate. The locations and orientations of the high mountain ranges and plateaus affect the direction and speed of wind, rainfall, amount, temperature, humidity etc. which in turn bring about climatic variations in the continent. Similarly, maritime influences are also responsible for causing variations in climates. The monsoons have their unique impact on the climates of the continent. Because of all of these factors the continent experiences varied types of climates.

The whole continent can be divided into ten climatic regions. Brief description of each of these regions is given below.

1. Equatorial Climatic Region: This climatic region falls between 5°N and 5’S lines of latitudes. Sri Lanka, Maldiv, Malaysia and Indonesia enjoy the equatorial type of climate. The average annual temperature is between 25°c and 28°c. In this region there prevails wet climate due to rainfall occurring throughout the year.

2. Monsoon Climatic Region: Monsoon climate prevails in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, eastern part of China, southern part of Japan and South-East Asia. As this type of climate is experienced extensively, there occurs variations in temperature and rainfall in different places. Based on such variations the entire monsoon climatic region can be divided into two regions, such as (a) Tropical Monsoon Region and (b) Sub-tropical Monsoon Region. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the countries of South-East Asia are included in the tropical monsoon region. On the other hand, the sub-tropical monsoon region includes the eastern and central parts of China, southern Japan, South Korea etc. The amount of temperature and rainfall is more in the tropical monsoon region than in the sub-tropical monsoon region.

3. Tropical Hot Desert Climatic Region: The Thar desert of India, Afghanistan, southern Iran and Arabian Peninsula come under this climatic region. This region enjoys high temperature with more variation during day and night. The average summer temperature is 35°c. Rainfall is scanty in amount. The climate is obviously dry.

4. Temperate Desert Climatic Region: This climatic region falls within the mid-latitude region. The temperate desert type of climate is prevalent over middle part of Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet and the Gobi desert of Mongolia. This climatic region spans over the plateau topography. The climate of this region is too hot during summer and too cold during winter. However, rainfall is little more in this region than in the tropical hot desert climatic region.

5. Mediterranean Climatic Region: Mediterranean climate prevails in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and also in the coastal region of Israel. In this region rainfall takes place generally in winter. But, there is low rainfall during summer.

6. Steppe Climatic Region: The characteristic feature of this region is that it has extensive grasslands. Such grasslands are known as Steppe. The steppe climatic region extends from the west of the Altai mountain of central Asia to the Caspian lake. Here, average summer temperature is 22°c and sometimes during winter, temperature drops below 0°c.

7. Manchurian Climatic Region: As this type of climate is experienced particularly in Manchuria, it is known as Manchurian climate. This region includes Manchuria, northern China, North Korea and northern Japan. Winter temperature is very low while the summer is not so much warm. High rainfall occurs during summer.

8. Taiga Climatic Region: Coniferous forests grow under the influence of this climate. Such forests are known as taiga, and hence this type of climate is also known as the taiga climate. The taiga climatic region of Asia covers the entire Siberia region bounded between 5°N and 65° N lines of latitudes. The average summer temperature is not more than 15°c and winter temperature becomes less than O°c. Although rainfall occurs during summer, snowfall is almost common in winter. The world’s coldest place Verkhoyansk is situated in this region.

9. Tundra Climatic Region: The region lying within the Arctic circle (north polar circle) of northern Asia is the Tundra climatic region. This region is very old throughout the year and it is covered with snows for almost nine months of the year. Here, snowfall takes place instead of rainfall. 

10. Alpine Climatic Region: The high mountainous regions of the continent generally enjoy this type of climate. The old Alpine type of climate is prevalent over the snow-covered high peaks of the mountains. This climate is experienced in the high mountains of the continent including the Himalayas. 

11. Why is Asia called the continent of diversity. 

Ans. Asia is considered as the largest continent of the world because of its diversities by nature. It covers one third of the earth’s land surface and highest populated continent. Asia is called the continent of diversities because of its following characteristics.

(1) Himalaya, the highest mountain in the world is located in Asia, besides the deepest khat Mariana situated in Asia.

(2) The Pamir of Asia is considered worlds highest plateau and Tarun Basin which lies below the sea level.

(3) There is oldest Augana and Gondookha land is continent of Asia and there is also New Delta Sundarban is formed in the Mouth of river Ganga.

(4) Asia has largest equatonial desert named Soudi Arabia and longest forest land of the Siberian Taiga.

(5) The continent of Asia has different religions such as Hindu, Islam, Christian, Buddha, Sikh etc. All the famous religions originated in Asia.

(6) Asia is also have diversity in civilisation. The most advance people are living in Asia like Japan, known for modern science and technology. The Mesopotamian civilization and Indus valley civilization originated in Asia.

(7) In Asia, Caspian, the biggest lake in the world and Baikal, the deepest lake in the world. 

(8) There are thousand upon thousand square km of hot desert and vast expanded cold desert of Tundna in Asia. 

(9) Only in Asia there is diverse climates and vegetation from hot equatorial Types of very cold polar types. 

13. Why are all the regions of Asia not equally developed? 

Ans. Asia is the largest continent of the world. It is full of diversities. It is the only continent in the world where there are high degree of variations in climate and natural vegetations. As there are climates and vegetations of hot equatorial types in the continent, very cold polar types of climates and vegetations also prevail in the continent. The continent has diversities not only in its physical environment, diversities in the social, cultural and economic environments are also prevalent there. So, the continent of Asia is known as the continent of contrasts. 

All regions and countries of Asia are not uniformly developed. Although some countries are progressing, some others still remain backward. However, there are some reasons for such variations in regional development. Among the reasons, the principal ones are physiographic diversity, climatic variations and uneven distribution of natural resources. The uncongenial physiographic and climatic conditions prevailing in some regions primarily offer hurdles to human settlements and expansion of agriculture, and transport and communications. As a result, development opportunities in such regions are limited and human settlements also become sparse. The countries or regions which are deprived of necessary natural resources have limited scope for their development. In contrary to this, the regions having plenty of resources can achieve economic development through proper exploitation of the resources. Moreover, the transport system along with other allied advantages may also be developed in the name of natural resource utilization.

The most developed region of Asia is the monsoon region. About 75 percent of the total population of Asia live in this monsoon region. This region covers one-fourth area of the continent. Because of the fertile soils of the river valleys and plains, agriculture has developed in this region. Besides agriculture, transport system in the plains is also developed and so, population density is generally high. The plains of Japan, the Hwang Ho and Yangtize Kiang valleys of China, the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra valleys of India, the coastal plains, the river valleys of Pakistan, the Java islands of Indonesia etc. are the areas in the monsoon region where agricultural, industrial and transport and communication sectors are relatively more developed and population density is also high.

The expansion of transport and communication system supports any region in its development. The surface transport in Asia is not advantageous in all places. In some regions it becomes very difficult mainly due to uneven topographic conditions. The extensive deserts of western and middle western Asia and high plateaus and mountains of central Asia act as prominent barriers in transport and communication. So, the desert and mountainous regions of the continent are obviously backward. Moreover, these regions offer hurdles in expansion of human settlements, agricultural activities and industries and hence, these are less developed.

The Siberia and tundra region of northern China are the cold regions of the continent where the surface remains covered with snow for most of the time in a year. These regions are not suitable for agriculture and human habitation and, so these are also very backward regions of the continent.

14. Discuss the influencing agriculture in Asia. 

Ans. The economy of Asia is primarily based on agriculture. Except Japan, people of all other countries of the continent are mostly agriculturists. Different types of crops are grown in the continent. Among these the principal crops are- rice, wheat, sugarcane, tea, rubber, jute and cotton. 

Out of the total world’s production of rice about 90 percent is produced in Asia, especially in its tropical monsoon regions. Rice is abundantly produced in China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Besides, the countries of south-east Asia like Myanmar, North and South Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia are also famous. for rice production. Wheat is cultivated in the grasslands and mediterranean regions. Moreover, wheat is produced in the sub-tropical and monsoon. regions of the continents. China, Manchuria, India and Pakistan are the leading wheat producing countries. India and China are the two important sugarcane producing countries of Asia. Major portion of World’s tea is produced in Asia. India, China, Sri Lanka and Japan are the principal tea producing countries.

Climate plays the dominant role in agricultural production. Different types of crops grow in different climatic regions. Thus varieties of crops and their varied distributions are seen to occur in various climatic regions of Asia. The entire monsoon region of the continent extending from Pakistan in the west to South-East Asia, southern China and Japan in the east is famous for cultivation of rice, tea, jute, cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, bajra, mustard, rubber and spices.

A Crops are also grown in the oasis of the tropical and sub-tropical desert regions. The important crops grown in the oasis include date, palm, wheat, cotton, grapes, apple and nut. World famous best quality coffee is produced in the oasis of the deserts of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In the oasis of the sub-tropical deserts wheat, soyabean, barley and oat are produced in some amount. 

The main crops of the mediterranean climatic region of Asia are wheat, cotton and tobacco. Some fruits like apple, grapes, orange are also grown in this region. The mulberry tree is the main vegetation of the region and silk ‘is produced from silk-worms fed with mulberry leaves. On the other hand, cultivation of wheat, barley, oat and soyabean is carried out in the Manchurian climatic region. Now-a-days cotton, wheat and maize crops are grown in the Steppe climatic region with the help of irrigation. However, agricultural activities are very limited in the northern Taiga and Tundra climatic regions of Asia. Some crops like wheat, oat and barley in little amount are grown in the southern part of the Taiga region. 

15. Give an account of the major natural resources of Asia and the utilization.

Ans. Natural Resources of Asia: The principal natural resources of Asia are land resources, water resources, forest resources and mineral resources. The distribution of these resources is affected by the factors like climate, geology, soil qualities, physiography etc. Brief description of each of the resources is presented below.

(a) Land resources: Land suitable for agriculture is one of the precious natural resources of any country or continent. Asia accounts for about 31 percent of world’s agricultural lands. These agricultural lands are variously distributed over the continent. The river valleys, delta and coastal regions have very fertile agricultural lands. So, agriculture has developed and population density has also increased in these regions. China and India alone have 62 percent of the total agricultural lands of Asia. The agricultural lands of these two countries are found in the fertile plains of the river valleys, delta regions and coastal plains. On the other hand, soil fertility is significantly less in desert regions. Such desert soils are localised in the highland areas of Arab and central Asia. Similarly, the hill soils of the mountainous regions are also less fertile and generally these are easily susceptible to soil erosion. Besides, the continent of Asia accounts for about 20 percent of world’s total land under meadows and pastures. It is important to note that Saudi Arab and China have more land areas under meadows and pastures than agricultural lands.

(b) Water Resources: Asia is rich in water resources. The innumerable small and large rivers of the continent contain plenty of water resources. These water resources are utilised mainly for the purpose of hydropower generation, irrigation and water transport. The snow-fed rivers carry water all the year round and so, these are most suitably used for hydropower generation, irrigation and water transport.

Among the continents of the world Africa records highest in hydropower potentials. In this regard, Asia occupies the second position in the World. About 23 percent of the world’s total hydropower potentials are there in Asia. Although Asia is endowed with huge reserve of hydropower, its production is significantly low as compared to the continents of North America and Europe. Asia generates 15.6 percent of the total hydro-electric power generated all over the world. Among the countries of Asia Japan, China, India and Korea are especially advanced in hydropower generation. Japan ranks fourth in the world in the case of hydropower generation. Japan has made commendable progress in industrial sector using enormous hydroelectric power. China has also Scope for generation of more hydropower. In India hydroelectric power is being generated by constructing dams on some rivers. The snow-fed rivers of northern India bear high potentials for hydropower. In southern India hydropower is generated through dams constructed mostly in Tamil Nadu, Karala, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Presently, a good amount of hydroelectric power has been generated in India from a number of multi-purpose river projects. However, the other countries of the continent except Japan, China, India and Korea are not so far able to progress much in the field of hydropower generation.

(c) Forest Resources: Asia is rich in forest resources. The creation of the valuable forest resources of the continent has been favoured by its congenial climate, physiography and soil qualities. The evergreen vegetations grow in the equatorial region of Asia. These vegetations include trees like rubber, mahogany, sandal wood, bamboo, coconut, cane etc. High temperature and rainfall conditions of the monsoon region of the continent are especially favourable for the growth of varied types of vegetations. The regions of tropical monsoon climate experience average annual rainfall of more than 250 cm. and so like in the equatorial region broad-leaved evergreen forests are also found here. Such forests are abundantly found in the south-west coasts and north-eastern region of India and also in Bangladesh. In the monsoon regions where rainfall is less than 250 cm. the deciduous forests are found. The trees like rubber, sandal wood, sal, teak, mango, coconut, arecanut, bamboo, cane and reeds mainly grow in the monsoon regions of Asia. 

Vegetations grow sparsely in the tropical hot desert regions. Only cactus and thorny bushes grow here and there. But, the oasis of the deserts are very fertile and hence trees like date palm, coconut etc. grow there. Again the deserts of the temperate region of the continent generally support bushes and thorny vegetations.

The mediterranean region of the continent enjoys relatively cord climate and the coniferous trees like ceder, deodar etc. are also found here along with the deciduous forests. Evergreen shrubs and fruit trees grow. Generally, short trees of both deciduous and coniferous types of vegetations are found in the mediterranean region. Moreover, mediterranean type of climate is most favoura-ble for the growth of fruit trees like grapes, apple, pomegranate, orange etc.  

Extensive grasslands are common in the region enjoying steppe climate. Various types of grasses support a large number of animals and so, rearing of animals has become an important occupation of the people. In Manchurian climatic region the deciduous vegetations also grow in addition to the coniferous vegetations. The river valleys and plains support deciduous vegetations while the higher mountainous regions support coniferous vegetations. On the other hand, very few vegetations grow in the Tundra region where the surface remains covered with snow and ice for about nine months of the year. During the three month long short summer, mosses along with a few shrubs and wild flower plants grow here and there on the surface exposed after melting of snows and ice. 

(d) Mineral Resources: Petroleum and iron: Mineral resources of almost all types in varying amounts are found in Asia. Among these petroleum and iron are important. Asia is famous in the world for its petroleum and natural gas reserves. In the middle East the west Asian countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Syria are highly rich in oil and natural gas. These countries have about 57 percent of the total oil reserves of the world. Besides the countries of the Middle East, Indonesia of south-east Asia and China of east Asia are the two rich countries in petroleum. Moreover, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Philippines and Japan have some amount of petroleum resources. Except the Middle East countries, the other countries of Asia produce 10 percent of the total world’s production of oil. On the other hand, the Middle East countries alone produce about 50 percent of the total production of oil in the world. Iron ores are found in China, Siberia, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea and Philippines. Among the iron producing countries of Asia, China, India and Japan are the notable ones. 

China has made much progress in iron production and it occupies second position among the iron producing countries of the world. India, on the other hand, ranks fifth among the iron producing countries of the world. In the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka of India iron ores are found. Japan has less amount of iron ores and its production is not at par with China and India. In order to meet the needs of iron ores for its advanced industries, Japan imports iron ores from other countries, especially India. It is important to note that Japan has now become a leading nation of the world in iron and steel industries mostly based on the import of iron ores. 

18. Write the names of five countries and their capitals of the continent of Europe.


Country Name Capital
(a) FranceParis
(b) DenmarkCopenhagen
(c) ItalyRome
(d) MaltaValleta
(e) MonacoMonaco

19. Write briefly about the continent of Africa. 

Ans. The Continent of Africa: Africa is the second largest continent in the world. With an area of slightly more than 30 million km² the continent of Africa covers about 20 per cent of the world’s total land area. The equator which passes almost through middle of continent divides it into two parts. Africa is located between 37° north latitude in the north to 34°south latitude in the south, and 51° east longitude in the east to 17° west longitude in the west. It is surrounded by the Mediterranean sea on the north; the Southern ocean on the south, the Indian ocean on the east, and the Atlantic ocean on the west. With an area of 2.4 million km² algeria is the largest country of the continent. As per estimates of 2014, the population of Africa is 11 crores. There are 52 countries in Africa.

Excluding the narrow coastal plains, the major part of the continent is a large plateau There is no high mountain range in Africa. Of course, the small patches of highlands scattered throughout the continent have made its topography rugged. The Kilimanzaro peak (5,895 meter) located on the east is the highest place of the continent. Among the highlands of Africa, the Atlas mountain of northern fringe, the Ethiopian highland of north-eastern fringe, the Adamawa highland of western fringe, Drakensberg highland of South Africa, etc are worth mentioning.

The continent is full of rivers and lakes. Apart from the world’s longest river Nile, its other main rivers include Congo (Zaire), Niger, Zambezi, Orange, Limpopo, Volta, Senegal, Chive Ogu, Lurio, Luangwa, Kaledon, etc. Among the lakes, Victoria, Albert, Tanganyka, Chad, Volta, Nyasa, Cabora Bassa, Malawi, Turkana, Kivu, Kochow, Abbe, etc are worth mentioning Besides the world’s largest Sahara desert, the Kalahari and Namibia deserts are also located in Africa.

20. Write the names of the five countries and their capital of the continent of Africa.


Country nameCapital
(a) AlgeriaAlgeria
(b) KenyaNairobi
(c) EgyptCairo
(d) NigerNiamey
(e) NigereaAbuja

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