SEBA Class 6 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 8 आं आंनि हादोरखौ मोजांमोनो | I Love My Country | Class 6 English Question Answer in Bodo As Per New Syllabus to each Chapter is provided in the list of SCERT, NCERT, SEBA आं आंनि हादोरखौ मोजांमोनो Class 6 General English Chapter 8 Question Answer/Class 6 English Chapter 8 Question Answer दिए गए हैं ताकि आप आसानी से विभिन्न अध्यायों के माध्यम से खोज कर सकें और जरूरतों का चयन कर सकें Notes of SEBA Class 6 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 8 Question Answer. Class 6 English Question Answer Chapter 8 in Bodo. SEBA Class 6 English Question Answer In Bodo Medium Chapter 8 covers all the exercise questions in NCERT, SCERT.
Class 6 English Chapter 8 आं आंनि हादोरखौ मोजांमोनो
SEBA Class 6 English Notes Chapter 8 In Bodo आं आंनि हादोरखौ मोजांमोनो । I Love My Country। English Guide for Class 6th Chapter 8. Also Same NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Class 6 English Question Answer Chapter 8 in Bodo. अगर आप एक सात्र या शिक्षाक हो बोडो मीडियम की, तो आपके लिए ये Notes for Class 6 English In Bodo Medium बोहत लाभदायक हो सकता है। Ncert/Scert English Class 6 Chapter 8 मे आप अपना ध्यान लगाके पढ़ कर इस SEBA Class 6 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 8 में अछि Mark ला सकते हो अपनी आनेवाली परीक्षा में।
खोन्दो 8 आं आंनि हादोरखौ मोजांमोनो
Chapter 8 I Love My Country
1. Let’s check our understanding:
लेटस सेक आवार आन्दारस्टेन्दिं:
जोंनि बुजिमोननायखौ आनजाद नायदोनि:
(a) Bhogeswari Phukanani was a
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया सासे
(i) freedom fighter (उदांत्रि दावहारुमोन)
(ii) martyr (मुंख्लंमोन)
(iii) freedom fighter and martyr (उदांत्रि दावहारु आरो मुंख्लंमोन)
(iv) Volunteer (भलन्टियारमोन)
Ans: (iii) freedom fighter and martyr (उदांत्रि दावहारु आरो मुंख्लंमोन)।
(b) Bhogeswari Phukanani lived a peaceful life till the age of
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया बे बैसोसिम गोजोन जिव खुंदोंमोन
(i) sixty (दजि)
(ii) fifty (बाजि)
(iii) sixteen (जिद’)
(iv) sixty one (दजिसे)
Ans: (i) sixty (दजि)।
(c) The Quit India Movement started under the leadership of
भारत नागार सोमावसारनाया दैदेन जादोंमोन
(i) Bhogeswari Phukanani (भगेश्वरी फुकननी)
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi (महात्मा गान्धी)
(iii) Volunteers of Berhampur (बरहामपुरनि भलन्टियारफोर)
(iv) Pratap Chandra Sharma (प्रताप चन्द्र शर्मा)
Ans: (ii) Mahatma Gandhi (महात्मा गान्धी)।
(d) Bhogeswari Phukanani died on
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया थैदोंमोन
(i) September 20, 1943
(ii) September 18, 1942
(iii) September 16, 1942
(iv) September 20, 1942
Ans: (iv) September 20, 1942
2. Rearrange the following sentences about the lesson in the proper sequence taking the help of information from the lesson.
रिएरेन्ज दा फलयिं सेन्टेनसेज एबाउट दा लेसन इन दा प्रपार सिकुवेन्स टेकिं दा हेल्प अफ इनफरमेसन फ्रम दा लेसन।
आयदानिफ्राय खौरांफोरनि हेफाजाब लानानै थि फारियै आयदानि सोमोन्दै गाहायनि बाथ्राफोरखौ साजायफिन।
(i) Bhogeswari Phukanani inspired many people to join the protest rally at Berhampur.
भगेश्वरी फुकननी इन्सपायार्द मेनि पिपोल टु जइन दा प्रटेस्ट रेली एट बरहामपुर।
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया बरहामपुराव जानाय खुद्रिसार सुबुंथुबुरमायाव मदद होनो बयखौबो थुलुंगा होदोंमोन।
Ans: Bhogeswari Phukanani was leading a peaceful family life with six sons and two daughters.
(ii) When he recovered, he shot her with his pistol from a close range and she died.
हवेन हि रिरिकभार्द, हि स्वट हार उइथ हिज पिस्टल फ्रम ए क्ल’ज रेन्ज एन्द सि दाइद।
जेब्ला बियो हामखाङो, बियो खाथिनिफ्रायनो बिखौ गावदोंमोन आरो बियो थैदोंमोन।
Ans: When thousands joined the Quit India Movement in 1942, Bhogeswari Phukanani could not remain idle.
(iii) She soon became the leader of the women’s wing of the movement in Berhampur.
सि सुन बिकेम दा लिदार अफ दा उइमेनस उइं अफ दी मुभमेन्ट इन बरहामपुर।
बियो थाबैनो बरहामपुराव सोमावसारग्रा आइजो हान्जानि दैदेनगिरि जादोंमोन।
Ans: She soon became the leader of the women’s wing of the movement in Berhampur.
(iv) When thousands joined the Quit India Movement in 1942, Bhogeswari Phukanani could not remain idle.
हवेन थाइजेन्दस जइन्द दा कुइट इन्दिया मुभमेन्ट इन 1942, भगेश्वरी फुकननी कुद नट रिमेइन, आइडोल।
जेब्ला 1942 मायथाइयाव भारत नागार सोमावसारनायाव रोजा-रोजा मानसिफोरा बारसोमदोंमोन, भगेश्वरी फुकननीया जना थानो हायाखैमोन।
Ans: Bhogeswari Phukanani inspired many people to join the protest rally at Berhampur.
(v) Bhogeswari Phukanani started beating the officer with the pole of her flag.
भगेश्वरी फुकननी स्टार्टेद बिटिं दा अफिसार उइथ दा प’ल अफ हार फ्लेग।
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया गावनि फिरफिलानि लावथिजों अफिसारखौ बुनो हमदोंमोन।
Ans: At the rally, a British officer tried to take away the flag from Ratnamala forcefully.
(vi) Bhogeswari Phukanani was leading a peaceful family life with six sons and two daughters.
भगेश्वरी फुकननी वाज लिदिं ए पीसफुल फेमिली लाइफ उइथ सिक्स सानस एन्द टु डटारस।
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया साद’ फिसाज्ला आरो सानै फिसाजोफोरजों गोजोन जिउ खुंदोंमोन।
Ans: Bhogeswari Phukanani started beating the officer with the pole of her flag.
(vii) At the rally, a British officer tried to take away the flag from Ratnamala forcefully.
एट दा रेली, ए ब्रिटिस अफिसार ट्राइद टु टेक एवे दा फ्लेग फ्रम रत्नमाला फोर्सफुली।
सुबुं गौथुमाव, सासे ब्रिटिस अफिसारा रत्नमालानिफ्राय फिरफिलाखौ बोलोजों सेख ‘दोंमोन।
Ans: When he recovered, he shot her with his pistol from a close range and she died.
3. Fill in the blanks to check your understanding:
फिल इन दा ब्लेंकस टु सेक इउर आन्दारस्टेन्दिं:
नोंनि बुजिमोननायखौ आनजादनायनो थाखाय लान्दां जायगाखौ आब,खालाम:
(a) A……… was organised in protest against British rule.
Ans: A rally was organised in protest against British rule. ए रेली वाज अरगेनाइजद इन प्रटेस्ट एगेइनस्ट ब्रिटिस रुल।
ब्रिटिस सासननि हैंथायै मोनसे सुबुं थुबुरमा खुंनाय जादोंमोन।
(b) The police……………. the crowd.
Ans: The police dispersed the crowd. दा पलिस दिसपार्सद दा क्राउद।
पुलिसफोरा सुबुंहान्जाखौ फोरसा-फोरसि खालामदोंमोन।
(c) Bhogeswari Phukanani was a freedom fighter and she died a……………. death.
Ans: Bhogeswari Phukanani was a freedom fighter and she died a martyr’s death. भगेश्वरी फुकननी वाज ए फ्रीडम फाइटार एन्द सि दाइद ए मार्टियार्स देथ।
भगेश्वरी फुकननीया सासे उदांत्रि दावहारुमेन आरो बियो मुंख्लं जाना थैदोंमोन।
4. Now look at the dictionary to find out the meanings of the following words. Write them in the space given:
नाव लुक एट दा दिक्सनारी टु फाइन्द आउट दा मिनिंस अफ दा फलयिं वर्दस। राइट देम इन दा स्पेस गिभेनः
दानिया गाहाइनि सोदोबफोरनि ओंथिखौ दिहुननो थाखाय सोदोब बिहुंखौ नाय लान्दां जायगायाव बेफोरखौ लिर।
ban: _________
Ans: ban: to prohibit (हेंथा होनाय)।
calm: _________
Ans: calm: still, quiet (निजोम, सिरि)।
lap: _________
Ans: lap: the loose or overhanging flap of anything (खस’)।
unconscious: ________
Ans: unconscious: not conscious (हा गैयै, थाइ गैयै)।
5. Look at the pictures. They are all freedom fighters. Can you match their names with the pictures? Now say a few sentences about a freedom fighter that you know:
लुक एट दा पिकसारस। दे आर अल फ्रीडम फाइटार्स। केन इउ मेटस देयार नेमस उइथ दा पिकसारस ? नाव से ए फिउ सेन्टेनसेस एबाउट ए फ्रीडम फाइटार द्याट इउ न’:
गाहायनि सावगारिखौ नाय। बिसोर गासैबो उदांत्रि दावहारु। सावगारिजों बिसोरनि मुंखौ नों गोरोबहोनो हागोनना? दायो, नों मिथिनाय उदांत्रि दावहारुनि सोमोन्दै फंनैसो बुं:

Ans: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Kanaklata Barua, Sarojoni Naidu, Bhagat Sing, Kushal Konwar
6. Listen to your teacher read and tell you more about our freedom fighters. As you listen, fill in the blanks in the sentences:
लिसेन टु इउर टिसार रीद एन्द टेल इउ मोर एबाउट आवार फ्रीडम फाइटार्स। एस इउ लिसेन, फिल इन दा ब्लेंकस इन दा सेन्टेनसेज:
फोरोंगिरिया फरायनाय आरो उदांत्रि दावहारु सोमन्दै गोबा बुंनायखौ फराय। खोनासंनानै, बाथ्राफोरनि लान्दां जायगाफोरखौ सुफुं:
Complete the following sentences by noting the correct words as you listen:
कमप्लिट दा फलयिं सेन्टेनसेज बाय न ‘टिं दा कारेक्ट वर्दस एस इउ लिसेन:
जिहेथु नों खोनासंबाय, गाहायनि बाथ्राफोरखौ गेबें सोदोबफोरखौ लिरनानै आबुं खालाम:
(a) Kanaklata Barua was an Indian freedom fighter from ______.
Ans: Kanaklata Barua was an Indian freedom fighter from Assam. कनकलता बरुवा वाज एन इन्दियान फ्रीडम फाइटार फ्रम आसाम।
कनकलता बरुवाया सासे आसाम निफ्राय फैनाय उदांत्रि दावहारुमोन।
(b) The Quit India Movement started in 19______.
Ans: The Quit India Movement started in 1942. दा कुइट इन्दिया मुभमेन्ट स्टार्टेद इन 1942.
भारत नागार सोमावसारनाया 1942 मायथाइयाव जागायदोंमोन।
(c) Kushal Konwar was a______ fighter.
Ans: Kushal Konwar was a freedom fighter. कुशल कुवर वाज ए फ्रीडम फाइटार।
कुशल कुवरा सासे उदांस्त्रि दावहारुमोन।
(d) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is better known as_______.
Ans: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is better known as Father of the Nation. मोहनदास करमचांद गान्धी इज बेटार न ‘न एज फादार अफ दा नेसन।
मोहनदास करमचांद गान्धीखौ हारिनि बिफा मुङै मोजाङै मिथिनाय जायो।
(e) Bhagat Singh is often referred to as_______ Bhagat Singh.
Ans: Bhagat Singh is often referred to as Shaheed Bhagat Singh. भगत सिं इज अफेन रेफार्द टु एज सहीद भगत सिं।
भगत सिंखौ अजायै मुंख्लं भगत सिं होनना मुंखनाय जायो।
(f) Sarojini Naidu was a nationalist and________.
Ans: Sarojini Naidu was a nationalist and poetess. सर’जिनि नाइडु वाज ए नेसनेलिष्ट एन्द पयेटिस।
सरजिनि नाइडुवा सासे हारिमायारि सुबुं आरो खन्थाइगिरि मोन।
7. (a) Some of the words in the passage are missing . Read the passage carefully and complete it with suitable words from the box:
खोन्दोआव खायसे सोदोबफोरा गया। मोजाङै फरायनानै बाकसुनिफ्राय थार सोदोबखौ सायख’नानै खोन्दोखौ आबुं खालाम।
freedom | brave | love | won | pride | work | rule | sacrificed |
Once India was under the_____ of British. Many men and women fought for its___ Some of them even____ their lives. They did this oul of their_____ for the country. The freedom of our country was____after a lot of hard___ and sacrifice. We should take______ in their sacrifice. Freedom is precious.
Ans: Once India was under the rule of British. Many brave men and women thought for its freedom Some of them even sacrificed their lives. They did this out of their love for the country. The freedom ol our country was won after a lot of hard work and sacrifice. We should take pride in their sacrifice. Freedom is precious.
(b) Now, think and write how you can show your love for your country.
दानिया सान आरो नों माबोरै हादोरनि फारसे मोजां मोननाय दिन्थिगोन लिर।
Ans: I shall be a teacher when I grow up. I shall do my best for the people and the students, I shall educate the young students and make them good citizens of the country.
9. Fill in the blanks with few, a few, the few, little, a little for the little:
few, a few, the few, little, a little एबा the little जों लान्दां जायगाखौ सुफुं।
(i) There is_____ milk in the pot; it should be enough for your cup of tea.
Ans: There is a little milk in the pot; it should be enough for your cup of tea.
(ii) I have____ time for a cup of tea; I have to rush back to office.
Ans: I have little time for a cup of tea; I have to rush back to office.
(iii) I bought_____ books from the book fair. I wanted to buy more, but I did not have enough money.
Ans: I bought few books from the book fair. I wanted to but more, buy I did not have enough money.
(iv) The train stopped for_____ minutes, so I man-aged to go out and buy a bottle of water.
Ans: The train stopped for a few minutes, so I managed to go out and buy a bottle of water.
(v) There were____ boys in the room; it was mostly filled with girls.
Ans: There were few boys in the room; it was mostly filled with girls.
Class 6 English Question Answer
Chapter No. | CONTENTS |
Chapter – 1 | जाइख्लं |
Chapter – 2 | टम सवेर |
Chapter – 3 | ध्यान चान्द |
Chapter – 4 | ICT नि बाहायनाय |
Chapter – 5 | दिल्लीयाव सानसे बन्दसान |
Chapter – 6 | गुबुंलेनाय |
Chapter – 7 | हाजो आरो खेरखेतुवा |
Chapter – 8 | आं आंनि हादोरखौ मोजांमोनो |
Chapter – 9 | रंजानायनि थाखाय फराय |
Notes of Class 6 English in Bodo Medium | Bodomedium Class 6 English notes इस पोस्ट में हम आपको ये समझा ने कि कोशिश की है की Bodo Medium Class 6 English Question answer | SEBA Class 6 English Question Answer In Bodo Chapter 8 अगर आप एक bodo सात्र या शिक्षाक हो तो आपके लिए लावदयक हो सकता है।
Note- यदि आपको इस Chapter मे कुछ भी गलतीया मिले तो हामे बताये या खुद सुधार कर पढे धन्यवाद।